Chapter 1337: I'll Carve That Name Into Memory (Part 7)

"Nokrim King! Behind us!"


Im Sobyeong, who had looked back quickly, turned his gaze back again.

'These ruthless people!'

They had really done something unbelievable. This was why he couldn't escape from those Mount Hua bastards.

"Now all we have to do is get out of here!"

The Evil Sect guys were rushing at them from the front, but they weren't particularly formidable. They were nothing more than a bunch of thugs.

'Even if it's the Myriad Man Manor or the Evil Tyrant Alliance, they couldn't have mobilized people endlessly.'

Of course, they could fill the numbers, but there was no way to bridge the qualitative gap. If Jang Ilso had personally intervened, the situation would have been different, but here, it was Ho Gakmyung.

So, the problem was not in the front but in the back. They had to somehow shake off the pursuit of those Myriad Manor guys.

Finding a way to do that was Im Sobyeong's role.

"To the right! Damn Sogaju! Don't just pierce through the front blindly; aim for the gaps, you muscle-headed human!"

"Then speak faster!"

Namgung Dowi, despite cursing, quickly turned in the direction Im Sobyeong indicated.

Watching the situation, Im Sobyeong's eyes turned a shade of blue.

'Having a large number isn't always an advantage!'

Especially when orders don't reach properly, and when personnel are mobilized from all directions, there is always confusion in the command system.

If used properly, you can make them entangle with each other.

'No, not that you can make, but you must make them!'

"Too slow! A bit more to the right!"

"What the..."

"Just shut up and do as you're told!"

Im Sobyeong shouted more fiercely than usual, and Namgung Dowi, flustered, turned the direction even more. As a result, the path opened up as if those coming at them deliberately avoided him.

Namgung Dowi, inwardly flustered but not hesitating, quickly took advantage of the opening. The path gradually widened towards where his sword swung.

Seeing this, Im Sobyeong raised one corner of his mouth.

"You were in a hurry, Ho Gakmyung."

He could clearly sense the Commander's gaze.

It was understandable.

Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, who had almost been completely captured, eventually joined the main force with his lives intact, and those who had jumped in to save them all survived.

They did capture a few more of the Southern Island guys in the process, but that was just a drop in the bucket.

Failure. Considering the entire process so far, there was no other way to evaluate it.

Everything that had been put into this canyon had gone in vain.

Only one and countless personnel, not to mention the numerous martial sects mobilized, all fell silent. [idk]

"An accurate assessment."

"... Commander?"

Ho Gakmyung's eyes, looking at those fleeing desperately, calmly sank.

The talent of the Nokrim King was certainly outstanding. Since he operated the forces with the sole goal of escape, his speed had clearly changed from before.

"Commander! It's gradually widening."

"I know."

Those in front couldn't stop their escape at all. Moreover, once a breach was made, they couldn't even pursue.

All they did was block the way in front of the Myriad Manor, turning into a wall after breaking through, preventing them from pursuing.

An operational failure born out of excessive greed.

If you were to interpret this situation as a military strategist, you would probably say that it was the price paid for pushing uncontrolled individuals into the battlefield all at once.


"Clearly, Nokrim King is an outstanding talent. If we only consider intellect, he's better than me."


"But he lacks experience."

The eyes of the deputy officers looking at Ho Gakmyung were filled with doubt. It was because, from their perspective, it was an incomprehensible statement.

This Im Sobyeong had led Nokrim, engaged in countless battles against the Myriad Man Manor, and now, someone was claiming he lacked experience. Of course, from Ho Gakmyung's perspective, it might not be entirely wrong, but by general standards, didn't Nokrim King seem like a senior commander despite his age?

"How much you've fought isn't important. Sometimes, too much experience can be a hindrance."

The deputy officers didn't ask any questions and instead held their breath. The fact that answers were coming even without being asked meant that Ho Gakmyung wasn't conversing with them at the moment; he was organizing his thoughts.

In such moments, one must never disturb Ho Gakmyung.

"That confidence shouldn't turn into despair."

A cruel smile appeared on Ho Gakmyung's lips.

