Chapter 1326: Nothing Escaped (Part 1)


Tang Pae exerted all his strength to unleash a barrage of flying needles.

During sparring, it was essential to consider the retrieval of the needles that were thrown.

However, Tang Pae's mind was occupied solely with the determination to somehow block the enemy.

"Eat this!"

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Simultaneously, a black poisonous mist billowed in the canyon where the Blood Sword Sect members were rushing forward.

Members of the Blood Sword Sect, who vigorously deflected the flying needles, bit their tongues and charged into the mist filled with poison.

They were determined not to give the enemy any chance to retreat, even if they were to be poisoned.

However, what awaited those who broke through the seemingly impenetrable mist of poison was none other than Yoo Iseol's sword.


Graceful yet decisively, Yoo Iseol's sword flew in a semicircle towards the necks of those charging towards her.

Under normal circumstances, it would be difficult to be certain whether one could have blocked it, but against Yoo Iseol's gracefully deadly sword, those desperately rushing out of the poison had a predetermined fate awaiting them.


A clean fountain of blood erupted from the cleanly severed necks.

Yoo Iseol's sword efficiently cut only the vital points of the enemies.

Thus, those struck by her sword met their deaths without significant injuries.

However, the wounds created by Yoo Iseol's sword this time were noticeably larger and deeper than the usual scars left by her blade.


As Tang Pae swung towards Yoo Iseol, he scattered the hidden weapons stored in his sleeves without reservation.

Symbols representing the Tang Family, such as Cow Hair Needle (牛毛針), Ghost King Command (鬼王令), and Soul Severing Sand (斷魂沙), were randomly mixed and scattered.

However, these haphazardly thrown techniques indeed had a significant effect. Those who were already in a hurry found it impossible to block the flying needles, liquids, and sand.


Needles pierced through the body, liquids began to melt the skin, and sand started to enter through the openings.

The agonizing pain inflicted by these techniques caused screams to burst from the mouths of all Blood Sword Sect members.

"Let's go!"

As the screams spread within the poison mist, Tang Pae rushed forward with all his might without even looking back.

"Not yet!"

Just as Chung Myung was about to strike down those rushing out with his sword, something forcefully grabbed Chung Myung's wrist.

Yoo Iseol, without waiting for Chung Myung's reaction, pulled him with all her strength and ran away.

The pain felt in the wrist and shoulder indicated how forcibly she had pulled him.


"Follow me!"

Just as Chung Myung was about to say something, a scream erupted from Yoo Iseol, as if to block his words.

In an instant, Chung Myung was dumbfounded and turned to look at Yoo Iseol. Although he knew that it was not the time to take his eyes off the enemy, the situation was so bewildering.

A scream?

From Yoo Iseol?

As Chung Myung attempted to speak again, Yoo Iseol was resolute. She seemed determined not to let Chung Myung fight again. Only then did Chung Myung's gaze finally focus on the scene in front of the canyon.

It was visible.

The damn end of the canyon.

Baek Cheon and other swordsmen of the Mount Hua Sect were cutting through the end.



A massive white aura exploded. Namgung Dowi, who had gathered some strength, was supporting those ahead.

The enemies were desperately trying to block their path, but it was futile. The canyon was too narrow and steep to block the trained and disciplined swordsmen of Mount Hua.

"Damn! They're coming again!"

At that moment, Tang Pae screamed. As Chung Myung reflexively tried to turn around, Yoo Iseol grabbed the hem of Chung Myung's back with her hand holding the sword and pulled him back forcefully.



"I said run!"

Chung Myung twitched and turned to look at Yoo Iseol. Yoo Iseol glared at Chung Myung, revealing her fury.

Chung Myung sworn had never seen this expression on her before.

No, he had never even considered that this person could make such an expression. Not even once.


Tang Pae spasmodically threw out hidden weapons. Almost all of the hidden weapons stored in his sleeves were now almost completely exhausted.

But now was not the time to spare weapons. He had to somehow hinder their opponents for even a moment.

"Tang Sogaju!"


"Hold him and run!"

At that moment, Yoo Iseol threw Chung Myung to Tang Pae and moved towards the rear.

"This damn person!"

Blood Sword Sect members, covered in poison and memorized techniques, exuded a fierce aura and swung their three swords towards Yoo Iseol.

A thin blade technique, where the real power came when stabbing rather than swinging.

Even though they knew it, for a moment they were excited at swinging the blades. [not sure]


Yoo Iseol's extended sword, drawn in the shortest distance, intercepted the descending blades of the Blood Sword Sect members as if to parry them.

But as the swords clashed and fell apart, two more blades swung with the force to pierce through Yoo Iseol's whole body.

Feeling the pressure as if her body would collapse, Yoo Iseol's sword swung without a hint of hesitation.


The aura drew a perfect circle in the air, simultaneously deflecting the incoming swords.

At the same time, Yoo Iseol's eyebrows twitched slightly.

Despite deflecting a thinner and faster blade than the ones used by Mount Hua, a dull pain resonated in her wrist.

Instead of being stabbed, she felt a sting as if a razor had drawn a line on her untouched body.

The clash between the power and power poured out with life at stake.

The pressure on the battlefield rapidly consumed Yoo Iseol's strength more than usual.



Nevertheless, without a hint of hesitation, Yoo Iseol's sword swung through, pushing aside the enemy's sword and swiftly flying towards the enemies' throats.

Cheng! Cheng! Quack!

They blocked some, but one got through.

