Chapter 1312: I Think I Already Know The Answer? (Part 2)

Baek Cheon, who was about to support, stopped in his tracks and blankly looked behind him.

The back of Tang Pae, dressed in green robes, was visible.

The toxic powder and liquid he had spread, along with the hidden weapons he released, completely covered the rear.

'Was it like this?'

The reason Baek Cheon had entrusted the rear to Tang Pae was that the nature of poisons and hidden weapons made it easy to provide extensive support to those in danger and were optimal for stopping those who followed in the rear.

In other words... what Baek Cheon desired was thwarted.

He hadn't anticipated such a one-sided massacre, to be precise. [not sure]


A complex emotion flickered in Baek Cheon's eyes.

Of course, he respected Tang Pae.

But he didn't think Tang Pae would be so helpful.

To be frank, considering the aspects of those who came from the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, Baek Cheon regarded Tang Pae as someone who might or might not be useful in the overall situation.

However, Tang Pae was now proving with his own hands that all of Baek Cheon's thoughts were mistaken.

'Could I break through?'

That feast of poison?

'Probably not.'

He could break through. If he pushed himself, breaking through would likely be possible.

However, he had no confidence that he wouldn't be poisoned.

Baek Cheon wasn't someone who didn't know the meaning of getting poisoned by such extreme toxins on the battlefield.

In that case, there were two options.

Either stall until all the poisons Tang Pae possessed ran out, or wait until Tang Pae left the narrow terrain of this canyon, reducing the effectiveness of the poison.

'But that's not a victory.'

By then, Tang Pae would have already obtained everything he wanted.

Even if winning in the subsequent battle wasn't difficult, what was the point?

That was the path of winning in battles but losing the war.

Baek Cheon sharply looked at the poison vials held in Tang Pae's hands.

The poison that created this whole situation.

"What is that poison…"

"You overexerted yourself."

At the sound of the voice, Baek Cheon looked to his side. Since entering Gangnam, Chung Myung, who had consistently maintained an indifferent expression, now had a strange smile on his face.

"Are you planning on pulling out the roots of the pillar? Anyways, the barrel is big."

"What are you talking about?"

"Look carefully at that poison."

In response to Chung Myung's words, Baek Cheon looked back at Tang Pae.

Chung Myung continued.

"People often say that Tang Family can't fully demonstrate their skills in martial arts. They say throwing hidden weapons at the opponent might cause unforeseen accidents, and they don't know when the state of the poisoned person will become serious, right?"

That was something everyone knew.

"But that's only half true."


Chung Myung smirked and said.

"The opponent also has to overcome the burden of dealing with poison and hidden weapons. Saying that the Tang Family can't fully demonstrate their skills in martial arts is nothing more than an exaggeration that the Tang Family guys live by." [idk]

Baek Cheon nodded silently.

Indeed, from that perspective, Chung Myung's words were not entirely wrong.

Dealing with familiar weapons like swords or blades was entirely different from dealing with those who made poisons and hidden weapons their long-term strategy.

The opponent also had to bear the burden of facing unfamiliar martial arts in the match.

"The real disadvantage for Tang Family isn't that. It's that thing." 

"That thing?"

"That poison can't be used in martial arts like hidden weapons."


"There's no antidote."

Baek Cheon's eyes shook for a moment.

"Half of those Tang Family bastards are crazy about poison, and the other half is obsessed with hidden weapons. Moreover, among those hidden weapons, some are so deadly that they've been deemed unusable on people are sealed even for Tang Family members, called 'Geumyongamgi' [금용암기니] or something like that."

"That's common sense."

"Think about how bullshit that is. If you're not going to use it, why not discard it? Why seal it?"


Baek Cheon was momentarily silenced as if his words were cut off.

"Someday, if you plan to use it, you won't discard it. I mean, if a real crisis arises, they'll pull out everything."


"And it's not just hidden weapons. The most vicious and incurable poisons in Tang Family. Those poisons that, just by using them, can provoke backlash from other sects are sealed deep within Tang Family."



At that moment, poison smoke bloomed again from Tang Pae's fingertips.

The toxic smoke pushed away the Blood Cultists who were trying to open a path.

Chung Myung quietly watched the scene.

When you meet guys who don't need to worry about not having an antidote, the real power of Tang Family is revealed.

The Tang Family is different from ordinary sects.

In general sects, only a tiny minority devote themselves to the study of martial arts itself, while the majority focus on mastering martial arts and elevating their own levels.

But in the Tang Family, quite a few devote their entire lives exclusively to the study of poisons and hidden weapons. [...nerds]

The reason was too simple.

Creating an excellent martial art doesn't necessarily elevate the sect's level.

What creates the power of the sect is not martial arts itself, but the martial arts of its disciples.

This is the paradox of martial arts.

The profound ascension of martial arts leads the learners to lofty heights, demanding exceptional talent, profound dedication, and endless years.

Was there a lack of martial arts in Shaolin?

Or a martial art of Wudang that could lead its disciples to the pinnacle of the world?

Even the top disciples of prestigious sects struggle with the reality of not fully mastering the existing martial arts.

Yet, what meaning is there for these individuals to study martial arts of higher realms that they cannot master?

'But poison are different.'

