Chapter 1412: If You Truly Desired It, You Should Have Seized It (Part 1)



Ho Gakmyung's face, looking at the prostrating person, twisted strangely.

"He went to Sichuan?"

"Yes! Lord Ryeonju instructed me to report the situation as soon as the Commander arrives."

Ho Gakmyung lost words for a moment. As he lifted his head, he saw the Evil Tyrant Alliance's army withdrawing from Nanjing.

Even in the midst of chaos, what caught the eye was a person standing awkwardly in the center of the broken carriage.

Jang Ilso. No, someone with a similar appearance to Jang Ilso. That person was trembling in fear, wearing the unique attire and accessories that only Jang Ilso wore.

Ho Gakmyung knew exactly who he was. He had to know. The person who took advantage of Jang Ilso's unique appearance to ensure the latter's safety was none other than Ho Gakmyung.

- A Shadow Warrior? 

- Yes, Ryeonju-nim. It's absolutely necessary.

- Don't we have the Thousand-Faced Gentleman?

- He's not easy to use as one pleases. Please allow it.

- Huh, Gakmyung. You always worry too much and do unnecessary things.

- Ryeonju-nim.

- Well, do as you please. I probably won't need it.

"Ha... Haha..."

Faint laughter flowed from Ho Gakmyung's mouth. Everything unfolded in his mind as if he had seen the whole situation at a glance.


The chuckle, which seemed to be suppressed, gradually grew broader and became a huge, mad laughter that didn't suit Ho Gakmyung at all.

It was typical of Jang Ilso. It was so typical of Jang Ilso.

Deceiving everyone. The Evil Tyrant Alliance, the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, the Ten Great Sects.

And even Ho Gakmyung, who followed him closely.


Ho Gakmyung, who stopped laughing, breathed out for a long time.

'When did it start?'

No matter how much Ryeonju said, he couldn't have expected those Heavenly Comrade bastards to appear on Southern Island.

That meant he drew everything from the point when the Heavenly Comrade guys came to Southern Island and Ho Gakmyung chased after them.

In that short time, Jang Ilso had taken control of the whole world and played with it.

A chill ran down his spine, and shivers ran up his back.

"Ryeonju... Did he have any separate instructions for me?"

Ho Gakmyung, who threw the question, slightly narrowed his eyes. The person who anticipated this question raised his head and looked up at Ho Gakmyung.

"Ryeonju said... since the Commander already knows what he needs to do, there's no need to inform him."


"But as soon as the Commander arrives, he will have authority over everyone gathered here."

Ho Gakmyung laughed. Even that answer was very Jang Ilso-like.

Ho Gakmyung looked at the army of the Evil Tyrant Alliance with a cold gaze.

"Who is controlling them now?"

"Temporarily, the deputy commanders of the military are acting according to the orders Ryeonju gave in advance."

"Where are they?"

"To the left, at the center of Myriad Man Manor."

Ho Gakmyung's eyes sank coldly.

"I'm going that way. I need to regain control."

If Jang Ilso wanted to trample Sichuan, there was one thing he had to do. He must tie the feet of those here so that they could not go to Sichuan.

After that, of course, he would have to go to Sichuan himself.

"Move, right now!"

"Yes, Commander!"

A slightly strange light flickered in Ho Gakmyung's eyes as he moved quickly. Even Ho Gakmyung himself found it difficult to explain what emotions he was feeling at the moment.


Ho Gakmyung felt a clear uneasiness towards Mount Hua and the Plum Blossom Sword Demon. And he considered Jang Ilso to be overly lenient towards the Plum Blossom Sword Demon. He thought that perhaps someday leniency and ease might lead Jang Ilso to being stabbed in the neck.

Because of that, he clung to him, willing to kill him by any means necessary.

But even his earnestness in chasing him with the resolve to sacrifice his life was just a convenient pawn for Jang Ilso.

Someone's pawn. A strategic move that could be conveniently used.


'How can one not be amazed?'

He, Shaolin, Mount Hua, and even the Heavenly Comrade Alliance – how can anyone not pledge allegiance to the one who can turn them all into pawns?

Even if there were more people in the world than grains of sand, the only one who could create such a spectacle in Kangho was undoubtedly Jang Ilso.

Ho Gakmyung's gaze suddenly turned. The leaders of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, whom he had relentlessly pursued, were gathered there.

Although the distance was too far to recognize their expressions, he could tell without looking what kind of expression they must be wearing now.


Although they had been fierce enemies, at this moment, Ho Gakmyung felt compassion rather than hostility towards them.

If they had done something wrong, it was only one thing.

Turning Jang Ilso into an enemy.

❀ ❀ ❀

Suddenly, a heavy stillness descended.

The leaders of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance were all silent, standing still. The expression "at lost for words" is often used, but at this moment, that expression had never been more palpable.

"This... What is this..."

Even if they struggled to open their mouths, words wouldn't come out. The words that had been crumpled in their heads only stirred up confusion and failed to form coherent sentences. Only the words "bewilderment" and "despair" were vivid.

