Chapter 1385: Of Course, Such A Thing Will Never Happen (Part 5)

"Do, Dojang?"

The disciples of Southern Island, who were running away, were bewildered when they saw Chung Myung running towards them from the opposite side.

"Keep going!"


However, Chung Myung's shout quickly calmed them down. Moreover, it wasn't the unpredictable actions of Chung Myung that confused them; it was the sight of Im Sobyeong, who was watching Chung Myung from behind like a stone statue.

Nokrim King Im Sobyeong.

He wasn't someone that the disciples of Southern Island would feel any closeness with. If it weren't for coming together under the name of Heavenly Comrade Alliance, they wouldn't even have met face to face.

That's why it was even more perplexing. Im Sobyeong, who always looked at everyone with a sarcastic attitude, now stood there with such a gaze.

"...No, Nokrim...."


At the voice of someone speaking, Im Sobyeong bit his lower lip. The fan that had always been leisurely held in his hand bent as if it were about to break in his hand, veins bulging.

Im Sobyeong's gaze, which had been watching Chung Myung's back as if ready to devour him, turned towards the bewildered disciples of Southern Island in front of him. He spoke coldly.

"What do you think you're doing?"


"Don't hesitate, follow him! Right now!"

"Yes, yes!"

The disciples of Southern Island rushed away without understanding a word. Seeing them, Im Sobyeong, who had glimpsed them, turned away from Chung Myung, muttering to himself.

'Damn it.'

No matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't understand. Why not just discard them? What meaning did southern Island have? Comrades who shared life and death? People who would eventually become a strength? What a joke!

Comrades, futures – wasn't it essential for one to stay alive first? If you need comrades, make new ones, and cultivate those who will be a strength. Nothing was more important than one's immediate life. No, nothing could be important.

But why should one risk danger for such things? What on earth went on in the head of that insane person?

At that moment, Yoon Jong, who spotted Nokrim King, asked with a puzzled expression.

"Nokrim King. Chung Myung...?"

Im Sobyeong, with a momentarily distorted expression, replied while forcibly maintaining composure.

"He'll block the rear. Don't worry about it and move forward!"

"The rear? Two people are already..."

"We don't have time for this! Break through the front! If you don't want to see the people left behind die!"

"Oh, understood!"

Yoon Jong nodded quickly and pounded the ground.

Im Sobyeong bit his lip tightly. He didn't lie. The urgent need to break through the front was a fact.

If they deviated from the plan due to understanding Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword's intentions and took different actions, it would lead to destruction. Im Sobyeong knew better than anyone that a plan without a clear decision on one side would bring ruin.

He glanced at Chung Myung once again. Chung Myung had already run far toward the rear.


Im Sobyeong, who eventually broke the fan by squeezing it, turned his head calmly. Without knowing that blood was oozing from his bitten lips.


"I know!"


At the same time as the sound of stamping on the ground resounded thunderously, dozens of powerful forces poured out from Hye Yeon's fist. It was a power that seemed overly dazzling for the generally solemn and heavy Shaolin martial arts, but precisely because of that, it looked even more threatening.

Those who were pushing forward with unstoppable force hesitated in front of that power. Hye Yeon's power desperately suppressed the imminent threat.

'But not for long!'

Hye Yeon knew. That there were limits to stopping them only with his and Namgung Dowi's power. At the moment, it was only about buying time for those who had gone ahead to get a little further.


Namgung Dowi's sword emitted countless bursts of white light. His sword was not much different from Hye Yeon's power. It was a flashy and huge sword, lacking in substance, designed solely to threaten and push back enemies.


The members of Myriad Man Manor staggered under the pouring sword energy. They didn't know how powerful the attacks of these two were. But the cost was fatal.



A sword pierced the neck of the person who hesitated and took a step back, protruding from his neck. The eyes of the person who had directly thrust the sword into the neck of his subordinate seemed about to burst with blood. He roared.

"Anyone who retreats dies at my hands! Choose! Whether you die at their hands or mine!"

Even after hearing this, no one could retreat. Everyone gritted their teeth.

"Charge, right now!"

Instead of a response, a beast-like roar exploded.

Hye Yeon, in an effort to kill the momentum of the enemies, unleashed his power once again.


Together with a resounding lion's roar, a majestic Buddhist aura surged forward, striking and suppressing those rushing like demons. However, even as their skin burst due to the pressure, the charging enemies did not stop.


Suddenly, in front of Hye Yeon, one member of Myriad Man Manor crawled towards him, covered in blood. The moment Hye Yeon noticed him.


In an instant, a flying red sword energy viciously slashed the member of Myriad Man Manor.

Startled, Hye Yeon turned his gaze. The figure of Chung Myung, who was charging like a storm, appeared.

"What are you doing, you idiots!"


Chung Myung swiftly passed them, leaping into the midst of the enemy.


Even as he ran forward, petals continuously spewed from the end of his sword. It seemed as if a path of petals was opening behind Chung Myung as he advanced.


