Chapter 1484: Why Are You Suddenly Here? (Part 4)


Un Am, who had just put down the load on his shoulders, let out a long sigh.

'Is it over with this?'

It seemed like all the items that needed to be moved today were moved. Of course, after a short night, there would be new challenges and tasks to face.

"Are you done?"

At the voice coming from the side, Un Am turned his head. Tang Gunak, the head of the Sichuan Tang Family, approached with a smile.

Un Am quickly greeted him.

"I am honored to meet Gaju-nim..."

But Un Am couldn't bow as low as he thought. An intangible energy tightly held onto his body, preventing him from bowing properly.

"It's too much formality. I dare not receive the lordship of Mount Hua's Sect Leader."

Un Am made a slightly awkward expression.

"I apologize. I know it in my head, but my body is not used to it."

Tang Gunak smiled lightly. It must be uncomfortable. Un Am had been observing him conversing with Hyun Jong on an equal footing.

Moreover, when Tang Gunak first ascended to the position of the head, dealing with people related to the predecessors was very difficult.

"Is everything finished?"

"I barely finished it."

Tang Gunak shook his head as if exhausted.

"Why did things become so big?"

"That's true."

Both of them sighed at the same time. With fewer people approaching, there was finally a moment to catch a breath. The previous few days had been incredibly hectic.

"Nobody can keep up with those guys when it comes to expanding their influence in the world."

Un Am's words made Tang Gunak laugh bitterly, and suddenly, he furrowed his brows.

"It's a problem to think about. Now that those guys have left their positions."


"What trouble will they cause next? We haven't even settled everything here yet."

Tang Gunak, who spoke heavily, glanced at Un Am as if testing him. Surprisingly, Un Am's expression remained calm. Tang Gunak, with an intrigued expression, said somewhat unexpectedly.

"It seems Sect Leader is not worried."

"Of course, I was also surprised when those guys casually threw a word and ran away."


"But, Gaju-nim, I trust those kids."

"Are you waiting for them to come back, believing they will handle anything well?"


Doubt flashed in Tang Gunak's eyes.

"Then what?"

"I believe in what those kids have learned and experienced so far."

Before Tang Gunak could ask further, Un Am added.

"They are Taoists. While the world pays attention only to their swords, those kids are in the process of finding their own Tao in this world."


Tang Gunak let out a small sigh. Un Am grinned.

"If the thoughts and attitudes of the kids do not deviate from the Tao discussed in Mount Hua, whatever they do, wouldn't it be a problem? I am just waiting for the kids to come back."

Tang Gunak stared at Un Am with a highly interested expression.

Perhaps, if it were Hyun Jong, he would have built a mountain of worries by now about the kids who had left. However, Un Am was definitely different from Hyun Jong. While worries and concerns existed, there was a clear belief on top of them.

"I wish they could hear these words."

"Haha. They would just laugh it off."

Woonam chuckled and looked into the distance to the east.

'I believe in you, kids.'

May everything they do unfold on the path of Tao they have set for themselves.

On the Tao named Mount Hua. [oh dear...un am honey...]

* * *


"My eyes are stinging."

"This is insane."

The disciples of Mount Hua, crossing the large gate, all opened their mouths in astonishment.

Even Jo Gol and Tang Soso, who were surely familiar with luxury, couldn't hide their amazement.

"Sa... Sahyung. Isn't that a Cat's Eye Stone?"

"Unbelievable. Who in their right mind would use a Cat's Eye Stone for decorative purposes?"

"But it's there, isn't it?"

"Oh my..."

Jo Gol and Tang Soso trembled simultaneously. The entire first floor was adorned with splendid jewels and silk. It was a luxury that not even the Four Seas Merchant Company, let alone the Tang Family, could afford.

"What would Elder Hyun Young say if he saw this?"

"Wouldn't he curse those damn bastards who spend money like it's nothing?"

"Is that so?"

Baek Cheon and Yoon Jong couldn't even close their mouths. Even Hye Yeon, who was far from the luxurious path, seemed on the verge of losing consciousness.

"How can such a place exist in the world..."

