Chapter 1528: Now It's My Turn (Part 3)

The transformed Hwaeum was overflowing with vitality.

The reason why refugees struggle with poverty is because their basic needs—food, shelter, and employment—are not met. However, at least within Hwaeum, such issues did not exist.

The workforce that had been employed to establish the basic framework of the city returned to their primary occupation of cultivation, resulting in a significant vacuum in city tasks.

Tang Gunak and Hwang Jongui supplemented this by employing refugees to work.

For the refugees who were already relieved to have food and shelter, being provided with jobs was an added bonus. Naturally, many were delighted and earnestly carried out their assigned tasks.

Hwang Jongui's main focus among these tasks was land reclamation.

Land reclamation was not as easy as one might think.

Simply cutting a mountain to create fields was not possible, so suitable flat land had to be found. Even if fertile land was found, a considerable amount of effort was required to turn it into land suitable for crops. Moreover, selecting land was not the only aspect that required attention in land reclamation.

If everything could be solved just by obtaining land for farming, would those who cultivated the fields live in such poverty?

When humans occupy land, the animals that live there lose their territory and are displaced. However, animals also have distinct territories, and they cannot freely step into the territory of another. As a result, conflicts and accidents often occur when the boundaries between human and animal territories become blurred. This was common sense.

However...this common sense seemed to be absent in Hwaeum.

"...Is it still there?"

"They told us not to worry about it."

"Huh, how can I not worry?"

"Well, that's true."

Every time they dug into the land, gravel and tree roots still emerged. The farmers, who were cleaning up these elements, looked around somewhat anxiously, as if worried about something.

A smooth, streamlined body. A triangular, agile face and sharp teeth that were visible from time to time. Hair as dark and glossy as coal.

A black panther was lazily lying down, enjoying the afternoon sun.

"Can a panther be so black?"

"Haven't you heard of black panthers? Didn't I tell you?"

"I heard it in passing..."

For those who lived in the peaceful regions of Hubei and Shaanxi, seeing a black panther with their own eyes was a rare occurrence. In fact, even for those living in remote areas, this sight would be unusual.

"So why is it doing that?"

"Haven't you heard? That's its job."


"You should know. Normally, when you reclaim land like this, wolves or leopards come rushing in, attacking people."

"Right. Back then, my friend's father passed like that. He was attacked by a tiger."

"I know. So, do you realize how dangerous it is for us to be doing this here?"


The one who was answering tilted his head.

Come to think of it, there must have been a few incidents for it to make sense, but strangely, there was no news of such incidents happening here.

"Are there no wild animals here?"

"Haha. Nonsense. Hey, buddy. It's Shaanxi here. Shaanxi! If those Hubei guys say there are no animals in Shaanxi, how much would the Shaanxi people laugh? Do you know how many high mountains there are here where people can't set foot?"

"That's true. But..."

"Those animals are protecting this place, so other animals can't do anything."

"Really? Well, it doesn't look so unusual. But with one of those animals standing guard on this vast land..."

"Tsk tsk. You don't know anything. Apparently, they are not ordinary animals but spiritual creatures brought from the Yunnan Beast Palace."


"So, the animals that should've run wild after taking advantage of the absence of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance were unable to do anything."

"Then...then? The beasts are protecting us?"

"Something like that."

"Huh... It really feels like a ghost is protecting us."

Of course, it wasn't uncommon for animals to guard people. Just keeping a dog could protect a home, and there were stories of horses blocking enemies to protect their owners.

But... What kind of panther...

Right at that moment.

Bow wow! Grrrrrrrr!

Somewhere, the fierce barking of a dog could be heard.

"What's that barking..."

And at that moment, the lethargic black panther suddenly rose from its resting position. Without sparing a glance to the startled people, it swiftly took a defensive stance, guarding the direction of the mountains.

Bark! Bark!

The sound of dogs barking grew louder, and soon, dozens of dogs started to gather.

"Huh? Wh-what's that?"

"If you look, you'll know. Aren't those dogs?"

"No! I mean, who wouldn't recognize dogs? It's just strange for a bunch of dogs to suddenly appear out of nowhere."

While stray dog packs could be found anywhere, there was something peculiar about this situation. No matter how fierce stray dogs might be, encountering a leopard should make them run away, but these dogs were fiercely running towards this place.

Bark! Roar!

Amidst the rough dog sounds(?), those who had rushed forward stood in unison in front of the panther. Meanwhile, the panther maintained his vigilant stance without turning his gaze.



The dogs retreated to both sides. In the midst of this, something walked out.

"...W-weasel? Walking on two feet?"

"What is it wearing, though?"

The weasel, walking slowly between the dogs, looked at the panther as if it were dissatisfied with something.


Then, it twitched its small front paw.

While maintaining a defensive posture, the panther rushed towards the weasel as if it was going to bite it in one go!

"Hey! What the..."

However, the spectacle that unfolded was truly bizarre. The panther, which had rushed like lightning, was flattened in front of a small weasel.


The weasel forcefully stepped on the ground with its hind leg. Then, the panther made a whimpering sound as if he was stung.