"Nokrim King!"

Yoon Jong, who had received the message from Hye Yeon, ran up to him with Chung Myung on his back.

Im Sobyeong's face stiffened upon seeing Chung Myung.

"Is he alive?"

"Isn't that obvious...!"

"...In that state."

Im Sobyeong ground his teeth. Witnessing the pitiful sight of Chung Myung, it was difficult to express the deep sorrow that surged from within.

"Damn it!"

"Nokrim King! Where do we go now?"

In response to the urgent question, Im Sobyeong looked back.

Baek Cheon was flying behind, blocking the pursuit of the Myriad Man Manor, who were tracing them. Since the attackers from the front were nothing to worry about, and the Myriad Man Manor was chasing them from behind, it was a natural judgment.

This meant that Im Sobyeong's role was entirely to lead everyone in front and rescue them from danger.

"Did you ask where we're going?"


"Don't ask obvious questions!"

The conditions of where they should head were already set.

A place where a small group could leverage the terrain advantage against a larger force.

And a place where it was absolutely advantageous for the escaping small group to hide.

In this vicinity, there was only one such place. A place proven by history, where countless people shed blood to prove its value. Hence, it became a cursed land where no one dared to set foot.

"Thousand Mountain!"

Yoon Jong's head shot up. A vast plain extending to the horizon, and above it, jagged mountain peaks standing like knives.

For a moment, a chill ran down his spine.

Spanning thousands of li across Guangdong and Guangxi, the world called it the Ten Thousand Great Mountains.

"This way!"

Im Sobyeong grabbed Chung Myung's shoulder.

"Help Sogaju! We'll arrive shortly! Then we can shake them off!"


Yoon Jong also wordlessly rushed forward. Currently, among the disciples of the Mount Hua Sect, he and Baek Cheon were in the best condition. He had to fulfill his role.

"There's an ambush on the left! Move to the right!"


"Behind them, they'll attack from the front! As soon as you pass the ambush, turn left! Don't increase your speed too much! If your waist is cut, it'll be a big problem!"


Yoon Jong fiercely swung his sword.


It didn't mean facing the enemy became easier. However, after cutting down just one person, they could clearly move forward more.

'Is this military strategy?'

The feeling of understanding the enemy's flow and piercing that decision with his body was something he couldn't comprehend until now. They were an area unknown to them. Now, they somewhat understood how non-martial artists saw the world.

"Don't think, just go!"


Im Sobyeong ground his teeth.

'Just once!'

If they could gain time to hide in the Ten Thousand Great Mountains just once, the situation would improve dramatically. So, all they needed to do was to arrive at the Great Mountains.

"Straight ahead! Break through at full power!"


As the front accelerated, Kim Yang Baek shouted as if his throat would burst.

"Don't fall behind! We must follow them!"

At the same time, the sight of the elder collapsing like a falling mountain was seen. However, Kim Yang Baek closed his eyes tightly and turned away. There was no time to attend to each one individually now.

"Run, quickly!"

Im Sobyeong checked the rear.


Explosive red plum blossoms bloomed from the rear. Even if the enemies were the Myriad Man Manor, piercing through that unreasonable vigor was not an easy task.

The prowess displayed by Mount Hua's disciples in this chase was nothing short of painful.

But the aura that Baek Cheon was showing with his sword in the rear was undoubtedly outstanding even among those disciples of Mount Hua.

'Lucky we didn't encounter them as enemies.'

The rear would undoubtedly be blocked by Baek Cheon. So, now they just had to think about moving forward.

"Keep going!"

Im Sobyeong shouted until his throat nearly burst. At the same time, he wielded the fan brilliantly. Those who rushed from the side were cut down by the aura he emitted, collapsing in a torrent.


Guo Hansuo, who rushed towards the faltering Evil Sect disciples, forcefully thrust his sword. The disciples of the Southern Island, with a courage tenfold, also swung their swords vigorously and charged forward.

The number had already decreased by more than half. The sacrifices made to come this far were too great.

