Chapter 1435: You'll Have To Kill Me First (Part 5)

Jeokho's eyebrows twitched slightly. The first words that caught his ears were the two words, 'Southern Edge.'

'Southern Edge is here?'

Of course, the possibility of Southern Edge appearing was taken into account. No matter how well they closed their gates, once the Evil Tyrant Alliance officially entered Shaanxi, they couldn't just sit and watch.

But the Evil Tyrant Alliance hadn't set foot on Shaanxi yet. Nevertheless, someone claiming to be part of the Southern Edge Sect appeared in the Sichuan territory. That alone was enough to twist his insides.

However, what truly disturbed Jeokho's inner balance was not the name Southern Edge but the man standing in front of him.

He had never heard this man's name before. Someone who hadn't made a name for themselves in the martial world. Moreover, judging by appearances, he was still quite young.

So, dealing with him should have been a simple matter. Strangely, Jeokho's movements were not as easy as he had thought.

Could it be that he was overwhelmed by the aura of this young man? No, that couldn't be. He was Jeokho, and he wouldn't be outshone by someone so inexperienced.

Yet, there was a single reason why he couldn't easily handle the situation.

'There aren't any openings.'

It felt like facing a massive wall. Sure, people swinging swords at rocks were not uncommon, but if the condition was to split the rock with a single blow, no one would easily deflect the sword.

Just like Jeokho at this moment.

"Southern Edge's Lee Songbaek..."

Jeokho, who bit his lip, glared at Lee Songbaek with cold eyes. A silence without a hint of wavering, even with Lee Songbaek standing before him.

"Are you trying to stop us alone?"

"...I never said I was alone."

Jeokho's eyes narrowed slightly. Lee Songbaek met Jeokho's gaze without flinching.

"There are others coming a bit later."

As if to prove his words, a group quickly approached from behind Lee Songbaek.


A man in white robes leaped forward, landing next to Lee Songbaek, shooting a glance at Jeokho. Unlike Lee Songbaek, he possessed a sharp aura, like a blade.

"I didn't know you liked to stand out so much."

As the man spoke, Lee Songbaek kept his gaze fixed on Jeokho, lowering his head slightly.

"I apologize, Sahyung. I was in a hurry."


The man chuckled disdainfully, casting a fleeting glance at Jeokho.

"Clearly, we're a bit late."

Jeokho's face momentarily contorted. The man who dared to turn his gaze away in front of Jeokho, someone who had just crossed thirty, was an audacious act.

Yet, at the same time, Jeokho had to admit. The insolent attitude strangely suited this man.

Perhaps it was because of his flamboyant appearance. Even though he wore a simple robe like Lee Songbaek, this man's atmosphere was completely different.

If Lee Songbaek was like a sturdy tree that had grown, this man was like a splendid palace adorned with decorations.

One thing was certain; even in their different martial arts styles, an undeniable strength emanated from both of them.

'Is this Southern Edge?'

A shiver ran down Jeokho's spine.

If disciples of the likely youngest two generations were this formidable, how powerful would Southern Edge's elders or top disciples be?

The saying that the core of the Ten Great Sects was Shaolin, Wudang, and Southern Edge, seemed to be not an exaggeration.

Tak! Tak!

Soon, dozens of swordsmen gathered around these two figures.

"Great Sahyung!"

"No need for lengthy words. We will..."

"Sahyung, do not forget the Sect Leader's request."

At the words thrown heavily from the side, the flamboyant man interrupted, clicking his tongue lightly. Then he spoke.

"The priority is to save people. Do not act recklessly."


Jeokho's gaze sank involuntarily.

'Good grief.'

The remnants of the Tang Family passed by Southern Edge. However, Jeokho couldn't catch them. If he moved, Southern Edge's sword would catch his ankle.

'Why now!'

Jeokho bit his lip unknowingly in frustration. Then, in an instant, his eyes flashed with determination.

'No matter who the opponent is, I will uphold my honor.'

Jeokho's internal energy surged momentarily. A calm voice echoed.

"Step back."

Jeokho turned his head to look at the one who spoke. Before he knew it, Jang Ilso had passed by the struggling elders and had come close to him.

