Chapter 1578: Take It Whenever You Want (Part 3)

Without any intention of hiding, the message text was spread wide, and even Baek Cheon could clearly see it.

"The Evil Tyrant Alliance... Are the Ten Great Sects attacking the Evil Tyrant Alliance right now?"

The shock made his voice tremble.

Chung Myung also bit his lip without saying anything. A suppressed voice escaped his lips.

"This... This crazy bastard!"


Chung Myung crushed the message he held in his hand. Just looking at the scattered paper scraps showed his frustration.

Jo Gol turned his trembling eyes towards Yoon Jong.

"Are the Ten Great Sects and the Evil Tyrant Alliance engaging in an all-out war? Right now?"

"Well... It seems that way."

How did the situation escalate to this point? How was the Heavenly Comrade Alliance's headquarters moving right now?

Numerous questions arose, but nothing was clear in his mind.

In the end, what came out of Jo Gol's mouth was a vague, hesitant question.

"So... What's going to happen?"


"Oh, no, I mean... If that happens, who will win?"

"I don't know... Even if it is, wouldn't the Ten Great Sects win? Bangjang wouldn't move without any thought, would he?"

"Then, is Jang Ilso the type to move without any thought? He's not an easy guy even if you consider him sly. No, actually, if we judge solely on being sly, Bangjang isn't a match for him!"

A brief silence settled between them. It was difficult to predict the outcome hastily. How many people in the world would know exactly how powerful the Ten Great Sects and the Evil Tyrant Alliance were?


'Just because someone is stronger doesn't mean they will definitely win.'

They already proved that here. If compared only by the forces they possessed, they should have been defeated and their throats should have been cut. But the one whose heart was pierced was the Black Dragon King, and the ones who were torn to pieces and fled were the Su Lo Chae.

So, it wasn't easy to confidently say which side would definitely win.

Anyway, the only thing certain at this moment was...

"We have to go!"


Jo Gol was greatly bewildered by Chung Myung's firm shout.

"Come on, wait a minute, man! Do you know where this is? This is Anhui, Anhui! Even if you run until your feet sweat, by the time you arrive, everything will already be over! And the Ten Great Sects..."


Yoon Jong jabbed Jo Gol's side with his elbow.

Jo Gol jerked, turned his head in surprise, and then instantly realized. It was because Hye Yeon's pained face was now visible.

"Su-Sunim, I didn't..."

"No, it's not that, Siju."

Hye Yeon shook his head as if to say not to worry.

"But I am also going there."

Hye Yeon let out a shallow sigh.

"Please understand."

"Understand? Where is understanding in this! It's obvious!"

Those going to the battlefield were none other than Hye Yeon's seniors and martial brothers.

Even Jo Gol would undoubtedly have chosen to go. Even if they committed heinous acts that warranted condemnation, he would not be able to turn a blind eye and must hold them accountable, even if he had to kneel before them and confess.

So, it was appropriate to send Hye Yeon. However...

"No, you can't."

Baek Cheon spoke to Chung Myung while looking at him.

"We can't move right now."


"This place is not completely settled yet. You know that too. If we get involved in this situation, the scattered remnants of the Evil Sect who had already entered Gangbuk might cause unpredictable trouble."

Chung Myung's face hardened. Baek Cheon's words were not wrong either. If they abandoned the Evil Sect members and left, this land would fall into even greater chaos. That would be a result worse than not beheading the Black Dragon King.

Moreover, wasn't the reason they planned and came out, risking danger, to prevent the remnants of the Evil Sect from harming the common people?

Baek Cheon knew all of this. However, Chung Myung also couldn't step back.

Baek Cheon's eyes collided with Chung Myung's eyes for a moment in the air.

"Sasuk, I..."

"You go."


"We can't go. But you can. I'll stay here and take care of the remaining tasks. You go to Shaanxi. Right now!"

Chung Myung looked at Baek Cheon with a slightly surprised face.

If it were the Baek Cheon of the past, he would have been one of the two. He would have either stopped Chung Myung or followed him. Even if it required force or authority to press down, he would have tried to force his will.

But not anymore. Baek Cheon was now clearly distinguishing between what he had to do and what Chung Myung had to do.

"I'll keep Gol with me."


"If we want to tidy up this place a bit faster, we need someone fast on their feet."

"Oh, no, Sasuk... I..."

At that moment, Yoon Jong grabbed Jo Gol's back of the head tightly.

"Shut up!"


Jo Gol groaned with a face that seemed helpless.

Of course, considering his temperament, he would naturally want to rush to a bigger battlefield.

However, Baek Cheon knew that Jo Gol's injuries were not trivial. If they took Jo Gol along, it would tie down Chung Myung and make things more complicated.

"Samae and..."

"I will stay here."

Yoon Jong glanced at Chung Myung. His gaze was still not as gentle as before. However, that wasn't the reason for not following Chung Myung.

"I came for that reason."


Baek Cheon turned his gaze to Yoo Iseol.

"And Samae?"

"I'll go with Sajil."


Baek Cheon secretly breathed a sigh of relief. In truth, he wanted to add one more person. This reckless guy would definitely try to do something no matter what.

However, there was no more time to delay. Just as Baek Cheon was about to speak, a familiar voice came from somewhere.

"We're going too."

Baek Cheon turned his head sharply.

"...You're going with them?"

