Chapter 1492: There's No Need For That (Part 2)

His heart tightened, and even breathing became difficult.

Demonic War.

Though he had heard the words countless times, the four characters spoken by this old man felt completely different, carrying a weight unlike anything he had heard before.


In the heavy atmosphere, Hye Yeon let out a sigh, a sound close to lamentation.

"Are you saying... you witnessed the Demonic War with your own eyes?"

In response to Hye Yeon's question, the old man nodded ever so slightly.

"That's right."

"How, how is that possible..."

Hye Yeon stared at the old man with eyes that found it hard to believe. Then how old was this man really?

"Sa...Sahyung. He said he was alive at that time?"


Compared to Jo Gol, who was greatly shocked, Yoon Jong seemed relatively calm.

"Thinking about it, it's not that strange. There are cases like Tang Jopyeong."

"Ah... that's true."

At that moment, a low, clear voice echoed in everyone's ears. It was an eerie voice, almost colorless, causing a slight shiver.


While others focused on the word 'survivor,' Chung Myung seemed bothered by the word 'sinner.'

"What does it mean?"

The old man's gaze turned to Chung Myung. His lips trembled as he opened them, making it hard to discern what he was thinking.

"...The disaster called the Demonic War. It can't even be called a war... it was a massacre that annihilated everything."


"Everyone was a victim. Those who died innocently, those who didn't even know why they had to fight and had their breath cut off, those who survived but had to groan in pain for the rest of their lives..."

Soon, the wrinkled face of the old man twisted in a grotesque manner. Indescribable fear, discomfrot, and a strong sense of guilt were visible.

"But I... I am not a victim of that sin, but the one who committed it."

"What are you saying from earlier..."

"At that time, I was..."

The old man hesitated for a moment before speaking as if vomiting.

"The Beggar's Union's...vice sect leader"


Everyone's eyes widened in shock.

At this time, it wasn't uncommon to hear of young vice family leaders [Sogajus] or vice sect leaders in Kangho, but at that time, it wasn't like that. In those days, it was common for a Kangho leader to be at least eighty, and even if it was a vice sect leader, it was typical for them to be at least forty.

For someone to take the position of vice sect leader at that time...

"Then, how old are you now..."


"I'm sorry. I was surprised."

Jo Gol immediately bowed his head, but his eyes still couldn't shake off the shock.

'At least a hundred and thirty? No, maybe even a hundred and fifty?'

He had heard that people could live over a hundred years in the martial world, but it was the first time he had seen someone who had lived for so long.

'Is it true?'

Still unable to dispel his doubts, Jo Gol carefully observed the old man. At that moment, Baek Cheon, with a voice on guard, asked.

"Are you saying that the old man was the vice sect leader at that time?"

"That's right. Deputy Sect Leader."

"...I greet you, senior."

Baek Cheon offered a somewhat awkward greeting. Anyway, in this situation, it was only natural to show respect. The other Mount Hua disciples also followed suit, paying their respects to the old man who was once the vice sect leader.

But only one person, instead of showing respect, asked a question.

"What is your relationship with Soundless Beggar (無音神丐) Feng Bo (風伯)?"

"He was my shifu. At that time of the Demonic War, my shifu was the sect leader of the Beggar's Union."

"Wait a moment!"

At that moment, Lee Song Baek was surprised and spoke.

"If you were the disciple of the Soundless Beggar Feng Bo... could it be that you are Hyun Pung Shin Gae? The one who was the Beggar's Union's sect leader in the past?

The old man slowly nodded.

"That's right. I was the beggar known as Hyun Pung Shin Gae."

"W-What in the world..."

Lee Songbaek staggered as if the strength had left his legs. The disciples of Mount Hua, who didn't understand, asked.

"Lee Sohyeop. Do you know anything?"

"Hyun Pung Shin Gae! He's a legendary sect leader who repaired the devastated Beggar's Union, which had suffered enormous damage after the Demonic War which was in disarray at that time, and reorganized the branches. An indispensable figure when discussing the history of Kangho for the past hundred years!"


Jo Gol and the others turned their heads in shock to look at the old man again.

Was this old man, who seemed to be on the brink of death, really such a prominent figure?

"But I heard that he passed away at least fifty years ago. That he was still alive... and in a place like this..."

Lee Songbaek blinked his eyes in disbelief.

Considering seniority, he didn't even have the right to speak. Even the sect leader of the Southern Edge Sect wouldn't dare to stand up straight in front of him.

With such a person in front of him, his legs might give out...

"It seems like you can't understand what I'm saying."


But Chung Myung, seemingly unfazed, even spat out harsh words. Lee Songbaek inadvertently held his breath.

"Do, Dojang! Please don't..."

"What did you mean by saying you were a sinner? Answer without beating around the bush."

Listening to Chung Myung's growl, Lee Songbaek's mind went blank for a moment.


It would be challenging to describe Chung Myung without that word, but this crossed the line. Far beyond it.

If was known to Kangho that Chung Myung uttered such disrespectful words to the legendary Hyun Pung Shin Gae, several of the old big shots would undoubtedly tie Chung Myung upside down and try to strip him of his skin.

