Chapter 1547: Nevertheless (Part 2)

People caught off guard often exhibit various reactions. However, beyond a certain point, they may lose the words to express their surprise.

The individuals in the conference room right now were in exactly such a situation.

'What's going on?'

'Why is he coming out here?'

'Southern Edge Sect?'

Faint murmurs of confusion echoed throughout the room.

Fortunately, few had seen Hyun Jong's face, frozen in shock without composure, as everyone was busy staring at Jin Geumryong.


At that moment, someone appeared to break the awkward silence.


Behind Jin Geumryong, a man revealed himself. In contrast to the cold aura emanating from Jin Geumryong, this man had a remarkably soft demeanor.

Looking at the people from the Mount Hua Sect, the man warmly smiled and then turned his attention to Hyun Jong.

"Lee Songbaek of Southern Edge Sect greats Maengju-nim."


"This Sohyeop?"

"Nice to meet you, Mount Hua friends."

Lee Songbaek smiled a bit sheepishly.

"I didn't expect to meet again so soon."

Jin Geumryong slightly furrowed his brows. In response, Lee Songbaek tactfully took a step back.

"It seems this isn't the right place for a private conversation."


As soon as Jin Geumryong turned back, Baek Cheon started screaming.

"Why are you showing your face here!?"

"I heard this Sajil fought alongside you all. Do I have a reason not to come?"

"This... This Sohyeop is different! And you...!"


Jin Geumryong, with an arrogant, chilling smile that looked inauspicious, looked at Baek Cheon.

Does Mount Hua lack common sense to the point that it's considered part of your teachings (門訓)? I am your elder brother." [Telling him to address him as "hyung" instead of "you"]

"What elder brother! I've never had an elder brother like you!"

Baek Cheon seemed ready to fall backward. Yoon Jong covered his face with both hands.

It was embarrassing to realize, even for a moment, that he felt respect for that person. How could someone of that age fight like a ten-year-old with his elder brother?

"Why did you come?"

"Surely you don't think I willingly stepped into Hwaeum, did you? You're still foolish."

"Who called you here? Which lunatic called Southern Edge Sect to Hwaeum?"



"I called them."


Baek Cheon quickly nodded in understanding.

Yeah, lunatic was right. Not just any lunatic, but a truly crazy one.

Seeing that, Jin Geumryong shook his head.

"When will he ever have dignity?"

At that moment, Chung Myung casually interjected.

"Enough. Turn that inauspicious face around and sit there."

Jin Geumryong's mouth twisted uncomfortably.

"Inauspicious face? Doesn't my appearance not differ much from your Sasuk?"

"So what?"


Jin Geumryong, with a face that seemed to acknowledge something, sat down. Despair was evident on everyone's faces. Why was he convinced by that statement?

Hyun Jong and Tang Gunak couldn't pull themselves together in the absurd situation.

"I apologize if we have inconvenienced you."

Lee Songbaek cautiously offered an apology, and Hyun Jong vehemently shook his hands in response.

"Why would it be uncomfortable? It's just a bit bewildering, that's all."

"We feel awkward about explaining it too. We hurriedly came after receiving a message to send a responsible person to Hwaeum."

"... A message..."

Chung Myung shrugged his shoulders.

"Yes, I've mentioned it several times. I sent it."


"Why, you ask?"

Chung Myung pointed at Jin Geumryong.

"If you're lacking power, is there a place among the forces you can mobilize that is better than Southern Edge?"

...No. Absolutely not.

Even without saying, "among the forces you can mobilize right now," there were very few places better than Southern Edge in terms of power.

"True, but..."

Hyun Jong blinked, clouding the end of his words.

He didn't want to discuss matters like why Southern Edge was called without permission. In the first place, that damn bastard must have done something without permission once or twice.

The problem was that they were not from another sect, but Southern Edge.

Southern Edge was proudly part of the Ten Great Sects. No, calling it part was an understatement; it should be seen as one of the pillars of the Ten Great Sects.

However, was it not strange for them to receive a message and rush to Hwaeum, the main base of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance?

