Chapter 1307: If It's You, I Should Concede (Part 1)


His heart was pounding like crazy.



Those rushing with malice, those retreating in fear, those unsure of what to do, and even those screaming out loud—all of their hostility and murderous intent poured out simultaneously.

However, Namgung Dowi not only didn't back down but rather increased his momentum even more.

Every single hair on his body stood on its end.

A feeling of excitement greater than fear enveloped Namgung Dowi.

Martial arts were about accumulating, stacking one thing on top of another.

It was so difficult that the saying "至難" (extremely difficult) was fitting, as it repeated endlessly for such a long time.

The goal was to build a tower that reached the sky with thin sheets of paper.

Everything he had built up over time was now exploding.

Namgung Dowi's family treasure, the Blue Sky Divine Sword (蒼天神劍).

The sword once held by Namgung Hwang now emitted an unparalleled radiance in Namgung Dowi's hands.

Namgung Dowi lifted the sword infused with his inner strength.


The back of Namgung Hwang flashed before his eyes.

If it were Namgung Hwang, he would have easily swept aside everyone blocking his path with a single swing of his sword.

But he's not Namgung Hwang.

At least, not yet.

Even if it was possible someday, it wasn't now.

The excessive inner strength that had been pushed in was instantly withdrawn.

The Namgung Family's sword was unparalleled in its honesty.

Pulling out all the power in a straight line to crush the enemies down.

Namgung Dowi had never doubted Namgung's sword even once.

He firmly believed that it was the sword that should be wielded by the one leading Namgung's family.

But not now.

The sword of Mount Hua, the hidden weapons of the Tang Family, and Im Sobyeong's fan revealed it.

It wasn't just about pulling and suppressing everything.

"Title" didn't mean the method.

"Title" meant where it was directed.

Even if his sword wasn't suitable for Namgung, as long as his intent wasn't shameful to the Namgung's name, his sword was still worthy of its title.


An inner strength suitable for his capabilities began to condense at the tip of the sword.

Preserving power to the maximum while minimizing waste.

Not to crush the enemy.

A sword filled with the will to swing it even one more time.


A white cannonball fell in the midst of the enemy.

Namgung Dowi rushed through the rising dust.


He stepped on the chest of someone half-conscious and swiftly swung the sword to sever the neck of someone trying to raise their shield again.

'One more step!'

The enemies were not all eliminated yet.

In the past, he might have swung the sword again here to completely crush the enemy.

But instead of doing that, Namgung Dowi forcefully kicked the ground and advanced.

The martial artists of the Evil Tyrant Alliance, who had been momentarily confused, instinctively thrust their spears towards Namgung Dowi.

Their training was beyond ordinary, and even the thrusts made in confusion were razor-sharp.

But at that moment.


The spear thrusted toward Namgung Dowi was deflected at once.

"Keep going!"

From behind, Baek Cheon, who had defended from behind, swiftly cut down those aiming for Namgung Dowi's side.

Before Baek Cheon's words were fully finished, Namgung Dowi was already running forward.

Now he understood. How trust was built.

The other person's character? Grand intentions? Their status? It was laughable nonsense.

Outside the battlefield, such things might've held significance, but on the battlefield, they weren't even as meaningful as a grain of rice.

Trust within this battlefield was only one thing.

Knowing what has accumulated on the other's sword. Believing in that.

There was no way Baek Cheon would stand by and see Namgung Dowi's side being pierced.

There's no way Hye Yeon would just sit there and watch the enemy jump on Namgung Dowi's head.

Namgung Doyi was certain.

If he became tired, someone would willingly step in for him, and if he was in danger, Chung Myung would definitely rush to his aid.

'No need to shout, 'Trust me.''

Just as he evaluated them, they also evaluated him.

So, if you want to earn trust, instead of raising what you have in your hands and displaying it, you must prove what you've stacked on his sword.


Namgung Dowi's foot stomped the ground as if it would collapse.

At the same time, his waist twisted backward.

Maintaining the lower body while only the upper body twists back.

This posture doesn't exist in the Twelve Iron Sword Stances, the Bow and Arrow Swordsmanship, or the Emperor Sword Style.

So, naturally, it didn't suit Namgung's name.

You shouldn't take your eyes off the enemy.

You should stand straight, gaze directly at the enemy.

This was an absolute principle that should never be violated in Namgung's swordsmanship.

But at this moment, Namgung Dowi broke that principle himself.

Taking eyes off the enemy meant inviting crisis upon oneself.

But now, Namgung Dowi could do it.

He could do it as much as he wanted.

Because there was someone by his side to prevent that crisis.


Baek Cheon's sword energy, soaring like a mountain stream, successively struck down the spears rushing toward Namgung Dowi.

Hearing the metallic sound from the front, Namgung Dowi tightly gripped the sword.



From his body, forcefully rotating, a dazzling radiance sprayed out like a crescent moon.

As if a waterfall was pouring forward, an immense sword energy flew horizontally toward the enemies.


Those in the front raised their shields in panic.


With a rough explosion, the hands holding the shields twisted.

The impact was so great that the wrists seemed about to break, and blood flowed back from their mouths.

'But, we still blocked it...'

However, at that moment, those who held the shields opened their eyes wide.


The sword energy split through the shield made of ironwood.

"Ah, no...!"


