Chapter 1401: Infinitely More Than Enough (Part 1)

"Enemy ahead! Enemy, Commander!"

"It's the Mount Hua Sect!"

"Mount Hua is launching an attack, Commander!"

Urgent... No, desperate cries echoed. However, those cries did not reach Ho Gakmyung. Like a stone, he stood firm, eyes wide open, observing the oncoming assailants.


Faced with a situation beyond his imagination, Ho Gakmyung couldn't think or respond.


Why were the Heavenly Comrade Alliance and Mount Hua here?

It would have been impossible to track their whereabouts in this vast southern land, even if they crossed the Yangtze. So, how did this happen?


His lips trembled, and a suppressed voice flowed out. The murmurs finally turned into a scream.

"Why, why, why, why, why!"

The forest resounded.

Footsteps shook the ground, and with that resonance, hundreds of Mount Hua disciples rushed forward as one entity. The anger reflected in their eyes poured onto the Myriad Man Manor.

No one gave the command, and nothing was prepared in advance.

Yet, the determination of everyone converging towards one point naturally formed their formation into a single shape.

A wedge piercing through the enemy. No, rather, a formation resembling straightened swords shot forth towards the encirclement of the Myriad Man Manor.

"Here they come!"

"Block... No! Evade! Evade!"

Desperate cries erupted from various places. However, they soon found themselves face to face with Mount Hua disciples charging like fierce demons (修羅), emitting a fierce murderous intent.


A Plum Blossom Sword, engulfed in crimson energy, struck the neck of a Myriad Man Manor member, and their head soared into the air.


The beheaded Myriad Man Manor member, with a distorted expression of terror, collapsed to the ground.

Un Geom, which had taken a man's life in an instant, jumped into the enemy's camp at even faster speed.

"Rush in!"


Hyun Sang stamped on the ground violently and unfolded his sword. The dark red energy unfurled in all directions like a plum blossom.


One by one, the Myriad Man Manor members were pierced by the unstoppable energy. The two leading swords were powerful, and the subsequent onslaught of Mount Hua disciples' swords were even more formidable.


Crimson energy erupted like fireworks. If viewed from above, it would resemble a series of red plum blossoms blooming along the path the leaders were advancing.

A truly beautiful and fantastical sight.

However, that beauty concealed a deadly edge.

Squelch! Squelch!

Wherever the energy spread like flower petals in the sky, the bodies of the enemies were undoubtedly marked with bleeding wounds.


The eyes of Mount Hua disciples overflowed with a blue aura. Because it was embedded in their vision – their martial siblings, dying with wounds all over their bodies.


Not a single person raised their voice to condemn the enemies. Not a single person encouraged those around them. Instead, they channeled their overflowing anger and hatred into their blades.

Even screaming was a luxury. What they needed to do now was only one thing – to save their bleeding brothers and sisters. 


The crimson energy, refined and refined again, ruthlessly devastated the enemies. The disciples of Mount Huu turned into a single crimson sword, surging forward relentlessly.

"Block them! Open the front…"


Someone who was about to shout in panic fell backward. Unaware and still, the mouth of the one dying was pierced by a venomous dagger.

"It's poison!"

"It's the Sichuan Tang Family bastards! Argh! Duck!"


Somehow, they attempted to organize their formation, but with numerous hidden weapons flying overhead and deadly toxins exploding, there was no way to resist. The formation of the Myriad Man Manor members began to scatter.

"Protect! Don't let Mount Hua take over!"

In response to Tang Zhan's command, the disciples of Tang Family shouted with all their might. In the front, the disciples of Mount Hua turned into a single sword and shot forward, while above their heads, the Tang Family's disciples unleashed clouds of toxins.

It was indeed a deadly combination. Even if it were not the exhausted Myriad Man Manor from a prolonged pursuit from Southern Island but the full-strength Myriad Man Manor, it would still not be easy to confront.

"Why, why are those Mount Hua bastards here!"

"Don't, don't retreat, damn it!"

Those trying to retreat, those attempting to resist, and even those hesitating all mixed together, causing the formation to crumble.

Around the blooming red plum blossoms, flashes of green light were intertwined.

Then, a Myriad Man Manor member shouted.

"Damn it! Don't panic, even if they are a few, they won't be much..."


However, his body was immediately swept away by a massive white sword energy that came from somewhere. Revealed afterward were disciples dressed in sky-blue attire.

"Save Sogaju and his allies!"


Above the plum blossom forest, the blue sky spread. The Namgung Family's disciples, giving their all, surged towards the Myriad Man Manor members.

"Palace Lord! We've arrived!"

Following them, disciples wearing white attire like chilling ice and Beast Palace members, led by the Beast Palace's Lord Meng So, rushed forward.

"Sweep away the Myriad Man Manor bastards!"


With the thunderous roar of Lord Meng So resounding as if it would spread to the sky, the Beast Palace disciples charged furiously like predators aiming for their prey.

People calling each other friends. Those who referred to themselves as Comrades. They had gathered here. To protect those they must protect.


