Chapter 1576: Take It Whenever You Want (Part 1)

"The manpower in the north is insufficient!"

"But there'sthe Peng Family there! Moreover, there shouldn't be many who have reached the north yet."

"The Peng Family has left their main base undefended. We need to provide more support. If we hesitate, they might invade Beijing. If that happens..."

"Then support the groups in Hanam towards the north. Hanam has Shaolin, so they can hold on longer."

"Isn't Shaolin in Songsan still inactive?"

"It's okay! Please do as I suggested!"


Tang Soso urged quickly.


"Some groups have lost medical personnel due to injuries. They're requesting additional medical staff."

"They got injured just facing those opponents?"

"...They were attacked while receiving treatment."

Tang Soso bit her lip slightly.

Targeting the vulnerable first was human instinct. But finishing off the weak who exposed their backs was also human instinct.

This was an unexpected setback for not anticipating it in advance.

If the opponents' level was slightly higher, the damage would have been exponentially greater.

"We need to reassess our operational guidelines. First, dispatch replacement personnel for the injured."

"We don't have any available personnel."

"Combine two small groups with low personnel and support them with one available medical unit. If possible, choose from those who have moved towards the north!"

"Yes, understood!"

All instructions flowed smoothly like water without obstruction.

Those who were observing from a distance all clicked their tongues.



Giving orders while sitting down wasn't that difficult. However, making immediate judgments and finding the best solution in a situation where sporadic reports and problems poured in was a challenging task even for a seasoned strategist.

And Tang Soso was skillfully handling it.

"Is it innate?"

"It must be. After all, her father is her father... She must have seen and learned things from an early age."

"The lineage of the Tang Family."

Everyone admired Tang Soso's calm demeanor.

But in reality, her inner self was deteriorating. She asked with a raised voice.

"What about the groups from the Tang Family that went to support the Yangtze River area?"

"That... They arrived, but there's a bit of a problem."

"A problem?"

Tang Soso's eyes sharpened. The person who spoke up was startled and answered loudly.

"T-they reached nearby to provide support, but some groups encountered the Su Lo Chae's forces who were moving independently! It seems they couldn't join forces with Mount Hua due to engaging in a battle."

Tang Soso clenched her fist tightly within the wide sleeves unique to Tang Family.

"So, what's the response?"

"Trying to break through seems to incur too many casualties, so they're requesting permission to withdraw."

Tang Soso's eyelashes trembled.

Even if she gave the order here, by the time they received it, the situation might already be over.

Those on the battlefield would know. Requesting permission to withdraw ultimately meant not entering the battlefield.

But it was an inevitable duty. Wasn't breaking through the enemy forces with just a handful of people, not even reaching twenty, a suicidal act?

"Well then..."

Tang Soso's mouth, which had been answering like flowing water, stopped for the first time.

A bewildered expression, a restless demeanor, should not be shown. That was the duty of someone in her position. Despite knowing that duty, however...sometimes it felt harsh.

Just like now.


Just as she was about to issue a command, suppressing the sinking feeling as if she might burn to ashes.

"Urgent report! From the Yangtze River! An urgent report from the Yangtze River!"

Tang Soso's head whipped around abruptly.

"The groups that charged into the pirates! The Mount Hua forces have killed the Black Dragon King Jaeksekwang!"


The moment Tang Soso heard that word, her legs lost strength.

"The remnants of the Su Lo Chae are scattering in disarray!"


Tang Soso staggered, and Tang Myung quickly grabbed her arm to support her. A relieved voice came out.

"You did it! You did it, Soso!"


A disappointed sigh escaped Tang Soso's lips. Right now, she didn't even have the energy to scold.

"Anyway, really..."

Worry crept back onto her face, which had been filled with relief.

"What about the injured?"

"Uh, that, they haven't reported it yet..."

"If the Su Lo Chae is dispersing, the forces blocking their path will also retreat! Immediately convey the situation and send the doctors to the battlefield, hurry!"


Tang Soso breathed another sigh of relief.

It wasn't that all worries were gone before receiving a definite report, but avoiding the worst-case scenario she had imagined provided some comfort.

"Thank goodness, Soso."

"...Yes, Uncle."

Tang Myung nodded with a bright face.

"I never thought they could actually pull it off. Your Sahyungs are truly exceptional people with no known limits."

"...They have no limits even when causing trouble. How could they stir up trouble when there's no Chung Myung?"

"Haha. The Sahyungs are inherently similar... Well, hmm."

As Tang Soso's eyes sharpened, Tang Myung cleared his throat and subtly averted his gaze. The tension dissipated in the air with that gentle diversion.