Step back? At this point? Just for a few of them?

Jeokho's eyes momentarily flashed with resentment. His grip tightened on the sword hilt.

However, that momentary anger froze instantly when he heard the chilling voice that followed.



"Can't you hear me?"

Jeokho, who briefly glanced at Lee Songbaek and Jin Geumryong, bit his lips and struck the ground. Standing next to Jang Ilso, who had descended, he slightly bowed his head.

"I apologize."

"No. I understand. Because I am boiling inside too. But..."

Jang Ilso's eyes flickered strangely as he looked at Lee Songbaek, Jin Geumryong, and the disciples of Southern Edge gathered around them.

"There's no other choice. Desire may be good, but greed invites trouble. Behind every young tiger, there must be a mother. She'll probably arrive soon."

Jeokho's face hardened. Mother tiger. That must refer to Southern Edge's main force. It meant that Southern Edge's main force was now pushing into this territory.

"And those coming here are not only them. Some really dangerous individuals are on their way."

At those words, Jeokho closed his eyes.

Certainly, those were not untrue words.

Even if they could deal with Southern Edge, there might be the arrival of the Mount Hua Sect or even the Tang Family.

The Myriad Man Manor was strong, but strength was relative. Dealing with Mount Hua, Southern Edge, and the Tang Family would completely change their positions. Perhaps the Evil Tyrant Alliance would have to make a desperate escape from the land of Sichuan.

"It's a bit regrettable, but... overindulgence is forbidden. Shall we go back now?"

"...Ryeonju-nim's words are undoubtedly correct. But, wouldn't it be better to eliminate those bastards at least?"

Jeokho's eyes turned towards Lee Songbaek and Jin Geumryong. Jang Ilso, seemingly moved by those words, glanced at the two with a strange look.

"Not a bad idea, but... you should have said it earlier. It's already too late."


At that moment, some individuals flew in behind Southern Edge's disciples.

"Look. That's why I dislike old folks."

As everyone's attention focused on Southen Island, a few elders from the Tang Family joined, guarding Southern Edge's rear.

They had left the battle when it began and reappeared with Southern Edge's arrival. Observing the elders, Jeokho asked with a puzzled expression.

"That's a few people at best."

"Tsk tsk. That's why you always end up losing."

"What do you mean?"

"Pride is a shortcut to hell. Of course, standing alone on open ground, the Tang Family is nothing. You can trample them as much as you want. But once the Tang Family, armed with a shield, obtains the high ground, they become an unyielding enemy."


"The more cowardly a martial artist is, the more outstanding he becomes. In that sense, those old folks must be amazing, right?"

The elders' faces turned red at those words.

"The shield may be small, but it is not to be underestimated. This can't be as easily resolved as I wish."

Jang Ilso sighed exaggeratedly, and Jin Geumryong spoke up.

"The Evil Sect guys talk too much."


"If you're confident, come at us. We'll gladly cut your throats."

Jang Ilso, with an arrogant gaze, let out a deep chuckle.

"Nice words. But when you say them with your butt sticking out like that, it loses some impact." [lmfao]

"What did you say?"

A fierce expression appeared on Jin Geumryong's face. Before he could explode, Lee Songbaek quickly spoke.

"You! Are you okay with killing so many people without a care?"

Jang Ilso's eyes met Lee Songbaek's.

"Do you think I would?"


"I am enjoying it. Very much."

This time, Lee Songbaek's murderous intent also rose.

Paegeun Jang Ilso, the man who staine the world red while Southern Edge was in Bongmun. At the thought of it, he wanted to cut his throat right away, but...

'He's strong.'

It was evident. Jang Ilso was fiercely strong. His entire body tingled. Honestly, with everyone risking their lives, he wasn't certain they could handle him.

Jang Ilso looked at the rings on his fingers with a leisurely gaze and slowly turned them.

"Well, it seems the rabbit is quite audacious."

Then, he shrugged his shoulders.

"But trying to fix the habits of a few audacious rabbits might end up making me a trapped fox. Let's go back. Before the scary tiger arrives."


Jeokho silently nodded. He still didn't fully understand, but Jang Ilso's decision must have a firm reason.

