Chapter 1561: It's Different From Back Then (Part 1)



Chung Myung's foot forcefully struck the ground.

Like an unbound arrow, Chung Myung swiftly covered dozens of yards in a single breath.

Drops of sweat from him scattered through the air as they were swept away by the wind.



Chung Myung, who had swept through the air, suddenly changed direction and rushed forward. According to the information he had received, just ahead...

The dense forest that filled his view receded, revealing a vast open field before Chung Myung's eyes.


And at that moment, Chung Myung unconsciously clenched his fist.


The wide open field, devoid of any traces of people, seemed eerily silent. Chung Myung's gaze scanned the ground. There were still traces of many who had stayed here.


His teeth bit into his lower lip.

'Namgung Dowi.'

He understood. Hadn't Chung Myung also run here without taking a breath because he understood? But... if he were the head of a clan, at least...

At that moment, Chung Myung's head turned to one side.


Immediately, rising from the ground and turning into a streak of light, Chung Myung shot forward.


Suddenly, a man who saw him appear like a ghost in front of him instinctively drew his sword. However, his action was easily blocked by the palm of the hand that had preemptively occupied the direction in which his sword would emerge.

"Ch-Chung Myung Dojang?"

The surprised warrior of the Namgung Family blinked as he looked at Chung Myung who appeared in front of him.


Chung Myung, as if not willing to explain the situation, immediately brought up the main topic. In response, the bewildered warrior of the Namgung Family opened his mouth.

"Well, we understood that he went ahead to the Yangtze River."

"Where did you decide to join?"

"Well... there wasn't such talk. He decided to go to the Yangtze River, so just follow along."

Chung Myung bit his lip again.



"When did he set out? You must be on your way to join."

"Well, um..."

As Chung Myung's eyes narrowed, the flustered warrior immediately elaborated.

"Well, we're one of Namgung Family's subsects located furthest north, so we thought it might be difficult to join before reaching the Yangtze River even if we set out. As for when Sogaju set out..."

Chung Myung's hand, which held the words back, tightened its grip.

"What about the other subjects? Are they joining?"

"I think so."

At this moment, the bewildered warrior's eyes were as firm as ever.

"It's natural for those who bear the name of Namgung. How can we use the name of Namgung without repaying the grudge of the former head of the family?''


Chung Myung closed his eyes.

There was no need to blame him.

What if he had heard that the one who killed Cheon Mun was still alive and nearby?

'There's nothing to think about.'

Regardless of the situation, no matter how difficult it was, it wasn't even a subject of consideration. That's what the phrase 'cannot live under the same sky (不共戴天)' was for. If you couldn't share the sky, didn't it mean that if you couldn't kill the opponent, you'd rather die yourself?

"....Dojang, are you going too?"

In response to that question, Chung Myung opened his eyes and faced the Namgung member who was staring at him.

In those eyes was undoubtedly 'expectation.'

The expectations that Chung Myung would understand, and naturally, that he would stand on their side and fight together.

"These bastards..."

Chung Myung gritted his teeth.

"I'm going first."



Chung Myung left them behind and rushed forward like lightning.

"Do, Dojang! Us too!"

The voices from behind gradually faded away. Chung Myung's expression, as he ran with all his might, involuntarily became desperate.

'You idiot!'

If you were going to do that, you should have at least waited for me.

* * *

"The Namgung Family is heading to the Yangtze River!"

"...Damn it."

Tang Gunak ground his teeth so hard that the tendons on his jaw stood out.

"I never thought I'd say something like 'that child is his father's son' about Namgung Sogaju...."

Tang Gunak glared at Im Sobyeong with anger. However, Im Sobyeong calmly met Tang Gunak's gaze.

"It's not an incorrect statement."

Tang Gunak couldn't deny that either. Considering Namgung Hwang's impulsive decision to charge into Plum Blossom Island without solid evidence and Namgung Dowi's insufficient power as he moved towards the Black Dragon King, their choices didn't seem much different.

This was why 'temperament' couldn't be ignored.

"What will you do?"

"Is there a way to stop it?"

"Well... it might be possible to establish contact before reaching the Yangtze River."

If even that were impossible, there would be no need to put so much effort into the communication network.

"Isn't an instruction only meaningful if the receiver is willing to listen?"

"Do you mean he will ignore it?"

"Do you think otherwise?"

Tang Gunak fell silent.

Right now, Namgung Dowi probably saw seeing nothing. What could he think when his late father's enemy was right in front of him? However...

"He may not be such a foolish fellow... Does he really not know that this decision could push the Namgung Family to an irreversible point?"

"It may not be a trivial matter to think about now."

Im Sobyeong said with a mysterious tone.

"Even in this situation, there's no need to doubt Namgung Sogaju's sincerity. He was sincere in the revival of the Namgung Family, and he empathized more than anyone else with the righteousness discussed by the Heavenly Comrade Alliance."

Among the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, no one growled at Namgung Dowi more than Im Sobyeong, no matter what anyone said. As his words were his own, it could be regarded as an even more accurate evaluation.


