Chapter 1480: The Plan Was Sound (Part 5)

The Beggar's Union at the center of the Kaifeng Fortress.

Those who confirmed this place with their own eyes were surprised in three aspects. Firstly, the fortress, being part of the 'Beggars' group, was unexpectedly massive and towering.

Secondly, the entire building, despite its grandeur, seemed to be on the verge of collapse. with worn-out and decaying corners. The lofty and massive structure was overshadowed by missing roof tiles, rotting wood, and thick layers of dust scattered throughout.

And finally, after witnessing the sight of dirty beggars bustling inside the fortress, one would fully understand that this was indeed the Beggar's Union.

Initially, those who saw this place were astonished, but soon they nodded in agreement and even clicked their tongues.

On the top floor of the headquarters was a small office where people constantly came and went.

An elderly man with a stern expression sat.

"Who made a move?"

Despite being a place associated with beggars, the office was unbelievably tidy, and the elderly man's presence alone conveyed an extraordinary atmosphere.

Wearing ragged clothes like other beggars, he possessed a dignified demeanor, a deep voice, and a powerful presence, making no one dare to view him lightly.

"Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword Chung Myung. It seems that the Five Swords of Mount Hua have moved together."

"...At a time like this?"

"This is a report that just arrived from Luoyang."


The old man mumbled vaguely. Although his eyes were wrinkled, his gaze was sharp. A glint of blue radiance flickered.

'Why are they here in this situation?'

As soon as the old man finished his thoughts, he quickly opened his mouth.

"They're not here to gather materials to build the headquarters of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, are they?"

It was an unimaginable scenario for an ordinary person, but given the eccentric deeds of the Mount Hua people, such a possibility could not be ruled out.

"It doesn't seem like that. They moved west immediately after revealing themselves in Luoyang."

"West, west... Then it must be Henan."

Numerous thoughts flooded the old man's mind.

"Shaolin? It's not Shaolin. There's nothing for them in the vacant Shaolin with the leader absent. Then Wudang? No, not Wudang either. Wudang is in Bongmun, so they wouldn't go there... No, that's not it. If it's Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword Chung Myung, he could tear down the gate of the Bongmun and enter, leaving a big mess behind."

The old man, muttering quickly, gave instructions.

"Reinforce the personnel around Wudang. We need to confirm if they're meeting with the Wudang Sect!" "Yes!"

A quick response came, but the old man's face stiffened again.

"Why would they meet with Wudang? No, not just a Wudang. Henan is not the only possibility. They could pass through Henan and head to Beijing. Then government officials? Well, there's a possibility. Certainly, the Evil Tyrant Alliance isn't just a problem for martial artists..."

If the government suddenly intervened in this situation and joined forces with the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, a major upheaval would occur.

Of course, the possibility was slim, but one couldn't completely ignore the existing possibility.

"Place personnel around Beijing as well. We need to confirm if they're heading towards the Imperial Palace.

No, not the Imperial Palace. If they moved in advance, it might not be the Imperial Palace but the high-ranking officials of Beijing that they meet first. Issue a cautionary order for the entire region of Beijing!"


The old man quickly nodded his head. However, his face remained tense.

'A bunch of variables.'

Information itself is meaningless. It gains significance only when it can predict the next action based on that information.

And predicting requires numerous things. Tendencies, behaviors, goals, habits, relationships... even the hidden desires deeply embedded within.

But that Mount Hua could never be predicted. No, to be precise, it was never known what Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword Chung Myung would do next.

He could do anything and also do nothing.

'But the problem isn't that we don't know what he might do.'

The biggest issue was not knowing what results would come from his actions.

No one in the world can turn Wudang to the side of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance. It was as natural as water falling from top to bottom.

However, if Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, Chung Myung, entered the Wudang Sect, the problem was that the water might actually spout upwards.

Feasibility? Of course, it might be slim. But weren't 'nonexistent' and 'slim' somewhat similar yet entirely different words?

That's why the Beggar's Union had to focus its efforts on monitoring the movements of Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword.

"...He hasn't even sorted out what he has done yet, so what on earth is he planning in this situation?"

The old man pursed his lips and rubbed his chin.

"There is no judgment to be made in the current situation. Find out their next move. We need to secure at least where they are right now."




When the person reporting was about to leave the office in a hurry, the old man stopped him.



The person who was about to leave turned back. The old man asked as if something had occurred to him.

"What is this place?"

"What do you mean?"

"How about Kaifeng? What is the likelihood that they will come to Kaifeng? No, is there a possibility that they are already here in Kaifeng? Right now..."

"I already expected that and issued a cautionary order. We distributed their descriptions to those wandering around the headquarters, and if their tracks are found, we instructed to report to the headquarters immediately."

"A quick decision. Good. But they won't be foolish either. If their target is Kaifeng, they will devise a way not to be caught by us."

