Chapter 1475: The Fruits Of Labor (Part 5)

"Stand in line there, line up!"

"We have plenty of grains! No need to hurry!"

"Those who received grains, come here and receive daily necessities! Don't come here first, line up over there!"

The grains piled up like mountains on the street were distributed step by step to the gathered people.

"...Really giving out actual grains in this world."

Those who came to the distribution center with plaques in their hands blinked in astonishment. At first glance, the amount of distributed grains seemed considerable.

"Is that all? Aren't they also giving essential items right away?"

"They're even giving houses and food. What more do you need?"

"They say Shaanxi is colder than Hubei, so they're also giving out clothing to prevent health issues."

"Ha... Haha. This is... something."

It was confusing whether they were refugees or guests visiting Shaanxi. In this situation, there was a natural question.

"Why are they treating us so well?"

If the gathered refugees were wielding swords, it would be understandable. Clearly, in the current world, there was no choice but for martial artists to be favored.

However, the people lining up to receive the provisions were mostly farmers who knew nothing but plow.

"Well, who knows. As long as they give, we're fine."

"...Talking about Heavenly Comrade Alliance so much, and now..."

"Just stop and go quickly. What if the grains run out in front of us while we're hesitating?"

"That's right."

The ones exchanging words joined the line with quick steps.

* * *

"We're running out of grains!"

"What are those sent to Luoyang doing?"

"L, Luoyang is not even in the neighboring town, and it will take a while to come back..."

"What nonsense are you talking! Don't think about resting and quickly bring them!"

"We also lack cloth."

"The ones who purchased cloth in Xi'an are about to arrive! Those who haven't received it will be listed separately for later distribution! For now, let's turn all the remaining cloth into children's clothes!"

"We don't have water! The rate at which the well is shrinking is faster than the rate at which it's replenishing. We should get water from somewhere!"

Hwang Jongui turned his head sharply and shouted to a subordinate.

"Didn't I tell you to assign extra manpower?"

"I did assign them. However, using manpower to carry water seems to have its limits..."

"Add more, more! If there's a shortage of people, add more! What about you? What's the problem again?"

"Many of those who came a long way are lying sick without a break. In Hwaeum, there's an unreasonable shortage of doctors. We need to urgently bring in medics from other places."

"Well, um... that..."

While giving orders and sweating, Hwang Jongui suddenly paused. Then, he frowned and looked back.

Behind the office, there was a makeshift bed for him, and someone had been lying there crookedly since earlier. The person, who was luxuriously munching on a delicious apple, felt Hwang Jongui's gaze and spoke casually.

"Huh? Whaat?"

Hwang Jongui's eyes spasmed.

Of course, that guy didn't necessarily have to do anything. But while others were sweating profusely, working hard enough for their clothes to get soaked, behind the scenes...

"Chief... Well, they're saying there's a shortage of doctors, but doctors are not someone we can casually bring in just because we want to bring them in." 

"Bring in doctors? Why? The most useless people here are doctors." 


"Hmm. Let's see... over there."

"Yes? Uh, yes!"

The one reporting to Hwang Jongui was surprised and answered.

"Make a list of those who are sick. Separate those who need urgent attention and inform them separately. Tell them that the doctors will visit their homes tonight."

"At night? Why insist on at night?"

"Doctors only have time at night. They have to build houses during the day."

...Ah, the Tang family.

Right, the Tang family was excellent at medicine. But...

'They're busy building houses without a break during the day, and at night, they have to see patients?'

By this point, wouldn't it be more strange if the Tang family didn't join the Evil Tyrant Alliance?

"Okay, that seems to be resolved. Are there any other problems?"


Hwang Jongui seemed strangely indecisive.

"You all, leave!"


"Chief stays!"

"Ah, yes. Guild Master."

The bustling place emptied in an instant. Hwang Jongui then held onto Chung Myung as if begging him.

"Chief, how much longer do you plan to accept refugees? We can't endure it like this."

"It seems like people from the Four Seas Merchant Company are also arriving now. What's the fuss about? In my time..."

"Oh, please spare me from that 'in my time' talk! It's not a manpower issue; it's a financial issue! We can't make money out of thin air with our determination, can we? How much do you think we can afford to distribute to those people?"


Chung Myung made a pouting expression, but Hwang Jongui didn't easily back down.

"The funds you provided before have already run out. We are now filling it with the assets of the Eunha Guild. But that too will soon run out."

"Already spent all the money given, and you're already crying because you're worried that someone might think you're not a merchant, huh?"

"Oh, Chief! Do you think those people will stay for just a day or two and leave? We have to support them for at least a few months, but the price of grains is skyrocketing, and logistics costs are limitless... I'm not just expressing concerns about the Eunha Guild. At this rate, even the Heavenly Comrade Alliance will fall apart."

"Ah, don't worry. The Heavenly Comrade Alliance has a lot of money. I can embezzle... no, extort... uh... anyway, there's money collected from various sects."


Hwang Jongui thumped his chest as if expressing frustration.

"Just having money is not enough! I understand that accounting may be unfamiliar and difficult for you, Chief, but money is just useless pieces of paper if you can't use it when needed. Would you be able to find people around here who can exchange Anhui's estates for grain right now? It would take several months just to see it with the naked eye, right?"