The feeling of a blade cutting through flesh and embedding itself in bone. The excruciating sensation of that dreadful feeling.

But even so, without any wavering, Yoo Iseol's sword, swung with precision, pushed aside the enemy's sword and swiftly retreated backward.


"You bitch!"

Flames ignited in the eyes of the Blood Sword Sect members. Just as they were about to attack again, fine grains of sand scattered over their heads like dust.

The Blood Sword Sect members swung their swords in panic, trying to fend off the falling sand. However, no matter how much they swung their swords, they couldn't block all the falling sand. The swirling swords only caused the falling sand to penetrate their skin.


From the mouth of a Blood Sword Sect member who couldn't resist the encroaching poisonous aura, a black-tinted foam bubbled up. 

Someone who had rushed behind pushed the stumbling Blood Sword Sect member, threw him into the cliff, and then roared like a beast as he charged towards Yoo Iseol.


A sharp sword descended from above. The strength embedded in that sword could be sensed even without experiencing it.

Like a blow staking everything, a surprise attack.

At the moment when Yoo Iseol, biting her lips, was about to face that attack...


A gust of aura, brushing right beside Yoo Iseol's neck, pierced through the neck of the Blood Sword Sect member who was rushing at her.

The person who had rushed forward was thrown backward as if hit by a shell, splattering blood like a fountain from his pierced throat, staining the canyon with blood.

Paaah! Paaah!

Without letting the death of their comrade dampen their spirits, the flying auras successively pierced through the throats of Blood Sword Sect members rushing forward.

Seeing this scene, Yoo Iseol bit her lips tightly and swung her sword again.

'It's my turn!'

Her sword, like a gleam of light, pierced the throat of a Blood Sword Sect member charging towards her.


The sound of a sword tearing through flesh. As that sound overlapped with something else, Yoo Iseol's gaze instinctively dropped below.

It was a commonplace sight when viewed from behind.

For someone who had thrown a sword with all their might at an enemy, there was no more sinister move than this.

Already too late to react, Yoo Iseol, who sensed the sword that was about to pierce her abdomen too late, caught sight of another flying aura in her eyes.


Like a flying comet, the red aura knocked away the attacking sword aimed at Yoo Iseol in an instant.

The deflected sword cut through the body of the Blood Sword Sect member, sending him flying in two directions. Between the gushing blood, Goyang, with a devilish face distorted like a seizure, rushed forward.

"You son of a bitch!"

He was sick of it.

Without those words, how else could one describe Goyang at this moment?

The leaders of the Myriad Man Manor's factions were unable to summon the courage to take him as their subordinate. [not sure]

As proof that Goyang, one of the leaders, was being scorned rather than exaggerated in their evaluation, he was persistently sticking to them. [idk, idc]

"Move aside!"

There was no place for Yoo Iseol to stand in Goyang's way.

His eyes were focused on Chung Myung, who was behind Yoo Iseol. The wounded beast was panting heavily.

Everything had its timing.

This moment was the most decisive.

If they missed capturing that guy now, they'd have to go through the whole process again.

Moreover, the confidence that they would definitely catch him at the end was now crumbling.

So, now. He must finish it now.

However, Yoo Iseol had no intention of letting Goyang pass by peacefully.


Yet fast and sharp, paradoxically soft. Implementing that paradox into reality, Yoo Iseol's sword gently swung, cleaving through Goyang's body horizontally.


Goyang effortlessly deflected the sword that flew at him, as if brushing off an annoyance.

Then, with a casual swing, he aimed to carve through Yoo Iseol's torso. However, the deflected sword, as if it had known that would happen, drew a circling arc in the air and once again sliced towards Goyang's throat.


A brief groan escaped Goyang's mouth. Goyang and Yoo Iseol's swords clashed several times in the air.


A fiery intensity surged in Goyang's eyes. This sword tenaciously stuck to him. Even when struck down, it flew again as if it had anticipated such a response.

A sword resembling Chung Myung's, but distinctly different. Yet, this sword with a different spirit was scraping at Goyang's nerves just the way it intended.

"This damn!"


At the moment Goyang was about to explode in anger, a lightning-fast aura struck from behind Yoo Iseol's shoulders explosively.

Although Goyang violently twisted his body sideways, the flying aura unhesitatingly pierced through Goyang's side.

Blood gushed out from Goyang's mouth.

Though it didn't pierce his internal organs, the force of the penetration shook his insides thoroughly.

Goyang, with eyes stained with bloodshot veins, looked back at Yoo Iseol.

Right behind Yoo Iseol, Chung Myung was gazing at him like a hunter targeting its prey.


Was he being hunted?


Unable to contain the boiling rage, at the moment when Goyang was about to unleash his wrath...


His eyes captured the sight of a massive wave of plum blossoms.

In front of him?

No, far away!

The plum blossom petals, like a rapid current, swept away those who resisted, and the flowing auras, as if a river pouring into the sea, spread beyond the narrow canyon into the vast land.

In other words⋯

"It's open!"

Baek Cheon.

After finally breaking down the last resistance, the appearance of open land had entered. The long, long canyon had finally revealed its end.

Witnessing this spectacle, Baek Cheon clenched his fist and let out a powerful shout.

"Everyone, charge! Let's get out of the canyon!"

"Let's gooooo!"


Responding to Jo Gol's call, even Yoon Jong joined in, yelling at the top of his lungs.

The morale-boosted Southern Island disciples screamed and rushed with full force toward the open path, eager to leave the canyon behind.