"That sincerity doesn't mean that what he's doing now is strange. Everyone has something more urgent and more important. Even if he was sincere about the revival of the family, revenge may be more important to him, and this may be a justice that takes precedence over anything for him."

Tang Gunak grimaced.

Because he knew that Im Sobyeong's words were not wrong.


"It's not visible when going the same path. But when you reach your destination, you'll know. Even if you tried to go the same path, the place you want to reach may be different."

And as if proving that fact, reports came flying in from all directions.


"What's going on?"

"A report from Zhejiang! We're planning to move to the Yangtze River first, so please give us instructions..."


Hyun Jong stood up abruptly.

"Didn't I say? Until new instructions are given, proceed with the mission as usual! But why did he take the initiative... Who is it? Who sent this message?"

"Bae, Baek Cheon Sahyung."


"Baek Cheon..."

Hyun Jong closed his eyes tightly.

Seeing this, Im Sobyeong shrugged his shoulders.

"That's the way it is."

Tang Gunak covered his forehead as if he had a headache.

"If Baek Cheon is heading to the Yangtze River, naturally, the Five Swords will follow behind."

"Whether it was intentional or not, it will happen like that."

"Then the others from Mount Hua will probably be the same."


A sigh of frustration escaped from Tang Gunak's mouth.

How could something so far from their intentions happen so arbitrarily? How could the communication network they had built be used as a means to convey decisions to the headquarters against their will?

Thinking up to this point, he could once again realize how ridiculous the things they had done so far were. How, despite having different thoughts and strong wills, they managed to gather and lead them in one place.

Once again, he realized. Why the cohesion of the Ten Great Sects, which they had underestimated and found ridiculous, had received unprecedented praise in the history of Kangho.

It wasn't that the Beopjeong was lacking. Because there was Beopjeong, they were able to somehow lead and pull together such a strong-willed group. Wasn't that something unthinkable for Tang Gunaks?

"Then, does that mean there's no solution?"

"Well... I'm not sure. I may not be able to find a solution, but there must be someone with one."

"And that is..."

As Tang Gunak was about to ask who, he closed his mouth without uttering a word.

Because it seemed too obvious a question to ask.

"Where is the Chief now?"

"He received the message, so he must have headed towards the Namgung Family."

Tang Gunak let out a deep sigh. It made sense. If it were Chung Myung, he would have undoubtedly done so. And that wasn't wrong.

But in the end, weren't Chung Myung, Mount Hua, and the Namgung Family all heading towards the Yangtze River? At this point, it couldn't be denied that this was a full-scale confrontation.

"It's too late to try any means from our side. We are already lacking the strength just to restrain Jang Ilso. Ultimately, those in Gangbuk should make the decision."

Tang Gunak's head sank deeply.

"In the end, it's that guy again."

Despite his efforts to reduce the burden on his shoulders, the situation was such that he had to rely on Chung Myung again.

Was it because the latter's presence was too significant, or was it because his own strength was that lacking?

"But...Even if it's the Chief, it won't be easy this time. It's almost as if he self-inflicted this situation upon himself."


Im Sobyeong didn't answer Tang Gunak's question.

Because there was no need to answer?

No, it was because he also ran out of words to answer.

Instead, he was curious.

'Which one?'

Chung Myungs' beliefs and Jang Ilso's strategies.

Which one was more right would soon be decided. At the cost of countless lives.

And at that moment.



Namgung Dowi opened his eyes slightly and looked ahead.


A color that wouldn't leave a bad impression on anyone who saw it. However, that bluish color, similar to the water of the Yangtze River, was a color of resentment that would not feel refreshing for the Namgung Family even if chewed.

Upon seeing those who were dressed in that color, a thick smile appeared on Namgung Dowi's lips.

"Su Lo Chae."

"Scouts, or it looks like an advance party. Sogaju, what shall we do?"

Namgung Myung's words made Namgung Dowi look back.

The Namgung Family's swordsmen, all dressed in white robes, were staring at him with bright eyes. Eyes filled with determination and resentment.

'Is it about two-thirds?'

Not everyone who came to Gangbuk gathered. Of course, it would be natural. Namgung Dowi did not give them enough time to gather.

Then, was this amount insufficient?

'Absolutely not.'

Even if everyone gathered, it would be difficult for the Namgung Family's current power to deal with the Su Lo Chae. So, it was better not to calculate things like insufficient strength.

There was only one thing left.

"Are you prepared to sacrifice your lives?"

There was no answer.

Instead, the Namgung swordsmen, who were looking at him, thrust their sword sheaths to the ground. It was a reenactment of the determination they had made at Plum Blossom Island. A pledge not to return alive from here.


Namgung Dowi smiled wickedly.

He would keep the pledge that he couldn't keep at that time. It was enough.

"Let's go, Namgung Family."

Namgung Dowi threw his sword sheath to the ground. The beloved sword revealed its pure white sword energy.


The white sword energy thrown by Namgung Dowi flew towards the Su Lo Chae without a moment's hesitation.

"It's time for revenge!"

At the same time, the Namgung Family's roars echoed as if piercing through the sky.