Chapter 1440: Alright, I'll Remember That (Part 5)

After a while, Jong Rigok, who had quickly averted his gaze from Chung Myung, politely gestured to Hyun Jong.

"All right."

Hyun Jong also gestured back to Jong Rigok with a dignified look.

"Although our positions are different, I believe everything ultimately serves the prosperity of Kangho. I wish you success."

"...I wish you success."

Jong Rigok, who had gestured to Tang Gunak in the same way, turned smoothly.

"Let's go."

"Yes, Sect Leader!"

The Southern Edge Sect's disciples looked at the disciples of Mount Hua for a moment, then turned away. The disciples of Mount Hua frowned slightly, and Lee Songbaek spoke subtly towards Chung Myung and The Five Swords.

"Sect Leader says so, but I don't necessarily agree."


"And I'm not the only one who thinks that way."

Lee Songbaek smiled slyly at Chung Myung. This meant that the thoughts of the Southern Edge Sect's upper and lower ranks were different.

"There's no reason we can't join hands just because we are competing. In fact, because we are competing, we may need each other even more. Similar things are already happening within the Southern Edge Sect."

Baek Cheon nodded solemnly, understanding what Lee Songbaek meant.


"Lee Songbaek!"

Lee Songbaek, startled by the cold voice, stopped talking. Awkwardly turning around, he saw Jin Geumryong glaring at him.

"Cut it out."

"Sorry, Sahyung."

With a humble face, Lee Songbaek quietly added.

"Of course, it will take some time."

With a shrug, he gestured at the disciples of Mount Hua.

"Then we'll meet again. We'll probably see each other quite often now."

"Nice meeting you, Sohyeop."

The Five Swords faced each other. Lee Songbaek turned his head to look at Chung Myung.

"Chung Myung Dojang."


"Thank you."

Lee Songbaek deeply bowed towards Chung Myung. This was not the courtesy of a martial artist but the courtesy of a person.

"What's this out of nowhere?"

"The teachings Dojang bestowed have enlightened me and Southern Edge in many ways. How should I repay this kindness..."

"What bullshit. Why would I bestow kindness on Southern Edge? Be careful, all of you! Someday, I'll set fire to Southern Edge Mountain!"

Lee Songbaek laughed heartily.

"I would like to repay that kindness by diligently following the teachings."

"No, I never bestowed kindness?"

"If I could show you my sword sometime, I would be grateful. It may be insufficient, but you will see that I've changed from before."

Chung Myung looked up at the sky with a vacant expression. Jo Gol, watching him lose all strength in his body, whispered softly.

"Sahyung... It seems like there is such a thing as a natural enemy in the world."

"...It's eternal parallel lines. They don't even listen to each other."

"Then, anytime."

Lee Songbaek gracefully surrounded them and turned away. Even as Lee Songbaek moved away, one person remained in place.

"Why aren't you leaving?"

Baek Cheon asked Jin Geumryong with an extremely uncomfortable expression.

Before Chung Myung appeared in Mount Hua, he had lived his life being pressed down by Jin Geumryong. There was a time when his only goal in life was simply to defeat Jin Geumryong.

Now he was sure. In terms of skills, he had long surpassed Jin Geumryong. No matter how much stronger Jin Geumryong became, there was no reason why he couldn't win in a fight.

But strangely, this discomfort didn't go away.

Jin Geumryong, who had been glaring at Baek Cheon with an extremely dissatisfied look, opened his mouth.

"I didn't know."


"I thought you were lacking, but not a complete fool. But hanging out with strange guys seems to have blighted you."

Baek Cheon's face distorted suddenly.

"Stop picking a fight and go on your way."

"Father is over there."

Jin Geumryong's words made Baek Cheon flinch for a moment.

"Even if you received their protection, you are still a member of the Jin family. Aren't you going to greet your father, whom you haven't seen in years?"

Only then did Baek Cheon look beyond Jin Geumryong. There, among the elders of the Southern Edge Sect and disciples gathered, Jin Chobaek, the head of the Jin family, was looking this way.

"If that's the case, it might be better to remove the 'Jin' from your name. It's pitiful that your father still considers you family even though you're like this."

"Even if you say the same thing..."

Baek Cheon glared at Jin Geumryong with displeasure.

"Of course, I am a member of the Jin family, and I am not a blighted human."

Upon hearing this, The Five Swords exchanged glances among themselves.

"Isn't that right?"


"As expected, they are brothers. They see through each other perfectly."


Baek Cheon shouted loudly and cleared his throat.

"But it doesn't seem like a good thing to go there right now to see my father."


"Now that the seal is broken, I'll go formally greet him. Please convey that to him."

Jin Geumryong stared at Baek Cheon, then chuckled.

"Indeed, it's clear that you lack wit. Using your brother to convey such words."

"Hey, what do you want me to do!"

Eventually, Baek Cheon snapped. However, Jin Geumryong, who had already lost interest, shifted his gaze to Chung Myung.

"Judging by your appearance, you seem to have been living comfortably."

"Oh, really? It seems like your personality has become worse during that time. Or is it a characteristic of the Jin family?"

"You rascal! Don't mess around! Let go! Let go!"

As Baek Cheon started to lose his temper, he was quickly subdued by the Five Swords and dragged away. Jin Geumryong, looking in that direction, sneered and said.

"I clearly remember the debt I owed in the past."

"Debt? What debt are you talking about?"

Chung Myung looked at Jin Geumryong as if he didn't remember, then clapped his hands as if he suddenly remembered.

"Oh, are you talking about when you got beaten up by Sasuk at the Martial Arts Tournament?"


"Is that a good memory you've been cherishing all this time? It would be better for your mental health to forget it."

Suddenly, a blue energy poured out of Jin Geumryong. However, instead of speaking, Chung Myung just smiled. As if chewing his words, Jin Geumryong said.

