Chapter 1302: Who The Hell Is That Guy? (Part 2)


Ho Gakmyung's eyes were indifferent as he moved forward rapidly. The number of members from the Jeonseogu [idk??? the hao sect ppl] flying in the air had been rapidly decreasing for a while now.

"They're getting closer."

The decrease in the number of Heavenly Comrade Alliance and Southern Island clashes didn't mean they were in less danger.

Sending the Jeonseogu to assess the situation and report back took time.

This meant that before the messengers could reach them, they were already breaking through that area. They were close. [not sure]

"They haven't come as far as I thought."

Ho Gakmyung's lips twisted slightly.

Should he call it impressive? Or should he call it foolish? Leading inexperienced youngsters who had never left Southern Island to break through the siege at this speed was certainly impressive.

'It's especially true when you consider that this isn't something possible simply because of individual strength.'

Being strong and leading were entirely different realms.

Especially from Ho Gakmyung's perspective, the evaluation of this aspect resonated more.

Ho Gakmyung rose to his current position not through strength but through leadership and strategy. Leading hundreds of people whom he had never worked with was by no means an easy task.

However, Mount Hua was effortlessly achieving this, despite the fact that they hadn't had similar experiences.

'Well, it's nothing new.'

Ho Gakmyung's gaze became cold.

Now, he was confident that Mount Hua, that Chung Myung, could do whatever they wanted without surprising him. [...haha...]

There was no need to dissect and guess at the opponent.

It was enough to proceed at this pace.

As a result, they would finally have Mount Hua within their grasp.



It was time to intensify the pursuit. Ho Gakmyung and those following him casually jumped over the corpses of the Evil Sect members who had fallen behind.

"It's gruesome."

"Now you're saying that?"

"I'm not talking about the corpses."

Goyang revealed it with a grin.

"Can't you see? This one died after being cut precisely in a vital area in a single strike."

"...But it looks messy?"

"It does. He killed him with a sword and then went through the trouble of cutting the tendons several more times."

Ho Gakmyung's face stiffened slightly at the unexpected answer.

"Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword? That's not like him. He wouldn't be unnecessarily cruel."

"If he were alone, he would've just cut the vital spot and moved on. This was for those who follow. If a guy who they believe has been definitively dealt with in front suddenly rises and swings a sword, they won't even have time to react and will die."


"Where could he have experienced something like this? This can't be learned. Looking at just how he uses his sword, he seems like someone who's rolled around the battlefield for decades. No, it's more than that. Even wanderers who've lived a lifetime on the battlefield wouldn't do this."

Goyang revealed it with interest.

"If there was a guy who fought all his life in hell, he would use a sword like this. Impressive. It's amazing for a righteous sect to produce such a swordsman."

"Cut the unnecessary talk."

"Ha ha ha."

Smiling softly, Goyang slightly squinted his eyes and said.


Goyang's eyes didn't miss the bodies of the disciples of the Southern Island Sect, scattered among the members of the Evil Sect. Even though their uniforms were soaked in blood, the color of the sea was clearly visible.

"The damage is certain."

"Of course."

"Well, even if they are insignificant guys, it doesn't have much meaning."


Goyang, at the same speed he was running, trampled on the bodies of the Southern Island Sect's disciples. The head of the corpse shattered and burst, and the thickening blood splattered in all directions.


The one following let out a suppressed groan.

Goyang laughed as if it were amusing and glanced back briefly.

"Why? Do you feel sorry now?"


"Although you betrayed your sect, you still have some integrity left? It's funny. From their perspective, the one they really want to kill is not us, but you."

Yugong clenched his lips tightly and remained silent.

The fact that he couldn't retort even once was because that person's words were not entirely wrong.

"Don't worry. I'll let you meet your fellow martial brothers soon. It will be a thrilling reunion."

Just the thought of it made Yugong shiver with horror.

The words didn't sound like a simple threat.

If things continued like this, he really would soon confront his fellow martial brothers.

How would they look at Yugong?

The one who, despite not abolishing his martial arts and being kindly allowed to leave the sect and live his life, hunted down his martial brothers with his martial arts.

The one who became the Evil Tyrant Alliance's hunting dog to annihilate the Southern Island Sect.

He had no self. If he died, he died. He had no self to face the Southern Island Sect's disciples.

"No. It seems you don't have to wait."

At that moment, Goyang's words reached Yugong's ears, and he raised his head in surprise.

Could it be that they had already caught up with the Southern Island Sect?

No. No.

It wasn't a situation where they had encountered the Southern Island Sect's disciples as feared.

But in a sense...

No, it was even more horrifying.


A deflated sound escaped from Yugong's mouth.

"He's alive."

On the blood-soaked plains, among piles of corpses, one person was struggling to get up.

