Chapter 1425: Is This the Sichuan Tang Family? (Part 5)

As Jeok-ho looked around the Four Seas Merchant Company, he turned his gaze back to the figure of Jang Ilso, who was walking away. He couldn't guess what thoughts were going through his mind as he looked at his back.



"May I ask why you let them go like that?"

The Jang Ilso that Jeok-ho knew wasn't aversive to seeing blood. Rather, he might be someone who has no qualms about seeing blood more than anyone else in the world.

The reason Jang Ilso didn't touch the common people was not due to some grand principle but simply because there was no gain in doing so.

If there was something to gain, Jang Ilso would trample over anyone – be it a commoner or a noble – without hesitation.

That's why it was puzzling.

Just burning down the Four Seas Merchant Company would already cause pain to the disciples of that mountain. Of course, it might not be a significant pain, but killing them wouldn't be a particularly difficult task either.

"If you think it's a waste of time, I'll go for a moment."


Although Jeok-ho cautiously offered his words, Jang Ilso muttered to himself as if he didn't hear. Soon, a strange smile appeared on Ilso's lips.

"Do you need a reason?"


"Then let's just say it's a whim."

A complex expression appeared on Jeok-ho's face. It was an answer that he couldn't easily comprehend. But Jeok-ho didn't ask further.

Jang Ilso asked as if surprised.

"You won't ask again? You seem to not understand."

"You already gave the answer."

Demanding Ryeonju to give an answer that he could understand was disloyal. Just hearing an answer was enough for him. Jeokho thought that was his duty.

Jang Ilso looked back at Jeok-ho and a mysterious smile spread on his lips.

"I know you dislike Gakmyung." [love triangle???]

Jeok-ho's face stiffened. It felt out of place. Why would such words come up here all of a sudden?

"That's the reason I keep Gakmyung around. If Gakmyung was here, he would've opposed me wanting to play with them. And he would've protected them without touching a single hair."


Jang Ilso laughed as if finding it interesting.

"If you had an enemy of your mother, what would you do?"

"I would tear them apart, no matter what it takes."

"A deep sense of filial piety. Tsk, tsk, that's no fun."

Jang Ilso shook his head as if disappointed.

"Well, then. What if someone is holding your mother as a hostage?"

Jeok-ho couldn't immediately respond.

The enemy of the mother must be killed. But how should one treat someone holding the mother as a hostage?

The more one values the mother, the less they can do. At least, it would be difficult to move freely.

"That's why Gakmyung would want to keep them alive."


"It's particularly meaningful for fellows like the Mount Hua disciples. As long as that company is in our grasp, they won't move recklessly. Do you understand? Inflicting revenge-like feelings is trivial. The important thing is whether they are useful."

Jeok-ho pursed his lips. It was indeed a valid point.

Qingcheng and Emei had already collapsed. And now, the Tang Family and Diancang would be settled. In other words, the entire Sichuan would fall into the hands of the Evil Tyrant Alliance.

Everything existing within Sichuan would become the possession of the Evil Tyrant Alliance. Rather than killing them outright, it was better to use them as pawns that could be utilized.

He saw the immediate present, but if it were Ho Gakmyung, he would've seen the future.

This was an extremely painful realization for Jeok-ho.

"Then wouldn't it be better to send some troops now to prevent them from escaping?"

"Leave them be."

Jeok-ho could only look at Jang Ilso with questioning eyes once again.

"Tsk tsk. You don't understand people's words. I just told you what Gakmyung would have done if he were here."

"If... What about Ryeonju-nim?"

"I told you. Just a simple whim."


"I just felt like it. Is that not allowed?"

Jeok-ho burst into a bitter laugh at that moment. Only now did he realize his mistake.

Jang Ilso was just Jang Ilso, and one should never dare to understand his thoughts and actions. After all, this person could not be interpreted with the thinking of ordinary people.

Jang Ilso chuckled.

"The important thing now isn't that."

"You're absolutely right."

What mattered to them now was undoubtedly the Sichuan Tang Family.

Jang Ilso's gaze became sharp.

"If you want to see a spectacle, you can see it at the Tang Family."

At least, it wouldn't be there.

Neither the whim or luxury named mercy.

❀ ❀ ❀

In front of him was a massive gate.

The Sichuan Tang Family (四川當家).

The calligraphy on the large plaque was truly heroic. Ilso's gaze, staring at the gate for a while, slowly shifted to the side.

Strange yet oddly familiar patterns were engraved on the gate.

'Plum blossoms?'

Plum blossom patterns on the gate of the Sichuan Tang Family. It was incredibly mismatched.

But the reason for the peculiar light in Jang Ilso's eyes was not the discomfort caused by those patterns.

"Is this... Sichuan Tang Family? This silent place?"

A moment of bitter laughter escaped from Jang Ilso's lips.

