Chapter 1362: Indeed, You Have A Generous Heart (Part 2)

Tap, tap.


Tap, tap, tap, tap.

... Slurp.

Thunk! Thunk! Thunk!


The village elder, sitting in front of a large pot, couldn't bear it any longer and turned around discreetly. Those holding spoons and empty bowls were all standing, dripping saliva and swallowing hard.

"We need a bit more seasoning..."

"You can eat without seasoning..."

"Still, rice should have seasoning..."

"Plain rice is edible."

The village elder's face contorted strangely.


Kim Yang Baek, who had been watching the situation, cleared his throat with an uneasy expression.

"Um... is it not suitable to eat now?"

"It is edible, but if you haven't been exposed to grains for a long time, eating something fermented could cause an upset stomach..."

"Our disciples are accustomed to it; it should be fine."

With these words, the village elder nodded with a troubled expression.

"Yes, if you say so... Then, pass me that bowl..."

"I can eat it!"

"Move aside!"

"I was here first! Go back!"

"Whoa, who's that! The guy who touched my face!"

The disciples of Southern Island rushed towards the pot like hungry wolves. Steam billowed from the open pot, but the disciples, unaffected by the heat, rushed forward with even more vigor, scooping up the rice and devouring it.

"Oh, my... what is this..."

The village elder, halfway through blinking his eyes, looked at the scene in front of him with a despondent expression.

They claimed to be esteemed guests from Southern Island, but they were no different from unruly beggars. No, even beggars might have turned away if they had seen this.

"Ack! I told you not to push!"

"Please step aside!"

"No, who took it all! Do you want to die!"

Facing the indescribably tragic scene, the village elder spoke with a mournful expression.

"Um... since several pots are currently stewing, if you wait a little longer..."

"That's right! It should be enough to eat that!"


The disciples of Southern Island immediately started running towards other pots. Although the firewood was blazing under the pots, for those who had become accustomed to treating hellfire like a warm fireplace, such flames were no obstacle.

One after another, the lids of boiling pots opened, and white steam rose throughout the village.

It looked like they were under attack by bandits.

Watching this scene, Hyeong Wook looked blankly at Baek Cheon. Baek Cheon avoided eye contact and awkwardly coughed.

"...We've been quite hungry..."


"Please understand. They're not normally like this."


Baek Cheon wiped his reddened face nonchalantly. He didn't know they would dispose of their dignity and behave like this.

Those who scooped up rice sat down without even looking for a suitable seat and shoved rice into their mouths.

"Kku. This is the taste of living."

"I thought we were going to die after only eating wild game for a while."

"People should live by eating grains!"

"...If only we had grilled fish."

"What are you saying? Then don't eat!"

"No! Who said anything about grilled fish! Please give me back my rice!"

Watching this scene, Lee Ziyang let out a deep sigh.

'At least don't sit on the ground.'

It wasn't a sight anyone could see—a large group of disciples from Southern Island sitting on the ground, practically using their hands to eat rice. Who would dare to witness this?

"Ziyang Sahyung, if you don't eat this, I can..."

"Don't touch my food! Or else your fingers might fly off!"


A strange silence spread. Lee Ziyang, avoiding the gaze of the disciples, coughed awkwardly.

...It was embarrassing, but hunger was hunger.

As he awkwardly picked up his rice bowl to eat, he noticed Guo Hansuo, who still hadn't eaten.

"Sahyung, please eat something."

"Hmm. I'll eat a little later."

"Later? Will there be any rice left by then?"

Lee Ziyang shot back, and Guo Hansuo smirked.

Guo Hansuo's gaze was fixed on a pot in the corner.

Realizing what it was, Lee Ziyang sighed softly. It wasn't a pot for cooking rice; it was a pot brewing porridge for the injured.

"... I understand your concern, but you need to eat first, Sahyung, to gather strength to care for the injured."

"I know. I'll make sure to eat, so don't worry."

Lee Ziyang's expression seemed strangely melancholic.

'I didn't even think about it...'

He had been too busy looking out for Southern Island's appearance in front of others, while Guo Hansuo had been taking care of the injured who couldn't even eat properly.

Those even the Sect Leader couldn't pay attention to.

Now, there was no need to compare who was more considerate, Lee Ziyang or Guo Hansuo. And...

"Sahyung! Try this."

"If rice is a bit difficult, how about this? It was given by the villagers and is suitable for a light meal."

"What nonsense! Sahyung, you should have a proper meal!"

"Oh, no. Since Sahyung won't eat..."

Other disciples of Southern Island were also abandoning their rice bowls and gathering around Guo Hansuo after hearing that their Great Sahyung wasn't eating.

"I'm fine, so go ahead and finish your meal."

"If Great Sahyung doesn't eat, how can we..."

"Don't worry about me. I still have the strength."

"But still..."

It wasn't just because of his position as head disciple. It might be an blasphemous thought, but if Southern Island's Sect Leader, Kim Yang Baek, had done the same thing, it wouldn't have elicited such a response.

