Chapter 1518: This Isn't My Fault? (Part 3)

"Why are you laughing like that?"

"Well... do you guys understand?"

The disciples of Mount Hua looked at Ilho Shingae, who was bursting into laughter, with puzzled faces. It could only seem strange to laugh so heartily when everything was lost.

"Maybe it tastes bitter?"

"Is the taste issue like your group?" [idk]


Listening to that laughter, a sense of detachment suddenly overwhelmed them. It felt as if someone was declaring that all this was over.

Jo Gol was the first to stretch.

"Oh, I thought I was going to die."

"That's right."

"To be honest, when you think about it, it wasn't that dangerous."

The disciples of Mount Hua sat down one by one in their places.

"It was dangerous."

"Well, it wasn't as bad as the Northern Sea, Hangzhou, or that darn Southern Island trip, was it? Don't you think so, Sago?"

"I don't want to think about it."

Baek Cheon suppressed a bitter smile.


This incident was undoubtedly not as dangerous. The situation itself might have been risky, but besides Baek Cheon, were there any noticeable injuries among them? It was nothing compared to the past crises where everyone was in tatters.

Nevertheless, there was a heavy and burdensome feeling, probably due to the responsibility of fighting against the same righteous faction.

As Baek Cheon pondered, Yoon Jong suddenly spoke with a solemn expression.

"But, Sasuk."


"...They're not going to hold us responsible from the Beggar's Union, are they?"

...Baek Cheon's gaze naturally lowered. They were on the ruins of the collapsed headquarters. Baek Cheon awkwardly smiled and said.

"Should we negotiate?"

"...Please get a hold of yourself, Sasuk."

"Every time I see this guy, he gets more annoying."

"Isn't that insult too harsh?"

As they exchanged words, someone quietly approached.


Everyone stood up at the Buddhist chant. It was Hye Bang.

Everyone hastily bowed to him, but Hye Bang smiled and waved them off.

"No need to be so stiff. The situation may be strange, but aren't we in the same situation now?"

Baek Cheon hesitated for a moment. It was natural that he couldn't figure out how to deal with Shaolin people in this situation.

However, there were those who naturally ignored the obvious situation.

"Come on, come on, hurry up!"

"Hey, you!"

"Close your mouth!"

Insults flew from all directions. But Chung Myung, ignoring it all, bluntly shot at Hye Bang.

"From Song Mountain to here, how many steps is it! If you had come early, there wouldn't have been the collapse of the headquarters!"

Hye Bang looked slightly embarrassed and sweated at Chung Myung's words. Thanks to that, his shiny bald head shone even more.

"Oh, Amitabha. I apologize for being late, Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword."

"If you know, please hurry up next time. What, are you going to boil some meat after preserving your strength?" [idk lol]

"...Please shut up."

Mount Hua's disciples covered their faces with embarrassment. They had witnessed the epitome of knightly behavior, and now they were facing the epitome of rudeness?

Moreover, watching Hye Bang, dripping with sweat, apologizing profusely towards Chung Myung's ridiculous actions...

"We're the bad guys."

"Anyone can see that, right?"

"At this point, we should apologize to Shaolin."

Somehow, the disciples of Mount Hua seemed solemn.

"Hye Yeon."

At that moment, Hye Bang looked around and found Hye Yeon. Hye Yeon was surprised and flinched.

"Come here."

At Hye Bang's call, Hye Yeon blinked his big eyes and soon approached, slightly trembling. When he saw Hye Bang earlier, joy and excitement had dominated, but now that he was facing the situation, anxiety was taking over.

Watching from behind, Mount Hua's disciples murmured.

"That monk, he's too shy. It doesn't suit him."

"Come to think of it, he was like that originally. He blushed even on the martial arts stage."

"...Ah. I've forgotten because it's been so long. That's right, he was that kind of person."

Hye Yeon, startled, approached. Hye Bang smiled slightly.

"You've worked hard."