"Save the Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword! Now is the time to repay even a bit of his favor!"


Together with the shout of Southern Island Sect Leader Kim Yang Baek, disciples of Southern Island, led by Guo Hansuo, also rushed forward with all their might.

Their bodies were already exhausted, but those who discussed justice with their mouths and fought for justice with their swords had an essential task, even if their breath was cut off.

Those gathered with one heart and mind rushed like lightning towards the enemies.

"Damn it! Why here..."

"Block them! Blo..."

In response to the enemies swinging their swords like convulsions, swords continuously flew towards them.


A severed head soared into the air. Hyun Jong, who had mercilessly beheaded the enemy's neck, clenched the plum blossom sword tightly.

His children were right there.

Bleeding from head to toe.

Seeing how their strength was depleted to the point where they could not stand properly, Hyun Jong's chest was filled with an unprecedented and intense anger.

Who was it?

Who dared to make these children bleed?


The powerful sword, imbued with tremendous inner strength, swiftly cleaved through the exhausted Myriad Man Manor members. Warm blood splattered, dyeing the white hair, yet Hyun Jong walked the blood-stained path without a hint of hesitation.

This was the price he paid for hesitating.

The blood that should have been shed by him was now flowing from the children.

Who truly was he? Who made those children bleed?


Deployed with extreme vigor, the great sword.

A tremendous sword energy caused a massive explosion that made it difficult to stand in front.


At that moment, a sword coming from the side grazed Hyun Jong's cheek. Skin split and blood splattered, but Hyun Jong did not feel even the slightest pain.

What truly agonized him were not wounds etched on this old body.

Every single scratch on the children's bodies, every drop of blood shed here, pierced Hyun Jong's heart like a poisoned dagger.

"Ugh, ugh!"


Hyun Jong, who had struck down the enemies in a single blow, pounded the ground.

"Protect Great Sect Leader!"

The disciples of Mount Hua moved resolutely to Hyun Jong's left and right sides.

Even without explicitly mentioning it, his will was conveyed. Without the need for orders, they shared the same vision.

"Ah, block... "

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

The foreheads of those rushing towards Hyun Jong were inevitably marked with a greenish glow.

As the cool bodies collapsed between them, Hyun Jong moved forward. A crimson glow emanated from his sword.

"Hyun Sang!"


Hyun Sang's sword became his, driving away the enemies.

"Un Geom!"


Un Geom turned into his shield, pushing away those rushing towards him.

Hyun Jong advanced along that path. A path created by Mount Hua's swords and the barriers set up by Mount Hua's shields. All of them paved the way with a common will.


And towards the path he had broken with his own sword, Hyun Jong marched.

Thud. Thud.

Gradually, Hyun Jong's footsteps slowed down.

Thud. Thud.

And after a while, his feet finally came to a complete stop.

After breaking through all those who came to oppose him, Hyun Jong silently gazed at the people in front of him.

The view kept getting blurry. If he were to open his lips a bit, tears would flow... No, it seemed like an uncontrollable wail was about to burst out.


A vacant voice flowed out from someone's mouth, as if they couldn't believe the reality of him being here.


Approaching a bit closer, Hyun Jong firmly tapped the shoulder within his reach.


Jo Gol looked at him as if entranced.

"Sect Leader..."

Yoon Jong, Tang Soso, and Yoo Iseol.

Hyun Jong touched the shoulders of the disciples, who were still unable to let go of their swords. Finally, he stood in front of one person kneeling at the very back.

He gazed at him silently for a moment. Baek Cheon, who was clinging desperately to Chung Myung as if protecting him until the very end.

To say that his heart ached was an understatement. At the moment when Hyun Jong's trembling hand reached out, Baek Cheon flinched and moved his body slightly. Due to the movement, Hyun Jong's hand abruptly stopped.

"To Great Sect leader... I express my gratitude."

In the midst of it, Baek Cheon, who somehow managed to regain control of his body, nodded towards Hyun Jong.

"As Mount Hua's...Deputy Sect Leader Baek Cheon, although I wasn't able to complete the orders..."


"...I have followed the will of Mount Hua without deviating..."

Hyun Jong's hand, which had stopped, moved again. And soon, it rested on Baek Cheon's shoulder.

"More than enough."


"Infinitely more than enough."

This time, Baek Cheon's shoulders trembled subtly. Accepting that tremor as it was, Hyun Jong slowly nodded.

A soft smile bloomed on his wrinkled lips. It was the kind smile and tears in the eyes, an infinitely kind smile that naturally reassured those who looked at it.

"Leave the rest... to me and your brothers. Now that we're here."

The disciples of Mount Hua, who had rushed in crushing the enemies, surrounded their wounded siblings like a protective shield.

Staring at their resolute backs, Baek Cheon finally released the emotions he had suppressed. His eyelids became heavy, and soon, hot tears streamed down his blood-stained cheeks.

"...I accept your command, Great Sect Leader."

Just as Chung Myung was not alone, they were not alone either.

It was here. The place they needed to go.

The place they had to return to had found them and reached them here.