Chapter 1368: Do You Know What Shame Is? (Part 3)

"Which way? Again."

When Ho Gakmyung's voice was heard, Hyeong Wook was desperately trying to regain consciousness to move away.

'Why was I holding on?'

Why resist? A new question arose. Considering the time that had passed, he couldn't remember. Why was he enduring this harsh torture? What on earth did he want to protect? Was the man's words wrong?

No, there was nothing wrong with his words. Hyeong Wook knew that too. Those who left would never know he kept his loyalty here. Whether he died here or betrayed them for wealth and glory.

To them, Hyeong Wook would be nothing more than a passing, insignificant connection. People can easily give a coin to a beggar, but they don't remember that beggar.

Isn't it human nature to forget as soon as you throw the coin and turn away? Perhaps in the minds of those Mount Hua people, Hyeong Wook's name had long been erased.

So, Ho Gakmyung's words were right. If he were a bit wiser, it would be better to sell them out pretending to be defeated at this point.

He just had to close his eyes once. It wasn't that difficult, right? Compared to the mistakes he made throughout his life, it was a trivial matter.

He wasn't a saint, nor did he have a great spirit. He was just a struggling insect trying to survive day by day. So, wasn't this enough?

Persisting until the end like this, everyone here might suffer the consequences.

Was this really the right thing to do? Was this really the path he should take? The answer was clear. What he had to do was too obvious.

Opening his unmoving mouth, just chanting the two syllables "Nanjing" would be enough. Then everything would be easier.

And he could just live.

Even if he didn't receive the enormous wealth promised by that man, he could live like before. Tilling the fields, raising children, enduring hardship in the body, having someone to lean on—wasn't that enough for a simple life?

Hyeong Wook's mouth slowly opened. Nanjing. Just Nanjing. Just say those two syllables.

No one would blame him. No, no one would even know that he had done something to be blamed for. Anyway, since everyone in this village had abandoned the Mount Hua group, no one could criticize Hyeong Wook's conscience.

So, just utter those two syllables and everyone could regain a normal life. What's wrong with that?

"Tell me more precisely. Quickly."

Ho Gakmyung even provided the kindness of bringing his ear closer to Hyeongwook's mouth. Just whispering softly, enough so that he wouldn't have to shiver and be embarrassed, would be sufficient.

Hyeong Wook's father said, protecting one's conscience is something that those with strength can do. He now understood the meaning of that saying. So, there was no more hesitation.

Hyeong Wook weakly opened his mouth.

With force in his throat, he let out the two syllables 'Nanjing.'


However, what flowed out was not those two syllables.

Ho Gakmyung's face contorted like a demon.

'I don't know.'

Hyeong Wook couldn't explain the reason for this choice. Even if he were torn to pieces and received criticism from the villagers in the afterlife, he would just lower his head.

But why? Somehow, one part of his heart felt relieved and refreshed.

Ho Gakmyung's hand swiftly rose, and in an instant, something blue shone brightly.

As Ho Gakmyung's hand swiftly rose, Hyeong Wook couldn't help but smirk while witnessing the sudden brilliant blue light.


That hand descended towards Hyeong Wook.

'It seems I was a man with less shame than I thought.'


A massive explosion erupted. In an instant, dirt flew up, covering everything in a cloud of dust.

The villagers, who had been watching Hyeong Wook and Ho Gakmyung without breathing, tightly closed their eyes. Although the scene of torture was beyond horrific, they did not want to witness the final scene of the head exploding.

However, when the dust slowly cleared, a slightly different scene unfolded from what they expected.


Ho Gakmyung's hand was full of earth, tightly grasping only dirt. Then, from the hole pierced next to Hyeong Wook's head, he pulled out his hand.

His subordinates opened their eyes, slightly surprised.


"We've wasted time."

Ho Gakmyung straightened his posture. He looked down at Hyeong Wook, who was still breathing, with a cold gaze.

Baekbi rushed over and bowed his head.

"Commander, I will take care of it."

"Leave him."

Ho Gakmyung cut in with an indifferent voice.

"If he can't receive proper treatment, he won't last long anyway. There's no need to make his path easier by ending his breath."

"Yes, Commander."

There was no mercy in Ho Gakmyung's eyes.

If he killed Hyeong Wook right here and now, in the end, all it would result in was that he, who had failed to achieve his goal, had harmed the common people who couldn't use martial arts due to lingering anger.

"In the end, an insect is just an insect."

Ho Gakmyung left behind a chilling, malicious remark and turned his body.

"Commander, what about them...?"

Baekbi glanced at the villagers and asked. Ho Gakmyung waved his hand impatiently.

"Leave them be."


Baekbi, who had never played a role in settling disputes, hesitated at the end of his words. Given the current situation, shouldn't they at least enact punishment to maintain their reputation?

In the era of Myriad Man Manor, Ho Gakmyung would have undoubtedly wiped them out. But now, Ho Gakmyung's judgment had to be different.

"Have you forgotten the command given by Ryeonju?"


