Chapter 1455: Please Take Care Of Us From Now On (Part 5)


Darting eyes scanned the ledger incessantly.

Chung Myung, who had repeatedly checked the ledgers submitted by each sect, narrowed his eyes to a thread in an instant.


When he took his gaze away from the ledgers and looked at the leaders of each sect, everyone's faces twisted strangely and became uneasy.

'What kind of trick is he trying to pull again?'

'Who suggested promoting that guy to chief?'

'Not me!'

Strange. In fact, giving the position of the chief to Chung Myung wasn't something particularly remarkable. The truth was that Chung Myung had been receiving such treatment subtly.

However, just by adding the position of 'chief,' a rank no more than an empty title, those eyes became uncomfortably awkward.

"Is this all?"




Tang Gunak cleared his throat and opened his mouth.

"The Tang Family has contributed everything they had..."

"Ah, the Tang Family is okay. I know it burned down completely."

...Tang Gunak looked up at the distant sky with a subtly wounded face.

"Hey, Nokrim King."


"Is this everything?"

"Haha... How much money do you think these bandits have? Even if we scrape together from the mountains..."

"What about Plum Blossom Island?"

"Oh, you'd know that better, Chief-nim! You thoroughly managed the money we earned from Plum Blossom Island. We didn't deceive anyone, we managed the ledger for the journey to Mount Hua..."

"That's the money earned there, not Nokrim's property."


Im Sobyeong tilted his head as if to ask what that meant. Then Chung Myung nodded at him.

"Did you bribe the guys at Plum Blossom Island?"

"Of course, isn't that natural? If we raise them and don't give them a position, they'll be dragged to the government office. You know very well how much we fear the government office."

"And then, did you take back the tribute by using the excuse of back payment?"


"Where did that go?"

Im Sobyeong's mouth slowly opened. He looked terrified as if he saw a ghost. How on earth could someone do that...

"Well, anyway, these Evil Sect guys are used to trickery. Will you spit it out, or should I beat it out of you?"

"Hehe. Actually, I didn't plan to do that, especially..."

"Don't talk nonsense. Just write it down."


Im Sobyeong stepped back, muttering. Chung Myung checked the ledger carefully once again.

"Anyway, now there's nothing missing, right?"

"We've accurately recorded everything."


Chung Myung finally folded the ledger and tapped it on his palm.

"You've done quite a lot."

The faces of the sect leaders twisted in a gruesome manner. That dog-like Taoist guy...

"Well, anyway, this should be enough for now."

At that moment, Seol So Baek raised his hand.



"Do, Dojang. I'm just curious, but how much are you planning to take from there.."

Everyone's ears perked up. Although they couldn't say it out loud, it was actually one of the things they were most curious about.

'Is it a three-for-one discount?'

'Surely it's not a four-for-one discount? He's also a human with blood running through his veins.'

'Even if he's a devil, he won't go beyond a five-for-one discount! That just means ruin.'

Everyone harbored their expectations, waiting for Chung Myung's mouth to open. However, the answer that came out of his mouth was a bit, just a bit, distant from their expectations.

"I don't know."


"I don't know. I'll only know when I try."

Seol So Baek's eyes widened like the ice crystals of the North Sea.

"W-what's that supposed to..."

"How can I predict how much money will come in from now on, not knowing how long the war will last and what will happen in the future? That's something you can estimate from the perspective of someone who's on the offensive, and even Zhuge Liang might not know how much it will cost from the perspective of someone who's on the defensive."

"Zhuge Liang would know..."


Chung Myung coughed, making Seol So Baek shrink back his neck.

"Hmm, anyway, I...Now that I have a rough idea of the assets, I'll use it wisely considering the situation."


"Oh, and things that are difficult to use immediately should be kept as money or grain, I think."

Upon hearing this, everyone turned to look at one person. As he found himself in everyone's gaze, Namgung Dowi's cheeks trembled as if in convulsion.


"No, no. I mean, not specifically targeting Namgung, but there are properties like abandoned houses or land that are not immediately usable for money. It's the 'immovable property.'"

"Bu-but we're the only faction here with that 'immovable property'!"

"Oh? Is that so?"

Veins bulged on Namgung Dowi's forehead.

"Do, Dojang. That's not acceptable!"

"Huh? Why?"

"No, it's not because I find it a waste to sell those abandoned houses or land! Don't you know the current situation in the Central Plains? In the current unpredictable situation, who would buy abandoned houses or dig wells? Even if I'm ignorant about business, I understand that much."

"Oh, really?"

"If we sell these things now, we won't get our money's worth at all! It would be fortunate if we even get half the value!"

"Oh, is that so?"

Chung Myung nodded as if understanding. At the moment when Namgung Dowi was feeling relieved, a heartbreaking voice from Chung Myung echoed.

"Well, that's none of my business. It's not my money anyway."

...Namgung Dowi's shoulders slumped to his knees.

"Well, when it comes to money, it's not about its quantity but using it in a timely manner."

"Oh, no, but even so..."

"But this guy got all worked up because he's treated like a patron. Is it the time to talk about money now? Even if you guys are crazy about money, you still need to choose the right time and place!"

Namgung Dowi's eyes were blurred with moisture. Yeah, it wasn't a wrong thing to say. But was it really right to hear those words from that guy?

At that moment, Tang Gunak quietly placed his hand on Namgung Dowi's shoulder.

"Stay strong..."

"...Gaju-nim recommended that guy for the position of chief, right?"

"Didn't you agree too?"

"Namgung will not forget this."

Sweat oozed from Tang Gunak's spine as he felt Namgung Dowi's chilling gaze. Damn it, crazy bastard.

