Chapter 1526: Now It's My Turn (Part 1)

"An opportunity...The rudeness has gone too far."

Dissatisfaction in the eyes of Jinpyeong, the lord of Southern Sea Sun Palace, was evident.

"A lowly disciple from the Evil Sect dares to give me an opportunity? Proceed with your words. You're going to die soon anyway, what more can you say?"

The person in front of him was of royal descent, and this place where the Thousand-Faced Gentleman stood was the kingdom of that royalty. If the lord decided, even if it was the Thousand-Faced Gentleman, he wouldn't be able to return alive.

However, the fear in the eyes of the Thousand-Faced Gentleman was not due to the prospect of death.

'There's nothing meaningless in this world.'

He had frowned at the extravagant luxury of Jang Ilso, but now he was used to it. Thus, let alone being greatly intimidated by all the scenes unfolding before his eyes, he was not even impressed.

"As you say, a disciple of the Evil Sect cannot possibly offer an opportunity to the Palace Lord. Isn't the one ruling here like an emperor?"

The Sun Palace Lord stared at the Thousand-Faced Gentleman without responding.

"But... the Palace Lord's ambitions are not limited to ruling this small town, right?"


Suddenly, a hearty laugh burst from the lips of the Sun Palace Lord.

"Are you trying to insult my pride?"

"How could I? I just inferred from what I observed. People always desire something bigger than what they hold in their hands."

"I am not such a person."

"Well... thanks to someone, I think I somewhat understand the desires of people now. There are those who are content with what they have, and there are those who are never satisfied, no matter how much they possess."

The Sun Palace Lord's eyebrows twitched.

"Already just having a conversation with the Palace Lord is evidence of this. I doubt you've become fluent in Chinese just as a hobby."

It was a sharp remark. The corners of the Sun Palace Lord's eyes tightened. This time, he didn't explicitly deny the words of the Thousand-Faced Gentleman.

"Palace Lord. I am just conveying Ryeonju's words."

The Sun Palace Lord's eyebrows twitched again.



"What did he say?"

"A missed opportunity never comes again."

Before the Sun Palace Lord's question could fully end, the Thousand-Faced Gentleman decisively spoke, cutting through like a sharp blade.


"Well, I might not be able to fully understand Ryeonju's words as an ignorant person, but based on my brief insight, it seems to imply something like this."

"Go on."

"Whether the Evil Sect wins or the Ten Great Sects win, the moment one side emerges victorious, the chance for the Southern Sea Sun Palace to step into the Central Plains will disappear forever."

The face of Southern Sea Sun Palace Lord Jinpyeong became overtly rigid.

"That's inevitable. The Sun Palace cannot penetrate the Central Plains alone against a united force. If that happens, the Palace Lord can comfortably enjoy the spectacular scenery of Anbin Island as before."


With those words, all the masks that adorned the face of the Sun Palace Lord were shattered. The hardened face unquestionably revealed his true intentions.

The spectacular Anbin Island

For some, it might be the appearance of paradise. But for the Sun Palace Lord, it was nothing short of a hellish life.

"What will you give me?"

"Two things."

"...Expansion into Yunnan?"

"No. Dominance over Yunnan."

At those words, the Sun Palace Lord's eyes widened slightly.

"Diancang is already settled."

"I know. But there might be the Beast Palace, right?"

"Of course. But the elites of the Beast Palace are in Central Plains with their Palace Lord. In Gangbuk, where they cannot cross Sichuan."

The moment the two characters "Central Plains" were mentioned, the Sun Palace Lord's eyes subtly lit up.

"While there are still insignificant forces that cannot be considered formidable, they are nothing more than remnants. Surely, the Sun Palace can handle even that much, wouldn't you say?"


"We will give you Yunnan."

The Sun Palace Lord asked with a slightly darkened gaze.

"Just Yunnan... What about Sichuan?"

"Excessive greed often invites trouble, my lord."

"It's just a matter of giving and taking."

The Sun Palace Lord, with a slight lick of his lips, tapped his fan with his index finger.

