Chapter 1458: It Won't Be Easy (Part 3)

Sweat trickled down from his forehead, seeping into the eyes. The officers couldn't even blink their stinging eyes. The lifeless body of a comrade, growing cold, lay in front of them.

Just a few words. But because he spoke first, destinies were altered.

The surviving officers had set foot in hell and managed to return. Their entire bodies were soaked with sweat.

Ho Gakmyung stood politely by Jang Ilso's side.


"They'll be brought from the main camp. We've stocked enough, so there shouldn't be any issues."

"Still... it's an uncomfortable night's stay, not suited for my temperament."

"It'll be at least ten days. You'll have to endure."

"Sigh... easier said than done."

Jang Ilso touched his wrinkled forehead with his fingertips. A lethargy that hadn't been seen for a while emerged on his face.

The atmosphere was usual, and the conversation was ordinary.

Yet, to Jeokho, who had assisted Jang Ilso to this point, everything felt strangely surreal.

'What on earth...'

Jang Ilso, who had abandoned tracking the Tang Family near Shaanxi, naturally moved east. He chose to leave behind the conquered Sichuan.

But unmistakably, Ho Gakmyung, who should have been headed towards Sichuan from the opposite direction, seemed to be waiting right here, as if it were planned.

Had these two communicated somehow?

'It can't be.'

Jeokho had never taken his eyes off Jang Ilso from the vicinity of Shaanxi to here. He had to protect Jang Ilso, and in that process, Jang Ilso had never attempted to contact anyone, as he had sworn.

But how did these two, who were so far apart, naturally know each other's whereabouts and meet like this?

Jeokho never considered himself foolish. However, at this moment, he finally admitted that ultimately, he was just a pawn wielding a sword.

Even if they looked at the same place with the same eyes, the world they saw and the world he saw were completely different.

Biting his lip slightly, he approached the place where the two were. In that short time, countless thoughts raced through his mind.

Among many dilemmas, the question that ultimately pierced through was nothing but doubt.

"...Ryeonju-nim. May I ask why you're setting up camp in a place like this?"

Jeokho's question was quite reasonable.

Judging logically, the most urgent task now was to assist the Hao Sect Leader, who went to Diancang. Or, to be precise, to regain the authority over the Hao Sect and the Blood Palace that was given to the Hao Sect Leader.

After that, they could discuss the pacification of Sichuan, now turned into a no-man's land. 

Both problems were urgent and competing for attention, yet it wasn't enough. So why waste time in a place like this?


At that moment, Jang Ilso clicked his tongue briefly. In the instant he seemed about to speak with a reluctant expression, Ho Gakmyung took on the tedious task instead.

"Being stationed here now is the right thing to do."


Jeokho looked at Ho Gakmyung with a face that seemed to have relieved some burden. And in that moment, he unknowingly felt the importance of Ho Gakmyung.

It wasn't easy for someone like Jeokho to question Jang Ilso. But the Commander was different.

"That way it will be easier for him to move."


"Beopjeong. Leader of the Shaolin."

At the answer that seemed like a riddle, Jeokho's face froze. Why would the name of the leader of Shaolin suddenly appear here?


"Are you saying that they'll attack us? Is that why this place is blocked?"

If the perception that the Ten Great Sects were attacking Sichuan was shared by Ryeonju and the Commander, and they chose Zhangjiajie as a suitable place for defense, it would make sense. But...

"Absolutely not. They don't have the capacity for that."

Ho Gakmyung decisively cut off Jeokho's speculation.

"Then why on earth..."

"It seems you're thinking in reverse. We're not containing the Ten Great Sects now. Rather, we're helping them."

Jeokho looked at Ho Gakmyung with a bewildered face. What nonsensical words were these? Why would they help the Ten Great Sects? To the Evil Tyrant Alliance, the Ten Great Sects were no less than an archnemesis.


"That way, it will be easier for him to bring others under his command."

As if feeling that the answer alone wasn't enough, Ho Gakmyung, who seemed to have taken a breath, calmly explained.

"This is Zhangjiajie. If we want, we can go to Shaanxi, to Hubei, and even Sichuan from here. How do you think those guys who were enjoying themselves in Gangbuk would feel knowing that we've set up camp here?"