The external appearance was dazzling, and the interior was beyond comparison. The sparkling decorations, sweet fragrance, flowing music, and echoing laughter gave the feeling of entering a different world.

"Is this heaven?"

"Oh, Sasuk. Then I guess it's worth going to the top?"

"They look like people who will die from being struck by lightning."

"Yoon Jong-ah... I'm your Sasuk."


At that moment, when everyone was captivated by the splendor, an elegant woman, dressed in magnificent attire, approached.

"Please come in."

She smiled softly at the disciples of Southern Edge, or rather, at the disciples of Mount Hua, who were standing awkwardly.

"It is a great honor to have heroes like you visit here."

The lady gracefully lowered her head. The disciples of Mount Hua shrank a little bit more than before.

"Sasuk, if you keep shrinking like that, you'll be smaller than Soso."

"Look at yourself then talk."

The lady raised her head and asked.

"Why have you come all the way here?"

"W-well... we, um, above here..."

"Oh, move aside!"

As Baek Cheon stuttered, Chung Myung, unable to contain his irritation, grabbed his face and pushed him back, stepping forward.

"We came here to have a drink, what else could it be? Just guide us to a high and scenic place."


Hearing Cheongmyeong's words, the lady sighed as if in sympathy.

"I apologize, guests. Our Heavenly Pavilion is not a place where just anyone can enter. First, only those with a certain status..."

"What? Status?"

The moment the word 'status' came up, Chung Myung's eyes widened.

"Status? Where is there someone with a more certain status than us? You don't know about Southern Edge, Southern Edge?"


"No, even if it's a pleasure house! Don't you know the Great Southern Edge? Should I show you the Thirty-Six Swords sword forms today?"


Lee Songbaek, standing in the back, kept clutching his chest as if his heart as if fighting against an invisible enemy. He seemed like someone whose heart had malfunctioned.

'I wonder if he'll spit out blood soon?'

'But even if I were in his position, I might be the same. Anyway, that guy has no sense of morality.'

The disciples of Mount Hua shifted slightly, smiling awkwardly as they hid Lee Songbaek.

The lady, who was slightly embarrassed, smiled brightly as if to say.

"No matter how foolish this heavenly maiden is, she would not be unaware of the clouds engraved on that robe."

"Is that so? Then, can we go in?"

"I'm sorry, guests."

"I apologize for not explaining it thoroughly. Our Pavilion of Heaven only welcomes individuals with a clear status and high reputation throughout the world."

"Reputation? Is there anyone here with higher reputation than this person? This is Jin Geumryong! The Golden Dragon among the Five Dragons! Jin Geumryong!" [reminder that "Geum Ryong" means "golden dragon"]

Baeck Cheon, who had been standing still, was startled and quickly put on an arrogant expression. Jo Gol whispered quickly into Yunjong's ear.

"So, was Jin Geumryong's title the Golden Dragon? Is Jin Geumryong or "Golden Dragon" the golden dragon? Paegun Jang Ilso, Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword Chung Myung, Golden Dragon Jin Geumryong?"

"Was it like that? It didn't seem like it, but..."

No, what kind of bastard made up a title so thoughtlessly...

"And don't you know this person? Southern Edge's... oh, right! Lee Songbaek! He doesn't have a title yet, but I guess he'll be known as Southern Edge's Invincible Sword or something like that in the future." [✩ title acquired ✩]

Lee Songbaek was dragged by Chung Myung, with an expression as if he had lost his country. Chung Myung confidently shouted.

"Is there still no reputation?"


"Hey! This place is amazing, truly amazing. Completely disregarding Southern Edge, Jin Geumryong, and Lee Songbaek. What an amazing establishment!"

"Oh, no. Let me finish my words..."

By this point, red veins gradually appeared on the lady's white forehead.

'She's angry.'


'But it's understandable.'

The lady, who seemed like she wouldn't lose her composure in any situation, slowly distorted her face. It was undoubtedly an interesting sight to some extent, but the disciples of Mount Hua couldn't bring themselves to laugh. Rather, it was pitiful. This was something they always experienced.

With a more resolute tone than before, the lady spoke.

"Guest. Our house only admits members as guests. Only those with a clear status and high reputation throughout the world can become members, and only members can enter our house!"

