Chapter 1437: Alright, I'll Remember That (Part 2)

"We survived?"

Tang Sangsoo, the overall manager of the Tang family [forgot this character and how to spell his name], who had led the family members somehow, murmured blankly as he watched the retreating Myriad Man Manor.

Even seeing it with his own eyes, it was hard to believe. Despite the arrival of the Southern Edge Sect advance team and subsequently the Mount Hua Sect, the number of Myriad Man Manor members was overwhelming.

If Jang Ilso had the mind to do so, he could have easily annihilated everyone here. However, Jang Ilso surprisingly withdrew without any hesitation. It was so clean that one might wonder why he bothered chasing the Sichuan Tang Family in the first place.

They survived. Yes, they were alive now.


The development was far from what was expected. Instead of relief, questions flooded Tang Sangsoo's mind. But in the subsequent unfolding of events, Tang Sangsoo's questions were naturally answered.

"Sir, there! Over there!"

At someone's shout, he raised his head.


Soon, his eyes widened. A massive cloud of dust approached, kicked up from a mass of people rushing towards them. The moment he saw the familiar figure at the forefront, a cry mixed with tears burst from Tang Sangsoo.


The Poison King, Tang Gunak. He was running, leading the elites that had temporarily vacated the Tang family. They were even accompanied by the swordsmen of the Mount Hua Sect.

"They're coming from there too."

This time, Tang Sangsoo's gaze turned north. Another group of martial artists was approaching from there. The Southern Edge's advance team reacted. They were undoubtedly the swordsmen of the Southern Edge Sect.

"Southern Edge is here! Southern Edge!"

Strangely, the Mount Hua Sect, the Tang family, and the Southern Edge Sect seemed to have arrived at the same time as if they had planned it.


Only then could Tang Sangsoo understand why Jang Ilso withdrew so easily. Even if the Myriad Man Manor led many forces, it would have been impossible to handle the simultaneous pressure from Mount Hua, the Tang Family, and Southern Edge.


Finally, strength left Tang Sangsoo's legs. In any case, he had escaped the deadly trap of Myriad Man Manor.


"Gaju-nim! We're here, here!"

Upon Tang Gunak's shout, Tang Sangsoo hurriedly stood up and shouted back. Tang Gunak, who spotted him, rushed towards him like the wind.


Tang Gunak's eyes twitched slightly.

"Ga, Gaju-nim."

He saw numerous corpses around. Elders who sacrificed themselves to block Myriad Man Manor, skilled artisans who perished in screams under the Myriad Man Manor's forces.

Even those who survived were in a pitiful state. Children cried until they couldn't breathe, and exhausted women, in their attempts to comfort the children, had no strength left in their fingers.

It was tragic and miserable.

They had avoided complete annihilation, but it was not a situation where the damage was minimal. Who would have imagined that the Tang family, the great Tang family, would face such a situation?

"I'm sorry, Gaju-nim."

Tears poured from Tang Sangsoo's eyes. If he had been a little wiser, if his decision had been a little faster, these people might not have died. Faced with the corpses of these people, what could he, alive, possibly say to the Gaju-nim?

"I failed to stop the disciples from dying! I, I failed to prevent the Tang family from burning, and the workshops and poison factories from collapsing. My decision was late, and I lost everything..."

Tang Sangsoo burst into tears, shouting with his whole body.

"Kill me, please! Gaju-nim. Kill me..."


At that moment, Tang Gunak grabbed Tang Sangsoo's shoulders tightly. As if telling him that such words shouldn't be spoken.

"Don't say such things."


"Instead, people are alive. That's enough. Poison and hidden weapons aren't more important than human lives."

"Good job."

Upon Tang Gunak's words, Tang Sangsoo collapsed on the spot, sobbing. Tang Gunak looked down at him, biting his lips.

"Check and attend to the injured and exhausted ones! Immediately!"

"Yes, Gaju-nim!"

The furious faces of the Tang family's martial artists, who had been grinding their teeth, responded in unison and scattered.


"Mother! Mother, where are you!"

"Those who are injured, come here! No, I'll go. Just point me in the direction!"

Tang Gunak turned his head as he observed Tang Sangsoo, who was looking at his subordinates-turned-parents and children. There, he noticed one person alone in front of him.

Chung Myung was sitting down as if he didn't have the strength left even to raise a finger. Tang Gunak sighed deeply and approached him.

"Where is Jang Ilso?"

"He left."

Chung Myung spoke without even glancing at Tang Gunak.

"He smiled condescendingly and pulled his ass out without any hesitation."

Tang Gunak's thick eyebrows twitched slightly. It was because he could imagine Jang Ilso's expression. But soon, Tang Gunak, who erased his emotions, spoke briefly.

"Good job."


Chung Myung turned his head to look at Tang Gunak. There was a chill in his gaze, and it made Tang Gunak stiffen his expression.

"People who were supposed to die have already died. What exactly did we achieve? If we had arrived a little earlier, those who could have survived wouldn't have died."

"...If we hadn't come, those who survived wouldn't have lived."

