Chapter 1410: It Is Time to Wake Up From That Dream (Part 5)

Was it reckless? Or should they call it foolish?

Regardless, Baek Cheon's actions right now couldn't escape those two categories. However, no one watching his back dared to utter such words to him.

Anyone wielding a sword must consider their own end, as Chung Myung has always said. Those who hold a sword must remember that they too will one day be cut down by it.

So, how should one face an unbeatable enemy and an inevitable death?

Baek Cheon was now providing the answer to everyone.

Hyun Jong turned his head to look behind. A small sigh escaped him.


And this wasn't just about the story of the Five Swords. The disciples of Mount Hua in the rear, the disciples of the Tang Family, and the martial artists from Namgung and other sects, all were now looking at Hyun Jong with faces that had regained their composure.

"Why such an expression, Maengju-nim?"

Elder Han Yi Myung of the Ice Palace chuckled.

"Do you think we came here just because of your orders, without being prepared to risk our lives? You can't possibly believe that."

Many nodded in agreement with Han Yi Myung's words.

The outcome they faced was harsh. But no one harbored resentment towards Hyun Jong. Hyun Jong had done his best, and the choice to cross the river was their own.


"Of course, there's no one here who wouldn't regret dying. But..."

Namgung Myung spoke with a firm face.

"It's a hundred times better than watching the monks die on the other side of the river." [not sure?]

"Indeed, our Elder."

"Exactly. If Namgung dies, it dies; it won't do such things!"

The Namgung Family, who had felt the pain of being abandoned on Plum Blossom Island, wore refreshing expressions.

Hyun Jong bit his lips.

He knew. Most of these words were just to lighten his burden. Outwardly maintaining composure, but inside filled with inevitable fear.


At that moment, Tang Gunak spoke with a chilling tone.

"It won't be easy, but... we have to try. No matter how much the Myriad Man Manor may exist, the Evil Tyrant Alliance is different from us. Those who used to harbor resentment against each other won't be able to fight in perfect coordination."


"So, we need to create an opening. The Tang Family will take the lead. And coincidentally... it seems that the people from Su Lo Chae have almost arrived, so if we capture that ship, it should be enough."

The fact that Su Lo Chae was landing meant an increase in the number of enemies they had to defeat on this land. It definitely wasn't good news for the Heavenly Comrade Alliance.


But instead of pointing out that fact, Hyun Jong nodded.

"Yes, Gaju-nim. Let's give it a try."

Hyun Jong tightly gripped his sword.

Even surrender wasn't allowed. All that remained was to fight with all their might. Even if it was futile resistance, they would fight until the last person.

Unconsciously, Hyun Jong glanced at the elders of Mount Hua.

Whether his intention was conveyed or they already shared the same thought, their eyes also shone with the same determination.

At that moment, the disciples led by Kim Yang Baek pushed through, walking forward.

"If someone has to take the lead... it should be me."

"Sect Leader!"

"Sect Leader, if you do this..."

His knees wavered as if they seemed about to give way, but he remained steadfast.

"...You won't forbid it, right?"

A smile spread across Kim Yang Baek's pale face.

Hyun Jong couldn't possibly do that. Who could dare forbid it with Kim Yang Baek in front? It was an impossible task for any person.

"Sect Leader Kim..."

Kim Yang Baek's smile broadened.

"It seems like I've finally found my resting place."


"I've lived enough. Now, there's only one wish left."

Even without saying it, they could understand what his wish was. And it was also Hyun Jong's wish.


Now he seemed to understand. Why the ancestors of Mount Hua willingly faced death in that distant mountain. How they fought and with what emotions.

What they wished for was the survival of those left behind in a distant land. That must have been their only wish.

"Baek Cheon, step back."


Baek Cheon turned back with a face that couldn't believe it, but Hyun Jong nodded firmly.

It was true that for a moment, Baek Cheon led everyone. And it was undeniable that Baek Cheon has already surpassed him.

This was just... the stubbornness and pride of an old man at the end of a long life, nothing more.

"Disciples, step back. Elders, step forward."

"Yes! Great Sect Leader!"

Hyun Sang and the Un line advanced as the disciples stepped back. Even Hyun Young moved forward decisively without a word.

"Now, elders..."

And at the same time, Kim Yang Baek raised his voice.

"Elders of Southern Island, take the lead!"

"Namgung, do the same!"

"Young ones, step back! This is not a place for you!"

Those who held the position of elders, and even those who, despite not having the position, considered themselves adults, pushed aside the young disciples, and went forward without leaving anyone behind.

"Elders, this is..."

"Shut your mouth and step back!"

In the face of the sharp rebuke, those who tried to resist took hesitant steps backward. Dissent would not be tolerated. Those left behind bit their lips.

Hyun Jong turned to everyone and spoke.

"It's not that I'm telling you not to fight."


"It's just that our way of fighting is different. Our fight is to open the path. And your fight is somehow to survive and cross that river."


Who could dare to say that they wouldn't do it?