"There's nothing more to do here. And... From what I heard, it seems that Shaolin is not the only one exposed to danger."

At Jin Geumryong's words, Baek Cheon nodded quietly.

If the Evil Tyrant Alliance was advancing north, the Southern Edge Sect is likely exposed to that danger. So, there is no justification to stop them.

No, weren't they the ones who came a long way unnecessarily?


Baek Cheon's lips twitched slightly, but he couldn't say anything in the end. Observing him like that, Jin Geumryong raised one corner of his mouth.



"Take care of yourself instead of thinking about resisting. If you end up getting killed by some petty enemy after capturing the Black Dragon King, you'll be forever known as a fool throughout the martial world."

"Really, even saying such things...! You're like a damn human!"

Jo Gol, who had been silently listening, whispered into Yoon Jong's ear.

"Isn't he telling him to take care of himself?"

"...Seems like it."

"Why say it like that?"

"...Jin Geumryong is just like that. The same went for Sasuk in the past."

"Now that you mention it, it's true."

"Shut up, you guys!"

While Baek Cheon was turning his wrathful gaze between Jo Gol and Yoon Jong, Jin Geumryong, without any regrets, turned his body and approached Chung Myung.

"You won't say it's not allowed, Mount Hua's Divine Dragon?" 

"Since when was I Mount Hua's Divine Dragon?"

"I wanted to call you that. It's a nickname I made for you."

Chung Myung shot a sharp look at Jin Geumryong and those following him.

"If you can follow, do as you please. Don't even dream about consideration."

"I was hoping for that."

And so, Chung Myung, along with Yoo Iseol, Jin Geumryong, and Lee Songbaek, as well as Hyey Yeon, set off. With a face subtly filled with anxiety, he spoke to Baek Cheon.

"I'm going."

"Alright. As soon as the situation here is settled, start moving."

Without a definite response, Chung Myung turned his body and walked away. The four others quickly followed him.

Watching the five quickly distancing themselves, Baek Cheon's eyes, which had been silently observing, now couldn't hide the deep concern that rose.


Chung Myung kicked the ground, increasing his speed continuously.

'I need to hurry!'

Even without seeing those following behind, he could feel the struggle of those behind him. But now, there was no room to accommodate their speed.

'Beopjeong, this worthless human...!'

Chung Myung gritted his teeth. Why did he still not know? Why hadn't he let go of his overconfidence?

Even though he clearly knew what kind of person Jang Ilso was, why was he still clinging to the useless desire for recognition? Even as a Buddhist, no less!



He kicked the ground even harder.

A blood-red glow spread slowly across the sky.

* * * 


At the voice coming from beside him, Beopjeong, with slightly narrowed eyes, looked ahead.

He could see figures in the distance. More precisely, a man with a splendid appearance stood at the forefront of that group.


"It's definitely Jang Ilso!"

Beopjeong nodded slowly. Even from a distance, it was clear that the man was undoubtedly real.

Presenting a fake might be an excellent strategy, but it became ineffective when the opponent was already on guard and prepared.

Moreover, Beopjeong's keen senses clearly read the sinister aura emanating from Jang Ilso.

"Amitabhul. Indeed, it seems so."

A mild voice echoed. Despite this, Beopjeong's gaze remained focused on Jang Ilso. On the other side, Jang Ilso was undoubtedly observing him as well.

"Fortunately, it seems we've arrived in time."

"An ambush..."


Beopjeong stated with confidence.

He didn't rush to come this far without any thought.

The terrain around Shaanxi was treacherous, making it difficult to avoid the ambushes.

However, this place was still on the path from Hubei to Shaanxi. In this wide plain, there was no place to hide or set traps.

In other words, the outcome could only be determined through a direct confrontation of strength.

If the variables could be minimized, victory could be assured. Just facing the enemy here was already equivalent to gaining an advantage.

From the perspective of the Evil Sect, it would undoubtedly be an unfortunate situation. 

"So, what do you suggest? Attack right away?"

Jonglihyung's face came to mind. He must be itching to rush in and cut Jang Ilso's pale neck right away.

Why wouldn't he? Jonglihyung, like Beopjeong, must've harbored deep resentment towards him. However, Beopjeong didn't allow Jonglihyung's impulsive anger.

Instead, he shifted his gaze slightly upwards. The sunset had already faded considerably. Beopjeong, who had measured the time, expressed a subtle disapproval.

"Even though he is a leader of the Evil Sect, he heads such a force."


"We should at least listen to his last words."

Beopjeong slowly stepped forward. As he did, those following him began walking in unison.

It was a grand spectacle as if the entire mountain was moving.

The scene vividly demonstrated how the Ten Great Sects had carved their name into the world.


Advancing a bit further toward the enemy, Beopjeong struck the ground forcefully with his staff, making it resonate.

"Paegun, are you there? Beopjeong of Shaolin requests an audience!"

It was a lion's roar laden with immense energy.

Even allies might momentarily falter in the face of such power, not to mention how terrifying it would be for those who stood against them.

However, the response to that powerful shout was a slow and almost indifferent answer. Compared to Beopjeong's grand proclamation, the reply leaned more towards a whisper.

"My ears aren't deaf, so there's no need to shout like that. I'm right here."

Paegun Jang Ilso. He slowly walked forward.

The colliding ornaments made a musical jingling sound, momentarily breaking the silence of the vast field.