The words of the Thousand-Faced Gentleman were correct. Whether the Ten Great Sects won or the Evil Tyrant Alliance won, if one side emerged victorious and dominated the Central Plains, the prospect of the Southern Sea Sun Palace entering the Central Plains became inevitably uncertain.


Lost in contemplation, he asked.

"The other one?"


Safety? In response to the Sun Palace Lord's inquisitive gaze, the Thousand-Faced Gentleman spoke.

"If the Southern Sea Sun Palace cooperates, Ryeonju promises to guarantee the eternal safety of the Southern Sea Sun Palace."

Without any warning, a heat emanated from the Sun Palace Lord's body, as if boiling.

"You dare!"

"Safety? In response to the lord's gaze demanding further explanation, the Thousand-Faced Gentleman spoke.

"If Namhae Sun Palace cooperates, Ryeonju promises to guarantee the eternal safety of Namhae Sun Palace."

Without any warning, a heat emanated from the Sun Palace Lord's body, as if boiling.

"How dare!"

His anger shook the entire hall.

"How dare you utter such nonsense in front of me!"

It seemed as if he could tear the Thousand-Faced Gentleman apart at any moment. However, the Thousand-Faced Gentleman in front of him, without a hint of hesitation, spoke again.

"Paegun said this. Those who sit in the lord's position do not waver in emotions. If the lord shows excessive anger, it's just a pretense to gain an advantage."

Surprisingly, at that moment, the heat and vitality that had enveloped the battlefield vanished as if washed away.

The Sun Palace Lord stared down at the Thousand-Faced Gentleman.

"Yunnan and safety?"

"That's correct."

A twisted smile appeared on the corner of the Sun Palace Lord's mouth.

"Half of Sichuan... Well, it's like putting my neck in a noose."


"Yunnan and safety..."

The contemplative Sun Palace Lord chuckled. Objectively, it was a remarkable condition, but too insignificant to dare manipulate Namhae Sun Palace.



The Sun Palace Lord's eyes blazed like the sun.

"Now, what do we need to do?"

A triumphant smile appeared on the Thousand-Faced Gentleman's face.

* * *

"How do you think it will go?"

"Tsk tsk. Gakmyung-ah. Isn't it against the natural order for you to ask, and me to answer? Lately, you've really been taking advantage of me."

"I apologize. So, what do you think?"

"Kkueung. You never listen anyway."

Jang Ilsu grumbled openly and replied harshly.

"He will accept."

"He's royalty. No, he enjoys a more significant status than a king."

"So, he'll accept it."

"He'll accept because he's royalty?"

"Yes. Those who unify the Central Plains aim to subdue the north, and those who subdue the north go on expeditions to distant places."


"Understand? There's no satisfaction for people. It's not a matter of rejecting because he is like a king, but receiving because he is like a king. Tsk tsk. It's common sense."

Ho Gakmyung slightly nodded.

"But according to your words... he might become a seed of rebellion."

"Well, he might indeed sprout the flower of rebellion. However... a seed only gains meaning when it sprouts."

A faint smile played on red lips. Ho Gakmyung nodded in understanding.

"If we can draw the Southern Sea Sun Palace in, the delay of the past month will be nothing, bringing enormous benefits."

"There is no need to be so harsh. It's just a slight loss. Merely one Sun Palace."

Just one Sun Palace. Who else could say such words in this world but Jang Ilso?

"Handling Diancang was also part of this plan, right?"

"Well, sort of."

Jang Ilso responded nonchalantly.

Ho Gakmyung lowered his head slightly.

Destroying one of the Ten Great Sects, Diancang, was an unprecedented achievement in the history of the Evil Sect. Yet, Jang Ilso secured a path for the Southern Sea Sun Palace to enter the Central Plains through this act. That's why the Sun Palace Lord could ally with the Evil Sect.

"It's only natural for Ryeongju-nim to see this as a matter of course."

"There's one more. The troublesome, distraught Taoist."

It was apparent he was referring to the Plum Blossom Sword Demon, Chung Myung. Ho Gakmyung clenched his fist inadvertently.