But now was not the time to look back at the sacrifices already made. They only needed to focus on what lay ahead.

"Ugh, ugh..."

"Dodge, dodge!"

Covered in blood, Yoon Jong and Namgung Dowi, who rushed forward like demons, caused the Evil Sect disciples to panic and retreat. The two of them swung their swords as if they were going to devour those terrified individuals.

The explosive sword of Namgung Dowi and Yoon Jong's perfectly controlled sword harmonized in discord with the enemy, annihilating them.


Cutting! Cutting again! And again!

While Yoon Jong swung his sword somewhat absentmindedly, he slashed down the enemies right in front of him.


An enemy with a cut neck clutched his wound and fell to the side. At that moment, Yoon Jong realized. There was no one left to stop him.

In no time, a hill-like mountain approached him.

Amidst the steep mountain peaks that had risen like cliffs, a clear path appeared.

"Nokrim King!"

"The rear! Stop the pursuers! Send the Southern Island guys first!"

The moment Yoon Jong heard those words, an indescribable thrill ran through him.

They had arrived.

Across the sea, beyond Guangdong, and through the hellish canyon, they had finally reached this place.

"Keep going! We will block the rear!"


"Go, quickly!"

At Yoon Jong's shout, the Southern Island disciples gritted their teeth and rushed forward. The slightly elevated mountains were visible. Although not extremely high, the path through them looked steep. However, without looking back at the sacrifices made, most of the disciples from the Southern Island were already rapidly entering the promised land of the Ten Thousand Great Mountains.



Hye Yeon, carrying Yoo Iseol on his back, swiftly followed them. Tang Soso, carrying Jo Gol, also ran at full speed and took the lead.

"Sg, Sahyung..."

"Go first, Gol-ah!"

Yoon Jong, locking eyes with Jo Gol, nodded vigorously.

Yoon Jong quickly scanned the rear. At that moment, the plum blossoms covering the land of Gangnam were abundant.

A supreme aura permeated the entire area! Baek Cheon, who had effortlessly separated the clinging enemies, was charging toward them.


Baek Cheon's entire body was covered in blood. Yoon Jong initially thought it was the enemy's blood, but upon closer inspection, Baek Cheon was bleeding more than expected. A scream involuntarily erupted from Yoon Jong's mouth as he realized.


But Baek Cheon only urged Yoon Jong more.

Yoon Jong, Im Sobyeong, Namgung Dowi, and Tang Pae passed by Baek Cheon and entered the Ten Thousand Great Mountains.


"We'll cut them off before they catch up! Let's go!"


Yoon Jong's voice was slightly hoarse.

They hadn't completely shaken off the pursuers yet. But the situation would be much different now. The thorn-like mountains that emerged from this land would create hiding places for them, making it difficult for the enemy to pursue.

Just the ability to set up an ambush would completely change the situation. Wasn't that what Yoon Jong had been thinking when he saw the Ten Thousand Great Mountains while heading to Southern Island?

'We can do it!'

The sacrifices made to come this far were not in vain. When Yoon Jong unknowingly clenched his fist, he saw figures ahead.

"Don't wait, keep going in any direction!"

As Baek Cheon spoke, the disciples of Southern Island turned back to look.

The moment they saw their faces, the disciples of Mount Hua instinctively knew that something was wrong.

The faces of the Southern Island disciples were pale as if they had encountered ghosts.

"What, what's happening?"



A despairing voice flowed from Guo Hansuo's mouth.

"The, the path ahead... it's blocked, Dojang."

For a moment, everyone fell silent as if they had lost their voices. A chilling wind swept through the space where stillness descended.

Im Sobyeong's forehead broke into a cold sweat.

"No, no way..."

Im Sobyeong urgently looked outside the mountain valley.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

Ho Gakmyung was slowly approaching the valley that Mount Hua and Southern Island had entered. A smile formed on his lips, revealing his inner feelings.

"They were enemies, but they were excellent. So..."

An emotionless voice seeped out.

"I'll carve that name into memory. So everyone can clearly know their ultimate fate."

It was a declaration marking the end of the long pursuit.