Chapter 1465: Aren't We The Main Force? (Part 5)

Hwang Jongui's face, gazing into the distant south, bore a deep sense of concern.

'Is everything okay?'

There had been no news from Mount Hua for a while. It was frustrating and unsettling.

Despite numerous attempts to inquire about Mount Hua through the Beggar's Union, they seemed to be reluctant. It had been days since they last received any updates from the main base.

"These people are acting like they have no clue about the gravity of the situation."

Hwang Jongui muttered with a face filled with anger.

Could it be possible that the Beggar's Union, with its vast resources, was unaware of the severity of the situation? This was undoubtedly the Beggar's Union openly neglecting the Eunha Guild.


Hwang Jongui let out a short sigh and raised his head. His temples were throbbing.

A guild member who had been observing his thoughtful expression asked.

"Guild Master."


"The additional supplies we were planning to send, how should we proceed? They've been waiting for two days already."

"...Wait a little longer."

"We can't keep them waiting like this, can we?"

Hwang Jongui glanced briefly at the wagons placed in front of the Eunha Guild headquarters. Then he spoke with a sigh.

"Give it one more day. After that, either put them back in the warehouse or send them down the river. Make a decision."

"Yes. Understood."

Wasn't it a strange thing?

Hwaeum had clearly become a larger village than before. Their population has increased, and with the establishment of the Eunha Guild branch, the traffic of people coming and going has also increased. Although it may seem like a branch, in reality, eighty percent of the transactions of logistics handled by the Eunha Guild went through this Hwaeum branch. One can only imagine the substantial flow of money and resources passing through this Hwaeum branch.

Nevertheless, in Hwang Jongui's eyes, the Hwaeum of these days felt very bleak.

The people of Mount Hua, who had not been here for long, were rarely seen in Hwaeum. Yet, with their absence, the entire village seemed to lose its vitality.

Hwang Jongui realized anew that the affairs of the world couldn't be measured solely by money and manpower.

"Excuse me, Boss."


"If by any chance, the Heavenly Comrade Alliance members went to Sichuan and faced an unexpected situation..."

Flames flickered in Hwang Jongui's eyes for a moment.

"Are you joking with such a serious matter!"

An enraged voice burst out, and the guild member who raised the issue prostrated himself.

"Forgive me! I was just too worried, and I..."

"Even if you're worried, there are things you can say and things you shouldn't! If you utter such words again, I won't stay quiet!"

"Yes! Yes, Boss! I'll keep that in mind."

Hwang Jongui bit his lip slightly.

It wasn't that he didn't understand the anxious feelings, but one shouldn't speak recklessly.

'I hope they come back safely. No, they must come back safely.'


"Guild Masteeeeeeeeeeeer!"

At that moment, someone rushed in through the wide-open Eunha Guild main gate. Seeing the flustered appearance, Hwang Jongui furrowed his brow.

"I always told you to stay calm. Merchants should..."

"The people from Mount Hua!"


"The people from Mount Hua have arrived at the village! Right now! Just now!"

"Step aside!"


Hwang Jongui pushed aside the Guild member in front of him and hurriedly ran out of the guild. The one who had fallen to the ground stared blankly for a moment, then quickly got up.

"Come, let's go with him! Guild Master! Guild Master!"

They ran after Hwang Jongui. Other member around him also abandoned their tasks and rushed toward the entrance of the village.

"Where are they?"

"There! Can't you see over there?"


Hwang Jongui's eyes widened.

Indeed, in the distance, a group of people was approaching. The distance was still too far to distinguish their appearances clearly. However, just by the black robes and swords at their waists, it was evident who they were.

"They've come back!"

Tears welled up in Hwang Jongui's eyes.

He hadn't said it, but how much had he worried? No, since they left, there hadn't been a moment when his heart was at ease. And now, finally, they had returned to Hwaeum.

"Are, are they all safe?"

"It seems so. Just by looking, there must be at least a hundred... No, two hundred... Three hundred? Um..."



Compared to those who left, more and more people were returning.

"Why are more coming? Why do they keep..."

"Th-There seems to be a thousand at least?"

"More coming?"

"Who, who are they, Guild Master?"

While Hwang Jongui was still overwhelmed with emotions, he quickly shook his head. Then he reached a clear conclusion.

"It seems... "


"It might be an unexpected fortune?"

The faces of the Guild members, who had been filled with joy, turned pale all at once.

"Guild Master! We're short of accommodations!"

"Oh! Didn't I tell you it wouldn't be enough? Why didn't you tell me sooner! What about the tents we prepared earlier?"

"Um, those might be in the main base..."

"Then what are you doing! Go get them right away!"

"We don't have enough manpower! We're currently busy guiding these people and preparing what's urgently needed. Do we have the resources to spare sending people to the main base?"

"Is that what a merchant should say? Can't you move immediately?"

"Please, please don't... First, how about sending the remaining people to Mount Hua Sect? I heard there are many vacant halls in Mount Hua Sect..."

Hwang Jongui spewed fire from his eyes.

"What? Have you seen such a foolish person?"

"Why, why are you saying that, Guild Master?"

"If we accommodate people on the top of Mount Hua, someone has to carry supplies up the Mount Hua every day. Are you going to do that?"

"...Why did the ancestors of Mount Hua build structures on top of such a mountain in the first place?" 

"That's enough talk. Quickly send people to bring tents. We need makeshift arrangements! Hurry!"


