Chapter 1452: Please Take Care Of Us From Now On (Part 2)

Chung Myung glared at those who were smirking at him.

"I... No, is it...I'm really curious. Is this how you usually handle situations like this, casually passing up such a position to a gambling rogue? Is that normal?"

Tang Gunak glanced at the other sect leaders and casually shrugged.

"Do you think we're like that? We've never done this before."

"That's right."

"To be honest, this is the first time I've discussed such matters with other sects."

"...I've only become the sect leader not too long ago."

Chung Myung looked up at the distant sky, feeling a sense of despair.

'This place is all trouble.'

The increase in the workload wasn't the issue. No, it was an issue, but...

"Are you telling me to be the chief?"

"Don't you like bossing around?"

Of course, I like bossing around! But this is going too far!




Chung Myung tried to speak again, but Meng So interrupted him.

"Why argue about this? What you want to say was this, right? If authority is consolidated, there will inevitably be places where losses occur."


"Then conflicts arise between each other, leading to mutual resentment. That's why the Heavenly Comrade Alliance agreed to decide on equal terms, even to share responsibilities!"


"Therefore, decisions made by everyone's opinions together must be given priority above all else. Right?"


Chung Myung, bewildered for a moment, fell silent. He seemed to have understood what Meng So was going to say next.

"If that's the logic, then you should take the position of the chief. It's a decision we all agreed on. You wouldn't overturn what I said with your own words in front of all these people, would you?"


Chung Myung grabbed his neck. It felt like his breath was being cut off.

"If a disciple of a single sect refuses what all the sect leaders have agreed upon, there's no reason for this alliance to continue."

Everyone looked at Meng So with admiration. Now they understood why Chung Myung said he was a fox in bear's clothing.

"And... considering that a similar decision was made by Mount Hua, are you perhaps defying the Sect Leader's order? Tsk tsk. To blatantly defy the Sect Leader's order in front of so many people, that's outrageous."


Suddenly cornered, Chung Myung, eyes the size of lanterns, turned to look at Un Am in the corner. Un Am smiled gently.

"Oh, no, I'm not like that..."

"It's okay. Beast Palace Lord, you don't have to pity me too much, it's fine."

Pity? Hey, Sect Leader?

"I haven't been in Sect Leader's position for long, and honestly, my martial skills are lacking. Even if my disciples don't trust me, I'll have to accept it."

"That's... "

"Ah, well..."

"Too much."

Despite the sympathy pouring in from all directions, Un Am still had a warm smile on his face. However, behind him, a fierce energy emanated from Un Geom, Hyun Young, and Hyun Sang, as if they were ready to swallow Chung Myung alive.

Faced with Un Geom's bloodshot eyes, even the renown Chung Myung shriveled.

"Ah, no, it's not like that... It's just..."

At that moment, Im Sobyeong unfolded his fan and chuckled.

"Haha. Isn't it true that Mount Hua is a sect without distinctions between upper and lower ranks? Hahaha!"

Chung Myung widened his eyes and looked at Im Sobyeong.

"That, that Evil Sect bastard..."

"Eek. Scary. Save me, Baek Cheon! Ah... Because he ignores the Sect Leader, maybe as a Deputy Sect Leader, you're not enough?"


Baek Cheon's fist trembled. Around him, the Five Swords all stared at Chung Myung with eyes that seemed ready to consume him.

"That good-for-nothing!"

"He should be nailed to the Plum Blossom Gate."

"Stick a knife in his head!"

"Just kill him."

Chung Myung, sweating coldly, looked around. At that moment, Namgung Dowi was the one who spoke up.

"Dojang. There's something I really want to say to you."


"Dojang always works for our benefit, but sometimes he underestimates us in return."

"What's suddenly going on... No, what are you saying, Sogaju?"

"Why do you consider the decision we made as a narrow view that doesn't see beyond?"

Chung Myung momentarily lost words. Namgung Dowi lowered his head and continued.

"Dojang's concerns are something we've already considered enough. Maintaining the identity of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance and not dividing hierarchies among us is important. However, it's also important to respond to the imminent crisis and save as many lives as possible."

Taking care of both was difficult, especially in such a situation.

"That's why we entrust that role to the Dojang."

"Am I that great..."

"No, Dojang. It's not because you're great."


"It's because if we have to risk dying by strictly following someone's orders..."

Namgung Dowi looked straight at Chung Myung.

"We, Namgung, hope that the person issuing those orders is Dojang."

All the sect leaders nodded. They didn't believe that Chung Myung would always make the right decisions. Chung Myung was also human. He would also make mistakes and misjudgments.

But even if there was a sacrifice due to those mistakes, if it was Chung Myung who issued the orders, they could accept it.

"I don't believe in the Dojang. I believe in the path the Dojang has walked so far."



The gazes of the other sect leaders also poured straight into Chung Myung without hesitation.


If it had come this far, there really was no place to escape. No, maybe there was no way to escape from the beginning.