"They'd probably think..."

It would feel as if the tip of a sword was pointed under chins. They would think that the Evil Tyrant Alliance, having trampled on Sichuan and Yunnan, had now set its sights on Hubei.

The war had already begun. Those who were watching the situation while sitting on their asses would've been terrified upon witnessing the annihilation of Qingcheng and Emei.

So, what would they do?

"Are you saying you mean to have them gather under the Ten Great Sects?"



"It's obvious. It's so that they can clearly divide boundaries and build walls. Walls that are so sturdy they can never be broken again."

Jeokho's eyes trembled with a chill.

'Heavenly Comrade Alliance and the Ten Great Sects...'

At this moment, Ho Gakmyung is declaring that by pointing their swords towards the north from here, they would completely separate Heavenly Comrade Alliance and the Ten Great Sects.

"Is that really possible?"


At that moment, Jang Ilso, who had been listening to their conversation, raised his head.

"Tsk. Why keep asking when you won't understand even if I explain?"

"...I apologize, Ryeonju-nim."

"Think about it. Just a few years ago, could you ever have imagined yourself risking your life fighting alongside the Black Ghost Castle?"

"I couldn't even think about it."

Because they were enemies. Enemies they must defeat and trample upon. However, now Jeokho clearly considered the Black Ghost Castle as allies.

"That's it."

The corners of Jang Ilso's red lips twisted slightly.

"People build boundaries out of necessity. But... once those boundaries are divided, even the one who drew the line gets swept away by those boundaries."

Jeokho looked at Jang Ilso with a puzzled expression. Ho Gakmyung elaborated in an emotionless voice.

"Until now, despite the mutual resentment between Heavenly Comrade Alliance and the Ten Great Sects, they could shake hands reasonably because there was a middle ground. A middle ground named 'Central Plains sects' and also called 'righteous.' They have borne the shared responsibility for those who use the name 'righteous sects.'"

Pausing for a moment, Ho Gakmyung asked.

"But... what if a clear line was drawn in that vague middle ground? What would happen?"

Jeokho's face stiffened. That...

"Right now, we're wolves. We won't charge in, but we're enough to instill fear in the sheep."

Jeokho looked at Jang Ilso and Ho Gakmyung with a bewildered gaze.

In summary, despite its complexity, did it mean that their presence would more definitively separate the Heavenly Comrade Alliance and the Ten Great Sects?

In that case, Kangho would be perfectly divided into three parts.

'Then, what happens?'

The main reason why the Evil Tyrant Alliance hadn't moved recklessly so far was that the moment they pushed north, Heavenly Comrade Alliance and the Ten Great Sects would inevitably join hands.

Even if they engaged in internal struggles, when facing external threats, it was natural to join forces.

But what if the Heavenly Comrade Alliance and the Ten Great Sects no longer saw each other as static opponents? What if boundaries were established between them, seeing each other as outsiders, creating a sense of hostility?

In that case, the Evil Tyrant Alliance will gain benefits beyond words.

"I understand the meaning, but... whether they will really move as expected..."

"It will be like that."


Jang Ilso's mouth twisted slightly as he answered instead of Ho Gakmyung.

"That's what they desire the most, and that's the reason they could appear in Sichuan."

Two occurrences of 'they.'

However, the meaning of 'they' in the front and back was undoubtedly different.

"Tsk. Following the middle man's plan is annoying, but... if it brings benefits, there's no reason not to. Let's observe. Perhaps at this moment, the old man of the Shaolin is moving clumsily."

Jang Ilso chuckled. His gaze naturally turned towards Shaanxi. Thinking about the person who must be heading home by now.

"The pitiful one is mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword."


"The world is indifferent. Despite such efforts."

Unlike his words, Jang Ilso's eyes sparkled with great joy. It was an emotion that was hard to express. Similar to the perverse pleasure one would feel when grabbing a dreaming child's hair and thrusting them into reality.

"I told you. The time for acting like a child has passed. In the end, the world is a place where the greedier one prevails."

A faint laughter flowed out.

