Chapter 1558: Can We Back Out? (Part 3)


Hell was unfolding on the battlefield.

The Su Lo Chae, surging like a black wave, had literally destroyed everything in its path.

Hatred alone could not explain all of this.

The Eighteen Yangtze River Fortresses, once more fearsome than the Grim Reaper on the Yangtze River, had fallen from grace since becoming a part of the Evil Tyrant Alliance.

After the defeat of the Black Dragon King by Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, the Yangtze River lost its significance as the boundary between the two sides. As a result, its prestige could not help but decline day by day.

As a result, the once formidable Eighteen Yangtze River Fortresses now found itself in a humbled position, constantly under the watchful eyes of those who were once its equals.

The accumulated resentment surpassed imagination.

Its impact was incomparable to the minor incursions by the henchmen of the Evil Sect.

"Stop them!"

Even the small and mid-sized sects, who had been observing the situation, were now joining the resistance in panic. There was no choice but to resist. Unlike the henchmen who cleverly avoided places where enemies might be, the Su Lo Chae was advancing ruthlessly wherever there might be foes.

Fight or flight, there was practically no choice; it was as good as having no options.


A swordsman pierced through the chest by a trident spewed blood from his mouth in convulsions. The eyes of the one who drove the trident were filled with murderous intent.

"Hehehe. Did you think you'd be safe pinned to the ground in Gangbuk?"

As the swordsman tremblingly tried to grasp the trident with his blood-stained hand, a Su Lo Chae pirate twisted it with contempt, causing a gruesome sound as it tore through his chest.


With each convulsion of agony, the eyes of the pirate who had the trident thrust through his chest sparkled with life.


Someone rushed forward with a sharp sword aimed at beheading the pirate.

At that very moment.


An energy resembling a black crescent fiercely flew through the air, cutting the oncoming assailant in half.


Even after splitting a person in two, the force remained undiminished, completely shattering a rock that had been standing in the background.


Truly a horrifying sight. The stunned pirate turned around, trembling.

"Bl, Black Dragon King."

Before he knew it, Jaeksekwang had approached so close that he was staring at the pirate with fiery eyes.

Without warning, he struck the pirate with a powerful punch. Spurting blood, the pirate fell backward, and the intense gaze of the Black Dragon King seemed enough to crush him without laying a hand.

"This damn fool..."

"Forgive...forgive me..."

Blood-soaked, the pirate endured the pain, repeatedly bowing his head.

The Black Dragon King, who had humiliated the pirate, raised his head and shouted thunderously.

"I'll tear apart anyone who hinders me! Get your act together!"


The tense pirates, muscles taut, charged forward.

On everyone's faces, a mixture of tension and excitement was evident.

The tension came from the fear that stepping out of line under the Black Dragon King's eyes meant certain death. The excitement came from the fact that the Black Dragon King's power remained formidable.

Armed with these two factors, the Su Lo Chae members ran through unfamiliar territory like well-trained hunting dogs.


The Black Dragon King, gripping the scimitar tightly, took another step forward.

This spectacular beginning would undoubtedly spread beyond this region into the wider world.

'Don't run away. No, if you're going to run, go ahead and run!'

I'll chase you to the ends of the earth. [doki doki?]

* * * 


"You've come?"

As Namgung Myung rushed towards them, Namgung Dowi greeted him with a faint smile.

Namgung Myung quickly assessed Sogaju's expression. He had rushed here with all his might upon hearing the news and joined forces with Namgung Dowi.

Surprisingly, Namgung Dowi seemed calm. Considering that his avenger, the one who killed his father, was alive nearby, he appeared composed.

"Are you okay?"

"What are you talking about?"

Namgung Dowi, on the contrary, raised his eyebrows as if to express curiosity.

'Is he really that calm?'

Seeing that, Namgung Myung felt a mix of relief and concern. The fact that he wasn't excited was undoubtedly a good sign, but...

Namgung Myung cautiously asked again.

"Did you hear?"

"You mean the Black Dragon King?"