"Anyway, I'll give you an earful later. What were you thinking!"

Tang Soso gritted her teeth, but her face showed a different relief compared to earlier.

"Well then..."

As she tried to gather herself and give further instructions,


Suddenly, a high-pitched cry echoed above.

Tang Soso quickly looked up, and a small golden bird was circling in the blue sky.

Tang Soso's eyes shook briefly.


She reflexively reached out her arm and, the golden bird quickly descended onto it. Tied to its foot was a scroll.

Tang Soso quickly opened the container and unfolded the scroll.


Eventually, a sigh of relief, resembling a whimper of pain, escaped her lips.

* * *

"Hey, long time no see."

"...That crazy bastard."

"He came quickly, very quickly!"

"You look perfectly fine."

"S-Sago. Why so dark?"

Chung Myung nonchalantly appeared, waving his hands. Baek Cheon and Yoon Jong exchanged curses, and Yoo Iseol drew her sword.

Chung Myung shrugged.

"Wow, how did everyone survive so well?"

"Sasuk... Can I kill him?"

"...If I had the ability, I would have already done it."

"Haha. If only my body was fine..."

Baek Cheon, who was rolling his eyes, suddenly burst into a sly smile. Despite the pain that came with each laugh, he knew better than anyone that being able to feel this pain was a blessing.

It could have easily ended for him here.

"I really thought I was going to die this time."

"Why state the obvious? It's always been like that."

"...Well, that's true."

Was this what normal felt like? Was something fundamentally wrong from the start?

At that moment, Chung Myung glanced at the body of the Black Dragon King sprawled on the ground. The sight was indescribably gruesome. However, for the villain who committed countless atrocities, it was a death that couldn't be more fitting.

"This guy, you guys..."

Chung Myung's voice slightly faltered at the end as if he was confused. Baek Cheon chuckled.

"Yeah. We really did it this time. Now..."



Chung Myung's gaze turned toward the Five Swords, and his eyes flickered ominously.

The Five Swords and Hye Yeon flinched involuntarily.

"Only catching a bastard like this and you're rolling on the ground?"


"Only dealing with this one? Just this?"


"Oh, my fate... Oh! What crime did I commit in my past life to be stuck with these...! How many years did I raise them, and they still can't catch a single guy properly!"

"...You didn't raise us."

If you had raised us, my feet would be dragging on the ground. I think you should consider your height...

Ah, no, not that.

"Is that what the guy who sneaked out after the situation ended should say?"

"Then wait! Why is it my fault when you guys started without saying anything!"

"That's true."

"Honestly, that was Sasuk's mistake."



Baek Cheon gritted his teeth. While it might be normal for the others to partake in this daily banter, why was that human sitting there, sympathizing? Here, the person who probably resented Chung Myung the most was Jin Geumryong!

"Why are you glaring? Do you have something to say?"

Baek Cheon's face twisted a little more.

However, the back of Jin Geumryong, who had defended his path without hesitation in a moment of crisis, was still vivid in his eyes. So, even if he didn't like it, he couldn't say much. He had to erase that memory quickly...


Tsk, tsk. Clicking his tongue, Chung Myung turned his gaze to Namgung Dowi this time. The surviving members of the Namgung Family and representatives of each sect had surrounded Namgung Dowi, helping him recover from his injuries.

Although the injuries of others were not light, Namgung Dowi was literally like a corpse, barely clinging to life.


As Chung Myung approached Namgung Dowi, the people surrounding him stepped back, clearing the way.

Namgung Dowi, who was lying down, noticed Chung Myung's arrival and turned his head with difficulty.


"Well, you've become quite handsome, huh? A truly handsome man, aren't you?"

At Chung Myung's words, Namgung Dowi, whose face was swollen like a balloon, smiled faintly. It was a smile that couldn't be said to look good even with empty flattery. However, it was undeniably a smile that seemed infinitely reassuring.

"I like it better this way too."

"It's a pity that I don't have that yearning. I could make you regret those words right away."

Chung Myung smirked.

Of course, he said that, but Chung Myung liked Namgung Dowi's face much more now. The was no truer face of a martial artist than this.


As if trying to turn to one side, Namgung Dowi twitched. It seemed like he wanted to see those sacrificed among the ones who had come with him.

"I can't die saying it was a good choice."

But Chung Myung didn't let him turn his head and blame himself.

"At least Namgung Hwang would be proud."

Surprised, Namgung Dowi stared blankly at Chung Myung.

Chung Myung spoke roughly.

"...Good job."

"No, it's not. Dojang..."

Chung Myung checked Namgung Dowi's injuries and clicked his tongue.