His clothes, soaked in dead blood, were so discolored that it was nearly impossible to guess its original color.

But Yugong could tell. The shape of those clothes and the back view were too familiar.

The image of someone he knew well overlapped with the miserable back view.


It seemed that he had lost consciousness due to a blow from the enemy, but was lucky enough not to die and woke up late.

His colleagues, in the urgent situation of fighting against the enemy and advancing, probably didn't notice someone who had suffered almost fatal wounds had survived.

The man, covered in wounds, turned his head as if he felt the approach of those coming from behind.

His pupils seemed vacant. As if it weren't the eyes of a living person, the dull eyes stared blankly at them.

"Jong Sajiiiiiiiil!"

A scream-like cry erupted from Yugong's mouth. It felt like flames were shooting up in his chest.

He's alive.

He wasn't one of the corpses he saw on the way here. Although he looked like he might vomit blood and collapse any moment, his martial brother Jonghyo was definitely alive.

"Are you okay..."

"Poor guy."


However, at that moment, the sound of Goyang drawing his sword echoed like thunder in Yugong's ears.



Drawing his sword, Goyang lunged and beheaded Jonghyo in a single stroke. [you...fuck..]


The severed head soared through the air.


Yugong's eyes widened to the point where they couldn't be larger. His hands futilely grasped empty air.

At that moment, the eyes of Jonghyo and Yugong met in mid-air.

Jonghyo's eyes, empty of everything, and Yugong's eyes, overflowing with indescribable emotions.

The eyes of a hero who fought against the enemy and died, and the eyes of a coward who had become the enemy's dog out of fear for his life.

Yugong could only helplessly watch the faint light in Jonghyo's eyes suddenly extinguish.


Yugong's hand trembled violently.

Did he see him? Did he recognize him in that fading consciousness?

If so, what did he think? What did Jonghyo feel?

Joy? Disgust? Hope? Anger?

It couldn't be known.

Because the one who could tell was already dead.

Because the severed head was already rolling in mud.


A moment of nausea overwhelmed him.


Yugong grabbed his stomach and vomited continuously.

But he, who hadn't eaten anything for days, had nothing to throw up.

Only bitter water came up.

However, the vomiting didn't stop.

It was as if he was trying to forcibly expel something disgusting that had stuck to his insides, not something inside his stomach.

"Ugh, ugh...."

At that moment, someone rushing from behind lifted Yugong, who was bent over, from the ground.


Thrown away, Yugong rolled on the ground, completely covered in the blood of the enemy and the blood of his fellow martial brothers.

"Keep running."


"Or should I kill you here?"

Yugong grabbed his trembling legs and struggled to get up.

He couldn't die. He must not die.

If he died after coming this far, Yugong would truly have nothing left.

He would become nothing more than a fool who licked the enemy's feet to survive and lost his life doing so.

If everything was lost, if nothing could be retained, shouldn't his pitiful life be spared?

Wobbling as he stood up, Yugong rushed forward again. No tears flowed. What remained was only intensified venom.

Goyang, as if liking Yugong's state, smirked.

'What truly makes people despicable isn't malice, but the sense of guilt.'

Renegades become more cruel and ruthless for that reason.

Ho Gakmyung spoke softly to Yugong, who was standing while bleeding from his torn lip.

"I guess you understand."


"Now, there's only one way for you to live a normal life."

Yugong turned his head to face Ho Gakmyung as he spoke.

With a chilling tone, Ho Gakmyung said.

"All those who know that you've defected must die."

Yugong's body twitched significantly. A complex light briefly flickered in his eyes.

"Conscience is like lukewarm water. At first, when you dip your hand, it's so hot you want to pull it out immediately. But if you endure the pain a bit, it soon doesn't bother you at all. It's not just the hand; even if you were to immerse your entire body, it wouldn't matter."

When Yugong didn't respond, Ho Gakmyung disdainfully turned away.

Yugong simply bowed his head and continued running.

'I don't regret it.'

Anyone would have made the same choice. Uttering pretty words about righteous and justice was easy.

But who in the world could sacrifice their life and the lives of their family for the sake of those principles?

So, he wasn't wrong.

Even if he was wrong, it didn't matter.

No one could live by making only the right choices.

It was just another mistake this time.

So, just close his eyes and plug yohisr ears.

Then he could live. You could survive.

'Curse and resent as much as you want!'

A blue venom rose in Yugong's eyes.

There's no turning back at this point.

It doesn't matter what he used to think.

All that's left is to survive the unstoppable torrent.

Yes, only that.

Just think about that.

But... no matter how determined he was, it didn't disappear.

The hazy eyes of Jonghyo, the eyes that were losing their light...

Even if he closed his eyes, plugged his ears, screamed as much as he wanted, they couldn't be erased.