"Faster than I thought?"

Jin Geumryong, in response to Chung Myung's words, ground his teeth.

"...I don't know about causing trouble, but if you wanted to play with fire in your house, you should have been careful not to let sparks fly into the neighbor's house. Isn't that basic?"

"What is he saying now? A person who came to someone else's house, played with fire, and even stole away their wealth is lecturing about the basics?"

"...That is a past matter."

"But this guy? Do you want to be completely finished today?"

When Chung Myung tried to get up in anger, Jo Gol and Tang Soso quickly grabbed him and held him down. Even Yoon Jong, who seemed indifferent, also restrained Chung Myung momentarily, showing how surprised he was.

"Hoo! Hoo! Just thinking about it makes me angry again?"

No... If you were so angry, why did you call them?

At that moment, Im Sobyeong, who had been silently observing the situation, let out a bitter laugh. Everyone's attention turned in that direction.

"Nokrim King?"

"That's right. This... now that I think about it, the situation is quite similar. This situation where we almost overturned our mountain but ended up setting fire to the neighboring mountain."

"What are you talking about?"

"Aren't we the ones who created the main headquarters of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance in Hwaeum?"

"That's right."

Even if it was a form closer to a city than a village, a base was a base.

"And the situation where the main goal of that headquarters is now the Evil Tyrant Alliance."

Everyone nodded.

"Then, while the Evil Tyrant Alliance attacks Hwaeum, will Xi'an, where Southern Edge is located, just be a sightseeing location before they return?"


"Is that so?"

"Those individuals have already trampled on noticeable sects while attacking Sichuan. If they aim for Hwaeum, it's natural that Xi'an will be the next target."


For a moment, everyone felt a twinge of guilt towards Southern Edge, even if it was for just a moment.

"This is a mess."




"...Yes, Sahyung."

"Maybe it'd better for me to become the sect leader?"

"I'm seriously considering it too."

Watching Baek Cheon throw punches at Jin Geumryong, the Mount Hua disciples shook their heads. While Baek Cheon might be an excellent talent to enliven the Mount Hua Sect, if that guy became the head of Mount Hua, their relationship with Southern Edge would inevitably come to an end.

Im Sobyeong spoke as if sighing.

"Depending on the direction they advance, it might be that Xi'an, rather than Hwaeum, will be attacked first."

A vein bulged on Jin Geumryong's forehead. He glared at Chung Myung and Baek Cheon with a fierce expression and gritted his teeth.

"Even if you came to Southern Edge Mountain and bowed your heads in apology, it wouldn't be enough... Sending a spy and making them find people, even bringing a message?"

"What do you want?"

"Just leave then. We won't chase you, absolutely won't chase you."

Chung Myung and Baek Cheon laughed simultaneously, facing each other. The other leaders of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance silently looked up at the ceiling. It was embarrassing.


"Hahahaha! Calm down, please. Sahyung!"

Jin Geumryong, who seemed about to explode, was quickly calmed by Lee Songbaek. And then, after taking a deep breath, he quickly intervened in the conversation.

"Anyway, we also know the situation. The concerns of the Sect Leader are enormous, and we, too, are very concerned about it."


"If he was so worried, he should've come himself instead of sending kids. I suppose he's not concerned enough?"

Here was a rat-sized brat complaining about sending kids to important positions. Lee Songbaek's eyes lost their spirit.

"That's not something for you to say."

"...At least, don't say such things in Mount Hua."

"Have a conscience."

Fortunately, there were the Five Swords, who somewhat represented him.

"It's not that Sect Leader didn't have the intention to come himself. However, as you know, Southern Edge is..."

"One of the Ten Great Sects. For now, that's for sure."

"Not just for now. It will be the case in the future too."

Jin Geumryong drew a chilling line.

"Yes, that's right, of course."

In response to Jin Geumryong's fierce reaction, Im Sobyeong took a step back. Lee Songbaek exerted the full extent of his poor verbal skills to smooth the situation.