"...That's true."

"No matter how much property is written in the ledger, it's useless. What we need now is tangible assets that can be immediately exchanged for grains or goods..."

"Oh, tangible assets."


At that moment, something poured out of the opened drawer that Chung Myung pulled, scattering in front of Hwang Jongui. Gold, gold, gold... countless gold sycees. Hwang Jongui was momentarily bewildered, speechless.


"Here. Tangible assets."

Hwang Jongui slowly opened his mouth as he stared at the shining gold sycees. How much money would this be if it was real?

"This... where did you get all this..."

"Well, let's not get into that."

Chung Myung chuckled.

"Is this enough for now? If it's not enough, should I give you this much more?"

"That, that's right. It's enough. There's...there's more?"

Hwang Jongui's complexion momentarily turned pale.

No matter how you look at it, this seemed to be money without a source, so how on earth did he gather this much? Moreover, in gold, not in vouchers or land.

"W-what is this..."

"For now, use this to block the urgent issues. If you need more, let me know."

"Oh, no, giving this money... I honestly find it too much. Instead of this..."

"Geesh. This is why merchants like you!"

Chung Myung interrupted as if he had heard enough and rolled his eyes.

"Do you think the money will increase just by stacking it in the warehouse?"


"Guild Master, you may not understand because you are a merchant, but money is meaningless if you don't use it where it's needed! Money is only meaningful when used at the right time!"

Hwang Jongui flinched. What Chung Myung just said was often said by his father, Hwang Munyak.

'Is... a real Taoist really like that?'

He may seem far from a Taoist, but anyway, Chung Myung was a legitimate Taoist who received the teachings of Mount Hua. As for trivial worldly desires...

"That's how you get twice! Three times! The profit, you know? At that time, we can sweep it up! I can collect it!"

Chung Myung's eyes gleamed with desire. Hwang Jongui smiled pleasantly.

Whatever you say.

"Anyway, for now, use this, and don't hesitate to spend the money generously."

"...Yes. I understand what you mean."

"And count this carefully and write it separately in the ledger. I'll charge you interest later."

...Hwang Jongui nodded weakly. Chung Myung looked at him with a satisfied smile.

"Do you roughly know what else needs to be done?"

"Of course. But... do you have something else in mind?"

"I have to leave my seat for a moment."

"Ah, are you leaving Hwaeum? May I ask why you are going?"

"For the harvest."


Chung Myung chuckled and nodded.

"I didn't just scatter the seeds among the commoners. Might as well sweep them all in one go."

Hwang Jongui, who didn't understand what was going on, just stared at him blankly.

* * *


"You're going to Hanam now?"

An expression of disbelief appeared on the Five Swords' faces. It was understandable.

With the continuous influx of refugees, one less hand was a regrettable situation. But in this situation, was it reasonable for Chung Myung to leave Hwaeum?

In the past, it might have been different, but now Chung Myung was the chief of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance. It was unthinkable for someone in such an important position to step down at such a critical moment.

"No, this crazy guy. I don't know what he's up to, but let's settle things here first...."


Chung Myung interrupted Jo Gol's words and turned to Yoon Jong.

"Hasn't there been a lot of talk about Jo Gol Sahyung lately?"

"I understand. Hasn't he gained a nickname?"

"Oh, so that's how it is."

"No, you idiot! Sahyung, why are you talking about that?"

Jo Gol protested unfairly. Chung Myung clicked his tongue.

"If you don't want to go together, then don't. I'll go alone."

"No... Sasuk! Don't just stay quiet and say something!"

"...Let it be. I might die."

Baek Cheon, who buried his face in his hands, didn't raise his head or answer for a while. When he finally looked up, his face seemed to be mixed with all the pain in the world. He asked.

"...But why are you really going to Hanam? Shouldn't we know the reason?"

"Didn't you hear what I said? I'm going to harvest."

"What's there! What on earth is there? Are you planning to bring all the commoners in Hanam?"

"Oh? Well, Dong Ryong."

Baek Cheon looked at Chung Myung as if it were obvious.

"It's true. Now I can tell you your thoughts as if I were looking into the palm of your hand..." [not sure]

"I think you've really become a bit stupid these days, huh? Ask Tang Gaju-nim to take a pulse."


Baek Cheon looked up at the sky blankly.

Now that Southern Edge's gates were open, would they accept him now?

Yoon Jong, who noticed Baek Cheon's thoughts, approached and quietly patted his shoulder.

"It's too late now, Sasuk."

"...It's the fastest when you think it's late."

"Just admit that it's late."

Baek Cheon bit his lip without saying anything. Chung Myung, looking at him pitifully, spoke disdainfully.

"People are enough. Now we need to retrieve something else. That's the key right now."

"Huh? The key?"

Chung Myung chuckled.

"You'll know when you go. Perhaps those guys are eagerly anticipating our arrival."


Chung Myung waved his hand, as if he couldn't be bothered to explain further.

"Enough! So, are you going or not?"

The Five Swords lowered their heads in unison.

"...I really hope he dies."

It was no longer surprising that the words came out of Yoo Iseol's mouth.