Chung Myung scoffed as if it was absurd.

"What kind of house requires membership? This isn't a martial arts sect."

"Please don't forget where you are, guest. This is Kaifeng."


"In a place where anyone can easily come and go, important conversations cannot be held, don't you think?"

"I see. Is that how it is?"

Chung Myung made a loud noise and said casually.

"Well, if becoming a member solves it, then let's do that. What about being the top rank?"

"Well, to become a member of our Pavilion of Heaven, you need to pay the appropriate membership fee."

"Membership fee? Money?"

"Yes, the appropriate..."

Thunk. At that moment, Chung Myung tossed a bag towards the lady. She awkwardly caught the bag.

"Let's settle it with what's there, and you can keep the change. Alright?"

The lady quickly counted the money in the bag with a sidelong glance and smiled.

"Guest, with this amount, you can only purchase a Soldier-level membership. Is that acceptable?"

"Got it. Take a bit for a meal... What?"

Chung Myung's eyes bulged out as if about to pop out. How much money was in there to hear such an absurd statement!

"What? Soldier level, not Officer level?"


"How much is an Officer-level membership?"

"It costs one million nyang."

"...How much?"

"One million nyang."

"...How much, did you say?"

"One million..."

Chung Myung's eyes shook as if they were experiencing an earthquake. The shock and confusion quickly turned into anger.

"What? Even if these crazy people are trying to scam us, this is outrageous! What kind of membership costs one million nyang! Who do they think they are?"

"Calm down, bro!"

"Don't cause trouble here!"

"Wow, I've heard of people selling their conscience, but I've never seen such crazy people at this age! You seem to be targeting us today, but what now? You've picked the wrong people! Call your boss out right now!"

Chung Myung vented his anger. However, the lady calmly smiled instead.

"It's difficult, guest."

"Difficult? What are you going to do if it's difficult? Want me to hit you? If I decide to climb up with force, what can you do?"

"I have no choice but to call the official guards."

"Fine. Come and... What?"

Chung Myung's head turned to the side.

"Who are you calling?"

"The official guards. From the government office."


This was an answer Chung Myung never expected.

"No... Does this person not know about the prohibition of officials entering private businesses? Why is an official coming out here?"

"Of course, I understand. But here is not a martial arts sect; it's an establishment that does business. Naturally, if a problem arises, we need to call the officials. Isn't that right?"

Baeck Cheon, who had been observing the situation, cautiously walked forward and whispered to Chung Myung's ear.

"Hey, until now, it was half a joke, you know?"


"But if there's a problem with the officials? Our skins really will be peeled off. Sect Leader will check the performance of the newly bought swords against our scalps."

While the two were whispering, the lady smiled and asked.

"How? Do you plan to cause more trouble?"

"Ha, hahaha. Haha."

Chung Myung's eyes flashed with a dangerous light. When the Mount Hua disciples, who were startled, instinctively rushed to catch him, Chung Myung's figure disappeared from the spot, as if he had evaporated.

"Excuse me."

The ones who had rushed forward fell flat on the ground, and Chung Myung was already stepping back. His waist was politely bent at a right angle, looking very neat.



"Excuse me for a moment."

Chung Myung turned around abruptly.

"Hey, everyone, what are you doing sitting there? Let's go. Officials are coming!"

...Wow. There are still some things this bastard can't do. Hehe...

"Hurry, hurry!"

"G-Got it."

As the Mount Hua disciples tried to leave the establishment, someone urgently descended the ornate stairs leading to the upper floor. The lady, who was frowning, received a whisper from the person.

The lady's mouth opened.

"One moment."


Chung Myung, who was about to step outside, turned around abruptly. The lady bowed her head.

"I apologize. I think I may have misunderstood. Please forgive the rudeness of this heavenly maiden."


An exceptionally polite voice flowed out of the lady's mouth she bowed deeply. It was as if the previous disturbance had never happened.

"Thank you for visiting the Pavilion of Heaven, Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword Chung Myung Dojang. I will guide you to the top floor immediately."

For a moment, Chung Myung's gaze became ominously dark.