Hye Bang gently patted Hye Yeon's shoulder. Soon, Hye Yeon's shoulders began to tremble. Mount Hua's disciples secretly smiled at the sight.

"Are you crying?"

"Uh, uh, Sahyung. I am no longer a child now."

"Well, it doesn't seem that way."

"Don't tease me...."

Hye Yeon's face turned as red as if it were about to burst at any moment. It was a sight that vividly reminded everyone that this monk, despite being feared by the Evil Sect or Demonic Cult, in the presence of his Sahyung, was still just a young man.

"But... Is it really okay for you to come?"

"Didn't you call me?"

"Well, yes, but...."

In the midst of an unexpected conversation, the disciples of the Mount Hua Sect were left dumbfounded.

He called him?

Just then, Hye Bang continued speaking, easing their confusion.

"No matter the request from the Beggar's Union and Hwaeum's Buntaju, even if there were requests from the Mount Hua Sect and the Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword..."

Hong Daegwang and Chung Myung exchanged glances and looked at Hye Bang again.

"Even if it doesn't violate the principles, it's not easy to intervene in the affairs of another sect without the permission of the Sect Leader. You understand that, right?"


It was such an obvious statement. Making a decision meant taking responsibility. Who would dare to take such a big responsibility?

"What decisively moved our hesitant hearts was your letter submitted by the Hwaeum's Buntaju."


The disciples of the Mount Hua Sect all turned their heads in surprise to look at Chung Myung. As if to explain what this meant. Chung Myung confidently stuck out out his stomach, as if there was nothing to be ashamed of.

"Why? Using the affection of family and relatives to turn the heart is a natural strategy, isn't it? What's strange is that the one who didn't use the same bald head in the request to Shaolin."

"That... crazy bastard...."

"He should have gone to the Evil Sect."

Chung Myung explained that he had Hye Yeon write a letter requesting Shaolin's salvation. And in the process, what did Chung Myung do to Hye Yeon.....

"If the result is good, everything is good! Look! The touching Sahyung and Saje reunion took place! You can say it's all thanks to me! Ahem."


The disciples of the Mount Hua Sect, who had nothing more to say, looked at each other with a look of disbelief.

"....But I really didn't know you would come."

"I had to."

Hye Bang smiled. All of a sudden, other Shaolin monks gathered around Hye Yeon and Hye Bang. It seemed that everyone was glad to see Hye Yeon again.

"A cute Saje called, how can I not come as his Sahyung?"


"It's a joke."

Hye Bang laughed quietly. Since childhood, Hye Yeon was often teased. He was so talented that it was hard to get along with him.

"The reason we came here is not solely because you are our cherished Saje."


"When everyone is walking the wrong path, you alone are walking the right path. At least those here think so."

Hye Yeon clenched his fists as if about to cry. Hye Bang sighed a little with an uncomfortable look on his face.

"It must have been tough."


"Only after confronting Bangjang did we truly understand how difficult it must have been for you. Going against the will of someone you trusted and followed like a parent is no easy task." 

Hye Yeon bowed deeply. The disciples of the Mount Hua Sect would find it difficult to understand his suffering, but now the understanding and consolation of his Sahyungs helped to alleviate it.

"That's why you asked us to come without hesitation."

"But Bangjang...."

Hye Bang smiled again as if there was nothing more to hear.

"Of course, Bangjang will not tolerate this. He will probably call it 'excess of authority' and ask me to confess my sins."

Hye Yeon shivered, lowering his shoulders once again. At that moment, a humorous smile appeared on Hye Bang's face.

"But... Well... Will it kill me?"


When Hye Yeon asked as if he was taken aback, Hye Bang shrugged his shoulders.

"At most, I'll be locked up in the repentance hall for a few years, right? Who knows. I might even have the honor of facing a cliff at Dalma Temple in my life. And in the process, I might experience a miracle like enlightenment."

"Amitabha. That's too much to ask for, Sahyung."