Chung Myung finally faced Tang Gunak. In response, Tang Gunak calmly opened his mouth.

"When my family was attacked, and we came this far, I had many thoughts. Among those deep contemplations, there was only one thing I firmly grasped."

"...What is it?"

"Don't become someone who doesn't learn from mistakes."

Tang Gunak nodded solemnly.

"Perhaps from the journey to Southern Island until now, we've made too many mistakes and misjudgments. That's probably why the situation has come to this. But next time, we can't avoid change by relying on baseless beliefs that things will go well. At least, I hope that the Sichuan Tang Family and the Heavenly Comrade Alliance want to take a step forward tomorrow."


"Become the chief, Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword. Do as you wish. No one will hinder you any longer."

Tang Gunak's eyes held a clear trust.

Chung Myung wanted to become the sword of Mount Hua. However, the world could no longer leave him as just a sword.

Tang Gunak also wanted to see it. When Chung Myung, who claimed to be a sword wielded by someone else, becomes the owner of that sword himself, what kind of world will unfold?

Chung Myung, who had been contemplating for a while, scratched his head with a troubled expression. His tightly bound hair, scratched and torn so vigorously, seemed on the verge of unraveling.

"Ha... Life."

There's no easy way for anything.

Chung Myung's eyes turned towards the sky. However, the sky that entered his eyes was indifferent and blue.

"I understand. I'll just do it! It's not a big deal!"

A pleased smile blossomed on Tang Gunak's face.

"Oh, right. Well thought out..."

"Everyone wants to receive my orders to this extent! It wouldn't be polite to refuse any further. What can I do?"



Chung Myung glanced around at everyone. And at that moment, Tang Gunak saw it. The face of Chung Myung, who had been wearing an arrogant expression until now, was loosening, and a strange smile was spreading around his mouth.

Strangely, it was a sinister laugh.

"I definitely refused. But you all insisted on putting me in this position. Don't forget that."


"So, from now on, the things that unfold are not my responsibility. I'm just doing what you all want. Right?"

There was a moment of silence. Hearing that, the Five Swords, who heard it from a distance, began to murmur among themselves.

"...Doesn't something seem a bit wrong, Sasuk?"

"A bit? Can you call this a bit?"

"Uh... Actually, I felt like something wasn't right from the middle."

"Right, Sahyung? Frankly, it's obvious what will happen if you give that bastard a cover-up motive."

"That's right. But come to think of it..."

Yoon Jong's complexion slightly paled.

"It's only us who knows about it, only us..."

"...That's why information is important. I express my condolences."

As the Five Swords muttered, Tang Gunak's face showed a bit more anxiety. Chung Myung smiled and said.

"Whether it's the Ten Great Sects or the Evil Tyrant Alliance, can't I just overturn everything the way I want?"

"Oh, no, Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword. I mean..."


"Uh... yes?"

"You should call me Chief, Chief!"


"That's right."

Chung Myung nodded contentedly.

"Don't worry. If you all want this, I'll do my best. If you push me this far, what can I do? I have to respond to your expectations with all my might."

The gazes of the sect leaders urgently searched each other.

This happened because they didn't know.

Why didn't Cheon Mun, who respected Chung Myung the most in the world, ever give even one document to him? Why didn't someone who was an elder of Mount Hua never receive even a common position? Even though the situation was urgent with the invasion of the Demonic Cult, why did Chung Myung move alone without any subordinates?

"Well, for now..."

Chung Myung glanced around casually.

"There wasn't a formal appointment ceremony, but this is no situation to worry about that. But still, now that I've taken the position of Chief, I have to do what I have to do."


"Oh, don't worry. It's simple. Do you think I'm expecting something grand in a situation like this?"

"Is that so?"

For a moment, the sect leaders' complexions had turned somewhat sallow, brightened again.

Though they had left Sichuan and entered Shaanxi, they were still on the road. The situation did not seem conducive to doing something here.

"Hey, Sahyung!"

"Why?" Jo Gol lifted his head.

"Go and fetch an empty notebook. And an ink pen."

"Where am I supposed to get that?"

"Ah, figure it out yourself!"


Jo Gol muttered and disappeared. Tang Gunak, looking at Chung Myung with an anxious look, asked.

"But... why paper, pen, and ink all of a sudden?"

"Oh, it's nothing. We could make a ledger even while going to Hwaeum."

"...A ledger?"


Chung Myung smiled contentedly.

"Just write down a simple list of assets of each sect on the way."


"Yes, simple."

"How much... is the so-called 'simple'?"

"Oh. Why are you asking such a trivial thing? Will anything be so thorough between us? It's just approximate."

"Is that so?"

"If you hide anything, even one grain of rice, your fingers will be chopped off."

...As the sudden cold water poured down, the sect leaders shivered.

"Don't worry. Once I start something, I'll thoroughly finish it."

Tang Gunak smiled contentedly.

'It seems like we're the ones finished.'

It was the right choice, right? Haha... Ha...