Chapter 1533: What Do You Know? (Part 3)

"Did you bring in a large number of female members of the clan?"

"I didn't bring them in, I received their support."

"...Sounds similar."

"It's. Different. Please."

"Is that so?"

Tang Gunak let out a hollow laugh.

While the idea of newly organizing the Tang Family's martial artists as members of the healing division had been considered, no one had imagined bringing in the women of the Tang Family into it.

Various thoughts flashed simultaneously. Evaluation of the matter, its future impact, and the potential backlash from various quarters.

But ultimately, cutting through all those thoughts, Tang Gunak's words stood out.

"You're doing well."

Startled, Tang Soso looked at Tang Gunak. He was wearing a faint smile. Tang Soso, feeling awkward, turned her head away.

"I've always been good. Father just didn't know."

"Seems like it."

"Don't admit it so easily."

"Then don't."

"...What did you eat that's making you say weird things?"

Tang Soso looked at Tang Gunak with a bewildered expression.

Her father was an exceedingly gentle person to his daughter, but at the same time, he was stern when it came to the family's affairs.

Yet, Tang Gunak's face showed no sign of that stifling sternness that was expected in such situations.

"Oraebi ['elder brother'] is having a hard time, you know."

"Is Tang Pae in trouble?"

"Yes. I have the support of Mount Hua on my shoulders, but Oraebi can't even speak easily. [not sure] Despite being the Sogaju... as the day to become the family head is distant, what can he become?"

"No need to worry."


"Tang Pae will manage fine."

In the calm statement, Tang Soso couldn't hide her confusion. But no matter how you looked at it, there was no other meaning to be read from Tang Gunak's face.

"...Your words are really strange."

"Not strange at all."

Tang Gunak quietly said.

Of course, he understood. There would undoubtedly be various issues.

The opposition of Tang Family members who wanted to act as martial artists rather than medics, the restraint of the elders who didn't want to hand over control to the still young leaders, and the whispers of other sects who now, instead of fighting alongside the Tang Family, were in a position to protect the Tang Family from behind... [not sure abt last one]

If he started worrying about all of that, there would be no end.


"Oh, by the way!"


"Don't step forward!"

Before Tang Gunak could even open his mouth, Tang Soso extended her hand, gesturing as if she was cutting something.

Tang Gunak laughed bitterly.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't pretend not to know. You're planning to quietly step forward if things don't go well, right? To discipline unruly disciples or exert pressure on other sects."


"Not at all?"

Instead of outright denying it, Tang Gunak glossed over the issue with a laugh.

Tang Soso clicked her tongue as if to say 'I knew it'. Then she confidently spoke.

"I can handle it on my own."

"I don't particularly want to lighten your load. You don't need to take the difficult path when there's an easier one."

"I know. But if my father starts doing it for me, I'll end up relying on him indefinitely."


Tang Soso resolutely nodded and said,

"I don't want simple childish desires like wanting recognition or standing alone. If people don't trust me and instead trust my father behind me, there will definitely be problems in critical moments. So, I need to make them believe in Tang Soso, the disciple of Mount Hua, not just Tang Soso, Tang Gunak's daughter."

"Make them believe..."

Tang Gunak looked at Tang Soso intently before opening his mouth.

"Can you do it?"

"I must do it."

Tang Gunak's smile deepened.

"For now."


"I believe in you."

The perplexed eyes of the young Tang Soso and the gentle eyes of Tang Gunak, filled with tenderness, intertwined in the air.

Tang Soso's face brightened slightly.

"You seem really strange today."

She turned her head slightly and abruptly stood up.

"I'm going. I'm busy."


"Oh, come on! Seriously!"

Watching her daughter leave the room, unable to overcome her embarrassment, Tang Gunak chuckled.

* * *

"I'm going to die..."

The sound of groaning involuntarily escaped. Jo Gol, exhausted from training, collapsed onto his bed as soon as he entered the room.

The relentless training in Chung Myung's style, pushing a person to their limits, was sometimes burdensome even for him, who had experienced it enough times.

But now, instead of complaining as usual, he found himself staring intently at the figure of someone who entered the room with him.

A slow and delicate hand was wiping a dirty sword. The worn-out clothes were meticulously cleaned as well. The rhythmic movements, accompanied by the soothing sound of sharpening, naturally calmed the mind.


Jo Gol sighed and shook his head.

They had gone through the same training, so Yoon Jong wouldn't have found it less difficult. However, unlike Jo Gol, Yoon Jong showed no signs of fatigue. No matter how challenging and tiring it was, he never neglected what he had to do.

This was a different kind of 'strength' from a high level of martial arts. Jo Gol could never match it in his lifetime.

"What are you looking at like that?"

Perhaps detecting his gaze, Yoon Jong asked without turning around.

"Oh, nothing..."

Jo Gol awkwardly mumbled, feeling a bit embarrassed.


Yoon Jong didn't press further. Instead, his hand, cleaning the sword, moved a bit faster. Perhaps, he wanted to finish the maintenance quickly and let Jo Gol sleep a bit more comfortably.

Watching the scene absentmindedly, Jo Gol unintentionally muttered a word.




He was about to say something but immediately shook his head.

