Chapter 1341: Go to Rescue (Part 1)

On a night shrouded in darkness, gentle moonlight settled on the window of the room.

Rustle, rustle.

The sound of an ink-soaked brush gliding across paper seeped through the window. The continuous sweeping of the brush was interrupted by a voice from outside the door.


"Please come in."

Tang Gunak lowered his brush, saturated with ink, and looked up. Soon, the door opened, and a guard [not sure?] of the Tang Family, Tang Yi (當霬), cautiously stepped inside.

"Have you not retired to bed yet?"

"It's still early."

Tang Gunak, with a stern face, nodded his head.

"Well, what brings you here?"

"Poison and hidden weapons from the main house have arrived."

"Good. Did they come with the reports from those sent to Sichuan?"

"Yes, Gaju-nim. The refugees sent to Sichuan have all settled in well. I was considering giving you a report tomorrow, but..."

Tang Gunak nodded slowly.

"With so few hands left in the family, it must have been challenging."

Those remaining in the Tang Family at present were not particularly powerful in martial arts. Of course, within the family, the tasks of making poison and concocting hidden weapons cannot be said to be less crucial than martial arts, so it cannot be said that they are idle.

"What if those who stayed comfortably in Sichuan didn't do their part?"

Tang Yi's words made Tang Gunak smile faintly. Unlike in the past, he had become much softer than before.

However, Tang Yi didn't miss the subtle bitterness in that smile.

"...Have you heard any news from those who left for Southern Island?"

"It's not a place where news can be easily exchanged, especially in the current situation."

"That's true, but..."

Tang Yi sighed, his words trailing off.

This time, te Tang Family's Sogaju, Tang Pae, also joined the expedition to Southern Island.

Tang Pae had participated as a representative of the Tang Family. After all, it was a mission where key figures from various factions under the Heavenly Comrade Alliance were traveling together, and the Tang Family couldn't afford to be absent.

"Don't worry too much, Gaju-nim. Sogaju will handle things well."

"If only it were a simple worry..."

"Uh... yes?"

Tang Gunak chuckled wryly.

"That statement is too generous for me right now."

Leaving behind an enigmatic remark, he rose from his seat.


"You, too, should rest. We'll have to resume training early tomorrow morning."

With that, he left the room. Watching his retreating figure, a long sigh escaped from Tang Yi's lips.

The sound of crickets echoed from all around.

Tang Gunak, as always, felt a peculiar sentiment.

Ordinarily, crickets would be wary of humans. When there were people nearby, they would usually hush and stop chirping.

However, in the presence of that person, the crickets did not cease their song, even though there was no effort on his part to conceal his presence.

It was something inexplicable from the perspective of martial arts, something that Tang Gunak might never comprehend in his lifetime.

Hyun Jong, standing by the river, was gazing into the distant southern land.

Tang Gunak, silently observing his back, eventually shook his head.

He had sent his son and daughter to a dangerous place. Yet, even his worries and concerns couldn't match those of that person.

Since that person sent everything he had to the enemy.


Hyun Jong, aware that the sound of crickets had ceased, turned his head. When their eyes met, Tang Gunak nodded lightly. In return, Hyun Jong greeted him with a casual bow.

"It's late, Gaju-nim."

Hyun Jong grinned.

"I can't sleep easily, so what can I do, Gaju-nim?"

Tang Gunak sighed quietly. He didn't know what reply to give.

The two stood side by side by the river, gazing across. At the moment, the river that could be crossed anytime seemed infinitely vast and distant.

Only the faint sound of resuming cricket chirps and the sound of waves lapping against the river echoed.

As Tang Gunak was about to bring up a topic, Hyun Jong spoke first.

"Have you ever regretted taking on the position of family head?"

Tang Gunak's expression stiffened slightly. It was a sensitive question that could be considered quite impolite, depending on how one thought about it. However, the question was permissible because it was Hyun Jong asking. It wasn't because Hyun Jong held a position that allowed him to be impolite to Tang Gunak; rather, there was no malice in his words.


Tang Gunak pondered over how to respond to the question, looking quietly at Hyun Jong. In truth, his answer to this question was meaningless. It wasn't a question to begin with. So, instead, he countered with a question of his own.

"Do you regret becoming the Sect Leader of Mount Hua?"

Hyun Jong smiled gently. "There were times in the past when I did."


"But not anymore. I may be an inadequate person, but I believe becoming the Sect Leader of Mount Hua has been the most rewarding aspect of my life."


Hyun Jong's gaze turned toward the river holding the moon.

"However, there were times when I thought about it. What kind of person was I originally."

Tang Gunak furrowed his brows slightly.

"What do you mean..."

"Do you not feel the same way, Gaju-nim? Of course, anyone living might have such thoughts, but especially when living as a Sect Leader, there are many times when you have to hide your true feelings."

Tang Gunak nodded empathetically.

"It's a position of great responsibility."

It was the same for him. Before meeting Chung Myung, Tang Gunak, who faced excessive restrictions from the Elder's Council, had to become a colder person than his true nature. He couldn't afford to show any weakness to them.

Now he had regained some room, but at that time, everything was far from easy.

"At first, I thought I would just do my best with what I had."

His voice was calm. However, the reason it didn't just sound calm was because of the deep, dark gaze of Hyun Jong.