At that moment, Jang Ilso turned around with exaggerated movements, sneering.

"And, Jeokho, this victory isn't as great as you think."

Jeokho, with a puzzled face, soon understood those words.

The scene revealed on the blood-stained ground, where the poisonous mist had cleared, was slightly different from his expectations. The elite members of the Myriad Man Manor, who had charged fiercely and cut down their enemies with vigor, were now scattered all around, convulsing in agony.

"Cough... Cough..."

Foam of red and black constantly flowed from their mouths. Those who had convulsed so much that their bones seemed to ache were unable to overcome the pain, tearing at their own bodies and clawing at their exposed entrails. The red entrails exposed in this way were quickly stained black.


A groan involuntarily escaped from Jeokho's mouth. When did this happen...

The number of fallen was over fifty. Under normal circumstances, he might not have paid much attention, but the elite warriors who entered to confront them were carefully selected from the Myriad Man Manor itself.

Losing around fifty elites in the process of dealing with just twenty elders was a clear sign that this battle was by no means a profitable business.

Jang Ilso, upon seeing Jeokho's reaction, burst into laughter.

"Did the Tang Family seem amusing to you? People who fight like petty Evil Sect people."

Jeokho remained expressionless and shook his head. He had experienced poison in Evil Sect fights as well, so he knew how to neutralize it. However, he felt it now. The venom they faced against the Tang Family was fundamentally different.



At Jeokho's words, Jang Ilso's gaze became somewhat ominous. It seemed as if he was scolding Jeokho, questioning whether this was the judgment he should make now.


"Tsk, so much for your kindness."

Jang Ilso took slow steps.

Under his feet were the elders of the Tang Family who had been tortured to death and his subordinates who were poisoned and convulsing. They were his subordinates nurtured with great care. Now, they were suffering from the poison, convulsing, and writhing in agony.

"True kindness is not like that. This is Sichuan, isn't it? And the enemy will arrive soon. In such a situation, kindness is..."

Jang Ilso stared down at his convulsing subordinates. The desperate eyes of the poisoned subordinates followed him, and Jang Ilso smiled a gentle smile.

"Yes, I am here."


Jang Ilso's foot severed the neck of the convulsing subordinate in an instant. The subordinate, writhing once, soon fell silent.

Jang Ilso spoke with calmness in his voice.

"Do you understand now?"

At that moment, the rings on both of his hands turned into flashes.

Thud! Thud!

The flying rings pierced through the throats of the convulsing ones, silencing them instantly.

"Lord Ryeonju..."

"This is mercy."

With a cold gaze, Jang Ilso looked down at his subordinates who had just been executed. Then he turned his head to sharply observe the disciples of Southern Edge who were still on guard.

'Southern Edge.'

Even if they moved as soon as they heard the news, it would take more time for them to come here. Apparently, the sluggish buttocks were quite agile now.

"This is why the world is interesting. There are always variables."

Lee Songbaek, Jin Geumryong, and the formidable force approaching from a distance. Jang Ilso, who had them all in his eyes, turned his gaze without any hesitation.

"Now, let's..."

As Jang Ilso was about to casually say a word, he suddenly widened his eyes and turned his head sharply.

Jeokho and Hongyeon were surprised at his reaction. It was rare for Jang Ilso to show such a response.


Jang Ilso's eyes narrowed slightly.

Suddenly, a murderous aura swept over from afar. Not only Jang Ilso but everyone turned their heads to look in one direction. The overwhelming aura swept through that direction.

From the edge of the desolate land, something revealed itself. Although it was so far away that it looked like a dot, Jang Ilso knew exactly what it was.

"Well, I expected this. I could have died here if it had been a moment later."

Jang Ilso, who laughed away the situation, turned his body around. Then, a terrifying roar echoed from a distance.

"Jang Ilsooooo!"

It was a scream so fierce that made everyone's bodies stiffen. However, Jang Ilso calmly shook his head.

"Let's withdraw. Before the fangs of that tiger pierce my neck."

The sword aimed at his throat.

Seeing the sword named Chung Myung, one corner of Jang Ilso's mouth tilted upwards.