Hye Yeon widened his eyes. He recognized it. How the pinnacle of martial arts was blended into that seemingly magical sight, visible to others as only a strange spectacle.

"Plum... Plum Blossom Sword Demon!"

"Kill! Don't retreat, kill him!"

The momentarily hesitating members of Myriad Man Manor rushed even more explosively. It was a natural response, as the archenemy of Myriad Man Manor, whom they should never forgive, had appeared right in front of them.

"Kill him! The one who beheads the Plum Blossom Sword Demon will enjoy unimaginable prosperity for a lifetime! Kill him at all costs!"

There was no way out anyway. If you retreated, you died at the hands of allies. Then the only option was to drive a sword into the body of that evil spirit, risking everything.

The members of Myriad Man Manor charged forward with explosive momentum. Their fierce assault resembled a torrent cascading down a waterfall.

In the midst of this fierce onslaught, Chung Myung's sword moved calmly. Small, very small. With the tip of his sword, he drew a delicate circle, and plum blossoms began to bloom one after another.

The plum blossoms that clung to the tip of the sword began to spread in all directions. At first, the spreading was so slow that the sight was hardly visible, but gradually, as the speed increased, it completely enveloped the surroundings. The scene of the entire area being covered was breathtaking.

Even the Myriad Man Members who witnessed it couldn't believe their eyes. 

"What, what...?"

The lush forest, the people in front of them, all were covered with plum blossoms. The world had turned completely scarlet.

"Look at that!"

At that moment, a gust of wind blew out of Namgung Dowi's mouth.

"Plum... fragrance...."

Certainly impossible, but it felt like he had smelled the fragrance of plum blossoms. The spectacle in front of him, where every petal was vividly visible, was so real that it seemed like an illusion.

Plum Blossom Sword Formation (梅花劍結), Plum Blossom Fragrance for Ten Thousand Miles (梅花萬里香).

The pinnacle of the swordsmanship of the Taoist School of Mount Hua. At this moment, the fate of a hundred years ago seemed to bloom again.

A truly dreamlike scene.

Even those who had been rushing forward with all their might momentarily forgot what they were doing. The petals flying through the air gently landed on their bodies.


His hazy consciousness was abruptly awakened by a sharp pain. Those who belatedly regained their senses witnessed a blooming spectacle of petals surrounding them, much like a subtle, permeating fragrance.

"Ah, no...!"


The plum blossoms scattered through the sky covered everything like flames. The hostility, the ones harboring the hostility, and even their screams.

Shattered and dispersed like pieces of broken jade, the plum blossoms vanished like an illusion. Having clearly existed yet left nothing behind, like the scent of a flower that disappeared without a trace.


As the plum blossoms disappeared before their very eyes, those who had turned pale lifted their heads and looked ahead.

The world stopped.

Those who had charged fiercely toward the Plum Blossom Sword Demon, and the Plum Blossom Sword Demon that faced them, stood frozen in their positions as if time had come to a halt.

It was a sight that naturally aroused suspicion. Could it be that they had already died? Is that why they were forever gazing at this scene?

And then it happened.

Thunk! Thunk! Thunk!

The petrified disciples of Myriad Man Manor crumbled simultaneously. It was as if time, which had paused, had started flowing again.


Overwhelmed, they forgot their positions and stared at Chung Myung with eyes filled with fascination.


It felt distinctly audible.

The movement of the sleeves swaying in the wind, the lingering tremor on the sword tip that hadn't yet cleaned up the match, and the steps of those feet that had just started moving toward this place.

Had they ever been so captivated by someone in their lifetime? Even with their full concentration?

This wasn't their own will. It was the sword captivating them all. As if being drawn into the sword tip was a natural thing.

At that moment, amidst the floating boundary between reality and illusion, Chung Myung charged towards them.


In an instant, the swung sword effortlessly beheaded the members of Myriad Man Manor who were still unable to regain consciousness.

Three heads simultaneously soared into the air, and red blood spurted like a fountain.


Before the smell of blood could spread, the laughter-mingled voice of Chung Myung reached their ears.

"You little bastards... dare to try to kill someone?"

The grim-faced Ho Gakmyung clenched his fists. He knew clearly that he was the one being coldly stared at by Chung Myung in the distance. Standing in front of that gaze made his body boil. It felt like anger and venom would burst out through his mouth.

Chung Myung lowered his head slightly.

"You still don't understand the situation. Neither you, or that little worm Jang Ilso."

Then he glanced around.

Even the members of Myriad Man Manor surrounding Chung Myung stood frozen. Taking advantage of that moment, Southern Island's main force was steadily increasing distance.

Observing the situation, Chung Myung, in contrast to Ho Gakmyung, revealed his white teeth with a smile.

"Kill them!"

Ho Gakmyung shouted loudly. It sounded like a scream.

"Definitely kill him! No matter what it takes, that person must be killed! Kill! Kiiill!"

As if contagious, the surviving members of Myriad Man Manor, who had emerged from the plum blossoms, rushed forward with their eyes flipped.

A rush of Myriad Man members aimed at a single person. At the end, Chung Myung gripped his sword tightly.