Chapter 1334: I'll Carve That Name Into Memory (Part 4)

"Don't let her escape!"

"We must kill her!"

The Myriad Man Manor relentlessly pursued Yoo Iseol. The screams and venomous gazes, as they shouted until their throats were hoarse, echoed in the canyon, reminiscent of the battle they had fought before.

However, the expressions on their faces and their determination were undeniably different.

More desperate. More determined. The gleam in their eyes could only be described as desperation and determination.


The members of the Myriad Man Manor forcefully pounded the ground, driven by the urgent need to catch up with Chung Myung and thrust a sword into her neck. To cut off her breath completely.

"Capture her!"

This had to be their final chance. They couldn't afford to let her slip away. The Myriad Man Manor were not ones to fear their enemies, war, or death. That was the pride each member held in their hearts.

But that pride shattered completely in the face of Chung Myung.

At this point, everyone knew one thing for sure. If they let him escape here, they would inevitably have to face him in battle again someday. Maybe in the distant future, or perhaps sooner than they thought.

They had witnessed Chung Myung annihilating the Blood Sword Sect in this canyon. However, facing an unscathed Chung Myung was a nightmare they didn't want to imagine.

He must be killed. He must be killed without fail.

No need for discussions or gathering opinions. The moment Yoo Iseol lifted Chung Myung onto her back, the will of everyone here naturally converged.

Regardless of the means, regardless of the sacrifices, they must kill her!


The members of the Myriad Man Manor surged toward Yoo Iseol with tremendous force. It wasn't a scene of people chasing people but rather a rushing torrent overwhelming the canyon.


Yoo Iseol desperately pounded the ground.

There was no need to argue about the prowess of her footwork among Mount Hua. However, her internal energy had been depleted from prolonged battles, and carrying the unconscious Chung Myung on her back made her steps heavier than usual.


A member of the Myriad Man Manor, who had caught up with Yoo Iseol, swung his sword with malice.

At that moment, Yoo Iseol realized that the upcoming battle would be significantly different from any she had experienced before.

Swords slashed through the air with a terrifying force.

Not towards her head, but towards her back.



Her rapidly extended sword intercepted the incoming blade.


She bit her lip.

If she were alone, she wouldn't have bothered to block the attack. No, it wasn't that she shouldn't have blocked it; she couldn't afford to. Redirecting a sword forcefully away from the body required more than just strength; it needed a force greater than the impact on the wrist.

But now, there was no other option.


A flying sword from the side faced the same fate.

Normally, she would minimize unnecessary movements to conserve energy and evade such attacks efficiently. However, that was impossible now. Her body's center had shifted, and the perfect balance maintained in her usual movements had collapsed.

Her movements were always flexible and precise.

However, it wasn't innate. It was crafted meticulously through rigorous training, one thread at a time, like weaving a fabric. Naturally, the foundation of it all rested on the two characters, 'balance.'

Once that balance crumbled, Yoo Iseol could no longer be fully Yoo Iseol.


Rarely, a burst of energy erupted from her mouth. In an instant, her sword gleamed through the air like a ray of light.

In situations where avoiding attacks was difficult, there was only one method: to strike before being struck.


Yoo Iseol's sword pierced through the heart of a member of the Myriad Man Manor without hesitation. Although her swordsmanship had deviated from its usual path, even the distorted form retained the effectiveness of Yoo Iseol's skills.

However, her enemies were as... No, perhaps even more desperate than her. Those who leaped using the pierced heart as a foothold descended upon her like an avalanche unleashed by an earthquake.



A blade, falling dangerously close to her shoulders, narrowly missed Chung Myung's head. Although she managed to avoid the blade, the trailing aura cut across Yoo Iseol's skin.

She had no time to feel the pain. Twisting her body almost to the ground, Yoo Iseol spun rapidly, evading the attack.

Kwaang! Kwaang!

Suddenly, from where she had evaded, a thunderous sound echoed as the ground flipped and erupted. If Yoo Iseol had been a moment slower in lifting her body off the ground, her form might have been turned into a mangled mess by now.

Flying stones and debris left marks or remnants on her body, but Yoo Iseol, oblivious to any wounds, swung her sword with all her might.


Alongside the sound of a whip slicing through the air, three members of the Myriad Man Manor, who were descending upon her from above, had their waists split in an instant. Hot blood and organ fragments showered down.

Yoo Iseol clenched the ground with her hands, ignoring the pain as her nails twisted and broke. There was no time to rest.

The moment her body was pulled upward, two more blades shot towards the space where her legs had been.


Yoo Iseol forcefully pounded the ground while turning to face her pursuers again. Although it would be faster to run forward while facing the front, it was impossible. There was no way to protect Chung Myung from the flying blades if she ran forward.

She was fleeing, but she would still have to confront the enemy. In front of her, blades flew densely like a relentless hailstorm.

Yoo Iseol swung her sword like a desperate last stand, attacking, but even for someone like her, blocking and evading all the flying blades simultaneously was difficult.