At that moment, another guild member rushed in with a report.

"Guild Master! Big, big trouble! We're running out of rice!"

"What? What nonsense is this! Running out of grains! How is that possible?"

"We sent all the harvested grains to the Yangtze River in advance..."

"You fool! Instead of standing around, you should be solving the problem immediately. Send people to Xi'an and bring back all the rice the merchants possess! Right away!"

"Ah, Guild Master. You should know it, if the rumor spreads that we urgently need grain, they will raise the price even more."

"We need it urgently, and we have to get it, no matter what. Stop talking and do as you're told."

"Fine. Understood."

The messenger ran outside. A groan escaped from Hwang Jongui's mouth.

"What on earth is happening..."

Grains and shelter could be managed somehow. But living with people is not that simple. From the moment they were accommodated in Hwaeum, the endless need for supplies would arise.

"Guild Master... Are those people going to stay here?"

Hwang Jongui frowned at the guild member's question.

"It's an urgent situation, and we can manage the immediate crisis, but... Isn't it a separate issue that these people are settling here? Hwaeum has only a few hundred residents at most, but just the newcomers here now exceed two thousand. Isn't this a level far beyond what we can handle?"

"The Tang Family has moved in its entirety, so there's no helping it..."

"To put it plainly, after we provide a place for these people to live, the population of Hwaeum will increase threefold. Who is going to handle that situation?"

"...We will do it, right?"

"It's not because we don't want to work... It's a different matter altogether."

"I understand what you're saying."

Hwang Jongui scratched his head. After calculating in his mind several times, he suddenly stood up and rushed outside.

Hyun Jong was seen standing at the village entrance, observing the situation of the newcomers.

"Welcome, Sect Leader. No, Great Sect Leader!"

"Ah, Guild Master."

Hyun Jong warmly shook hands with Hwang Jongui. Then, with a troubled and apologetic expression, he spoke.

"I'm sorry for causing trouble. I feel truly sorry for the inconvenience."

"Inconvenience? How could there be any inconvenience?"

In response to Hyun Jong's words, Hwang Jongui flinched and bowed his head.

"Well... It's not a problem for us to endure hardships, but no matter how you think about it, accommodating this many people in Hwaeum doesn't seem easy."

"Hmm? Is that so?"

"Yes, Great Sect Leader. Originally, this place was nothing more than a small village. If such a population settles here, it will be more than just inconvenient. It's not something that can be easily resolved even with efforts."

Hyun Jong sighed in contemplation, his voice tinged with concern. Hwang Jongui would probably understand better than anyone else about such matters.

"Well, then, how do you suggest we handle this? I want to make it clear in advance that we cannot send them away."

"How about accommodating them in Xi'an?"


"Yes. In fact, Xi'an is not far away. There shouldn't be much difference in distance. Moreover, Xi'an has many vacant halls, and there are many sects friendly to Mount Hua, so we can rent their premises. Also, Xi'an is a large city, so there is an abundance of goods compared to this small place. There is no need to go through hardships to obtain supplies."

Hyun Jong nodded as if he had a point.

Compared to accommodating these people in Hwaeum, where the population is less than a thousand, accommodating them in Xi'an, which had a population of over a hundred thousand, was a world of difference.

"Well, that does seem reasonable."

Hyun Jong's words made Hwang Jongui's face lit up.

Even if they moved to Xi'an, their workload would be halved... No, it would decrease several times more.

But Hyun Jong's words didn't end there.

"But... as I lived, I found that rationality to be a very futile concept."


"Even if you speak the truth, it only makes sense if the listener understands, doesn't it?"

"W-What exactly are you trying to say?"

"Oh, they're coming right now."


"Over there."

Hwang Jongui turned his gaze towards the direction Hyun Jong pointed. It was the village entrance, where numerous people were pouring in, and it seemed that the ground had become slightly flatter than before.


As they watched for a moment, something was rapidly approaching from a distant place, creating dust clouds.

"...What is that?"

Those who saw it, including Hwang Jongui, shared their impressions one by one.

"It seems like a sight I've seen a lot…"

"Well, it's a bit different. Originally, the dust clouds aren't that small."

"And this time it seems like there are several?"

Hwang Jongui's shoulders trembled slightly.

Gradually, it became clearer. Several carts hurtling towards Hwaeum, and a man standing on top of the piled wealth.

"No way!"

The man shouted in a voice amplified by demonic arts, piercing the ears.

"What are you doing that this is all you've accomplished! Take these out!"

No one could utter a word.


Hyun Jong tapped Hwang Jongui's shoulder, who was silent. He looked towards the direction and saw the approaching scene more clearly. Several carts rushing towards Hwaum and a man standing on top of the piled treasures.

"What is this...?"

Hwang Jongui, along with others, expressed their thoughts one by one.

"It looks familiar..."

"Oh, it's a bit different. The dust clouds aren't that small originally."

"And this time, there are several of them?"

Hwang Jongui's shoulders trembled slightly.

Suddenly, it became clear. In the distance, a man on top of the treasure shouted.


The man's voice filled with anger echoed forcefully into their ears.

"What've you been doing to only accomplish this much! Take these out!"

No one could speak.


Hyun Jong lightly patted Hwang Jongui's shoulder, who was still silent.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you, Guild Master. That..."

Hwang Jongui looked up at the sky. On a day like this, he keenly felt the absence of his late father.