"He probably expected this much by now. Perhaps he knew from the moment we broke into Diancang."


"Yes. Isn't that why he's in such a hurry? Talking while dragging those beggars along. Hahahaha."

Jang Ilsu chuckled. The more one thought about the fact that the Plum Blossom Sword Demon had dismantled the Beggar's Union, the more amusing and delightful it seemed.

"It must have been quite frustrating for him to lose my trail. Seeing him torment those beggars like that."

Ho Gakmyung didn't feel the need to say anything.

In front of someone who would neatly summarize the situation as "the Plum Blossom Sword Demon caused the chaos in the Beggar's Union and drew them in," what more could be said?

Ho Gakmyung paused for a moment before adding something. Despite being aware that it could be presumptuous.

"Ryeonju-nim. Even if it's the same Beggar's Union, won't it be different once it falls into the Plum Blossom Sword Demon's hands?"

"It will be different."

Jang Ilso also admitted readily.

In the first place, information alone had little value. The ability to grasp and combine that information was what added value.

Even if it was crude intelligence of the Beggar's Union, when the one wielding it became the Plum Blossom Sword Demon, it would undoubtedly be threatening.

However, Jang Ilso's words didn't stop there.

"No, it could have been different."


"If he had been cautious of me a few years earlier. At least, if he had created the Heavenly Comrade Alliance a bit faster just five years earlier."

It was a recognition and praise so great that other members of the Evil Sect would be astonished if they heard it. However, Ho Gakmyung, who worshipped Jang Ilso the most, didn't raise any objections to those words. [ok bro.]

"But it's too late now. Trying to build a castle in the middle of a rushing tide may be his intention, but, in the end, it's just a sandcastle."

Jang Ilso's hand slowly reached into the air.

"No matter how convincingly you decorate the exterior, the essence of a sandcastle is still sand."


Jang Ilso's hand squeezed the air. At the same time, a cold aura brushed against his face.

"It will collapse. Easily."

A dull, resonating sound echoed from his bone joints. Ho Gakmyung slightly lowered his head. After a moment, Jang Ilso's hand, as if it had been like that all along, loosened.

"Soon. Yes, soon."

Muttering to himself, he touched his jaw as if pondering something.

"But I'm curious."


A childlike smile spread across his face.

"I wonder what expression he'll have when the sandcastle collapses. What kind of scream he'll let out in the burning hell where nothing is left. Truly... it will be a precious spectacle we won't see twice."


"Start it with the 23rd order."

"It will take more time for the Southern Sea Sun Palace to join."

"You didn't plan to wait for their joining from the beginning, did you?"

Ho Gakmyung also nodded at that statement.

"There's no meaning in starting when everyone can predict it. It becomes meaningful when it happens unexpectedly, catching them off guard."

"I will follow the order."


Jang Ilso replied slowly, spreading his hand with numerous rings and glancing down at it.

"Watch it as much as you want. I'll take it away anyway."

However, only his eyes were as stealthy as a predatory beast aiming for its prey.

Ho Gakmyung closed his eyes for a moment.

Ryeonju's words were correct. The process had already begun. Foolish as they were, they might not realize it yet, but when the time came, the flames rekindled from the extinguished ashes would burn more fiercely than before.

'Plum Blossom Sword Demon.'

Ho Gakmyung acknowledged him. More than anyone in the world. However...

'It was your misfortune to have been born in this era.'

In an era dominated by Paegun.

* * *

"Huh? W-what are you talking about?"

"What's going on?"

Everyone's eyes widened like coins. Even Yoon Jong seemed baffled.

"We're not defending."

Everyone could only feel awkward.

Not defending? Here?

"Why did you create the headquarters then? And to have worked so hard on it!"

The question posed by Tang Gunak was valid. It was truly strange. The answer that came back was even more peculiar.

"If you have a headquarters, do you need to defend it?"

"Of course!"


Everyone looked at Im Sobyeong with questioning eyes.

"First of all, it's not something that's found in the art of war."

In response to Im Sobyeong's words, everyone's gaze turned to Baek Cheon this time. They sought advice from an authority figure of Chung Myung Studies.