"It seems like nothing has changed. Fortunately. I worried about what would happen if you had changed. I can freely repay the debt to my heart's content."

Chung Myung picked his ear with his little finger.

"Well, that's up to your own feelings... Do you think it'll work with just feelings? You need skills, skills. Unfortunately, it seems like you're still lacking in that area."


Jin Geumryong, who chuckled, drew his sword after glancing at Chung Myung.

In an instant, Baek Cheon, who was surprised, tried to rush at Jin Geumryong, but Jin Geumryong's sword came out before that and emitted a dazzling white energy towards Chung Myung's head.


The emitted energy created a splendid formation above Chung Myung's head. Observing the dazzling formation, Chung Myung narrowed his eyes.

"...What is this?"

"This is my new sword. No, it's Southern Edge's new sword."


Chung Myung closed his mouth before he could say anything.

The Twelve Plum Blossom Forms. A low-level technique based on Mount Hua's Twenty-Four Plum Blossom Sword Techniques. However, the sword Jin Geumryong displayed now was not the Twelve Plum Blossom Forms. The white energy, like snow, was still there, but traces of plum blossoms couldn't be found.

The corners of Chung Myung's eyes glistened.

Although he wanted to say something provocative, he had nothing to say. Even if it started with the Plum Blossom Sword Technique, if they found their own sense and form, it could be called Southern Edge's martial arts. After all, all martial arts in the world have evolved in such a way.

"I tried my best, but you don't understand a word I'm saying, do you? Southern Edge's sword..."

"Why did you decide to do that?"


A puzzled expression flashed across Chung Myung's face. Jin Geumryong, looking at the place where his disciples were, said.

"Indeed, there seemed to be those who were annoyed by your words. Southern Edge must return to its roots. Everything about Southern Edge is in the Thirty-Six Swords of the World."

"...That's not wrong."

"No, that's wrong."

Chung Myung frowned at Jin Geumryong's words.

Certainly, the Thirty-Six Swords of the World was the foundation and essence of Southern Edge. However, if you only repeated the past and perfected it, Southern Edge would only remain as the Southern Edge of the past.


"Southern Edge will become stronger. The present Southern Edge has created a new sword."

After retrieving the sword, Jin Geumryong said coldly.

"You should clean your neck until then."

"Even Evil Sect bastards don't talk like that these days."


Jin Geumryong decisively turned his body. 

"Let's go. Keep your promise, Jin Dong Ryong."

"Don't call me that!"

As he spoke, a cold wind separated them, becoming colder. Everyone sighed deeply as they watched the Southern Edge Sect disappear in the distance.

"...It was a good thing."

"Yeah, we received help."

"True, it was a good thing, but..."

Baek Cheon muttered with a worried expression on his face.

"Now, we really won't catch a break."

"That's right, Dong Ryong Sasuk."

Baekcheon's fist landed on Jo Gol's jaw.

As soon as Jin Geumryong joined the advance team, a voice came out.

"How was it?"

"...What are you talking about?"

"Weren't you eagerly anticipating a reunion with your little brother?"

The question came from Lee Songbaek. Jin Geumryong turned his eyes angrily, but Lee Songbaek just smiled.

Some around them tensed unknowingly. It's said you can't spit at a smiling face. But wasn't Jin Geumryong a person who could wield a sword instead of saliva?

"...Don't talk nonsense."

"Yes, Sahyung."

Fortunately, Jin Geumryong didn't say anything more and let it pass. Some who watched the situation breathed a sigh of relief.

'Thank goodness his personality is good.'

Among the Southern Edge Sect members, only Lee Songbaek could make such jokes with Jin Geumryong. Thanks to him, the atmosphere within the Southern Edge Sect had become much softer.

"What about you?"


"Weren't you the one who was eagerly anticipating the meeting, not me?"

Lee Songbaek nodded silently at those words.

"They what do you think of this long-awaited reunion?"


Lee Songbaek had a strange smile on his face.

"Given the circumstances, I was a little embarrassed..."

He paused for a moment and turned slightly. Now, Chung Myung was standing far away.

"He's still the same."


Lee Songbaek laughed loudly.

Still the same.

It wasn't just a comment on his personality. To him, Chung Myung still looked like a towering mountain and an unreachable sky. Despite being covered in wounds and exhausted, he didn't seem small at all.

So, he was delighted and happy. It was like finding a mountain that could be climbed endlessly.

"It was a pity I was not able to see Dojang's sword. It must have been a great lesson."

"You're going to get sick of it now."

"I suppose so."

Lee Songbaek's calm response was followed by a gradual darkening of his eyes.

'Jang Ilso.'

Although the Evil Tyrant Alliance retreated easily, the momentum he had glimpsed for a moment was intense enough to send shivers down his spine.

Now, the Southern Edge Sect would have to fight against such opponents.

Lee Songbaek lightly gripped the sword at his waist. Of course, they were formidable enemies. But his path was already determined.

"When we return, I'll have to train again."

"Aren't you tired?"

"It's something I have to do."

Jin Geumryong shook his head excitedly.

"Defeating Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword is on me. I won't tolerate any tricks." [pFTTTTttt]

"...We'll see about that."

"What did you say?"

"I'll go first."

As Lee Songbaek stepped forward, Jin Geumryong sharpened his sword. However, his gaze soon turned not towards Lee Songbaek but backward.

'Jin Dong Ryong.'

There was still a lingering feeling towards Baek Cheon, whom he had faced at the martial arts competition. But the Baek Cheon he met today was more than enough as a martial artist. No, rather than less, he seemed more like a martial artist than his peers.


Jin Geumryong clicked his tongue briefly and thought. When he returned, he'd have to secure a suitable training ground.