Although it was a wound of honor, it was excessive. He would have to lie down like a corpse for at least a month just to function as a basic human being.

'But after that... he will definitely change.'

A warrior who overcame a mountain would become a different person than before.

"Chung Myung-ah."

Baek Cheon approached Chung Myung, who was lost in thought.

"I think it's time to move again."


Chung Myung furrowed his brow subtly. While it couldn't be compared to Namgung Dowi, objectively speaking, Baek Cheon's appearance wasn't great either. Why bother...

"We have received reports that about a third of the escaping enemy forces have headed north. Capturing the Black Dragon King becomes meaningless if we don't deal with them."


Chung Myung nodded in agreement with Baek Cheon's calm words. Glancing at the remaining Five Swords, he spoke.

"Your words make sense."

"Good. Then let's..."

"But why should we be the ones to do that?"


Chung Myung pointed northward.

"If you were going to do everything one by one by yourself, why create the Alliance?"


As Baek Cheon slowly closed his mouth, Chung Myung calmly spoke.

"If you can do something only you can do, let others handle what they can do. That's the right way."

A sense of awkwardness involuntarily appeared on Baek Cheon's face.

"Does someone who knows that live that way?"

"What do you mean?"

"...Alright. Talking about it will only hurt my mouth."

Baek Cheon sighed quietly, shaking his head.

Although they had just concluded a fierce battle, the atmosphere wasn't bad. No, it was downright cheerful.

They didn't necessarily share opinions, but it was clear how advantageous capturing the giant known as the Black Dragon King would be in this war.

Baek Cheon quickly regained his composure, intending to address the wounded first.

Just then.


A familiar cry echoed in their ears.

Instinctively turning their heads, they saw a familiar white figure running toward them in the distance.



Chung Myung's face also stiffened slightly.

Baek-Ah, nicknamed 'White Lightning', ran up in no time and jumped onto Chung Myung's body. [yo our best marten has a title too?]


Then, it used its small front paws to untie the bundle it carried and took out a document from inside.

"What's going on..."

Chung Myung, with a stern expression, took the document that Baek-Ah offered.

The Evil Tyrant Alliance is moving north. Marching for war against Shaolin and the Ten Great Sects. Seeking opinions.

Chung Myung's eyes widened.


The blood drained from his face. He turned his head stiffly to the west.

To an ominous land a thousand miles beyond. [not sure]

* * *



"...We've lost contact with the one we left with the Black Dragon King. It seems..."


A faint smile appeared on Jang Ilso's lips.

"Tsk, tsk. Unfortunately... if there had been time, we could have at least held a funeral."

Ho Gakmyung's expression hardened.

"It's just a loss of contact. Even if one arm is lost, there's still a bit more..."

"Gakmyung-ah, Gakmyung-ah. Have you not realized it even after such a defeat?"


"It's just a matter of time. Even if the Black Dragon King's arm were intact."

Unable to deny those words, Ho Gakmyung nodded his head.

The Black Dragon King couldn't return alive. Originally, his role was nothing more than bait. Having thoroughly attracted the one who coveted his life, he had fulfilled his role more than enough.

In that sense, the death of the Black Dragon King was invaluable. Could it not be evaluated as having served its purpose in this war?

"Bring it here."

As Ho Gakmyung signaled, one of his subordinates quickly approached, presenting a bottle of liquor to Jang Ilso. Without looking at him, Jang Ilso accepted the bottle and opened the cap.


Savoring the fragrance slowly, Jang Ilso tilted the bottle slightly before calmly taking a sip.

After a few sips, he casually lowered the bottle and expressed his satisfaction.

"Good liquor."


"Hmm? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Well... it's nothing."

Ho Gakmyung seemed a bit perplexed. Jang Ilso chuckled.

"Why? Did you think I was going to use this liquor to create a requiem for the Black Dragon King?"

Ho Gakmyung couldn't respond. After all, he had indeed thought so.

"No need for that."

A chilling smirk appeared on Jang Ilso's lips.

"It's a waste to use good liquor on the likes of him."

As Ho Gakmyung attempted to bow his head in response.

"Moreover... isn't there a separate requiem for him?"


Jang Ilso's gaze turned towards the vast expanse of land spread out before them. His eyes, which sparkled eerily, now seemed to be boiling.

It was time.

When the sun set today, this land would be dyed in a deep red color. A color darker than the twilight that stained the sky.

"All the pieces have fallen into place. Now it's time to open the requiem. A requiem not for those who have died, but for those who are about to die."

It was a voice that seemed to mark the ominous energy that had flowed through this land.