"...It doesn't seem like nonsense out of irritation. For now, we should consider it sincere."

Having heard the opinions of the two evaluating masters, everyone looked back at Chung Myung in a daze.

"Well... explain it a bit more... or, make it easier to understand. What are you going to do?"

"How many times do I have to say it? We're not defending here."

"No, why?"

"I've told you. This place is a supply depot and a shelter. How many times have I said that!"

Oh, right. He did say that.

"Wait, wait a moment."

Im Sobyeong raised his hand abruptly. Then, as if indicating for him to speak, Chung Myung nodded.

"You received troops and refugees into Hwaeum, built up provisions, and even gained eyes to monitor the surroundings."

"That's right."

"Hwaeum is a familiar land for both Mount Hua and us. On the contrary, it's an unfamiliar land for those guys. In terms of terrain, we are undoubtedly advantageous."

"That's right, we know it well."

"So, isn't it right to defend based on this place? They can only come in! The fact that defense is more advantageous than offense is a well-known fact among those who study military tactics."

"But that's not right."


"Who says defense is more advantageous than offense?"

"All the military strategists say so..."

"That's their talk. It's not mine."


"I find attacking more comfortable."

Ah... if that's the case, well, then. Haha...

"And there's no need to discuss military strategies. We've been through it, haven't we?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Can you block all of that bastard's attacks? While sitting here with our butts stuck to the ground?"

Im Sobyeong's face stiffened. It wasn't an incorrect statement. To block all of Jang Ilso's attacks, he would need to understand all the strategies that Jang Ilso was plotting.

Wasn't that impossible? Didn't they already feel that acutely?

Chung Myung smirked and continued speaking.

"The advantage of the terrain? The advantage of defense? Facing a madman who can attack anytime, anywhere, in any way, are we just going to cower here? Are we praying to the heavens for the Ten Great Sects to strike first?"

Im Sobyeong found himself at a loss for words.

"In the first place, that's what he wants. Why do you think he spent time crouching there?"

In response to Chung Myung's question, Im Sobyeong, who had been contemplating for a moment, let out a small sigh as if he had realized something.

Those guys who had taken positions just below the jaw, ready to attack at any moment. Why did they choose to settle there?

Crouch down. Block them.

Just by taking positions there, those guys were forcing the movements of the Ten Great Sects and the Heavenly Comrade Alliance.

"I overlooked this...."

"He's an expert when it comes to manipulating people. And I am weak in defense."


"If I use my weakness to confront the enemy's strengths, I can only lose. I'll probably get hit in the back of the head again. I'm tired of that now."

Chung Myung's mouth twisted unhappily. Hyun Jong, who had been quietly listening, asked with seriousness.

"Chung Myung. Do you have anything specific in mind?"

"Well, it's obvious."

Chung Myung slowly gripped the sword at his waist tightly.

"What we built is a sandcastle."


"But it's the same for them. If we're a sandcastle, then the Evil Tyrant Alliance is an upside-down tower."

Chung Myung's eyes were as cold as ice.

The Evil Tyrant Alliance was abnormally strong. It was able to exert a power that couldn't be achieved with its original strength.

The reason for this absurd phenomenon was because of the existence of Jang Ilso. But when you thought about it the other way around...

"That's why it's clear that we have to attack."

"Chung Myung..."

"I'm going to kill him."

His resolute words sent shivers down everyone's spine.

In the silent stillness, Chung Myung's sinister smile revealed white teeth.

"Now it's my turn to attack."

His two eyes sparkled like those of a fierce beast.


Hello. It's Biga.

I sincerely thank all the readers who have always supported Return of the Mount Hua Sect.

However, I regret to inform you that Return of the Mount Hua Sect will be on hiatus from June 5th to June 13th.

Taking an extended break is a first for me, and I also feel the burden. However, I have deemed it unavoidable for the sake of reviewing the content and recovering from fatigue.

I appreciate your understanding and patience. I will return with better content.

Thank you.

[well, we aren't going on break anytime soon...]