"You should become a proper monk first...."

"These bastards!"

Hye Bang scolded the monks who quietly listened to the indignant mumble from behind. The dignified-looking Shaolin monks seemed to be quietly amused.


Hye Yeon's eyes quickly became teary. He wrote a letter as ordered. He put everything he wanted to say into it. However, even as he sent it, he didn't really think his Sahyungs would come.

But the Sahyungs rushed from Song Mountain to him.

At that time, Hye Bang smiled and said seriously.

"Don't make that face, monk."


His tone became solemn.

"What we should follow is not the authority of the martial world. What's important for a Buddhist is constantly reflecting on whether they are truly walking the path of enlightenment and courageously facing the thorny path of Buddhism in this world filled with karma and repentance."

Hye Yeon silently gazed at Hye Bang. Then, as if understanding what he needed to do, he respectfully nodded.


Hearing the flowing words, Hye Bang smirked subtly. Then he turned serious again, meeting Hye Yeon's eyes.


Hye Yeon and the monks of Shaolin exchanged respectful gestures.

This was a ceremony honoring Ijo Hye, who had cut off one arm to gain enlightenment. Now, his intentions were truly being conveyed among them.

Inadvertently, the disciples of Mount Hua nodded their heads.


"Indeed, it is, Sahyung."

Yoon Jong, who had been watching seriously, and Jo Gol, who had been eagerly awaiting an opportunity to criticize Shaolin, had no choice but to acknowledge the situation.

Perhaps this scene was the true face of Shaolin, revered by all under heaven. It even felt solemn.

"Now then..."

"Yes, we should return."

Hye Bang shrugged his shoulders.

"The news from here will soon reach the Yangtze River, and Bangjang will surely act accordingly. It's time for us to handle the aftermath."

As Hye Yeon's face trembled again, Hye Bang suddenly tapped his head.


Startled, Hye Yeon opened his eyes wide.

"Stop making that face, you insolent brat."


"We're not the only ones fighting. You may have found a way to pursue enlightenment outside of Shaolin, but we will fight Shaolin within Shaolin."

Hye Bang looked at Hye Yeon and the others behind him with determination in his eyes.

"It won't be easy, but someday, we'll return Shaolin to where it should be. That's our mission."

The gaze of Chung Myung and Hye Bang intertwined in the air.

Eventually, a rare smile appeared on Chung Myung's lips. It was a satisfied smile.

"Well, then, we'll take our leave."

"Yes? Already?"

Hye Yeon and even Baek Cheon were taken aback.

Was it time to leave already when the dust from the collapsed ruins hadn't even settled? But Hye Bang spoke calmly.

"We've finished what we needed to do here, so it's only natural to return. We'll leave the rest to Deputy Sect Leader."

"No, but... at least the Beggar's Union Sect Leader should be given time to express his gratitude..."

"There's no need for that since we didn't come to receive thanks."

"Yes? Th-that's..."

"Then, until we meet again. Amitabha."

"Well...gods of heavens above. May you be well."

Bowing their heads, Hye Bang and the monks of Shaolin left without a single glance back. 

As they watched the fluttering yellow robes amidst the ashes, the disciples of Mount Hua couldn't help but sigh.

"...It's really neat."

"If it were Chung Myung, he'd be jumping around, boasting about how big-hearted he was and how he helped for three days and nights."


"I wish I had joined Shaolin."


"...Well, except for the shaved heads."

Amidst the murmurs of admiration and awe, Baek Cheon quietly placed his hand on Hye Yeon's shoulder.


"...It's okay, Dojang. I'm not disappointed."

A gentle smile appeared on Hye Yeon's lips as he watched the departing Sahyungs.

"We'll meet again someday."

For some reason, it seemed like Hye Yeon had grown even more from this experience. Baek Cheon smiled silently, expressing his confidence.

"We will." 

And when that time came... Hye Yeon would surely be an even greater monk than he was now. Baek Cheon believed that without a doubt.