Baekbi was lost in thought for a moment and quickly bowed his head. Paegun Jang Ilso had issued a command not to harm the common people indiscriminately. Even if one or two were okay, meddling with an entire village was a direct violation of that order.

Others might get away with it as long as they don't get caught, but not Ho Gakmyung.

Jang Ilso was trying to gain the favor of the people south of the river, even spreading goodwill by handing out rice. In such a situation, Ho Gakmyung opposing his intentions by flaunting his insignificant pride was not only inappropriate but excessive, especially with just Hyeong Wook.

"Watching how the one who defies orders suffers and engraving that fact in your bones might not be a bad idea. But more than that..."

Ho Gakmyung said coldly.

"There will surely be traces. Search every inch of it."


As soon as Ho Gakmyung gave the order, everyone moved seamlessly. The look in Ho Gakmyung's eyes as he watched them was dark.

'A foolish mistake...'

Time was wasted. If it were a normal situation, the moment he thought the guy was enduring better than expected, he would have immediately given the next order. But this time, he couldn't make such a judgment.

Ho Gakmyung also knew. That it was an action born out of frustration.

Originally, Ho Gakmyung's strength came from his calmness. Unlike Jang Ilso, who boiled like fire, he was infinitely calm and rational. However, in this matter, he lost his calmness. There was no way to deny it.

Ho Gakmyung closed his eyes and let out a long breath.

'Mount Hua...'

If that man's promise to uphold loyalty was for another sect and not the Mount Hua Sect, Ho Gakmyung would have ridiculed the stupid commoners who didn't even know how to protect their own rice bowls.

But the moment the two words "Mount Hua" intervened, there was a strong desire to see them break with his own eyes.

It truly was a foolish stubbornness. What did it mean for one insignificant bastard to have his will broken?

Ho Gakmyung had been concerned that Ryeonju was excessively fixated on the Mount Hua Sect, but now it seemed that Ho Gakmyung himself was becoming even more obsessed with Mount Hua than Ryeonju.

"Commander! There are traces here."

"Attach the pursuit team. Follow immediately."


Ho Gakmyung slowly lowered his gaze. Hyeong Wook lay sprawled on the ground in a shape reminiscent of a clot of blood. Like a bug... no, perhaps worse than a bug.

"Was I defeated by a bug?"

Ho Gakmyung muttered with self-mockery as he took measured steps forward. As he moved away, the Myriad Manor members who had been waiting silently behind him also followed.

The Myriad Manor members, who had filled the village like a tidal wave, receded. At that moment, the nightmare-like time that had stood still in the village seemed almost like a lie.

Only Hyeong Wook's pitiful body left behind and the crimson blood staining the surroundings testified that the time was indeed real.


Those who had thought everyone had died without exception murmured in disbelief. Those who had been staring blankly at the direction where the Myriad Manor members had disappeared belatedly regained their senses and turned their gaze to Hyeong Wook.

"Hyeong Wook!"

"This person!"

Although they rushed hastily to the vicinity, no one dared to touch him and faltered. There was nowhere to touch him. There was not a single intact spot, and they didn't know where or how to help.

"Hey, bastard! You foolish bastard!"

Nevertheless, the old man grabbed Hyeong Wook without hesitation and pulled him into his arms. As if he already knew the fate of his own child.

"I told you...! Did I not say that it's meaningless! It's just a meaningless gesture, a favor, and whatnot! People like us will only receive anger, didn't I say that! You foolish... You foolish one! You...!"

The old man's desperate wailing echoed through the village.

Hyeong Wook's loved ones cried as if their minds had gone, and the young children were too scared to approach. They all sensed Hyeong Wook's fate.

"For people like us... for people like us, even that is greed...but why is it so hard to say that one word! You foolish... You foolish one! This foolish...!"

Tears streamed down his face, making his aged face even more sorrowful.

Whether it was because of those tears, Hyeong Wook, who seemed to have briefly regained consciousness, slowly raised his eyelids.

"Ah... Father..."

"Th-that's right! You fool! That's right, it's me! Your father!"

Hyeong Wook raised his hand laboriously. The old man quickly grabbed that trembling hand.

"You fool, pull yourself together! It's not okay to die like this! It's not okay to go like this! Even this old father is still alive, why should you go! Why!"

Hyeong Wook struggled to lift his hand. The feeble voice, almost inaudible, seemed like it could be cut off at any moment.

"S-sorry... fo-forgive..."

With those words, Hyeong Wook's head sagged. As the strength left the hand he was holding, the old man clung to his son even tighter and sobbed uncontrollably.

"Hyeong Wook! Hey, you! Hyeong Wook!"

The villagers, unable to leave the spot, one by one followed suit and wept. The village entrance was now filled only with the sound of sorrowful wailing.

And in that place, where all the Myriad Manor members had already left, there was still someone who hadn't left.

Yugong stood there, staring blankly at the weeping villagers. Countless indescribable emotions welled up in his eyes.