Chapter 1372: That's How It Should Be Done (Part 2)

The interior of the carriage was beyond luxurious.

Jang Ilso, lying lazily with a languid expression, turned his head towards the window on the wall.

The world outside, visible through a small window where only one person's head could barely protrude, seemed incredibly narrow. Just by looking at the small scenery, it was impossible to know where they were currently moving or where they were approximately located.

However, he felt no sense of confinement.

He smiled faintly as he imagined the ripples created by a small stone thrown into a calm lake.

Moreover, he was curious. How big would those ripples become in the end?

"Ha ha ha."

He chuckled as if enjoying himself.


At that moment, a cautious voice came from outside the carriage. Jang Ilso responded slowly.

"I'm listening."

"We've received a report on the situation in Gangbuk."

Jang Ilso's long eyelashes twitched faintly.

"Go on."

"Both the Ten Great Sects and the Heavenly Comrade Alliance seem to be aware of the situation and are making moves, but they haven't started moving in our direction yet."


"At least, it seems that the Heavenly Comrade Alliance is preparing to march, but there is no sign of movement from the Ten Great Sects. There's a possibility they might stay put for now."

Jang Ilso smiled as if it were not a big deal.

"This is when Gakmyung's absence becomes evident."

"I apologize."

"It's not about staying put; it's just being slow. Those so-called giants are probably afraid of making a mistake until everything becomes certain."

This was particularly true when it came to Beopjeong.

His assessment of the old man had been cemented during the Namgung incident. He was someone who hoped his sect wouldn't suffer even a speck of damage. No, to be precise, he was extremely wary of the responsibility coming back to him.

Such a person wouldn't act rashly in a situation like this, where everything was still unclear. Even if he had to endure some losses, he would wait until the situation became more certain. Then, even if he incurred greater losses, the responsibility he would have to bear would decrease.

It wasn't anything particularly surprising or strange.

It was a common characteristic of those who stiffen their necks, arguing about dignity and righteousness. It was taken for granted for those who wore the facade of a righteous sect.

Rather, it should be said that Mount Hua and the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, who responded like ghosts every time Jang Ilso made a move, were unbefitting of a righteous sect.

"And... Ah, never mind."


Jang Ilso became interested in the muffled sound at the end of the sentence. Even though there might not be any new information to hear.

"Do you have anything else to say?"

"Well, um, if it's trivial, it's a trivial piece of news, so I'm not sure if I should report it to Ryeonju-nim..."

"Go ahead and speak freely."

"Yes! Um... About thirty people have gone missing in the south."


"Yes. It's not particularly important news since those who went missing are barely of the lower class, but... Well, it's difficult to find the cause..."

The corner of Jang Ilso's mouth twitched slightly.

"Where is it?"

"Near Muju. In the south."


"Yes! We thought it might be the work of the Heavenly Comrade bastards moving north, but the place where the disappearances occurred is not uninhabited, and it's a bit far from the direction we predicted those guys would be. It doesn't seem like they have a reason to reveal themselves and engage in battle. There might be another cause."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Jang Ilso, who had been listening quietly, burst into laughter. It wasn't the eerie laughter that usually sent shivers down people's spines; rather, it was a laughter that couldn't be restrained because it was too amusing.

"Hahaha. Anyways!"

He stroked his face with long fingers, as if indicating that the frustration he felt towards Beopjeong's response had completely disappeared.

"Really, he's a child with a bad personality."

"Should we send an investigation team?"

"Leave it alone."

Jang Ilso, unable to contain his laughter, muttered to himself.

"It's an invitation sent to me. It's not something you guys need to worry about."

The difficult-to-understand words were met with silence outside the carriage, instead of any response.

Jang Ilso did not bother conveying what he had grasped. There was no reason to do so, and even if he spoke, they wouldn't understand.

In his ears, he heard this.

'I am here. Don't you want to come and kill me?'

The voice of someone saying that.


Unable to suppress his laughter, Jang Ilso chuckled again.

"I have no intentions of being seduced by a man."

Anyway, this time, the Myriad Man Manor suffered damage because of those Heavenly Comrade Alliance bastards. Of course, that damage could be entirely compensated by capturing those infiltrators in Gangnam, but...

"So, in the end, the calculation doesn't add up."

Even if the Evil Tyrant Alliance gained and the Heavenly Comrade Alliance suffered significant losses, they still couldn't stop the fishy maneuvers of the Ten Great Sects. From the perspective of the Evil Tyrant Alliance, even if they didn't suffer losses, it meant tasting something unpleasant.

And that was likely the same for Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, that is, the Heavenly Comrade Alliance's perspective. So from the perspective of Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, the biggest bait that could mobilize the Ten Great Sects was Jang Ilso, and...

"Are you the biggest bait that can move me? Tsk tsk tsk. Your self-awareness is too strong."

Jang Ilso smiled while looking out the window with a satisfied expression.

This was an interesting time.

Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword was trying to lure him out to make the Ten Great Sects move, and he was already moving as Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword expected. Although they had never had a conversation about this, they were both thinking the same way.

After getting used to dealing with guys who couldn't even react properly to obvious moves, he couldn't help but laugh when he saw someone trying to grab him by my hair and shake him.

