Chapter 1543: Isn't That Enough? (Part 3)

The Yangtze River.


"This, this is..."

Elder Jaogae's eyes trembled as he stood by the riverbank.

Dozens of boats floated on the Yangtze River. It might not be considered significant, as there were only dozens at most. Moreover, they included all sorts of vessels, from small boats to fishing boats.

Nevertheless, Jaogae was bewildered for a simple reason—the number "dozens" was just a visible count.

The Yangtze River was vast and long, splitting the Central Plains in half.

If such an incident were happening throughout the entire Yangtze River, how many boats could be floating right now?

Hundreds? Or perhaps thousands? Maybe even...

Jaogae's back was drenched in cold sweat.

"Did you report to the main headquarters?"

"I immediately reported with the fastest messenger."

Jaogae bit his lip.

Even if they reported, what difference would it make?

There was no way to respond. How could they stop those who crossed the river from forming groups of four or five and spreading throughout the Central Plains? It wasn't feasible to guard the long and winding Yangtze River entirely.

'What are they thinking?'

It was incomprehensible no matter how much he thought about it.

Forces only had meaning when gathered together. Although Shaolin was undoubtedly a formidable martial arts sect, if it was scattered throughout the entire Central Plains, its strength wouldn't be effectively utilized.

Yet, the Evil Tyrant Alliance was clearly dispersing their forces across the entire Gangbuk. Why?


At the urgent voice from behind, Jaogae bit his lip again.

"First, request support from the Ten Great Sects. Have them attack as soon as the enemies land."


"I know!"

The situation wouldn't change just because they dealt with the ones currently visible.


"We can't just stand idly by! We have to do something! Go quickly!"

"Yes, Elder! Understood."

Jaogae clenched his fist tightly.

"To think we would be so powerless..."

Looking at the densely packed boats, he had a premonition that everything that would happen from now on couldn't be explained by the military logic he had experienced in war.

* * *

Clatter, clatter.

The sound of a spoon moving could be heard. Ho Gakmyung looked at Jang Ilso, who was eating leisurely without a word.


In that bowl was a yellowish millet porridge.

Although this wasn't their main camp, the fact remained that there was no shortage of supplies here. Yet, the Evil Tyrant Alliance's leader, Jang Ilso, was having millet porridge.

"...Is it edible?"


Jang Ilso, with a satisfied expression, set down the spoon and grinned. A bright smile played on his lips as he expressed his honest opinion.

"It tastes like shit."

"Then why bother..."

Jang Ilso tilted the wine bottle, slowly pouring it into the cup. As if intending to cleanse his mouth with the alcohol, he cleanly swallowed the drink and said.

"Well, sometimes, you want to be capricious."

Smirking, he glanced at the bowl in front of him. It seemed that for a moment, his eyes flickered, but he quickly lost interest and turned his attention away from the empty bowl, looking at Ho Gakmyung.

"How did it go?"

"I carried out your orders."

"Well done."

His response was indifferent. Ho Gakmyung sighed.

By now, Gangbuk must be in chaos. Whether it was the Ten Great Sects or the Heavenly Comrade Alliance or the officials, everyone would be involved. Yet, the one who caused this chaos wasn't showing any particular signs of excitement or joy.

Could they even imagine it? That the one causing this upheaval and making them grind their teeth was leisurely eating porridge in the main tent?

"There doesn't seem to be a visible response. It's still early, but..."

There was uncertainty in Ho Gakmyung's calm voice.

"Even if we give them more time, it won't be easy to respond."

Jang Ilso smirked.

However, Ho Gakmyung's thoughts remained unwavering. If they considered it from the enemy's perspective, hastily taking action wasn't an option.

The best course of action would be to disperse their forces throughout the entire Gangbuk. However, doing so would raise concerns about the main force here, akin to a hidden dagger beneath the neck.

"People are like that."


"They have a conscience, a desire to help others."

At Jang Ilso's words, Ho Gakmyung cracked a subtle smile.

"Why are you laughing like that?"


In response to his ambiguous laughter, Jang Ilso furrowed his brows.

"Oh, dear. It seems there's a deep misunderstanding. I am, in fact, a person with a lot of affection."

Jang Ilso chuckled as if finding his own words amusing.

"Alright, but generally, people want to help others. However, there is one condition. Do you know what that condition is?"

Ho Gakmyung responded with an expressionless face.

"Isn't it when there's no harm to oneself?"


Jang Ilso grinned with satisfaction.

"Even if someone is willing to risk their life for others, they wouldn't go help while their own house is burning."

"That's true."

"It's scary. While they're away... we might just burn down their house. Not just the house, but everything could turn to ashes. They might have already seen it with their own eyes during their absence."

Ho Gakmyung nodded.

Emei, Diancang, and the Tang Family. Gaining control of Sichuan undoubtedly held significant meaning. However, the significance might vary depending on the individual.

For an ordinary person, obtaining Sichuan might be a source of joy, while a wise person might relish in the ability to hold a dagger to the enemy's throat.

But Jang Ilso's intention wasn't such.

The greatest thing he gained by taking Sichuan was the fear the opponent would feel. When the seemingly invincible stronghold of the Ten Great Sects crumbled, both the Ten Great Sects and the Heavenly Comrade Alliance would learn.

They, too, could end up in the same predicament with a single mistake.

Ultimately, the foundation for all the moves Jang Ilso made so far was the fear secretly harbored in the opponent's heart.

"Hearts must be boiling. Chests must ache. However, there will be conflict and doubt as to whether it's really something worth having one's house burn down."

"Well, it won't continue indefinitely. Even if Ten Great Sects don't, the Heavenly Comrade Alliance will surely..."

"True. If you think about it, if a fire breaks out next door, it's likely to spread to your house. But... isn't it enough?"