Namgung Dowi shrugged his shoulders as if it was no big deal.

"Yes, I heard. Hm. The situation has become a bit complicated, Uncle. I didn't expect this, but maybe what they originally planned was to stab us in the back."


"That means all the Evil Sect guys they pushed into Gangbuk were stepping stones... I'm not sure if this saying is appropriate, but the Paegun is indeed the Paegun. They can sacrifice even such people as scapegoats. Truly an unpredictable figure."

Despite Namgung Dowi's harsh words, Namgung Myung secretly sighed in relief.

Sogaju was currently in a composed state.

That was the most important thing.

How anxiously had he run here, worrying that Namgung Dowi, fueled by revenge, might immediately rush to the Yangtze River?

But fortunately, Namgung Dowi seemed to have grown even better than he had thought.

With a short exhale, Namgung Myung nodded.

"We need to take measures."

"Yes, Uncle. The enemy's intentions are obvious, but if we leave it like this, the damage will only increase."

His people were trying to evacuate as many people from Anhui as possible, but how many people could be quickly moved?

It was impossible to clear out the population of a whole province in a short period. It was not something a single clan or an alliance could achieve.

"Then let's first follow the orders from the Alliance..."


Namgung Dowi calmly shook his head.

"That would be too late. Even if we have a good communication network, can they really know the details of what's happening so far away? We should do what we can do immediately to minimize the damage."

Namgung Myung, glancing at Namgung Dowi, cautiously asked.

"What can we do..."

"That's a matter of course, isn't it?"

Namgung Dowi smiled casually.

"We have to kill the Black Dragon King."

The air froze in an instant.

Namgung Myung lost his words. Forgetting to gauge the situation, he just stared blankly at Namgung Dowi.

Yet, Namgung Dowi seemed nonchalant, as if he had uttered the most obvious thing in the world.

"Sogaju. That..."

Cold sweat formed on Namgung Myung's forehead.

"I understand your feelings. But now is not the time to think impulsively. First, we..."

"Please don't misunderstand, Uncle."

Before anyone could react, Namgung Dowi slowly shook his head.

"I am not angry right now, and I am certainly not swayed by emotions. I am just stating the obvious."


"The Su Lo Chae has infiltrated Anhui. So who should stop them?"

Namgung Myung closed his mouth.

"That is..."

"Of course, it's the Namgung Family. And rather than eliminating many enemies one by one, isn't it much more efficient to cut off the head, as they have shown?"


"So, I also agree with that."

Namgung Myung's face turned pale.

He was not composed. No, perhaps he really was in a composed state.

But regardless of the state, the conclusion is the same, wasn't it? Unable to endure it any longer, Namgung Myung raised his voice.

"Why are you doing this, Sogaju! Right now, the Namgung Family alone cannot confront Su Lo Chae. Don't you clearly know that?"


Namgung Dowi stared at Namgung Myung with a somewhat sunken gaze.

"Do you want to back down then?"


"Because our power is lacking, do you plan to leave those who trust only Namgung and run away? Because our power is lacking, do you plan to stay here just holding your breath until others lend their strength?"

Namgung Myung's fingertips trembled.

"Yes. Uncle's words are correct. That would be a wise way. But Uncle, don't forget. Namgung barely survived thanks to those who did not choose the 'wise way.' If they had chosen the 'wise way' like the Ten Great Sects, the name Namgung would have been erased from the world long ago."


"The Heavens indeed."

Namgung Dowi smiled faintly, looking up at the sky. It was pure blue without a single cloud. The sky was watching them.

"Why does Namgung use the Heavens as its emblem? I've thought about it since I was young. I've heard various answers, but none of them were easily understandable. But after seeing Father and others, and considering the situation Namgung is in, I finally understood. Uncle, do you know why Namgung is the Heavens?"

"...Why is that?"

"Because it shouldn't be shameful under the Heavens."

Namgung Dowi slowly stood up. The others who had been watching them began to tremble.

"If we retreat from here, can Uncle be proud?"


"It's not me."