The fate of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, which lost Sichuan and was cornered in Shaanxi, was already almost decided. Since they chose the Tang Family and had lost their justification, the Ten Great Sects would surely tear them apart even more.

And even if the Ten Great Sects didn't do that, people tend to seek familiar places when faced with a major crisis. How much of a chance did a fledgling Heavenly Comrade Alliance have compared to the formidable Ten Great Sects?

"That should be enough. They can hate each other. The Ten Great Sects, who received a chance, will trample on Heavenly Comrade Alliance, and Heavenly Comrade Alliance will harbor an irreversible grudge against the Ten Great Sects. They can laugh without reservation at each other's destruction. Hahaha!"

A loud laughter burst from Jang Ilso's mouth.

It took a long time. Too long.

To create this scene, how much time did he endure? No matter how much evil he committed and rampaged, in the end, how long did he sharpen his claws to change and twist the future that would eventually crumble under their united front? Enduring and enduring, he finally painted the desired picture. This pleasure was incomparable to anything in the world.

It was at that moment when indescribable emotions surged in Jang Ilso's gleaming eyes.


There was an urgent voice from behind. Jang Ilso's face twisted slightly.

The excitement that shouldn't have been broken awakened, and even murderous intent rose. However, Jang Ilso, who quickly suppressed his emotions, turned around. Ho Gakmyung spoke first.

"What's going on?"

"Re-reports from the Sichuan!"


Ho Gakmyung's eyebrows twitched.

"Yes! There's a group approaching Chengdu, and their identity is unknown as of now."

Ho Gakmyung frowned and quickly turned his head. The Heavenly Comrade Alliance? No, that was impossible. It was impossible for them to appear in Sichuan now. No matter how strong their large-scale forces were, there were limits to their mobility.

"What about the numbers?"


The one reporting hesitated for a moment. As if the answer was insufficient.

Sensing something strange in that reaction, Ho Gakmyung raised his voice a bit and pressed him.

"Answer me. The numbers?"

"W-well, there are only about ten people..."

"Ten people?"

Ho Gakmyung furrowed his brow. What was so remarkable about just ten people approaching Chengdu?

Feeling a slight annoyance, he waved his hand.

"Alright, withdraw..."



The one reporting shouted with cold sweat.

"Among those ten, the appearance of the Poison King Tang Gunak was seen!"

"Tang Gunak?"

Ho Gakmyung's eyes slightly widened. Why would Tang Gunak head there?

"Are there still things to loot from Tang Family? Now..."

"A-and there's someone with a huge build, twice the size of others."


"A-and someone wielding the Plum Blossom Sword."

Ho Gakmyung's face stiffened.

'Tang Gunak, someone abnormally large, and a Plum Blossom Sword?'

Tang Gunak. Beast Palace Lord Meng So. And someone from Mount Hua... But only about ten people?

Ho Gakmyung, who was lost in thought for a moment, suddenly raised his head. His eyes shook as if in an earthquake.

"A-are the leaders of the sects? Could it be that the leaders of each sect have abandoned their subordinates and entered the enemy's territory on their own?"

That was unimaginable according to his common sense. Of course, if such a thing were possible, an unbelievable group would be born. Currently, the leaders of each sect under the Heavenly Comrade Alliance were nothing less than the top experts of those sects.

But which insane leader would abandon their retreating subordinates and enter the enemy's territory on their own? Which insane...

"...Plum Blossom Sword Demon..."

At that moment, Ho Gakmyung's head turned sharply towards Jang Ilso.

"This is..."

And he saw it. The low pleasure that covered Jang Ilso's face was shattering like glass.


"Haha... Hahaha."

Hhollow laughter flowed from Jang Ilso's mouth. At the end of that laughter, Jang Ilso murmured.

"I didn't expect this. Someone is truly more insane than me."

Jang Ilso's face, which was laughing, twisted more and more grotesquely. Eventually, a sinister aura flowed from his eyes.

"Coming to stab me at this moment? Even in this situation?"

Ho Gakmyung understood. There was an emotion in Jang Ilso's voice that he had never felt before.

An emotion that could not be spoken by him.