For a while, the panther, which had been pointing at the panther as if nagging, let out a sharp cry and the panther rapidly returned to its previous position. Its appearance, with its fur standing on end, vigilantly surveying the surroundings, was completely different from the lethargic one earlier.


The weasel shook its head in disapproval, glaring at the panther once as if it was going to watch over him, and then trotted away.

Bark! Bow!

The surrounding dogs, as if escorting, quickly followed behind the weasel.

Those who had observed this process muttered words absentmindedly.

"...What kind of place is this, seriously?"

"Shaanxi... It's quite different from Hubei."

"...Is it because it's Shaanxi?"

"Could it be?"

Those who had been stiffly watching started to work again. Until they finished their work, the panther did not loosen its posture even once.

Within the bustling Hwaeum, it was not only the refugees who were busy building the foundation for their lives. The martial artists who had laid the foundation for the refugees were living busier lives than them, to the point that they couldn't be compared.

However, the method was somewhat... peculiar.

Hwaeum's Blue Flower Guesthouse (靑華客棧). This guesthouse had been rented out by the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, serving as a substitute for the not-yet-completed restaurant.

Inside, people dressed in Mount Hua attire were sitting around a round table without exchanging a word, fidgeting with something and making a rustling noise.


The silence was broken by Jo Gol's groan. His wide-open eyes trembled violently.

He glared at the rag in his hand with his eyes, as if he would burn it with his gaze, but soon made up his mind and fiercely aimed the needle in his other hand towards the rag.



"Quiet down, Gol."

"No, what's wrong with this guy? Why does he stab his finger every time he sews?"

"If you think about the purpose of the training, isn't it the right action?"

"What... Weird."

Jo Gol, grumbling boldly, threw the bloodstained rag and needle on the table.

"Hey, why do I have to do this!"

"Well, quiet down!"


Interrupted by a flying smack, Jo Gol turned his head with a start. However, he was momentarily stunned.

Baek Cheon, who had pulled up the headband wrapped around his forehead, his bangs flowing down, was meticulously sewing it in a manner that made him look like a master craftsman.

To an unfamiliar observer, it would appear as if he was peacefully performing embroidery work. His composure seemed that nonchalant and effortless.

"Stop blaming others for what you can't do."

"Am I the only one who can't do it? Only me?"

An enraged Jo Gol pointed his finger at Yoo Iseol, who was sitting across.

"Look at Sago! She's losing her fingers doing that."

Unsurprisingly, Yoo Iseol's ten fingers were all tightly wrapped in bandages. Yoo Iseol, with an emotionless yet oddly sullen face, spoke briefly.

"It's okay. I am fine."

"No, it's not okay! It's not okay at all! What if you have trouble holding a sword because of this? What kind of fingers are Sago's fingers?"

"I didn't know you cared so much about Samae. Anyway... I'll say it one last time. Sit quietly because you're being noisy."


Jo Gol reluctantly sat back in his chair. Of course, the questions didn't stop.

"Why are we... doing this?"

"Gol-ah, if you keep complaining like that, I'll send you to the training grounds."

Jo Gol hastily closed his mouth at Yoon Jong's words. Then, with trembling eyes, he looked at Baek Cheon.

"None, right?"

"If you don't want to learn from Soso, just shut up and do it."


Jo Gol, whose daily rebellion had been subdued, wasn't the only one suffering in this situation.

"Ouch! My finger!"

"Tsk, tsk. I told you not to put too much strength into the needle."

"Is it that easy as you say! I've held, stabbed, and cut things with my hands my whole life!"

"...Do you have to talk like an Evil Sect bastard?"


Sporadic screams echoed here and there. Baek Cheon shook his head with a sigh.

"...This is not as easy as you think, Sasuk."

"What's difficult about it?"

"I think it suits Sasuk."


"No, embroidery."

"This guy?"

Avoiding Baek Cheon's glaring eyes, Yoon Jong sighed.

"Just sewing itself isn't particularly difficult, but putting inner strength into the needle to make it swift is easier said than done."

"No wonder Soso's embroidery seemed amazing."

Piercing something with a needle imbued with inner strength was easy.

However, accurately inserting a needle imbued with inner strength halfway into something was quite difficult.

It required precise internal energy control, supported by a sword-like internal energy manipulation.

"...If you practice like this from a young age, it's inevitable that the Tang Family's hidden weapon skills will be unparalleled."

"Yeah, that makes sense. I understand why Soso quickly mastered the sword. After all, a sword requires delicate control of inner strength."

"That's right."

This meant that this seemingly useless training process would sharpen the sword even more. However, Baek Cheon didn't explicitly mention this fact.

"Ouch! My fingernail! It's pierced! Blood!"

"Blood! Blood!"

Well... there wasn't any particularly valid reason. It was just enjoyable to see these guys in pain.

"Where is the one who caused this situation? Haven't seen him since morning."

"...Probably somewhere drinking alone."

"After causing all this trouble, you're talking like that?"

"When did that guy ever care about such things?"

Yoon Jong let out a groan. Baek Cheon also couldn't hold back a sigh.

The memories of a few days ago, the meeting that triggered all these events, came back to him.