The white sword energy, tearing through a thick shield as if it were tissue paper, soon pierced through the human bodies.

What the outcome would be would be evident even to a three-year-old.


With a bursting sound like thick rubber bands snapping, the bodies of two enemies flew like kicked balls.

It was a sight that not only disheartened the enemies but also dismayed the allies who followed.

"...Sahyung. Please send me to Namgung when I'm reborn."

"It used to be Shaolin."

"That guy has crossed the line too. What is that?"

"Stop babbling and get out there!"

"Oh, seriously!"

Jo Gol, seizing the opportunity of Namgung Dowi momentarily losing strength, leaped over and rushed forward.

"I don't want to stand in front of those two! Give me a mask or something to cover my face!"

Jo Gol raised the sword, his mouth incessantly chattering, while his eyes were frighteningly calm.

Suddenly rushing forward, the confused enemies instinctively raised their spears.

But Jo Gol didn't miss the chance.

"The stance has become broader, you idiots!"


Jo Gol's sword shadows, like the Tang Family's hidden weapons, swiftly flew forward through the widened gap created by the opponent's increased movement.

Taking advantage of the opponent's larger posture due to facing Namgung Dowi, the sword shadow pierced unreservedly.

Pooook! Pooook!

It was a swift sword that was difficult to block even if all their skills were exerted.

Facing such a sword with a disrupted posture, the outcome was as obvious as seeing fire.



Those with holes in their bodies clutched their wounds and hastily retreated.

As Jo Gol pursued for a second attack, someone grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back.


As Jo Gol was pushed back, Namgung Dowi stepped forward.

"No, Sogaju-nim! Don't overexert yourself..."

The words telling him not to overexert himself kept bothering him.

'These damn Mount Hua bastards.'

While they considered it natural for themselves, regardless of whether their bones broke or their flesh burst, they anxiously looked at others with worried eyes if they just panted on the side.

The reason Namgung Dowi saw uneasiness in those gazes wasn't just because he could overexert himself. He knew.

In their eyes, Namgung Dowi still probably appeared as a strong, arrogant young chick.

He didn't cross back and forth through the battle lines gaining experience from the beginning like them.

They also had a first time, and there must have been a time when they were immature.

'They also must have wielded their swords since then.'

Someone wouldn't have kindly watched over them, saying it's okay even if they only did things moderately.


'Don't look down on people!'

Namgung Dowi pushed his inner strength into the sword.

If they had confidence in themselves, he had pride in being Namgung's successor.

Now, it wasn't so much pride as it was a burden on his shoulders, but Namgung Dowi had never once forgotten that pride.

If someone paved the way for him, he must proceed carefully on that path.


He shook the sword again.


The sword energy raised an explosion, engulfing the enemies who couldn't even scream and sending them flying.

"You, you bastard!"

However, the successive sword energies spewed out were not as uniform as before.

The ones who emerged to withstand and counter-attack were the ones created by that.

At that moment when Namgung Dowi's knees wavered, someone rushed forward from behind and blocked for him.

"You're quite exceptional alone."

Jo Gol, no, Chung Myung? Neither.


Ten daggers flew from Tang Pae's hands, slicing through the air.

The Twelve Daggers (十二飛刀).

Started by the Tang Family and completed by Tang Bo, the Tang Family's ultimate technique.

Right here in Gangnam, the flying daggers, perfected with numerous lives, once again began to cut through this battlefield.

Not twelve, but ten flying daggers.

Compared to Tang Bo's Twelve Daggers, it was far from being comparable, but against ordinary warriors of the Evil Tyrant Alliance, it was more than enough.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

The daggers penetrated the foreheads of those who charged, plunging in all the way to the handles.

They instantly fell backward without a sound.

Dagger techniques were indeed a terrifying martial art.

Once unleashed, daggers couldn't easily be retracted.

That's why those who used dagger techniques could never truly demonstrate their skills in sparring or duels.

The true power of a dagger technique is only revealed on the battlefield. Where there's no need to fight while preserving the opponent's life.

Moreover, on the battlefield, it was easy for one's mind to be disturbed.

Amidst the explosions and screams from all directions, was there anything as frightening as the quietly flying daggers?


Snapping his fingers, the dagger that had pierced through the enemy's skull and stuck out was drawn back into Tang Pae's hand.




Tang Pae stepped aside, as if offering the path in front to him. And Namgung Dowi immediately threw himself towards the path opened by Tang Pae.

'If I can't handle this much!'

He firmly stomped the ground. His sword soared into the sky. The tip of the sword, as wide as possible, pointed towards the vast sky.

'I don't have the courage to see my father!'

The descending strike split the air powerfully and magnificently.

It was as if Namgung Hwang himself had materialized.

As if splitting the world into two, the blade energy swept away those blocking the path with a massive radiance.


A single strike divided the battlefield in half. The white blade energy rose like an illusion and disappeared in an instant. In the eyes of those leading the charge, the road leading to a clearly divided long valley was vividly visible.

"It's open!"

"Keep running!"

The moment Namgung Dowi, gritting his teeth, was about to leap forward.


Someone gently touched his shoulder and stepped forward.

"Now it's my turn, Siju."

Namgung Dowi, depleted of internal strength, chuckled while catching his breath.

"If it's you, I should concede."

Hye Yeon, the strongest of Shaolin, charged forward with an uncharacteristic stern expression.