It was not just quiet but eerily static.

Of course, the Sichuan Tang Family might have been silent at any time. Moreover, those who greeted Jang Ilso would not have revealed hostility by screaming and showing animosity. Even if they were full of the intention to fight, it was normal to hold one's breath and target him.

But this silence didn't come from a resolute determination. This... was a silence that came when there were no people.


"Rye, Ryeonju-nim, there's smoke..."

Jang Ilso chuckled.

Beyond the large gate, black smoke was rising from various places in the Sichuan Tang Family. It seemed as if a calamity had already passed by.

Another enemy? Could there be such a thing?

During the journey to the Sichuan Tang Family, not a single enemy was encountered at Dangata. Just by seeing this, one could guess what had happened here.

Jang Ilso's expression slightly twisted.

'The Sichuan Tang Family...'

He considered the members of the Tang Family as those who wouldn't leave their territory, but did his judgment go wrong?

"Anyway, I should check it out."

Jang Ilso nodded towards the front.

"Open it."



The gate that had long guarded the Sichuan Tang Family shattered into pieces.

As the revealed scene unfolded, everyone could not help but wear a pale expression.

Not a single ant cub could be seen inside the Tang Family. And the majestic halls that were supposed to be filled with splendor were half-burnt and on the verge of collapsing. It seemed as if they would become a heap of ashes soon.

"This is..."

If someone had only seen this scene, they would never have believed that this place was the renowned Sichuan Tang Family, their reputation shaking across the entire Central Plains.


While everyone was searching for words, Jang Ilso raised his head as if absurdly and shook it as if to say, 'This is ridiculous.'

"Should I say they took a big hit with this? I never imagined the illustrious Tang Family members would escape turn their backs and run away."


"They even burned down the master's quarters. This makes me feel quite empty."

Jang Ilso laughed as if finding it amusing. But others couldn't bring themselves to laugh.

Who would have imagined that the Tang Family would do such a thing?

"This is unbelievable..."

Jeok-ho bit his lips.

Other sects might do such a thing, but not the Tang Family. Wasn't the Tang Family a place where, due to its characteristics, people could leave their family?

"Search everywhere!"

A fierce voice erupted from Jeok-ho's mouth.

"They might be in disguise. There's no way they would abandon their weapons and poison. Confirm where they set the fire, and make sure they are not hiding! Right now!"


Except for the Honggyeons escorting Jang Ilso, all other members scattered in all directions.


Jang Ilso clicked his tongue briefly.


Of course, he wasn't a god. So, his expectations being off the mark was nothing special.

But this situation was different. A peculiar sense of frustration twisted Jang Ilso's insides.

'I don't understand.'

Sichuan Tang Family deviating from his expectations, setting their own quarters on fire and fleeing? That could certainly be a possible situation.

What bothered Jang Ilso was the sense of urgency evident in the scene before him.

If they had really decided to leave this place, they would have burned it more thoroughly. They wouldn't have left anything for the Evil Tyrant Alliance to use.

Then what is the confusion scattered throughout these halls?

It was almost like traces left behind by those who were pushed to leave without such intentions to do so.

"Ah, there's nothing here!"

"All places that seem like their poison storage burned down! All sorts of poisons inside burnt thoroughly!"

"The weapons in the armory are now unusable. It seems like they set the armory on fire themselves."

Confused voices echoed from all around.

Jeok-ho's face twisted, but Jang Ilso just smiled. It was the moment he was about to issue an order to stop the useless actions.

"Ryeonju-nim, over here...!"

Jang Ilso's eyes narrowed.

"There... there's a person!"

The face of the one rushing over to report looked complicated. As if at a loss for words on how to explain the situation. Jang Ilso took a step forward.

"Let's go and see."


It was not a loud sound.


But that sound spread widely beyond the quiet armory. It seemed fragile and might break soon, but it was resolute and extensive.


The armory, almost turned into ashes, with half of it already turned into a heap of ashes. In the center of that armory, where it seemed it might collapse any moment, an old man was swinging a hammer. In front of him was a small furnace.

The hammer, which had shot up into the air, fell down at once, striking the hot iron on the anvil.


Using tongs, the old man delicately handled the heated iron near his face. Murky yet clear eyes, seeming stifled yet profound.


The old man struck the hammer again.

Drawn by that sound, even the elite Myriad Man Manor members gathered around him one by one. However, the old man continued hammering without turning his head as if there were only him and the furnace in the world.

It was a strange sight.

Even if he wasn't the strongest in the world, it was still strange to see the elite members of Myriad Man Manor, who are undoubtedly formidable, not lifting a finger against an enemy.

And then, Jang Ilso, looking at the old blacksmith, opened his mouth.

"What is this... another bizarre act?"

His face twisted as if in disbelief.