If everyone died here, that was the end. But if someone survived, the will would continue. Thus, the deaths here would finally gain meaning.

So how could one consider this a light fight?

"As for the Tang Family..."

Hyun Jong was about to ask Tang Gunak to step back, but Tang Gunak stood firmly by his side without saying a word.

"Now, are you going to belittle me just because I'm not old enough?"

Hyun Jong eventually smiled. Who could dare to say such words to Tang Gunak, the vice commander of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance?

"I am the head of the Tang Family."

"That's right... I was a bit rude."

"The pursuers are coming. We don't have time for long conversations."

Hyun Jong nodded and exchanged glances with Kim Yang Baek.

It was better if the end was clean. If this was their last stand, they should at least show a dignified appearance to their disciples.

Now, they just had to fight with everything they had!

"Heavenly Comrade Alliance, charge...!"

The moment Hyun Jong shouted with determination, a loud voice cut through.

"Ah... Maengju-nim!"


"There! Over there! Across the river! Oh, no! On the river! Look there, over there!"

Hyun Jong quickly turned to that direction. His eyes widened in disbelief.

"What... What?"

Unbelievable events were unfolding. Something that had never been imagined before was happening.

"Shaolin! It's Shaolin! Shaolin and Kongtong, Maengju-nim!"

Those who occupied the bank across the river.

Those who clearly knew they existed, but tried not to notice them.

A group of monks in yellow robes, the distinctive symbol of Shaolin, were rushing towards the river.

"Sh, Shaolin?"

At that moment, Hye Yeon's scream erupted like a cry.


It was clear. His martial brothers, who knew he was across the river but couldn't bring themselves to call him, were risking their lives and rushing across the river.

Tears filled his large eyes.

It was indeed Shaolin. His Sahyungs were coming to this place.

"...No, this can't be?"

"It's not just Shaolin! The Peng Family too! Kontgong is also jumping into the river! Support! The Ten Great Sects are supporting us! The Ten Great Sects are crossing the river, Maengju-nim!"

Hyun Jong's mouth hung open involuntarily.

It was unbelievable. That Shaolin... Were they risking their lives to help the Heavenly Comrade Alliance? Crossing the river to fight on this land occupied by the Evil Sect?

Who could have imagined that such a thing would happen?

But no matter how many times he closed and opened his eyes, the scene before him did not change. They were undoubtedly coming now.

Right across this river!


Beopjeong broke through the water's surface with a thunderous roar.

"All first disciples, restrain the Su Lo Chae! Elders, secure a landing point for our allies by the riverside!"



With each step on the water's surface, his body soared forward.

Below him, the martial artists of Shaolin, Kontong and the Peng Family were swimming with all their might. [lmfao] Beopjeong's face, staring across the river while floating on the water, twisted like a demon.

'Are you mocking me, Jang Ilso?'

Did Jang Ilso think he would retreat? Did he think they would simply watch without lifting a finger? Just like before?

If so, he was mistaken.

Beopjeong wasn't afraid of a fight. What he feared was defeat. More precisely, losing everything. So there was no reason to wait leisurely for an approaching defeat.

Until now, he had avoided fighting simply because there was a better way than engaging in battles. Now that it has come to this, there was no reason to hesitate in fighting to open the way.

'Hyun Jong!'

The gaze of Beopjeong moved beyond the Evil Sect towards Hyun Jong.

Nothing had changed. If only they could unite with the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, they could confront the Evil Sect and win.

As long as the determination to cross the river remained, the advantage was still with them!

'Shaolin won't burn!'

There were some things that must be protected at all costs.

Beopjeong would not hesitate to sacrifice his own body to keep those two characters 'Shaolin' intact.

So, what was there to fear? What was so great about crossing this river?

"Defeat the evildoers of the Evil Sect and save the Heavenly Comrade Alliance!"

Beopjeong's thunderous voice echoed over the battlefield.

"Yes, Bangjang!"

The monks of Shaolin also responded with all their might.

The highest sect in the world, Thousand-Year Shaolin.

For thousands of years, they had defended the Central Plains, and now, they naturally moved towards the place they should've been. The spirited chants emitted by them dyed the Yangtze River golden.

On the other hand, an eerie silence fell on the side of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance.

Perhaps this should be a moment of ectsasy. Perhaps it was a sight that would make their bodies tremble with excitement.

The face of Sorim, the leader of Gufla who did not fit well with Cheon U-myeong, was now risking his life to save Cheon U-myeong.

Because Shaolin, the leader of Ten Great Sects, who had always been in conflict with the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, was risking their lives to save the Heavenly Comrade Alliance at this moment.

Unfortunately, what was rising on the faces of those on the hill was more of confusion than admiration.

Jo Gol, who stared blankly at the unbelievable scene, finally muttered under his breath.


After choosing his words carefully several times, he couldn't help but murmur.

"...Did that octopus head lose his mind?"

It was an extremely rude remark, but no one pointed that out.