Chapter 1395: He Will Be Waiting For Us (Part 5)

"Commander! The Jung (丁) Unit has completed the encirclement! The Wu (戊) Unit and Ki (己) Unit are moving to their designated positions!"

"The Yi (乙) Unit is currently engaging in combat with the Plum Blossom Sword Demon! There's a high probability the encirclement will be broken!"

As Ho Gakmyung listened to the pouring reports, his gaze became increasingly cold.

The speed at which Chung Myung, the Plum Blossom Sword Demon, was breaking through the encirclement was slowing down. No, to be precise, the distance he could escape after breaking the encirclement was rapidly decreasing.

If it were in the past, one might interpret that he intentionally delayed the time for the main force to escape. But...

'Considering various circumstances, this is different.'

Ho Gakmyung's gaze sank deeply.

The longer time was dragged on, the thicker the encirclement around him would become. He was not unaware of the situation.

Being unable to escape even though he knew indicated a lack of strength to break through the encirclement.

That monster had finally come to an end.

Ho Gakmyung glanced around. It seemed the subordinates also sensed the same thing, as their faces were flushed.

A sigh, almost like a lament, escaped from Ho Gakmyung's lips.

"In the end... You were human after all."

The subordinates remained silent, staring at Ho Gakmyung. His voice contained many emotions.

Resentment and hatred. Relief that they had finally pushed their opponent into the net. Joy that they could finally fulfill Ryeonju's command.

However, anyone who heard that voice could sense a subtle sense of regret.

The second-in-command of the Myriad Man Manor. Furthermore, as the Commander of the Evil Tyrant Alliance, it was an emotion that should never be shown. Depending on the situation, there might even be a chance of failure.

But the subordinates did not point out that fact.

Not because they were afraid of criticizing Ho Gakmyung, but because they could understand his feelings after all was said and done.

"...No need to rush."

Ho Gakmyung said as if calming himself.

"Even if it's slow, cut off his breath surely."

"Yes, Commander!"

Just as Ho Gakmyung gained confidence and was about to move.


The sharp cry of a bird echoed above. Ho Gakmyung, narrowing his eyes, looked up.

'An urgent report?'

As if catching prey, the powerful bird pounced on Ho Gakmyung's arm, spreading its wings. Ho Gakmyung swiftly took out a message from the pouch attached to the bird's foot and read it without delay.

"...Heavenly Comrade Alliance?"

Soon, a bitter laugh escaped from his lips.

"I know recklessness is the trademark of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, but... this goes beyond that."

The subordinates who saw the message that Ho Gakmyung handed them stiffened their faces.

"Commander, this is..."

"No need to be surprised. They won't be able to do anything. But... we must prepare."

Ho Gakmyung adjusted the positions of the encirclement surrounding Chung Myung little by little and calmly gave instructions.

"We're going where he is."

"Commander, it's dangerous!"


Voices of dissent filled the air, but there was no change in Ho Gakmyung's expression.

"Is there a greater danger than letting him return alive to us now?"

For a moment, the subordinates stared at Ho Gakmyung with their mouths shut, then lowered their heads deeply.

"Lead the way."

In the end, the subordinates nodded.

"This way!"

As Ho Gakmyung stepped forward following the subordinate, his eyes sank coldly.

'I won't allow even a single variable.'

Chung Myung's perfect death. Throughout this entire journey, Ho Gakmyung's only goal was that.

❀ ❀ ❀

"Alright, hold on!"

Namgung Dowi urgently shouted. Inherently, his martial art was a sword technique based on a profound inner strength, crushing enemies. Due to the nature of swordsmanship, his attacks had to cover a wide range.

The problem was that every time he tried to swing his sword, someone kept intervening.

"Do, Dojang! Just a moment!"

"What do you mean, just a moment, darn it!"

Jo Gol, swearing with a fierce expression, rushed forward, sweeping away the Myriad Man Manor members with an explosive burst of red sword energy. Unsatisfied after knocking down more than three with a single stroke, he almost touched the ground as he lunged forward.


However, the attack from Seol So Baek, who had leaped forward before Jo Gol, was faster.


Seol So Baek's sword swept through the enemies like a reaper, white frost quickly settling on their bodies. The two seemed to be competing to clear a path.

No, using the term "clearing a path" might not be suitable for this scene. It was difficult to express it that way, for those who were leaping into enemy lines without checking if all the enemies were defeated or if they had finished them properly.

"Get out of the way! You damn bastards!"

Both of them swung their swords with malice.

In the midst of this precarious situation, Namgung Dowi urgently turned his gaze. He was looking for Baek Cheon.

"Alright, Deputy Sect Leader. Let's handle this for now..."

The person who could calm down these crazy individuals was none other than Baek Cheon.

But the Baek Cheon he desperately sought was not by his side.

"The one blocking will die!"

A sharp red sword energy shot out from the front. It was a sword energy that failed to become plum blossoms. With the intricacy essential for Mount Hua's sword abandoned, the sword energy carried only brute force, sweeping the enemies ruggedly and aggressively.

'Uh, when did he...?'

The system they had established since their journey from Southern Island to here had long become meaningless. Everyone was leaping forward, competing to create a path. Faced with this sight, Namgung Dowi could only be bewildered.


At that moment, behind him, a brilliant golden light burst forth.

"Hey, Monk...!"

Namgung Dowi forcefully threw his body to the side. The blazing light, narrowly skimming the spot where he had been, decisively overwhelmed the Myriad Man Manor members retreating.


In the ensuing explosion of energy, there was no trace of Buddhist mercy from the fire. The shocked Namgung Dowi turned his gaze towards Hye Yeon.

"M-Monk, that was dangerous!"