"But it didn't turn out that way. Although I am not a big person, people constantly wanted me to be a big person if I were the Sect Leader of Mount Hua. If you're the Sect Leader of Mount Hua, you should act that way."

Tang Gunak nodded slowly. Anyone who had climbed to a position of responsibility would understand this.

"So, I pretended. Despite not being generous, I pretended to be generous. Despite not being kind, I pretended to be kind. Without knowing what Tao was, I pretended to know something... "


"For decades, I've been acting out the ideal image of a Sect Leader that I envisioned. At first, it was difficult, but at some point, it became somewhat bearable. Then, at another moment, it became familiar."

Tang Gunak closed his eyes.

It seemed like he understood. Thoughts govern actions. However, sometimes actions also govern a person's thoughts. Just as changing one's thoughts leads to changes in actions, changing one's actions eventually leads to changes in thoughts.

"Now everything has become natural. I think, act, and appear as the Sect Leader I wanted to be. However, at some point, I started having this thought. What kind of person was I originally? Now, I can't seem to remember."


"I believe I've become a better person. I became a little less embarrassed by the name Sect Leader of Mount Hu. But... I think about it. Was that a good thing?"

Hyun Jong's voice carried emotions that were hard to express.

"Was it really a good thing...?"

Tang Gunak remained silent.

Even though it's difficult to add more words, it can be deeply understood in the heart. Tang Gunak could empathize. That was probably why Hyun Jong's words were so poignant.

A short silence lingered. Hyun Jong spoke again.

"The children have grown splendidly. Now, they have become people who can't be compared to me in any way."

"They still have a long way to go. How could those rascals be compared to you, Maengju-nim?"

At Tang Gunak's words, Hyun Jong smiled bitterly.

"But I still think about it. Did their growth truly make them happy? As you take on more responsibilities, are you not losing more? Like I did in the past, are those kids desperately suppressing themselves, striving to become the person someone else wishes them to be?"

A small sigh escaped Tang Gunak's lips.

"Isn't that just how people live?"

"Yes, that's right... It must be."

Despite knowing this fact, the sorrow didn't dissipate. Perhaps because, unknowingly, he might have been imposing his own life on those children. Hyun Jong spoke.

"I think I know one thing."

"...What are you talking about?"

"What I should have done."

Tang Gunak stared at Hyun Jong with questioning eyes. However, it wasn't easy to discern his inner thoughts from the calm surface of Hyun Jong's expression.

At that moment, Tang Gunak, who seemed about to say something more, suddenly turned his gaze.


Something was rapidly approaching from the river. Squinting and peering for a moment, the object approaching, splitting the water's surface, became clearer. Somehow, it was white...


Tang Gunak's eyes widened.

That was undoubtedly the marten that used to accompany Chung Myung everywhere. Of course, there was no way to distinguish the appearance of a marten immediately, but common sense suggested that there was no other marten in the world that would cut across the Yangtze River at night, right?


Having spotted Tang Gunak and Hyun Jong, the white marten emitted a sharp cry and swam towards them with almost flying speed.


As the marten arrived on land, it quickly pawed the ground with its short legs. Without even considering shaking off the moisture, it swiftly climbed onto Hyun Jong's body and, after a moment, untied the bundle around its neck, revealing its contents.

Kiiii! Kiiik!

Rough breaths and coughs followed in succession. Just by looking at the trembling small body, it was evident how urgently it had run to get here.

But the marten, as if dismissing such concerns, extended the bundle again. Its appearance, urging for immediate confirmation, was clear.

Hyun Jong, without changing his expression, took out the survey report from the bundle and handed it to Tang Gunak calmly.

"Is this a report sent by the Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword?"

Tang Gunak also grabbed the report without waiting for an answer. However, unlike Hyun Jong, his eyes fluctuated greatly as he read the contents of the report.

The contents of the report were beyond bizarre, bordering on eerie. It briefly mentioned plans to break through Gangnam together with Southern Island.

Gangnam, the main base of the Evil Tyrant Alliance.

"What... what is this..."

A momentarily bewildered Tang Gunak looked at Hyun Jong. However, there was no change in Hyun Jong's expression, and he just continued to gaze across the river, as he did before.

'Shouldn't we do whatever it takes?'

No matter how important that place was, allowing things to happen without doing anything was not an option. If they continue like this and those people end up dying... Tang Gunak bit his lip.

But... no. This couldn't be done.

Penetrating Gangnam meant declaring war. Even if it was Gangnam, pushing the entire Heavenly Comrade Alliance into the flames of war for the sake of those few lives...



Hyun Jong asked with an expressionless face.

"Aren't you curious what I was supposed to do?"

To the irrelevant question in the current situation, Tang Gunak frowned. Hyun Jong sent a silent gaze to Tang Gunak and said,

"This my order as the leader of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance. Please gather all the leaders of the sects affiliated with the Heavenly Comrade Allianc for an immediate Sect Leader Assembly."

Astonished, Tang Gunak widened his eyes.

"W-What are you trying to do..."

Hyun Jong's eyes, now gazing across the river towards Gangnam, were colder than ever, unlike before. A resolute voice spread out without a tremor.

"We will go to rescue the children."

At that moment, Tang Gunak realized it. The chirping sound of crickets had long ceased.