It was true.

That was sufficient. The time during which the things he sent would spread throughout the entire Gangbuk. All they needed was that brief moment of hesitation.

In the first place, that was what the Evil Tyrant Alliance had aimed for.

"I want to express my gratitude."

Jang Ilso chuckled, pouring more wine into his cup.

"Everyone is working so hard. Now, we've become quite close, but there was no need for them to help to this extent. Indeed, these fellows from the righteous sects are kind."

If the leaders of the Ten Great Sects or the central figures of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance had heard these words, how would they have reacted? Perhaps they would have attempted to tear Jang Ilso apart into a thousand pieces.

However, strictly speaking, the statement wasn't entirely false. 

If they hadn't moved first, it would have been impossible for the Evil Tyrant Alliance to move.

If the Heavenly Comrade Alliance and the Ten Great Sects hadn't competitively gathered their forces and united the small and medium-sized sects from across the world.

"Well, it's a bit absurd."


"Isn't it something Ryeonju arranged for? Hunters don't express gratitude to trapped prey."

"Tsk, tsk. Naughty fellow. Shouldn't have fallen for the trap like this. And there's a misunderstanding too."


"What happened in the Beggar's Union was truly beyond my expectations. I never thought they would move so favorably."

Jang Ilso chuckled as if finding it delightful, even when thinking about it again.

Even if the Beggar's Union hadn't moved, this plan would have proceeded with a certain level of damage.

But now, thanks to the unexpected movement from the Beggar's Union, the damage was reduced by almost half... No, it was even more than that. An entire city was burned down, yet the remaining forces were completely preserved.

"Now, all we have to do is wait."

"That's right."

Jang Ilso leaned back with a satisfied expression.

It was just a theatrical gesture, Ho Gakmyung noted. He captured the momentary flicker in the lazy gaze, resembling a hungry beast. 

"They must make the decision. Whether to divide their forces and reveal their weaknesses or to crouch in their spots like a turtle and watch the world burn."


"Those so-called righteous sects always want two things, don't they? One is victory, and the other is dignity. But when victory and dignity devour each other, what choice will they make?"

Jang Ilso's eyes flickered with a subtle gleam.

"Aren't you curious too?"


"Hahahaha! It's interesting, isn't it? Quite amusing!"

Watching Jang Ilso laugh heartily, Ho Gakmyung consciously suppressed the boiling emotions within him.

You shouldn't get excited at this point. It was only the beginning.

"I'm not sure if I should say this, but..."

"Tsk tsk. Even though you're told to cut out unnecessary pretenses, you really don't listen."

Jang Ilsu looked at him with warm eyes. Ho Gakmyung, feeling the gaze, reassured himself once again. The day when he could trust himself without doubts, relying on those eyes, would be the day when he became useless.

"They are still formidable."

"I know."

Jang Ilso shrugged with a lazy look in his eyes.

"You're saying I shouldn't invite trouble just because I'm in a good mood, right?"

"Apologies, but yes. That's correct."

"Tsk tsk. If you're going to say something you need to apologize for, then don't."

Jang Ilso clicked his tongue.

"Gakmyung, Gakmyung."

"Yes, Ryeonju-nim."

"Your words are correct. However, there are different kinds of strength, aren't there?"

Jang Ilso's gaze turned to the north, where the land was turning red.

"It's not about being strong, it's about being massive."

"If it's massive..."

"They have to protect them all, right? Large sects, small sects, and even idiots who can't even wield a sword. Oh, and who knows, the barbarians of the Beast palace and the warm-hearted people from Mount Hua might go even further and try to protect even the village idiots."


"For them, everything in sight must be protected. And for us..."

Jang Ilso's thin lips revealed his white teeth as he drew an arc.

"They are all places where we can trample and tear apart."

Ho Gakmyung nodded slowly. In the first place, for the Evil Tyrant Alliance... no, for the Myriad Man Manor, there was nothing to protect.

The remnants of the Evil Sects that were pushed into Gangbuk would all die. Especially since they were not particularly great people to begin with, breaking them into pieces would be enough. If they encountered enemies, they would die one by one.

But what did it matter?

Their purpose was to only cause chaos in Gangbuk until they died. That was it. After Jang Ilso promised to recognize ownership of all the treasures they brought back, they would go crazy, jumping around like hungry wolves.

With just that, Gangbuk would be a wasteland. If they hesitated and the response was slow, those small sparks would become a fierce flame and burn down the entire Gangbuk.

"Hmm. Instead, we should make sure we're prepared. Did you receive any reports?"

"Yes. A report came in saying they are ready to move at any time."

"Tsk tsk. Those crafty guys talk so smoothly."

Jang Ilso swallowed a sigh.

"But I like guys like that. They are easy to understand."

He leisurely rose from his seat as he came out of the hall, and his subordinates froze, tense. Jang Ilso smiled as he looked towards Gangbuk absentmindedly.

"Curious, aren't you? What kind of move he will make."

Seeing his slightly eerie smile, Ho Gakmyung spoke in a voice mixed with a sigh.

"Honestly, I don't know. It's the same even if I look at it from their perspective."

"Really? I think I know."


"No, it doesn't matter. It's meaningless. Even if you know the method, it's the same as having no method if you can't execute it."

Jang Ilso's lips were unusually red today. A very small whisper, almost too faint for Ho Gakmyung to hear, leaked out.

"If you untie the chains entangled around that body, you might be able to cut my neck. But..."

Could you call yourself you after breaking those chains?

"That would be interesting. Yes, very interesting."

A rough heat flickered in his pale eyes. The heat was more intense and cruel than the flames that began to cover Gangbuk, making it seem like Jang Ilso himself would be consumed.