"Aren't we all being robbed anyway?"

"Looking at you, there's nothing left anyway."

"Well, you!"

As Namgung Dowi and Tang Gunak were squabbling back and forth, the Five Swords' eyes were filled with helplessness.

"...As expected."

Baek Cheon shook his head with a disgusted expression, muttering to himself. Yoon Jong chimed in.

"The sect leaders have no choice."

"That's right. It's not like we can put a leash on him."

"Shave him completely. To the very core." [?]

"...Hey, calm down. But even so, as his Sahyungs, we should at least leave some dignity. How generous we've become. Nowadays, we're quite the Taoists, aren't we?"

"Soso-ah... Don't say scary things."

"But it's the truth, isn't it?"

"That's why it's scary."


Jo Gol laughed while joking with Tang Soso. Yoon Jong, standing next to them, subtly observed Jo Gol's expression. From his face, nothing could be read except joy. [hmmm...] While turning his head, Yoon Jong's eyes met Baek Cheon's.

As Baek Cheon shook his head down in silence, Yoon Jong nodded without saying a word.


At that moment, the sound of Chung Myung placing the ledger on the cart echoed.

"Well, thank you all for cooperating with the investigation."



Various sounds of discomfort were heard. Chung Myung silently looked at the multitude. Those who would be the core of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance. And now, they were the ones he had to lead.

"Honestly, it won't be easy."


"We made mistakes, but in the end, those Evil Tyrant Alliance guys gained too much advantage. And taking advantage of this opportunity, the Ten Great Sects will definitely try to trample on us."

Tang Gunak nodded with a heavy face. The one who gave legitimacy to the Ten Great Sects was none other than the Tang Family. Therefore, he had also resolved to give up everything.

"In the meantime, well... let's do our best."

Chung Myung's attitude was nonchalant. This made the faces of the sect leaders gradually uneasy.

"Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword."


"It's good to try our best, but honestly...we didn't agree to follow your orders just to hear those words. Do you have a more concrete plan?"

Chung Myung shrugged casually.

"I do have a plan."

"What's that?"

"Well, we're preparing various things, but... first and foremost, it's about tightly defending our base."


"I've mentioned it before. We're strengthening our defenses with the money earned from selling unnecessary things. It's not just for all these people, but also for those immigrating from Anhui or coming from the Northern Sea. We need a place where everyone can live."

Tang Gunak's eyes twitched slightly. This wasn't the answer he was expecting.

"Naturally, we have to do that. But... it's a bit surprising. I never thought the words 'tightly defending' would come from you."

"Defending? Me?"

Tang Gunak looked puzzled. What did this mean?

"Ah, defense can be tiresome. At this moment, it's getting on my nerves to keep jumping around as they move."


"Tsk tsk. This is why guys who don't know about war..."

Chung Myung's words made Tang Gunak furrow his brows. Then, Im Sobyeong spoke up.

"The most important thing in a war is none other than supplies."


"No matter how valiant a martial artist is, they can't fight without food. Therefore, the most crucial thing before an attack is supplies, the supply line for those supplies, and above all..."

Im Sobyeong folded the fan and slapped it down on his palm.

"It's crucial to properly secure a base from where the supplies come. Isn't that what you mean?"

"...Why is a thug like him saying such things?"

"I happened to be born to a father who was a thug, what can I do..."

Chung Myung nodded.

"Yes, that's right. The power of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance is now scattered in all directions. We need to gather it properly in one place."

At that moment, Im Sobyeong raised his hand swiftly.


"Out of curiosity. I agree with what you're trying to do, but isn't it insufficient? For sure, you can easily build a base by mobilizing the Tang Family or utilizing the people here, but... to properly supply it, won't there be an absolute lack of manpower? Is there enough reserve power in the Eunha Guild?"

"Of course not. They're just people who used to trade in the Shaanxi after all."

"Then what is the plan for that?"

Chung Myung shrugged.

"We'll take care of that first."


Chung Myung's lips twisted strangely. Then he suddenly started talking about something else.

"The Ten Great Sects or Evil Tyrant Alliance would probably be very pleased by now. They'll probably think people will believe the Heavenly Comrade Alliance's righteous cause to protect the world has become blurry because of looking after their own."


Tang Gunak let out a slight sigh. Chung Myung spoke in a calm voice.

"The reason the Heavenly Comrade Alliance could grow until now is because they had a sense of righteousness. But now, they no longer have that sense of righteousness. So, the Heavenly Comrade Alliance won't be able to grow any further."

"...That's not entirely wrong."

"No, it's completely wrong."


Chung Myung chuckled.

"So, the problem arose because we took care of our own. People will criticize us for that."

"That's right."

"Then, let's turn it around."

There was doubt on everyone's faces. Chung Myung laughed triumphantly.

"Let's show them the opposite. How thoroughly, how horribly we take care of our own. And how reassuring it is to be under the Heavenly Comrade Alliance's command."


Although the words were not entirely understandable at first, there was no need to understand them now. Just ask.


"Before that, we need to check again."

"Before we move on, I need to confirm one thing."

Chung Myung turned his head and looked at a particular place.

His gaze landed on the Five Swords, who were standing there.

With a sly smile, Cheongmyeong grinned at the sect leaders with eyes glazed over.

"As I am the chief, you all have to follow the orders I give, right?"

"...Mount...Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword?"

"No matter what, just like that?"


"Ah, that's fine, that's good. Hehehe! This is really convenient. We should have done it like this a long time ago! Uh-hahaha!"

Chung Myung's eyes sparkled with madness. The sect leaders exchanged looks with twisted expressions.

It seemed like...they had committed an irreversible mistake.