"What are you saying?"

"N-No, not just me, but Deputy Sect Leader was almost swept away just now..."

"He'll avoid it himself! If he can't, tell him to get out of the way!"


"Too slow!"

Suddenly, Hye Yeon's appearance disappeared as if extinguished.

'Is that Hyung Hwanwi?' [technique or god ig? '이형환위?']

As if he had teleported, Hye Yeon reappeared in front, wielding his fist with a roar. A fiery Na Hwanhwi unfolded, and his arms and legs swelled as if multiplying.

Lost in surprise, Namgung Dowi looked at the scene.

Yoon Jong, the calmest person in Mount Hua, was running wild like a demon, and Tang Soso, the youngest person in Mount Hua, was trampling on her Sahyungs to break through.

Strange, wasn't it?

No, it wasn't strange. Come to think of it, Heavenly Comrade was originally such a place. Didn't Namgung Dowi know that?

However, the reason this scene now seemed awkward was clear.

'Everyone has endured so far.'

During their journey from Southenr Island to here, one could see how much burden they had carried while suppressing themselves. Now, with only one purpose remaining—to seek justice for Chung Myung—everyone was revealing themselves without holding back.

They had already exhausted themselves.

But gathering all their remaining strength, they were fiercely pressing forward against the enemies. To reach Chung Myung, who was in danger, as quickly as possible.

'Me too!'

As Namgung Dowi, who was about to push forward, suddenly felt a heavy weight on his sword.


Turning around in surprise, he saw one person. Yoo Iseol, pressing her sword firmly against Namgung Dowi's sword.

"Iseol Dojang?"

Namgung Dowi was momentarily puzzled. It wasn't the time for her to step forward?

However, her following words were indifferent yet clear.






Namgung Dowi stomped on the ground with all his strength, swinging his sword with full force. Yoo Iseol, lightly resting on the sword, soared into the air like a leaf. Soon, she soared powerfully above the heads of the enemies blocking the way.


Yoo Iseol's Plum Blossom Sword traced an elegant semicircle through the air. The heads of those swept up in the semicircle rose one by one.

"Run faster, you snails!"

"Yeah, got it!"

Baek Cheon gritted his teeth and plunged his sword into the bodies of retreating enemies. Without waiting for them to fall, he surged forward, relentlessly unleashing numerous sword energies.


The more anxious he felt, the tighter the veins in his jaw bulged.

Even if he knocked them down again and again, these ant-like bastards seemed to have no end. No matter how much they fought, it felt like the enemy would keep replenishing forever.

Why was Baek Cheon feeling desperate now? It wasn't because facing them was overwhelming; it was because, for a long time now, Chung Myung had been facing them alone.

It was understandable. The fact that the opponents blocking the Heavenly Comrade Alliance were not formidable could be deduced. Considering their opponents were the Myriad Man Manor, it was an impossible situation.

It meant only one thing. Those skilled among the Myriad Man Manor had all been committed to chasing Chung Myung.

Could he endure it?

Of course, he was a monster. But, could he really outmaneuver their pursuit with just that body?

"Aaaah! Damn it!"

Baek Cheon shot a fierce glare with madness in his eyes.

He could escape. Of course, he could. However, Baek Cheon also knew. The guy would never run away in this situation. He would drag it out to the limit, only breaking free when pushed to the very end.

Even if the outcome wasn't favorable.

'Doing whatever you want, you son of a bitch!'

Baek Cheon's eyes sparked with murderous intent.

"Sasuk! There!"

At that moment, a scream erupted nearby, and Baek Cheon raised his head.

There, a group appeared. A group that wasn't facing the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, but something in the opposite direction.

Baek Cheon had a gut feeling.

He's there. If they could break through them, Chung Myung was behind them!

Because a siege like this could never cover a wide area!

Baek Cheon unleashed his full force and swung his sword.


However, his sword, unlike before, was instantly deflected by a blade that flew at him. Those who looked at him with fierce eyes roared, targeting Baek Cheon.


A vicious blue blade poured forth relentlessly.

Baek Cheon deflected those attacks, thrusting his sword into the neck of a Myriad Man Manor member standing in front of him.

One by one, slow but surely. Slow but piercing.


'Not enough!'

This wouldn't do. He needed to be stronger. He needed to be faster. Only then could he break through this path without delay.

"It's not enough, damn it!"

Eventually, his cry burst out. His face contorted with anger and desperation.

He was powerless. If he had been a bit stronger, he would have easily swept away these guys. If he hadn't been seeking help from Chung Myung, but rather, if Chung Myung had come to save him, he would have reached where Baek Cheon was already.

Just become stronger. Even if it took a long time, become stronger.

The resolution he had made sometime before now felt hollow at this moment. The moments when he needed to be strong always came before when he actually became strong. Hadn't he already experienced enough frustration against that wall?

An unwanted scene kept playing in his mind.

The figure of Chung Myung battered by the enemy's swords. And him arriving there too late.


Even if he died, he wouldn't see that!

At this moment, a surge of energy erupted from Baek Cheon's body.


"Hey, you madman!"

Incomplete Internal Energy Technique [no idea: 자하신공]. Baek Cheon pulled up as much as he could. 

Originally, the immature internal energy would eat away at the body of the caster. It was dangerous to do at any time. Especially in a situation like now where they had no room to spare, it was tantamount to suicide.


Yoon Jong and Jo Gol tried to grab him in a hurry, but Baek Cheon shook them off without a hint of hesitation and he rushed towards the enemies. A surge of red sword energy poured out from his sword like a sunset dyeing the western sky.

'Please, somehow, just stay alive!'

I will definitely save you. No matter the cost.