"Even without your urging... it's already happening."

From Jang Ilso's perspective, there was no reason for him to watch the Ten Great Sects across the river idly. Like fire that becomes more dazzling with abundant firewood, it was a spectacle worth witnessing.

His long fingers tapped gently on his pale cheek.

"But Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword..."

The corners of his blood-red lips curled slightly.

"Be cautious. Because those flames might engulf you."

With a satisfied expression, he tilted his head back slightly and drowsily opened his mouth.

"Convey it to the Su Lo Chae. Tell them to move."

"Yes, Ryeonju-nim!"

"If those old folks with little time left are playing around, we should make them move even if it's by force."

Jang Ilso slowly closed his eyes with a content expression.

❀ ❀ ❀


Someone barged in, throwing away formality and raising their voice.

"News has arrived that the Evil Tyrant Alliance forces, including the Paegun, have reached Hwang Mountain!"

Upon hearing this, Beopjeong raised an eyebrow.

"Already to Hwang Mountain?"

"Yes! That's what the Beggar's Union has conveyed."

"...I see."


As the door closed, a sigh escaped from Beopjeong's mouth, as if waiting. Sect Leader Jonglihyung, who had been silent with a firm face, spoke up.

"If it's Hwang Mountain, isn't it the location they would reach Hefei immediately when moving north?"

"...Yes, that's correct."

"Well, how could this happen..."

Jonglihyung, with a distressed face, hesitated before asking again.

"Then, shouldn't we do something, Sect Leader?"

Beopjeong closed his eyes without saying a word.


Jonglihyung felt urgency looking at the situation right in front of him, but what was boiling inside Beopjeong was something else.

'Namgung's association with the Heavenly Comrade Alliance would lead to this kind of result!'

Originally, this situation would never have occurred. When they crossed the lower reaches of the Yangtze, the land they should have stepped on was Anhui. Originally, it was the place where that the Namgung Family should have held firm.

If the Namgung Family, who was known as the leader of the Five Swords, had preserved their power, the Evil Tyrant Alliance would not have easily invaded Anhui.

Even if the Evil Tyrant Alliance was formidable, if Namgung could momentarily hinder them, then Wudang and Shaolin sects could provide support.

However, the once sturdy fortress has now crumbled due to the Namgung Family's absence and the Wudang Sect going into Bongmun.

Even with the presence of the Wudang Sect, the Namgung Family's attachment to the Heavenly Comrade Alliance would be fatally detrimental. If they had only kept Anhui in check without moving to the river mouth, such a situation would not have unfolded.

'Namgung Hwang's miscalculation ultimately led to this outcome.'

Frustrated, Beopjeong couldn't help but sigh again.

At that moment, Peng Yeop, the head of the Pang Family, spoke.

"As sir Jonglihyung suggested, it would be wise to respond immediately. If we let them run rampant, the damage will become uncontrollable."

Beopjeong slowly opened the eyes he had kept closed.

'Paegun Jang Ilso.'

In a world with countless individuals, who else but him could torment people so painfully?

"What is the Heavenly Comrade Alliance doing?"

"They seem to be planning to move eastward following the Evil Tyrant Alliance, but they haven't set off yet."

"...They're uncharacteristically procrastinating."

A hint of irritation crept into Beopjeong's voice. Jonglihyung discreetly observed his reaction.

"I heard that Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword isn't in the Heavenly Comrade Alliance right now. Could that be the reason?"

Beopjeong unconsciously bit his lip.

Wasn't he truly a helpless fool? When that man was present, he was angered by his existence, but now that he was gone, it was causing him headache.

Predicting the actions of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, now led by Hyun Jong in the absence of the Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, would be difficult to anticipate for Beopjeong.

In the end, there was only one thing Beopjeong could say.

"Let's wait a little longer."

"Bangjang! We don't have time for that. If they really decide to attack..."

"I know."

The damage to the commoners would be inevitable, and Anhui would fall into chaos in an instant.

"I don't feel at ease as the sect leader. But... for now, even if the Heavenly Comrade Alliance starts moving, it won't be too late."

A sigh escaped Jonglihyung's lips.

Beopjeong might not be wrong. If it were anyone other than Jang Ilso, that is.

Why didn't he still not realize that the moment Jang Ilso's intentions become clear, it's already too late? Even after experiencing it so many times!

'Even cautiousness has its limits.'

While pondering words that he couldn't say in front of Beopjeong, Jonglihyung clenched his chapped lips.

"Ba, Bangjang!"


At that moment, the door opened with a bang, and someone rushed in.

"What's going on?"

Sensing that something had happened, Beopjeong opened his eyes wide.

"Th-the enemies are... the river...!"


He quickly stood up, scattering the papers on the table.

"Jang Ilso, who was in Hwang Mountain, is crossing the river? What is happening?"

"No, that's not it. Su Lo Chae! It's the Su Lo Chae!"

"What... what did you say?"

The face of the person who rushed in to deliver the news was drained of color.

"The Su Lo Chae's vanguard is attacking this place right now!"

Beopjeong's wrinkled face turned pale in an instant.