A blade, grazing her upper arm, cut through her muscles in an instant, leaving a gaping wound that exposed bone.


Another blade, skimming her side, carved a deep gash, revealing a severe injury.


The blade that had directly faced her didn't cut through her body, but it forcibly twisted her gripping wrist. The wrist vein burst, and the bones writhed as if contorted.

It wasn't only her who was limited in freedom of movement. In the narrow canyon, the number of people who could simultaneously launch an attack was limited. However, once they left the gorge, if a blade could reach them, an attack could come from anywhere.

With Chung Myung on her back, Yoo Iseol couldn't possibly evade and block all the attacks.

Nevertheless, Yoo Iseol, instead of succumbing to despair, securely tightened the cloak binding Chung Myung to her back.


It wasn't about being able to. It wasn't about wanting to.

Perhaps only Yoo Iseol, who had heard those words from Chung Myung on Mount Hua, could truly understand them.

This was what she had to do.

Yoo Iseol had no doubt about this thought. Even if it meant risking her life, Chung Myung must be sent away safely.


Covered in dirt, Yoo Iseol turned momentarily towards the front, gathering all her remaining strength, and pounded the ground with her hands. With Chung Myung on her back, she shot forward like an arrow.

Seizing the opportunity, the flying blades barely missed her calves. Blood droplets scattered in the air.

But in return, the distance between the Myriad Man Manor and Yoo Iseol widened significantly.

"Chase her!"

"Don't bother with the woman! Aim for the Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword! We must kill him at all costs!"

"Absolutely do not let her escape!"

The sounds of clashes echoed continuously.

They had to kill Chung Myung, Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword. They were determined to take his life without fail.

Ho Gakmyung looked down at the fallen and cooling body of Goyang with indifferent eyes.

Goyang's eyes, now lifeless and breathless, still held the terror it experienced just before death.

After giving him a brief glance, Ho Gakmyung passed by without uttering a word, moving forward.

'Unit Leader.'

A Chief and Unit Leader were different. And the Grand Chief and Chief Leader were even more distinct. [don't ask, I'm just bsing]

It was acceptable for a Unit Leader to die at the hands of the enemy or to be sacrificed for a mission. In all things, sacrifices and costs were necessary.

However, losing a Unit and the Unit Leader was a different case.

The Units of the Myriad Sects were the core of the Myriad Sects' power, and their value increased even more when limited to those controlled by Ho Gakmyung.

Such a Unit had been annihilated, and Goyang leading that Unit had died. It was undoubtedly a significant event.

But even this time, Ho Gakmyung's face did not show the slightest sign of wavering.

His gaze was now fixed on Yoo Iseol who was running away, or more precisely, on Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword on her back. The look in Ho Gakmyung's eyes, observing the unconscious Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, was chilling to the bone.

He had sacrificed Goyang and the Blood Sword Unit to render Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword unconscious.

Others might call it madness if they heard of it. However, Ho Gakmyung believed that he had achieved results beyond expectations with this sacrifice.

Of course, Goyang probably didn't think so, but Ho Gakmyung had never once considered that Goyang could defeat Chung Myung.

How could a dragon be defeated by a mere wolf?

Fortunately, Goyang had performed beyond its capabilities. No, perhaps Chung Myung hadn't fully exerted his abilities, but the result remained the same.

If Goyang could hear, he would probably leap out of hell. However, Ho Gakmyung's estimation of Goyang's worth was only to that extent. Losing just one Unit Chief, who had been somewhat communicative, was regrettable, but that was all.

'Like the Blood Sword Unit...'

He could sacrifice as many as needed as long as he could kill Chung Myung.

Now, all that remained was to catch those who were running around without their heads and swallow them up as he pleased.

Led by Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, they were formidable, even to the extent that Ho Gakmyung had to risk his life, but those without Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword were nothing more than scattered pawns.

"Are you ready?"

"As you commanded, everything is in place!"

"If there is the slightest delay, you won't be able to bear even with your life."

The officer replied to the chilling voice with a flushed face.

"I will bear it in mind."

Ho Gakmyung's eyes flashed subtly but sharply.

'Two moves, no... three moves?'

Now, just about three moves. In terms of time, it was only a moment.

Within that moment, the fate of Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword would be decided. According to the sequence he had set.

Ho Gakmyung lightly clenched and unclenched his fist.

'Stay calm.'

He couldn't allow even the slightest deviation until the end.

This was a strategy he had staked everything on. From Southern Island to now, he had only targeted the one life of Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, and the fruits of that strategy were gradually approaching.

"A headless beast can be driven in with no problem."

Ho Gakmyung suddenly became curious. He wondered what expression Jang Ilso, who faced Chung Myung with Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword's neck in his hands, would make.

'Maybe this is my timid rebellion.'

Erasing the momentarily emerging unpleasant imagination from his mind, he let out a light sigh. In contrast, his gaze gradually darkened.