"If anything strange happens, we are receiving reports on everything."

"Has there been any unusual incidents so far?"

"Um, that..."

As the person reporting hesitated in speaking, the old man's eyes flashed.

"What is it?"

"...I'm not sure if this is something that should be reported, but a little while ago, it was reported that Southern Edge's disciples entered the gate."

"Southern Edge? Why is that strange?"

"Southern Edge suddenly appearing at this time..."

The old man furrowed his brow.

"They must have unlocked Bongmun, so they might be on the move. Are they coming to the headquarters?"

"I haven't confirmed that yet."

"What about the Sect Leader?"

"It seems he didn't come with them."

"Well, that's fortunate."

The person reporting's lips twitched slightly. He understood the hidden meaning behind that 'fortunate'.

"In any case, there's no need to worry about it. It will naturally be sorted out."


"Be thorough with surveillance."


After the reporting was over, the person nodded and quickly left the office. The old man, left alone, chuckled.

"A world where we have to suspect Mount Hua disciples impersonating Southern Edge."

How did the Central Plains end up coming this far?

The old man's gaze turned to a corner of the worn-out desk. There, a small dent was carved. It was a mark left by something heavy being placed there for a long time.

"...Because it hasn't been filled yet."

The moment what should be in that place found its position, the world would return to its original flow.

That was exactly what the Beggar's Union had to create.

* * *

The streets of Kaifeng were filled with beggars and people mingling.

Among them, individuals dressed in crisp white robes confidently walked towards the center. The edges of the pure white robes were adorned with a blue tint like the sky. And engraved on their chests were cloud patterns.

For those who saw this attire, the two characters that immediately came to mind were 'Southern Edge.'

The amazing Southern Edge sect. Among the Ten Great Sects, it was a sect that was said to be in the top three alongside Shaolin and Wudang.

Of course, objectively speaking, it was challenging to compare them with the forces of the North Star Shaolin and Wudang. However, that didn't diminish Southern Edge's standing.

The disciples of the great Southern Edge were now swaggering in this place.

"Hmm. It's quite grand."

"The momentum of Southern Edge's disciples is definitely extraordinary. It seems like they've sharpened their bones in Bongmun."

"They are quite noticeable. Are they all so elegant?"

The beggars mumbled here and there, repeatedly dispersing quickly. While confirming their reactions without missing a beat, someone slowly opened their mouth.



"Why does this work? Why?"

These were words that more than represented the feelings of those walking in the center of the main street.

"Do the Beggar's Union folks all have eyes like knotholes? Do I look like a Southern Edge bitch?"

"Woah... Speak gently. Sound can be blocked, but you can't block the shape of the mouth."

Jo Gol sighed deeply with a profoundly disappointed expression.

If this worked, wasn't there something wrong with the world? Did this truly make any sense?

"...Is it reasonable that we can't be recognized just because we're wearing Southern Edge uniforms, carrying a cloud-engraved sword, and have a shabby beard stuck on our faces?"

"Well, since we're in disguise, of course, they won't recognize us."

"Is sticking on a beard considered a disguise? What if we wear a mask? Even our parents wouldn't recognize us."

"...If we actually wear a mask, wouldn't you [or he?] not recognize us?" 


Listening and seeing that, Jo Gol turned his head and looked at someone.

"...Monk, the wig is crooked."

"Oh, Amita..."

"Please refrain from saying Amitabha. You are a Taoist now, right?"

"In-infinite Buddha!"

"That's better..."

Hye Yeon wore a wig and shed cold sweat continuously. Jo Gol let out a deep sigh.

"No, look. Seriously, doesn't it look strange? Even a three-year-old child would find it strange."



"To be honest... even if we walk around with legs attached to our faces, those gentlemen won't suspect us."


"Actually, we can't be suspected, can we? Isn't that the truth?"

At Yoon Jong's words, everyone's gaze naturally focused ahead.

The person walking a half step ahead. With a perfect Southern Edge attire, proudly carrying Southern Edge's sword on his waist. A tall figure, a determined face, and a slightly arrogant mouth.

Everywhere, the murmurs were vividly heard at this moment.

"That person Jin Geumryong, right?"

"He's amazing as I heard. They said he's a bit arrogant, and it seems fitting."

"They say he'll soon become the next Sect Leader, right?"

"So he came to the headquarters. It looks like he's going to have a meeting with the boss."

"Hmm. His presence sure is impressive."

Listening to all those comments, the person in front slowly raised his head. To others, he would appear like a young lion of Southern Edge, raising his chin with an air of dignity.

'...Sect Leader.'

But disguised as Jin Geumryong... No, honestly, just after roughly changing his hairstyle and wearing Southern Edge clothes, Baek Cheon's eyes were blurry with tears.

'I want to die.'

Tears of the Mount Hua Sect flowed twinkling in the eyes of Baek Cheon disguised as a Southern Edge disciple.