Having overcome hardships to come this far, they all knew now. How much Guo Hansuo cared for them, how much he sacrificed for them. So, naturally, without being told, everyone worried about and cared for Guo Hansuo.

Guo Hansuo smiled at the gathering.

"Come on, don't be so obvious. If we all eat together, we can enjoy both coarse grains and fine white rice, right?" 


"It's a gain if we eat what the patients eat. We get to enjoy fine white rice along with them."

"Did you really have such thoughts?"

" this is Great Sahyung."

Guo Hansuo's joke lightened the atmosphere.

"So, everyone, finish what you were eating. Take care of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance members too."

"Yes. We'll do that, Sahyung."

❀ ❀ ❀

After observing the courtyard situation and entering the village head's house, Baek Cheon stared at the old man sitting in front of him.

The old man deeply bowed his head towards Baek Cheon.

"First...though I don't remember much without consciousness, I heard that you saved a fool like me and treated me. How should I repay such kindness..."

"Don't be so formal."

Baek Cheon scratched his cheek with a slightly embarrassed expression.

"That matter should have ended there, so it's just embarrassing to have to show my face again so shamelessly."

"What are you talking about! I should be grateful that you allowed me to express my gratitude for saving my life."

The older man bowed repeatedly towards Baek Cheon.

Hyeong Wook, watching this, involuntarily furrowed his brows.

Until a while ago, his father didn't seem particularly favorable towards them. Of course, he expressed gratitude for saving their lives, but there was an unspoken distance.

However, the way the old man treated Baek Cheon now seemed as if he were a divine being that had descended from the heavens. The excessive bowing made him feel uncomfortable.

At that moment, the old man, who had been groveling on the ground as if to rub his forehead against it, slyly raised his head, glancing at Baek Cheon.

"Uh, but... By any chance, do you need... grains?"

"Yes. That's correct."

Baek Cheon nodded silently.

"Considering the situation and circumstances, it would be appropriate to explain in detail, but unfortunately, we cannot stay here for long."


"I will pay a sufficient compensation. Therefore, I request you to share the grain you have."

Baek Cheon bowed deeply, expressing gratitude. Hyeong Wook, who was by the old man's side, was startled and tried to dissuade.

"Elder, why are you doing this? Of course, we should provide the grain! What need is there for compensation when sharing grain with a benefactor who saved a life? Please, don't do this..."

"Be quiet."

However, the old man subtly stopped Hyeong Wook. Flustered, Hyeong Wook said.

"No, Father. This is obvious..."

"Stay silent!"

Hyeong Wook was somewhat bewildered and gazed blankly at the old man. However, his father's gaze was firmer and colder than usual, and he had no choice but to lower his head. After all, his father was the village head.


The old man coughed lightly, as if trying to dispel the awkward atmosphere.

"I apologize."

"No need for apologies."


Glancing at Baek Cheon, the old man opened his mouth.

"I understand what you're saying. We are human too, and it's only right to reciprocate."

"Thank you for understanding."


The old man sighed deeply.

"As you know, due to severe drought this year, everything we planted withered away. We are facing difficulties in making ends meet. If you take away the grain, we won't survive the winter."

"I understand. That's why we intend to offer sufficient compensation. We will be generous in determining the value of the grain. You can buy grain from a nearby village using the compensation."

The old man bowed deeply, expressing gratitude as if to say that he understood.

"It's truly humbling that you even offer compensation for repaying a favor."

Baek Cheon's expression became more awkward.

In truth, he wasn't accustomed to such excessive politeness. He seemed to realize now that overly elaborate courtesy could make the recipient uncomfortable.

At that moment, the old man looked at Baek Cheon with a strange expression.

"However, sir, there's one thing I'd like to ask."


"Right now... Are you being chased by those wicked people?"

Baek Cheon hesitated for a moment before answering. He couldn't hide it, as it wasn't something that could be concealed.

"Yes, that's correct. However..."

"Oh my! Please spare us! I implore you!"

At that moment, the old man, groveling on the ground, cried out. Baek Cheon's eyes widened.

"W-Why are you suddenly doing this!"

"If those heartless people find out that we gave you grain, none of us will survive!"

"Ah... There's no need to worry about such concerns. That's why we completely erased any traces of our presence here. And the money isn't engraved with any names, so..."

Baek Cheon tried to calm him with a smile, but before he could finish speaking, the old man once again slammed his head on the ground.



Baek Cheon's face contorted in shock. The old man's sobbing continued.

"I beg you to save us poor things once and take the grain from somewhere else. I will tell you of another village nearby. Please..."


"If, by some chance, the fact that we did such a thing becomes known to others, we will all die. Even if traces can be erased, people's mouths cannot be sealed, right?"

Baek Cheon tried to say something, but the old man was quicker.


With tear-stained wrinkles around his eyes, the old man looked at Baek Cheon imploringly. The moment Baek Cheon saw that, his body lost all strength.

The old man tilted his head and said,

"There is no need to pay for the grain you just ate. So, as soon as possible, take everyone and leave this place. I earnestly implore you!"

Baek Cheon involuntarily shut his eyes tightly.