Chapter 1566: A Walk Is Good On Days Like This (Part 1)


A groan-like murmur escaped from Namgung Myung's lips.

It was unimaginable. He had never even thought that his nephew could fight like that.

Of course, Namgung Dowi was a talented individual. Even if you stripped away the biases of blood relations, that was evident. It was rare for anyone not to acknowledge him objectively.

But the Namgung Dowi standing before him now was not the Namgung Dowi he had known so far.



At that moment, a sharp harpoon flew toward Namgung Myung's face. Dodging quickly, Namgung Myung swiftly hurled his sword. He bit his lips as he plunged his sword into the enemy's heart.

He had let his guard down for a moment. This couldn't continue.

"Leader! Th-they are coming in larger numbers!"

"I know!"

This was not the time for sentimental moments. If there was ever a moment to consider Namgung Dowi impressive, it certainly wasn't now.

He quickly scanned the surroundings.

The enemies that had spread in all directions seemed to have heard about the situation here, rushing in like an ant colony that had found prey.

It was a despairing sight, but Namgung Myung remained unfazed.

'It's a conclusion I knew would come anyway!'

If they had thought about the aftermath and hid, they wouldn't have reached the Black Dragon King.

Kill the Black Dragon King.

They had come this far solely for that purpose. Who wouldn't know what the ending for the group attacking the king would be?

"Hold on! No, pierce through! Keep going even if a sword is stuck in your back!"


Namgung Myung put more strength into the hand holding the sword.

Life didn't matter. What was more terrifying than a miserable death was a humiliating life. That's why he had come this far.

However, as Namgung Dowi fought so fiercely, another sense of duty arose in Namgung Myung's heart.

'At least like Dowi…!'

As Namgung Myung pressed his inner strength into the sword, a white sword aura burst forth.


The emitted white aura swept away the enemies standing in front of him.

"Pierce through!"

A bloody light flickered in Namgung Myung's eyes.

* * *

At the same time.

"We received intelligence that the Namgung Family is heading towards the Yangtze River. By now, they must have encountered Su Lo Chae!"

"Others, including Mount Hua's Deputy Sect Leader, are chasing after them!"

"As per Tang Soso's orders, medical personnel have been mobilized for support. At the same time, some of the Tang Family's squads have reported that they will move towards the Yangtze River first!"

"We cannot establish proper contact with Southern Edge. We will urge them again!"

Listening to the pouring reports, Tang Gunak's expression became heavy.

'In the end…'

The reports claimed to 'predict,' but he could be sure.

By now, the Namgung Family would have rushed to Su Lo Chae without thinking about the aftermath.

Just as Namgung Hwang crossed the Yangtze River, ignoring the surrounding words.

Tang Gunak was the one who knew the characteristics of those belonging to the Five Great Families best here. That's why he couldn't be unaware.

People may say harsh things about the Northern Peng Family, but that was just discussing human nature. When it came to making decisions, the most extreme and bold family, no matter what others said, was the Namgung Family.

Tang Gunak's expression sank heavily.

They say history repeats itself, but he didn't expect the same thing to happen so soon.

Was it the Namgung Family's fault? Or was it the fault of those who didn't prepare for the possibility even though it existed?


"We were completely screwed over."

At that moment, Im Sobyeong murmured with a stiff face.

"...Nokrim King."

"If you nurture a bamboo, it will grow into a bamboo forest…It's so obvious that it can't even be called strategy."

Im Sobyeong seemed more composed than expected, but there was a hint of disappointment.

However, Tang Gunak could see it. Even with his face covered by a fan, the eyes flashed with a deep sense of shame.

"The ones who knew Namgung better than us was, ironically, the Evil Tyrant Alliance."

Tang Gunak fell silent. This was the part he feared the most.

This was a clearly calculated move.

They likely pushed the Evil Sect minions into Anhui due to the anticipation that the Namgung family would be led there.

And in the midst of that gap, he used the Su Lo Chae, an enemy that Namgung Se could never retreat from.

Although it was a move that was incomprehensible when repeatedly hit, when it had come to this point, everything became clear.

Tang Gunak's face twisted faintly.

'Was I so incompetent?'

He couldn't cope with such an obvious move. He had never claimed to be outstanding, but he had lived thinking he wasn't a useless person. Yet, at this moment, he was flooded with self-doubt and self-loathing.

Hyun Jong, who had been silent, spoke up.

"It's not just that."


"We need to be objective. Jang Ilso knows not only the Namgung Family. He knew that this would be the only way for us, the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, to come out. He knows us better than ourselves."


"From our perspective, this was a conclusion reached after numerous conflicts and discussions, but for him..."

Hyun Jong couldn't finish his sentence. The following sigh carried a sense of emptiness and despair.

Im Sobyeong tightened his grip on the fan.

"...You're exactly right."

There was no way to deny it now. Even though they hadn't suffered a fatal blow yet, it was a fact that from the moment Jang Ilso began his move against the Yangtze River until now, the entire world had been played with by his hands.

An adversary who leisurely set up camp in Zhang Jia jie.

"We need to think. What exactly is he aiming for?"

Im Sobyeong ground his teeth audibly.