"If only I had been a little stronger."


"If Mount Hua had been a little stronger, they wouldn't have died. If I had judged a little more wisely and remained a little more composed."

Tang Gunak inadvertently closed his eyes tightly. The one who felt the most heartbreak and pain in the face of the disciples' death was undoubtedly Tang Gunak. However, the one who felt a greater responsibility in this situation seemed to be... Chung Myung. Tang Gunak opened his eyes and spoke.


At that moment, a tearing scream echoed from somewhere.

"Ga, Gaju-nim! Here, Elder Tang We is here!"

Tang Gunak's head turned sharply. The one who screamed was probably a Tang family member checking if any elders had survived.

Tang Gunak forcefully slammed the ground. Hurrying to the spot, he picked up Tang We from the disciple who was holding him.

"How is he?"

There was no response. Tang Gunak bit his lip slightly. No, there was no need for a response from the beginning. The moment he touched Tang We's body, he had sensed it too.


Tang Gunak looked down at Tang We. His dantian was poisoned, and both arms were cut off. Even if a divine physician came, there was no way to save him.

Tang We's unfocused eyes shook slightly. He twitched as if he recognized Tang Gunak, then moved his lips faintly. Understanding the meaning of his movement, Tang Gunak bit his lips again.


Tang Gunak took out a needle from his robes and inserted it into Tang We's body. With this, strength would return for a moment, but Tang We would face death faster than expected. Like a flame burning stronger just before extinguishing.

"Ga, Gaju..."

"Yes. Please speak, Elder."

Tang Gunak didn't like Tang We. No, there was even a time when he hated him. However, at this moment, what use was there for such buried emotions? They vanished like melting snow. How could he harbor hatred towards the old man who had become like this to protect the disciples?

"...I'm sorry."

Those were the first words spoken by Tang We when vitality returned to his face. Tang Gunak's expression stiffened at the unexpected words.


"I... I was too foolish..."

Tang We's body trembled as he clung to Tang Gunak's hand. His face was filled with deep regret.

"I was... I was too foolish... I left too much of a burden to Lord Gaju."

"Please don't say such things! Elder, I..."

Tang We's eyes were filled with hazy tears.

"Ga, Gaju."

Tang Gunak tightened his grip on Tang We's hand.

"I'm listening."

"The Tang Family has...the Tang Family has lost too much... It will be difficult now. It can't be like before. So, Gaju..."


"The law... ignore it and follow Gaju's will. That's beyond the family's interests."


"In the end... it will be like this..."

Tang We, looking at Tang Gunak's face, turned his gaze with difficulty. The worried disciples were looking his way with concern. Despite being exhausted, they were worried about him.

'The Tang Family is here.'

The true Tang Family was not within the walled courtyards.

Suddenly, a man walking towards Tang Gunak caught his eye. He wasn't familiar, but he was someone unforgettable.

'Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword...'

He should've hated him. But he wasn't hateful.

Right now, it was rather awkward. The fact that that man was standing by Tang Gunak. What he said was still vividly remembered.

What the Tang Family needed most right now was such a person.

"Gaju...please take care of them..."


Tang We's head slowly lowered. And thus, his whole body slumped. Now, only the moment of rapid cooling remained.

Tang Gunak looked down at Tang We and closed his eyes. His sturdy shoulders trembled slightly.

However, it was only for a moment. After carefully placing Tang We on the ground, Tang Gunak straightened up. He was the head of the Tang Family. He didn't have the qualification to indulge in sorrow, nor the luxury to be overwhelmed by pain.

"...Collect the bodies of the elders."

"Yes, Gaju-nim."

Tang Pae nodded faintly in a choked voice.

They weren't just elders.

The Tang Family was connected by blood. Those who died here were someone's father, someone's grandfather. They were also irreplaceable brothers and teachers.


Hyun Jong approached Tang Gunak, unsure of how to comfort him. Tang Gunak just silently shook his head.

"This is not just a time for sorrow, Maengju-nim."


"It's rather something to be happy about. Because of you, we were able to meet those we thought we'd never see again. It's all thanks to Maengju-nim. As the head of the Sichuan Tang Family, thank you."

"Please don't say such things. I'm just sorry."

Tang Gunak, bowing deeply to Hyun Jong, slowly turned his body.

His gaze reached those who had arrived a while ago but hadn't spoken yet.

"More importantly, we should express our gratitude over there."

Following Tang Gunak's gaze, Hyun Jong nodded heavily.

Southern Edge.

If they hadn't arrived earlier than the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, the survivors wouldn't have reached this level even now.

Tang Gunak approached where Southern Edge's swordsmen had gathered. As he did, a man in the center stepped forward as if to greet Tang Gunak.

The Sword Under Heaven (天下劍), Jong Rigok.

A man intricately connected with Mount Hua.

"Sichuan Tang Family's Tang Gunak greets Sect Leader."

"Sect Leader Jong Rigok greets the Lord of the Sichuan Tang Family."

As the two exchanged deep greetings, a subtle tension began to spread in all directions.