"W-well, Sect Leader, e-even if Sahyung sometimes speaks harshly... n-no, n-no, that's not it. Please don't misunderstand, it's not that we dislike the Heavenly Comrade Alliance. It's just an inevitable situation."

The Five Swords felt an inexplicable sadness.

'I've seen this scene somewhere before.'

'People live their lives in the same way.'

'It's hard over there too.'

Lee Songbaek, wiping cold sweat, continued speaking.

"In any case, the Southern Edge Sect's standpoint..."

"Cut to the chase."


At Chung Myung's words, Lee Songbaek nodded heavily and brought up the main point.

"We cannot sail under the same banner as the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, but regarding those who will attack us from Shaanxi, we can form a united front."

"It's amusing."

Chung Myung smirked.

"Negotiations should be done between parties of the same caliber. With so many sects gathered here, the Southern Edge Sect is trying to negotiate on equal terms?"

"The Southern Edge Sect, you say?"

Jin Geumryong narrowed his eyes. Baek Cheon quickly stepped forward and reprimanded Chung Myung.

"Chung Myung! Be careful with your expressions. It's not the Southern Edge Sect; rather, it's more appropriate to call them second-class disciples of the Southern Edge Sect."

"Oh, is that so?"

Chung Myung scratched his head, then nodded shortly after. A vein popped on Jin Geuryong's forehead.

What on earth did these people eat to gain such audacity?

Even to the eyes of Jin Geumryong, who feared nothing in the world, all the individuals gathered here were unparallelered. Why were they letting these thunderous monkeys act like this?

"A united front..."

Tang Gunak muttered as he stroked his chin, opening his mouth.

"Does that mean the Southern Edge Sect will assist us if the Evil Tyrant Alliance attacks Hwaeum?"

"Yes. However, the same applies if the situation is reversed."

There was no need to think about the reverse situation. No matter how much they hated the Southern Edge Sect, they wouldn't just stand by watching them being attacked by the Evil Sect.

Hyun Jong and Tang Gunak looked at each other. This...?


"Don't talk nonsense."

At that moment, Chung Myung quickly interrupted their conversation. Because there were still more demands to make.

"In that case, more than half of the Southern Edge Sect should be present in Hwaeum."

"What kind of nonsense is this? Why should we do that?"

"Can you guarantee that you won't just watch and enjoy when the Evil Sect attacks Hwaeum?"

"Does the Southern Edge Sect appear to be a sect that will do that?"

"No. You not only suck your fingers and enjoyed the show but also came and set fire and even plundered. You shameless bastards. It makes me angry again, you fuckers!"

"Oi, calm down!"

"Why did you call them if you were going to act like this?"

"Don't touch the sword! I said, let go of the sword!"

As Chung Myung caused a disturbance and people around him subdued him, Jin Geumryong silently looked out the window. He couldn't say yes or no, so he simply turned a blind eye to it.

Despite his shameless and humorous attitude, compared to the past when he always denied everything, it could be considered a significant improvement.

Lee Songbaek opened his mouth with a puzzled expression.

"I understand what you mean. But we urgently came, so we don't have the authority to decide..."

"Let's do it that way."

But Jin Geumryong cut off Im Sobyeong's words.

"I don't want to argue with them for too long, so let's do it as suggested."

"Sahyung. That's..."

"I have enough authority to make that decision. Facing the annoying faces of those arrogant Mount Hua guys is unpleasant, but we'll endure it."

"That blasted mouth, seriously."

Baek Cheon was infuriated. Chung Myung smiled as he looked at Hyun Jong and Tang Gunak.

"How about it? Is it more or less resolved now?"

The faces of Hyun Jong and Tang Gunak momentarily became complex and subtle.

They probably didn't expect the situation to develop like this. Why would they even think of forming an alliance with the Southern Edge Sect? Was it really right to bring the Southern Edge Sect into Hwaeum?

Numerous thoughts entwined in their minds like tangled threads, but ultimately, there was only one answer to give at this moment.



An impromptu alliance between the Mount Hua Sect and the Southern Edge Sect was established suddenly.

Something that seemed forever out of reach had just happened.