But strangely, there was something odd.

Hyun Pung Shin Gae, who heard such impolite words from an inexperienced junior, seemed not bothered at all. 

'How could it be?'

Of course, Hyun Pung Shin Gae could just be like that. To him, Chung Myung was nothing more than an extremely young junior, not even the age of his great-grandson. Even if he climbed onto his lap and pulled his beard, he might look cute.

But what was strange was that the owner of the Pavilion of Heaven Master Lu and the sect leader of the current Beggar's Union, was watching from behind.

Moreover, it was not only the beggars that were strange, but also Chung Myung.

Chung Myung, although known for his rude remarks, would never recklessly reveal hostility to an elderly person. 

'And it's not just that...'


A chilling aura emanated from Chung Myung, flowing towards Hyun Pung Shin Gae. Sensing it, Master Lu, who was behind them, tried to move, but Hyun Pung Shin Gae raised his hand to stop him.

"Don't interfere."

"Shifu, I..."

"I told you not to interfere."

The immense pressure emanating from Hyun Pung Shin Gae overwhelmed Master Lu instantly. At that moment, despite having an unmatched presence, Master Lu couldn't muster even the slightest resistance and quietly bowed down.

"Cough. Cough."

After Hyun Pung Shin Gae weakly coughed, he turned his gaze to Chung Myung.

"You wouldn't be able to imagine it. Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword."


"Such actions cannot be committed. If you saw that war with your own eyes, you wouldn't be able bow to the feet of the Demonic Cult. That's something a person can't do. So, please put away that anger."

Chung Myung's shoulders loosened a bit as the intimidating atmosphere subsided.

"Well? What did you mean? Being a sinner."


Others who had been watching this abnormal confrontation now understood what it meant.

Calling oneself a sinner and a life where even one's survival had to be hidden.

Considering these two aspects, Chung Myung might've thought that Hyun Pung Shin Gae betrayed the Central Plains.

As the murderous aura faded from Chung Myung's eyes, Hyun Pung Shin Gae spoke with a deep sigh.

"In that disaster..."

Hyun Pung Shin Gae's eyes gazed into the distance, somewhere that no longer existed in the present—a place from the past.

"I drove countless of them to death."


"The helpless, countless ones, I drove them all... all into the battlefield. All of them."

Hyun Pung Shin Gae's bony shoulders slowly began to shake.

An indescribably dense and oppressive air settled around them.

"Sahyungs, disciples... anyone under the name of 'Beggar's Union,' I relentlessly drove them into enemy lines. That was what had to be done. That was the only way to understand the enemies, you see."


Hye Yeon sighed deeply.

"Why would that be considered a mistake on your part, senior? Anyone could..."

"Do you know what people made up the Beggar's Union?" [not sure]

Hyun Pung Shin Gae interrupted Hye Yeon's attempted comfort. With an air of cold determination, Hye Yeon unwittingly closed the mouth he had opened in haste.

"Those who had lost parents at the hands of the Demonic Cult, those who lost their children, those with nothing left but to wait for the day they would die...At the time of war, all of them became beggars and flowed into the Beggar's Union."

Everyone held their breath, listening intently to the old man's voice.

"I drove such people into enemy lines. I put a knife into the hands of a mere ten-year-old child, encouraging him to risk his life for revenge. Even though I knew he would not return..."

Baek Cheon's face paled. The war against the Demonic Cult was known to be devastating, but no one had heard such stories before.

How many deaths and how much blood had been obscured under the term 'significant losses'?

"I just watched as a child, armed with a dagger, headed towards Gangnam. No, I even pushed him from behind."

Hyun Pung Shin Gae's voice began to tremble. 

"Because that was the only..."

It might've sounded like an excuse, but everyone present understood. Looking at Hyun Pung Shin Gae's expression, anyone could tell.

What he was saying was by no means an excuse.

"Because that was the only way to win. Because that was the only to avoid annihilation!"

Hyun Pung Shin Gae's hands began to shake.

"Because that was the only to survive..."

Staring at Hyun Pung Shin Gae's hands trembling to an almost pitiful extent, Tang Soso, who had been closely watching, bit her lips firmly.

"But that's not your fault, senior!"


"Anyone would have had to do the same eventually. At that time, there was no other choice. The mistake lies with the Demonic Cult!"


A gentle smile appeared on Hyun Pung Shin Gae's lips.

"...I thought the same way."

A dry cough burst out. Every time he coughed, it seemed like life was escaping from him.

No, perhaps what was slipping away was not his life but the lingering regrets he had left behind.

"Before confirming with my own eyes what I was trying to protect... Before verifying what I sacrificed and endured among the countless things... I too thought the same way." 

Hyun Pung Shin Gae's eyes were filled with deep remorse.

"Before knowing the fact that the sacrifices I brought about through death were for the benefit of mere vultures..."

The face of the old man, who had been quietly murmuring, gradually distorted and twisted in a bizarre manner. His face seemed to be both smiling and crying.

A faint bitterness and sadness also appeared in Chung Myung's eyes as he stared at Hyun Pung Shin Gae.