"We can't undo what's already happened. But if we continue to overlook his purpose, we will have to endure more than imaginable losses."

"...What is he aiming for?"

Tang Gunak's voice flowed more roughly than usual.

"What he's aiming for is quite obvious. He's drawing in those who will spread throughout the entire Gangbuk."


"He also plans to tie down the forces of the Ten Great Sects and the Five Great Families, who were intending to support Hubei."


"And what?"

"So, is his goal to consume the forces of Mount Hua and the Namgung Family, and parts of the Tang Family?"

Tang Gunak's mouth suddenly closed.


"In return, giving up Su Lo Chae? Along with the Black Dragon King's life as mere collateral?"

In fact, it wouldn't be accurate to say 'merely'.

Depending on one's perspective, it may vary, but if crushing Mount Hua and the Namgung Family's forces, including the Tang Family, was achievable in exchange for Su Lo Chae, it would indeed be a significant gain. Especially if Chung Myung and the Five Swords were included.

However, everyone here knew. Such a thing would never happen. As long as Chung Myung was there, the worst-case scenario imaginable would never come to pass.

"Although he lost one arm, the Black Dragon King is an indispensable force in the Evil Tyrant Alliance, which lacks absolute experts. Jang Ilso is not a foolish tactician to sacrifice such a crucial force on an uncertain gamble."

Tang Gunak also couldn't help but agree with this statement. Im Sobyeong continued speaking.

"Jang Ilso's actions thus far have been difficult to predict and understand. And it's not solely because Jang Ilso's strategies are intricate.'" 

"So, what is the reason?"

"That damn guy, from the beginning until now, has been repeating nothing but actions that lead to losses."

Tang Gunak's face stiffened momentarily. It felt as if a sudden hole had been punched in a corner of his chest. What had been stifling in his mind was now flowing out of Im Sobyeong's mouth.

"While they may not be of significant help, the power of numbers cannot be ignored. However, pushing such forces into danger and, at the same time, placing one of their most powerful forces, Su Lo Chae, in the same situation. What did the Evil Tyrant Alliance gain in return for this sacrifice?"

Everyone remained silent with rigid expressions, unable to provide an answer.


There was nothing.

At most, the lives of the commoners and the chaos in Gangbuk. It was nothing more than psychological damage that didn't pose a significant obstacle to the power of the Ten Great Sects or the Heavenly Comrade Alliance.

To be blunt, it meant that Jang Ilso had been repeating absurd blunders all along.

Was that even reasonable? That Jang Ilso?

"...Then what is he aiming for?"

"I don't know. Naturally, it's impossible to know. However..."

Im Sobyeong spoke as if spitting out.

"What I can be sure of is that he's not a guy who does things that lead to losses. So, naturally, he must be moving now to overturn the losses we've seen so far..."

Just then.



The door burst open as a person rushed in urgently. As such incidents were frequent, the leaders of the Alliance were not greatly surprised.

However, at the new report, the entire leadership stood up in an instant.

"My, Myriad Man Manor! Paegun, Jang Ilso has moved!"

At that moment, a breath-stealing tension struck the conference room like the chilling North Sea wind. Everyone in the meeting room turned their gaze to one person.

Amidst numerous gazes, Im Sobyeong spoke as if squeezing it out.

"In a moment like this..."

A drop of cold sweat rolled down his temple, leaving a parched trail over his pale, tense face.

* * *


A soft nasal voice resonated.

A flow of dazzling robes brushed by gently.

The red silk embroidered with black patterns was more reminiscent of a woman's court dress than a robe.

In addition, a large coronet adorned with pearls made everything from head to toe look elaborate and shimmering.

The slender and long fingers slowly touched the flowing ribbons in front of the coronet. When the threaded beads clashed, a clear sound rang out.

"The weather is nice."

The space where the ribbons had lifted revealed a white face and red lips.

Jang Ilso, the commander of the Evil Tyrant Alliance. He looked up at the clear sky and nodded his head. He seemed to be in a very good mood.

"Yes, the weather is nice. Isn't it?"


As the fingertips moved, the ribbons that had been floating flowed down like dewdrops.

"A walk is good on days like this. This time, we'll go a bit further... so it'll be even more fun, don't you think?"

Jang Ilso glanced back at those who stood behind him.

In contrast to his overflowing leisure, those armed with strong determination and tension responded.

"Yes, Ryeonju-nim!"


Jang Ilso, who chuckled briefly, turned his gaze forward.

Before him stretched the vast land of Gangbuk.

"Follow me well. Take care not to get lost. It might happen if you're not careful."

Jang Ilso's steps moved forward slowly.

The feet adorned with red silk gently rose and silently descended.


Only one step, but it was by no means a small step.

"It's a shame there are no instruments. Shouting. Singing would be good too. Anything is fine. Those children far away should know that we're coming, right?"

Jang Ilso's red lips curled up eerily.

"That way... it'll be interesting."

Draped in red from head to toe, Jang Ilso advanced at the forefront of the Evil Tyrant Alliance. His figure was like a single drop of blood on the tip of a black knife.

The goal was undoubtedly Gangbuk.

The forbidden land that had never been allowed to them until now.