Chapter 1531: What Do You Know? (Part 1)

It was a groundbreaking statement.

A sentiment felt by those who understood Tang Soso's words and even by those who didn't immediately comprehend. However, the Tang Gunak, belonging to the former category, remained unresponsive. With an unchanged expression, he calmly observed Tang Soso with settled eyes.

"Medical treatment."


"Are you planning to use the Tang Family as a medical institution?"

Tang Soso nodded slightly.

"It's not just that. If it were just a medical institution, it wouldn't have much significance."


"I mean, a physician on the battlefield who can protect themselves, support others reliably when there are no casualties, and even save lives. That's the kind of physician I envision."

Tang Gunak's eyebrows twitched, but he refrained from an immediate rebuttal, keeping his lips sealed. Perhaps due to the pressure from his father or the unspoken words she had yet to express, Tang Soso raised her voice slightly.

"This is what I've learned wandering countless battlefields after joining Mount Hua."

"Go on."

"A physician on the battlefield is absolutely necessary."

"The Tang Family is already on the battlefield. The Sichuan Tang Family will be the first to rush to wherever the enemy is."

"Yes, that's true. The Tang Family is not afraid of enemies. However, in the current form, we can't be present on all battlefields simultaneously. Absolutely not."

Some nodded in agreement with Tang Soso's confident tone. She continued with conviction.

"I believe that dividing the Tang Family into smaller groups and accompanying those responsible for each sect or operation is the best way to maximize the power of the Sichuan Tang Family!"

As if feeling that it wasn't enough, she added.

"Even if our poison and hidden weapons are exhausted and nothing remains, the Tang Family's medical skills will still be intact."

"I share the same thoughts, Gaju-nim."

Tang Pae once again supported Tang Soso.

However, no one else dared to open their mouths. They knew how sensitive this matter was for the Tang Family, even to the extent that even Chung Myung kept his mouth shut while observing Tang Soso and Tang Gunak.

In the suffocating silence, Tang Gunak's voice finally broke through.

"It's a good idea."

At the positive words, Tang Soso's face brightened momentarily. But only for a moment.

"But it's hasty."


Tang Gunak raised his head.

"Trying to apply your experiences to the Tang Family is undoubtedly commendable. If we can gradually develop the family based on what we've seen and felt, the Tang Family will regain its former status."

Despite sounding positive and praising, Tang Soso felt a solid and sturdy barrier in those words. It was a towering barrier that seemed impossible to overcome no matter what means were used.

"But you are overestimating yourself. The reason they could overcome that crisis wasn't just because your medical skills were excellent."

Tang Soso stared at Tang Gunak in silence.

"It was because they were strong."


"Medical skills can revive the fallen and make them fight again, but it takes time. There is no ability to instantly get up a person who has fallen with injuries."

Tang Soso bit her lip.

"But short-term battles are not everything."

"Listen to the end."

It was a stern and solemn voice. Tang Soso couldn't bring herself to resist and kept her mouth shut.

"In the end, the situation where the Tang Family treats the wounded only creates a gap for two people. In a situation where the outcome is determined by a single stroke or a single blade. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Even Tang Pae's face hardened at those words.

"Gaju-nim. But that's..."

"Can you afford to leisurely treat injuries while fighting against the Evil Tyrant Alliance?"


"Increasing the survival rate is good, of course. But it only matters when you win. If you lose in a fight against the Evil Tyrant Alliance, there's no meaning to the survivors."

It wasn't a false statement. At least, it sounded that way.

"But the war could prolong, couldn't it?"

"Wielding a sword, throwing hidden weapons, utilizing the poison learned in agony—wanting to shine in that way is a natural desire as a martial artist."

Tang Gunak looked at his son and daughter with gentle eyes.

"Suppressing that natural sentiment and deciding to save as many people as possible wouldn't have been easy."

Tang Pae's shoulders trembled slightly, and Tang Gunak nodded slowly.

"If that's the intention, it's enough."

Although their direction differed from Tang Gunak, the head of the family, their perspective also needed to be respected.

"Just because you fill in the gaps doesn't mean better results are guaranteed. If having an accompanying physician had a dramatic effect, the Sichuan Tang Family would already be renowned as the top martial arts sect."

Tang Pae flinched as if pricked. Apparently, he hadn't thought that far.

"What's important in war is ultimately securing a stronger force than the opponent, be it through military might or strategy."

Tang Gunak let out a long breath.

"Everyone perceives and believes most strongly what they see. What you've experienced may naturally open a path for you, but the perspective of an individual and that of a whole martial arts sect are inevitably different."

By now, everyone could sense what Tang Gunak was going to say next. And the fact that Tang Gunak's decision as the head of the family was not wrong.

"So, your proposal is rejected..."


...But one person.

Even Tang Soso, who initiated the conversation, was trying to reluctantly accept, but there was someone who directly opposed Tang Gunak.

For a moment, Hyun Jong's face showed a perplexed expression.


"That's wrong. What you said."

The faces of those present in the hall instantly changed. Although the Heavenly Comrade Alliance didn't boast authority, it was rare for a disciple to directly contradict the leader of a sect.

Moreover, this wasn't just a matter for the Heavenly Comrade Alliance. Only the people of the Tang Family could debate the right or wrong of this issue. So, even the lord of the alliance, Hyun Jong, kept his mouth shut...