Even if that poison falls to a level of meaninglessness in battles between absolute experts, such experts are extremely rare in the world.

For most martial artists, the Tang Family's poison was akin to a god of death.

Therefore, just by creating a poison that could quickly and easily induce poisoning, the Tang Family's power could increase.

"It's not so important how strong you are. At least not for the Tang Family."


"What's more important is what that hand holds."

Baek Cheon's face stiffened slightly.

Observing that face, Chung Myung chuckled and asked.

"You thought you could handle Tang Pae anytime, right?"

"W-What are you talking about..."

"Dong Ryong-ah. That's why you're still Dong Ryong. The world is vast and not so simple."

Baek Cheon attempted to refute but ended up closing his mouth. 

Arguing would only make things ugly.

Because Chung Myung's observation was not entirely wrong.

Chung Myung glanced at Tang Pae and muttered.

"However... it's true that he's pushing it too hard."

He was excessively spreading poison.

However, it was unavoidable.

If the person standing at the rear had been Tang Bo, he would have annihilated everyone who approached with just the twelve daggers.

But Tang Pae couldn't block the enemy with only his daggers.

So, he continued to consume toxins in limited quantities.

"In the long run..."

"He can't hold on for long, right?"

Chung Myung and Baek Cheon's words almost simultaneously burst out.

Chung Myung looked at Baek Cheon with a slightly surprised expression. Baek Cheon, already withdrawing his gaze from Chung Myung, was deeply immersed in thought. His appearance was somehow familiar yet unfamiliar.

Now Baek Cheon was conversing with Chung Myung.

In the past, he might have tried to find answers within Chung Myung's words, but now he was trying to find the answers himself.

'Now, I can't even call him a chick.' [chicken]

Crisis makes people stronger, and war perfects warriors.

Perhaps, in the midst of this fierce pursuit, Baek Cheon was growing the most.

"Chung Myung! From now on..."


Baek Cheon interrupted with a start.


Tang Pae would soon reach his limit.

But due to the nature of the poison he was using, it was impossible to support him.

Even if they went to help, could they fight within that poison?

Then the only way was to increase the speed of breaking through this canyon, and the only one who could do that was Chung Myung.

"Remember one thing, Sasuk."

Chung Myung let out a seemingly cruel laugh.

"Do you know the moment people die the most in war?"

"Why are you suddenly talking about..."

"Just when they think they've won."


"People relax at that moment. So, remember it well. The guys we're facing are also human. They're desperately trying to kill us in any way possible."

Chung Myung's eyes turned upward. A towering cliff rose like a wall in front of them. Through the gap, only the narrow and long sky was visible.

"They're coming."

Baek Cheon's body suddenly stiffened.

'Explosives? Or oil?'

In an instant, the horrifying sight of the Black Dragon House's tragedy from the past flashed through his mind.

'No! That's impossible!'

Baek Cheon shook his head.

Blowing up a cliff with dynamite was not as easy as it sounded. And spreading a large amount of oil on a high mountain required a massive workforce just for the preparation.

Jang Ilso was able to achieve that because he had dragged the Ten Great Sects into a trap and fought within it.

Wasn't that why Jang Ilso was so remarkable?

However, this time, such a situation was not possible.

Ho Gakmyung was pursuing them, and he couldn't have predicted long ago that the Heavenly Comrade Alliance and the Southern Island Sect would come here.

In the midst of this, mobilizing the Evil Tyrant Alliance's personnel in advance, not just his subordinates would be impossible not just for Ho Gakmyung but even Zhuge Liang. [China's top war strategist.]


What on earth was coming?

The moment of contemplation wasn't long. At that moment, Baek Cheon saw it.

The long and narrow sky was suddenly covered with a black substance, and darkness descended on the canyon.

What covered the canyon gradually became clear. Baek Cheon opened his eyes wide for a moment.

It wasn't a cloud.

"From above! Damn it! They're coming from above!"

He shouted urgently.

What covered the sky was people.

Countless members of the Evil Tyrant Alliance were jumping down from above.

There were enough to cover the heads of those trying to pass through here.


Desperation and anxiety flashed in Baek Cheon's eyes.

The reason they could break through this canyon was that the enemy was only in the front and back.

That was why they could protect the Southern Island Sect's disciples in the center.

But if the attackers came from above mixed with the Southern Island Sect's disciples in the center?

'It's over!'

If a melee broke out in such a narrow place, it would become an uncontrollable situation for anyone.

And there was no need to think about what the result would be.

But what should they do?

Forward? Backward? They couldn't retreat in either direction!

"I'm going."



And at that moment, Chung Myung, who was beside Baek Cheon, soared upwards like a lightning bolt.

"Ch-Chung Myung!"

Holding the Dark Fragrance Plum Blossom Sword in one hand, he rushed up the steep cliff as if it were flat terrain.

The red energy flowing from the sword's tip drew a red line in the center of the white cliff, leaving a long shadow.


And at that moment, another person beside Baek Cheon rushed up.


Tang Soso's voice echoed loudly.

Yoo Iseol, expressionless as usual, soared up next to Chung Myung.

Chung Myung and Yoo Iseol, rising like specters, confronted the countless Evil Tyrant Alliance warriors descending.