Namgung Dowi stared at the sky with a deep gaze.

"Perhaps Father might not want it. That choice was Father's mistake, and revenge may seem meaningless to him."

"That may be. If it were my brother, he would definitely...!"

"But I do not think so. I find it difficult to imagine Father approving of us abandoning Anhui's people and retreating into danger."

Namgung Myung's body began to tremble.

He thought of Namgung Hwang, his brother and the head of the family.

There was nothing to think about. If it were Namgung Hwang, as soon as he heard the news, he would have raised his sword and headed to the Yangtze River. He would have sworn not to let a single one of those dirty Su Lo Chae pirates return alive.


"Uncle, please don't say I lack strength. Father would've sacrificed his life even if he lacked strength."

A heavy aura emanated from Namgung Do-wi.

"If you say that I, who should inherit the name of Namgung and become a family head like Father, cannot do it yet, ultimately, would it not mean that because of me, Namgung has become incapable of being Namgung?"


Namgung Dowi smiled wryly.

"Uncle, please step back. This is the duty of the family head... No, the duty of acting family head."

"What, what are you saying?"

"In the off chance that I make a mistake, shouldn't someone step forward to lead the family in my place?"

For a moment, Namgung Myung's heart chilled. 

Currently, Namgung Dowi was not considering victory as the main goal. Regardless of the outcome, he was heading towards it because it needed to be done.

In other words, no matter what measures were taken, Namgung Dowi couldn't be stopped.

"I will protect the Namgung name. As for the complicated emotions of revenge... well, honestly, I can't say they don't exist. But isn't it okay? If two things are saying different things, it might be difficult, but if they're saying the same thing, it's a win-win situation, isn't it?"

Namgung Dowi his my sword.

"This is my father's sword. Even if its power is not what it used to be, Namgung will still prove to be Namgung with this sword. With this sword."

Namgung Myung closed his eyes tightly. His eyelashes were faintly trembling.

"So, Uncle, you..."

"You are the acting head, not the head."

Namgung Myung's gaze, when he opened his eyes again, was cold.

"So, don't command me. I can't exclude myself from avenging my brother."


"Honestly, I've never not dreamed of this day since back then. The day when I tear apart those bastards who killed my brother and drink their blood."

Namgung Myung let go of reason. And he filled that void with revenge.

"I will take the lead."


"Will you stop me?"

Namgung Dowi shook his head.

"I can't do that."

"Good. The remaining people are also Namgung. The family won't crumble just because I'm not here."

As Namgung Myung sided with Namgung Dowi, everything fell into place.

"Is there anyone among you who will step back?"


"I will seek revenge with my sword!"

"We cannot let Su Lo Chae trample Anhui! Never!"

Namgung Myung nodded heavily.

"Sogaju. When everyone gathers...."


Namgung Dowi shook his head.

"If we start first, those who follow will come on their own. We can't force them to take a path that may be impossible to return from."

"....Right. That's a valid point."

Namgung Myung nodded heavily. And he said,

"I am ready."

"Raise the flag of the Heavens!"


A large sky-blue flag rose. A flag symbolizing the Namgung Family. A flag proving the Namgung's existence.

Namgung Dowi turned his head slightly.

Perhaps... someone might be rushing here with all their might. But this time, he couldn't afford to wait for them.

'Sorry, Dojang.'

You can curse at me, blame me, it's okay. But sometimes, people have to come to terms with their duties! [not sure]

"Where is the enemy?"

"According to the information sent from the Beggar's Union, they haven't moved far from the Yangtze River yet."

Namgung Dowi nodded.

Considering the time it took for other Namgung forces spread throughout Anhui to join, if they adjusted the speed to some extent...

"About a day's distance."

Everyone nodded firmly.

'A day....'

Namgung Dowi smiled wryly.

"It's just the right time."

To sharpen this sword of vengeance.

"We're leaving! We won't come back until we take the enemy's supply!"


They set off.

The Namgung Family's blue flag began to move towards the Yangtze River. To dye that flag red with the blood of the black dragon.