"Never mind."

"Why are you acting so unlike yourself?"

"Turn off the lights and quickly get some rest. Why go to such lengths? It's going to get dirty again tomorrow anyway."

"I always said, polishing oneself is like getting dirtier..."

"Argh! Nagging! I can't hear you! I can't!"


Yoon Jong glanced at Jo Gol with narrowed eyes. However, Jo Gol, as if imagining something unbearable, turned to the other side and lay down.

"I'll sleep well, so go to sleep quickly, too."


As Yoon Jong's gaze fell on Jo Gol, who lay down, staring at the wall, a small sigh escaped from Yoon Jong's lips.

He knew the truth. He knew what Jo Gol had wanted to ask.

'He must be uneasy.'

It was quite obvious. Each passing day brought the war closer. Everyone would go through numerous trials in that war.

But perhaps, what Jo Gol feared wasn't the pain he would experience in that war.


Having placed the cleaned sword into its sheath, Yoon Jong fastened it to his waist and stood up cautiously.


As the door closed quietly, Jo Gol glanced back at the door Yoon Jong had left.


A long, uncharacteristic sigh escaped his lips.

In the silent, ink-stained night, Yoon Jong's steps, leaving the lodgings arranged in Hwaeum, were directed toward Mount Hua.

Everyone, including the Sect Leader, had temporarily settled in Hwaeum, so there was no need for him to go to Mount Hua separately.

Amidst the quiet surroundings, only the sound of his footsteps echoed. Yoon Jong's eyes, now deeply set, ascended the rugged mountain path of Mount Hua, a path he had become all too familiar with.

How far had he climbed?

Departing from the familiar path easily traversed even with closed eyes, he ventured into deeper, more treacherous terrain. A place avoided even by mountain beasts. The deep valleys of Mount Hua.

As Yoon Jong pushed through the dark forest, a sharp clanging sound gradually reached his ears.


Yoon Jong followed the blooming plum blossoms rising above the towering trees.

In the dark mountain woods, vivid plum blossoms bloomed. Even to Yoon Jong, a disciple of Mount Hua, the sight was awe-inspiring.

Yoon Jong approached the spot where plum blossoms were blooming.

After a while, the figure of a man lighting up the vibrant plum blossoms with the tip of his sword came into view.


A spotless white martial robe.

A symbolic hero band on his forehead.

Leaping from the ground, wielding the sword, his long hair flowing with each swing.

In the depths of the mountains, where even those accustomed to Mount Hua rarely tread, Baek Cheon wielded his sword.

Sweat dripped bead by bead from his smooth jawline, and his lower lip was tightly clenched. Just by looking at him, one could sense how intensely he was pushing himself.

And at that moment.


From the vigorously swung sword, a vibrant and abundant plum blossom bloomed. The landscape was as all the flowers in the dark green forest had bloomed at once, bursting into red.

How could one express and describe this scene? It was breathtaking, even as if seen in a dream.

And just like that, all of this spectacle quickly faded like an illusion.

Like how plum blossoms that had bloomed all season vividly eventually withered.

Yoon Jong silently watched the scene unfold.

Baek Cheon was like that. A person who led alone with innate talent, someone too formidable for others to follow.

But Yoon Jong knew. Baek Cheon did not come so far just because of his innate talent. If he hadn't secretly put in so much effort, he would never have become the Baek Cheon of today.

"Hoo, haa."

Calmly lowering his sword, Baek Cheon slightly bent his upper body, breathing heavily. He looked exhausted, a sight never shown in front of the Five Swords.

After catching his breath for a while, Baek Cheon turned to Yoon Jong, wiping the sweat from his face.

"You came?"

Yoon Jong, with a slightly awkward expression, defended himself.

"...I didn't intend to spy."

Baek Cheon chuckled.

Between martial brothers who practiced the same martial artists, who wouldn't observe each other? Yoon Jong's words were likely an excuse, claiming he didn't intentionally find Baek Cheon practicing secretly.

"How was it?"

"It was splendid."

Baek Cheon stood upright and stared directly at Yoon Jong.

Sweat droplets scattered on the sword, making the tip of the sword unusually shiny.

"Is that all?"

Yoon Jong responded calmly.

"Fast, intense, and... also delicate."

The epitome of the right path.

When discussing Baek Cheon's sword, it would be impossible not to mention the right path. But at the same time, it was daring and powerful. Hence, understanding was one thing, but emulating Baek Cheon's sword was challenging.

"Is that all?"

Baek Cheon teased Yoon Jong uncharacteristically, as if encouraging him to praise him a bit more.

Yoon Jong stared intently at him.

His eyes, always half-closed, making it difficult to guess his inner thoughts, were now focused on Baek Cheon with a somewhat chilly seriousness.

In the tense atmosphere, Baek Cheon spoke first.

"I know. The road ahead is still long. That's why I'm practicing secretly like this..."


Yoon Jong's voice cut Baek Cheon off.

After a brief silence, Yoon Jong opened his mouth heavily.

The words he found difficult to spit out seemed to cut through the air like a sharp blade.

"You will die."

Somewhere, the sound of a cricket chirping was heard.

A heavy, silent, and perhaps sorrowful air settled between the two.