"What, what does that mean? Isn't Jang Ilso here? Then who is that guy over there? Look, isn't that Jang Ilso!"

Jo Gol, who was confused and didn't know what to do, finally shouted as if he couldn't understand. His fingertips pointed at a man in red clothing standing amidst the rising dust cloud.

"...It's not Jang Ilso."

"I mean, besides Jang Ilso, who else in the whole world would walk around like that with such a flamboyant attire...!"

Jo Geol, who was about to refute Baek Cheon, momentarily faltered at the end of his words. He realized something as he spoke.

There was only one person who walked around like that in the world – Jang Ilso.

Therefore, it was easy for someone to impersonate him.

If one wore that red robe and unique accessories and applied unique makeup, anyone in Kangho would believe without a doubt that he was Jang Ilso, even from a distance where it was difficult to feel his intimidation.

Without the need to go far, even those present here had also believed so.

"Why didn't we suspect? Why..."

Baek Cheon bit his lip.

From the moment he saw that giant carriage, he naturally thought Jang Ilso would be there. There was no other way. It was the moment when the fate of Kangho was being determined. At least in Baek Cheon's common sense, that was the case.

This wasn't Baek Cheon's fault. No one in Kangho could have thought otherwise.

At that moment, a voice like someone's scream echoed.

"Then where is Jang Ilso? Where is that bastard right now!"

Unspeakable anxiety engulfed everyone.

The Myriad Man Manor had suffered significant losses in pursuit of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance. The problem was that Jang Ilso was someone who would never suffered losses. If he had any intention of letting go of those who had chased him with such sacrifices, he would naturally impose more significant damage.

Then what on earth was that?

A prey larger than the opportunity to trample the entire Heavenly Comrade Alliance.

"No, it's impossible. Currently, there isn't a place in Kangho with bigger powers than here!"

Everyone nodded in unison at Namgung Dowi's shout.

"Then what in the world..."

At that moment, a weak voice was heard.

"That... that's not it."


All the heads of the leaders turned towards that direction. At the end of their gaze, Im Sobyeong sat with a vacant expression on his face.

"Not a bigger... it's not like that. This place was never a tempting prey for him from the beginning."

"What are you talking about, King Wang?"

"...If it were him, he would have considered Beopjeong crossing the river. In that case, even if the forces of the Evil Tyrant Alliance had gathered, they would've had to engage in a battle where the outcome couldn't be clearly known. Winning would gain a lot, but losing would mean the end of everything. No... even if he won, it would be a battle where he would have to endure tremendous losses."

Hyun Jong nodded.

Certainly, the combined power of the sects here was at least that much. With the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, Shaolin, the Peng Family, and Kongtong joining, it was by no means an easily beatable force even for the Evil Tyrant Alliance.

"But... he was never interested in such a fight from the beginning."


"Because he's that kind of person! Damn it, because he's that kind of person from the beginning! He ridicules going through a difficult path when there's easy prey to catch. To him, there were things that could be easily dealt with without shedding blood! Tender flesh that could be destroyed by overwhelming force!"

Im Sobyeong's tired face showed resentment.

This was different from the setback he experienced at Ho Gakmyung's hands. In the first place, Jang Ilso never even showed up on the board that Im Sobyeong was watching. No, even Im Sobyeong was just one of the pieces Jang Ilso saw on the board.

A feeling of despair swept over him, as if someone had picked him up effortlessly and placed him somewhere. Intense powerlessness engulfed Im Sobyeong.

"W-Where in the world is that?"



"Qingcheng! Sichuan. He's undoubtedly trampling over Qingcheng with the power he had hidden and the Hao Sect. Unlike here, it's one of the Ten Great Sects that hasn't prepared at all for war!"

Everyone's complexion turned pale. Im Sobyeong continued.

"And, of course, Emei nearby will be in flames. If he sneakily destroys Qingcheng, Emei will have to fight alone. If it's the combined power of the Myriad Man Manor and the Hao Sect, it's no difficult task to deal with Qingcheng and Emei separately."

Pin-drop silence settled on the disciples.


Countless things flowed through Im Sobyeong's mind like a painting.

The arduous journey from Southern Island to here, the desperate fight where they threw everything to survive.

But even that was just a cat-and-mouse game for Jang Ilso. While everyone's attention was focused on that noisy chase, Jang Ilso calmly walked into the inner sanctum of the Ten Great Sects with mud on his shoes.

"We've been thoroughly played. Thoroughly..."

At that moment, someone who had been quietly listening spoke.

"What's next?"


Yoo Iseol faced Im Sobyeong with an expressionless face.

"Qingcheng, Emei. What's next?"

"Next is..."

Im Sobyeong's head turned slowly. For a moment, everyone's gaze followed him to one place.

At the end of it, stood a person whose face had turned pale.

"...the Tang Family."

The head of the Sichuan Tang Family, Poison King Tang Gunak.