"Because Soso is there."

Even facing the bewildered gazes from all around, Yoo Iseol seemed completely unaffected, maintaining her composure. She continued with a calm voice.

"Because Soso is there. We can fight."

Tang Gunak asked, frowning slightly.

"What do you mean?"


Then, Yoo Iseol furrowed her brows and remained silent for a moment. It wasn't because she felt bad; she was struggling with how to convey what she was feeling.

Fortunately, her contemplation didn't last long, as she didn't need to explain herself.

Instead of responding, Yoo Iseol sent a fleeting glance to the side.


The person who received that glance twitched and met Yoo Iseol's gaze. Understanding her intentions, he took a deep breath and spoke.

"I also agree with what Samae is saying, Gaju-nim."

"Baek Cheon!"

"No, these guys?"

Un Am turned contemplative and was at a loss.

If something happened here, today would undoubtedly be remembered as the 'Rebellion of Mount Hua's Baek Line.'

However, the central figure of this 'rebellion' (?), Baek Cheon, quickly regained his casual demeanor and calmly spoke.

"Gaju-nim said that increasing our strength is the way to win."

"That's right."

Tang Gunak's tone changed. Even though he couldn't treat Baek Cheon as comfortably as Tang Pae or Tang Soso, the situation required a different approach.

"What Samae wanted to say is simple. We experienced many situations where we had to fight with every ounce of strength, even extracting strength we didn't have."


"And at those times, the reason we could move forward without looking back was that Soso was behind us. Even if we were to fall there, Soso would treat us. The confidence that comes from trusting someone with your life, those who haven't experienced it can never understand. What great strength it bestows, and how far it lightens the tip of the sword."

Listening silently, Tang Gunak responded with a slightly chilly tone.

"As I said earlier, if that was truly meaningful, the Tang Family would have become the top martial arts sect. When it comes to having a physician at your back, the Tang Family is unparalleled."

"That's not true."


"Sadly, isn't the Tang Family the only sect in the world that can't gain that confidence in themselves? Even though I'm a physician, how reassuring is it to have another physician behind me?" [not sure?]

Tang Gunak was momentarily speechless. He had never entertained such thoughts before, neither logically nor speculatively; it was an unexpected revelation.

"And, to be honest, I didn't consider it effective to have the Tang Family with physicians behind its back."

Baek Cheon continued. This statement might sound like the Tang Family couldn't become the best martial arts sect simply because they were weak, and Tang Gunak furrowed his brows.

"Careful with your words."

"No, it's not meant in that way. Tang Family has enjoyed the advantage of having physicians fighting alongside them, but I don't think they've truly felt it. After all, the effectiveness of medical skills is practically meaningless in times of peace."


"How often does the Tang Family prepare for a group battle with the determination to die? The effects of medical skills won't be apparent unless it's a large-scale war."


"Is that so?"

Jo Gol and Yoon Jong nodded blankly.

The efficacy of Tang Family's medical skills gained meaning only when one's life was in danger.

"In other words, the Tang Family's medical skills might only truly shine in times of crisis. So, the secret strength of the Tang Family, as you mentioned, being the strongest on the battlefield, may not be solely attributed to poisons and hidden weapons."

Tang Gunak let out a faint groan.

"I understand what you're saying."

"Yes. Thank you for understanding."

"But... it's not easy to accept your words at face value."

Tang Gunak added, remaining resolute.

In this aspect, Tang Gunak was also unyielding, or rather, he was a stubborn person from the start, showing limited flexibility only to certain individuals.

"Even if what you say is correct, it is merely a personal opinion at best."

Jo Gol and Yoon Jong bowed their heads again. Yoo Iseol's expression was also strangely wrinkled, and Tang Soso let out a sigh.

However, Baek Cheon seemed to think that the conversation wasn't over.

"Regarding personal opinions..."

He smiled slyly at Tang Gunak.

"I have one question."

"What is it?"

"Has there ever been a case in the Tang Family's history where a member of the Tang Family assisted another sect?"


If you looked into it, there were instances. In the past, during the Demonic War, the Tang Family's Dark Lord was closely attached to Mount Hua's Sword Saint.

However, the Dark Lord died during the war, and the details of that time were not conveyed in detail.

"There isn't one, right?"

"For now...yes."

"Then practically, it means that only we have experienced fighting with a member of the Tang Family behind us, risking our lives."

It was a fact that could not be denied. Those Five Swords had walked a path that seemed barely survivable. Even if the Five Swords suddenly changed to three or one, no one would be surprised. It was that harsh of a path.

"Moreover, even Tang Gaju-nim has not had a similar experience, right?"

"Even if what you say is true, this is Tang Family's..."

"I really don't understand."

Baek Cheon cut off Tang Gunak's words effectively. Simultaneously, the eyes of The Five Swords popped out.

"We who have experienced it assert if can be helpful, but why do those who have never experienced it confidently assert that it's not helpful? Well..."


Everyone smiled happily as they guessed that Baek Cheon's vague trailing sentence probably ended with, 'What do you know?'

"That crazy guy..."

Chung Myung muttered with a face that seemed to have lost his mind, capturing the sentiments of everyone present.