Chapter 1346: He Has Decided to Claim His Life (Part 1)


"Where? Where are they?"

The once serene Hundred Thousand Mountains plunged into chaos in an instant.

"Over here!"

Sharp voices echoed, prompting those who heard to urgently run towards the source.

"This way!"

Soon, scattered corpses became visible on the ground. Judging by the fresh blood still oozing from their necks, it was apparent that these were the ones who had screamed in terror just moments ago.

"He couldn't have gone far! Search the surroundings immediately!"

It was a correct assessment, but at the same time, a mistaken one. While it was true he hadn't gone far, there was no need to search the surroundings. The one they sought was already charging at them from behind.


The tip of a sword tore through the air and penetrated the backs of the Myriad Man Manor members. A swift and lethal strike severed arteries in an instant.


A gruesome scream echoed eerily through the dark night sky.

"There he is!"

"Don't let him escape!"

Dozens of members of the Myriad Man Manor, drawn by the scream, rushed forward when they spotted Chung Myung holding a sword in the darkness. Indifferently dismissing them, Chung Myung immediately swung his sword and struck the ground.


In an instant, it seemed as if Chung Myung's body stretched out, and his figure disappeared where he had been standing. The distinctive black attire of the Mount Hua Sect and the dense darkness intertwined, obscuring his presence in the blink of an eye.

"Over there! He went that way! Chase him now!"


"That way, you fools!"

The members of the Myriad Man Manor, cursing and swearing, pursued Chung Myung's trail.

"No, there's no sign of him!"

"Nonsense! Are you saying someone can vanish into the sky?!"


Tracking someone was not merely a matter of using one's eyes. It involved sensing the opponent's presence, the flow of energy, faint sounds—everything that could reveal the traces of the opponent.

However, no matter how sharp their senses, they couldn't detect Chung Myung's presence. It was as if he had truly vanished into thin air.

"Spread out! He couldn't have gone far!"

Unless he was a ghost, disappearing completely was impossible. He must be nearby. And not too far away...

At that moment, the hairs on the back of the person shouting stood on end.

A sensation that could freeze even the soul engulfed them. The eerie feeling emanating from well-forged metal spread from their neck to their entire body.

"When did...?"


A chilling blade emerged from the man's neck, carrying the heat of his gushing blood.

"What... what's happening!"

Startled by the sudden groans from behind, those who had been running turned around. The person who had been running with them was now foaming at the mouth, and Chung Myung's figure appeared behind them.

With a skillful swing of his sword, Chung Myung struck down the formidable foes.

"Aaargh! Die!"

However, if Chung Myung could catch them by surprise and snatch them by swinging his sword at random, would there have been a reason for the Myriad Man Manor to cause so many casualties?

Clang! Clang!

Chung Myung's Dark Fragrance Plum Blossom Sword, like a hungry venomous snake, swooped in and tore into the enemy's throats.


Each one with a pierced neck fell, displaying expressions of astonishment. Chung Myung, with even more force than usual, completely wiped the sword with the blood flowing down.


"Send the signal immediately!"

Beep! Beep!

The sharp sound of a horn, blown by someone, resonated like a scream. Chung Myung's gaze darkened even further.


A powerful explosion erupted from where he stood. Closing the distance with the enemy at lightning speed, Chung Myung swiftly swung his sword, cutting the waists of those rushing towards him.


As severed parts flew, blood gushed out.


As comrades fell on both sides before their eyes, those remaining swung their swords, engulfed in a mix of fear and anger.


Chung Myung, with his sword tilted diagonally, let the falling sword flow smoothly and beheaded the enemy. Before the split neck could spew blood, he kicked the ground and leaped backward.

"Don't let him escape!"

Urgently rushing from all directions, others chased after him. At that moment, the figure of Chung Myung, who had been running, abruptly vanished behind the rising mountain like a drawn blade.

"Follow him!"

The members of the Myriad Man Manor also kicked the ground, immediately charging into the spot where Chung Myung had moved. However, there was nothing in sight.

Only a stifling darkness, as heavy and suffocating as it could be.


Nothing. Instinctively extending their senses, but still, there was nothing to catch.

"Where did he go...!"

The one who had been shouting in rage suddenly fell silent. For a moment, his entire body stood on end.

Before he could lift his head in haste, a sharp pain pierced his back.


A sword thrust diagonally from above pierced through the back of the Myriad Man Manor member's neck. The sword penetrated through the spine, causing violent spasms as the body trembled.

"Kill him!"

Those around swiftly brandished their swords in defense. However, before their swords could reach, Chung Myung's sword, already piercing through, scattered sword energy in all directions.



The sword energy mixed with the wails of those in pain, and the thick scent of blood quickly spread. Chung Myung, having turned five into corpses in an instant, smoothly blended into the darkness.

"Here! He's this way!"

Latecomers opened their eyes wide. The only thing visible was the chilling flesh of those struck by Chung Myung's sword, rapidly cooling.

"This... scoundrel."

"He's over there!"

At that moment, someone who noticed Chung Myung's movement shouted, prompting some to immediately chase after him.

"Us too!"

Then, from behind them, a thunderous roar erupted.

"Where is he?"


It was Mohwi (毛暉), the third captain of the Ghost Scythe Unit (鬼鎌臺). His appearance made the faces of his subordinates pale momentarily. It seemed burdensome for them to pursue behind Chung Myung.

"Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword is in the back, over there!"

"Follow him!"

Mohwi dashed forward in an instant. Witnessing this, others gathered their courage and followed suit.

However, as Mohwi, who had been running through the rugged terrain like a plain, turned around, his expression momentarily stiffened. Certainly, there must have been people following Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, but he couldn't sense any movement. Amidst the complex and treacherous mountain, visibility was nonexistent.

A sudden rush of fear surged, enough to induce vomiting. However, Mohwi gritted his teeth and took a step forward.


As soon as he turned towards the mountain, the strong smell of blood pierced his nostrils.


Corpses of Myriad Man Manor members were scattered everywhere. The wounds were still fresh, and every time his chest rose and fell, blood gushed from the pierced holes.

"That damned bastard..."

Mohwi's face contorted painfully.


"We can't find his traces!"

"Don't waste time swinging your swords! If he's not a ghost, where do you think he went! Split into two groups—one searches this area, and the others comb the mountain!"


Mohwi's gaze was firmly fixed upwards. If it were Chung Myung, he would likely use this raised mountain advantageously. Moreover, the thick darkness would be optimal for concealing his body.

"Cough, cough..."

At the faint sound coming from below, Mohwi's eyebrows twitched. Someone who hadn't been properly beheaded was still writhing in pain.


Mohwi took a step closer, raising his sword. It was to make the approaching death more comfortable.

However, the moment Mohwi raised his sword to sever the subordinate's windpipe, something strange caught his attention. The subordinate was desperately rolling his eyes, seemingly trying to convey something. Very desperately.


At that moment, a gleam pierced through the subordinate's abdomen and struck Mohwi's body.


Mohwi managed to twist his body momentarily, protecting his vital area. It was possible because he sensed something odd in the desperate gaze of his subordinate. But that didn't mean he was safe.


A body emerged from under the blood corpse and flipped it over. The sword consecutively flew, slashing Mohwi's kneecaps.

Squelch! Squelch!

Chung Myung's half-severed knees wobbled and gave way.


Even as Chung Myung, attempting to swing his sword, undoubtedly had the qualifications to take on a major opponent, Chung Myung swiftly and ruthlessly severed his wrists and forearms with the unrelenting black sword.



Chung Myung's sword consecutively severed Mohwi's spine. Chung Myung, unable to support his body any longer, swayed as if about to collapse forward. However, before that, Chung Myung, who had turned behind Mohwi, reached out and tightly gripped his hair.

Chung Myung's head was forcibly tilted backward. The Amhaengmaehwa sword touched his exposed throat.

"U⋯. Uu⋯."

As Chung Myung barely turned his eyes to look backward, he saw it. Even in the thick darkness, Chung Myung's eyes emitted a chilling and blue glow.

"Hwa, Hwasan⋯."



A desperate and heart-wrenching scream burst from Mohwi's mouth. The horrifying scream echoed like a trumpet calling allies and spread in all directions.

"Hu⋯. Huuu⋯."

Even though the one in pain was trembling in agony, unable to cope, Chung Myung's gaze remained unchanged. It simply looked down at him with a chilling chill, as it did at first.

Mohwi found it peculiar even in the midst of his agony. He was not afraid of dying. However, the moment he looked into Chung Myung's eyes, a terror beyond comparison with death engulfed his entire body.

"I need to shout louder."


"So more will gather. Those bastards who might not even know this is my grave."

"Th-this son of a b⋯⋯."


Chung Myung's sword pierced Mohwi's throat. The sword cut through muscles and vessels, reaching the spine in an instant.


Foam spewed out. The light rapidly disappeared from Mohwi's eyes.

Without a trace of regret, Chung Myung kicked Mohwi away and stepped forward toward the hesitant enemies.


Then, rather than being intimidated, the tense enemies retreated with pale faces. Chung Myung asked,

"Why is that?"

A careless gaze swept over them.

"Weren't you chasing me to kill me?"

"This, this crazy b⋯⋯."


Chung Myung's sword penetrated Mohwi's throat. Before the enemies could act, Chung Myung's gaze shifted to the sky. Dark without a trace of light, just like many nights he had faced on this mountain long ago.

"I suppose you understand."

The raised sword blade covered Chung Myung's face at an angle.

"The positions have changed."

Behind the blackened mask, Chung Myung's eyes, half-revealed, emitted a chilling light.

"Let's continue. There's still plenty of night left."

Gradually, a horrific scream filled with suffering echoed like a signal.