Chapter 1603: It's Not Even Funny (Part 8)

Day by day. And another day. And yet another day.

It was only after spending three days in Hwaeum that Chung Myung could fully accept. That Jang Ilso's troops didn't reach this place.

However, complete understanding eluded him.

Chung Myung's eyes, looking down at Hwaeum, were dark. An uncomfortable and eerie sense of déjà vu continued to pierce his heart. Chung Myung tightened his grip on his wrist.

The faint scent of blood brushed his nostrils. It wasn't real. It was the scent of an unwanted past deeply buried in his memories.


He slowly closed his eyes.


Although it was true that everything beyond the scope of understanding in his experiences ultimately led to those two letters he did not want to utter...

Not yet. It wasn't time for that yet.

He opened his eyes and gazed blankly at the blue sky.

It was truly clear and sunny. Chung Myung bit his lower lip.

❀ ❀ ❀

"You've returned, Great Sect Leader."

Hyun Jong nodded heavily upon seeing Un Am, who came out to greet him. There was a tired expression on his face.

"What about Chung Myung?"


Un Am silently turned his gaze. It landed about halfway up Mount Hua. That would be where he was.

Hyun Jong nodded slightly with a serious look.

It was hard for him to know what Chung Myung was thinking. It was probably the same for others. He could only speculate that there was something complex and beyond Hyun Jong's comprehension in that child's mind.



Hyun Jong let out a heavy sigh. Un Am asked cautiously.

"We've heard the news. The deceased...?"

"They will be taken care of on the way back."

For sects that had survivors, they handed over the recovered corpses. As for sects without survivors or those who couldn't immediately come to Hubei to receive the corpses, they had buried the bodies nearby with markings.

That way, the bodies could eventually return to their hometowns.

"The disciples will finish the remaining tasks and return to Hwaeum."


Hyun Jong, who had been silently gazing at Mount Hua, spoke.

"Gather all the leaders in Hwaeum."

"Yes, Maengju-nim."

Hyun Jong's eyes, taking in the rugged landscape of Mount Hua, closed heavily.

❀ ❀ ❀

Truly, a heavy silence hung in the air.

The Heavenly Comrade Alliance, Hwaeum, and even the surviving senior members of the Beggar's Union were gathered in one place.


At the suffocating atmosphere, Hong Daegwang couldn't hold back and let out a groan. He wanted to say something, but Pungyeong Shin Gae blocked him, pressing firmly on his shoulders.

Hong Daegwang cursed inwardly.

'I might suffocate at this rate, damn it.'

But he understood.

Hong Daegwang had spent quite a long time rolling Kangho. Nevertheless, it was his first time facing such a serious situation.

Even the Beggar's Union, who dealt with all kinds of information, couldn't help but be visibly shaken. How much more shock must have other leaders received?

'But that doesn't mean we should just stay silent like this.'

Hong Daegwang glanced briefly at Hyun Jong and Tang Gunak. Those two seemed to be the only ones who could break through this atmosphere and speak.

But unexpectedly, it was someone else who opened the meeting.

"In summary..."

It was Im Sobyeong, wearing a light green robe, who spoke. His calm voice echoed in the silent room.

"It was a crushing defeat."

The words cut like a dagger.

"Saying it was a 'crushing defeat' would be an understatement. Annihilation, no... I don't know. I can't even imagine how to describe this defeat. In any case, it's a defeat so severe that I can't fathom what we did to lose like this."

Jegal Jain, the head of the Jaegal Family, who had come all the way here with Hyun Jong, reacted strongly.

"Who are you?"

Receiving a cutting glare, Im Sobyeong smiled.

"I could tell you everything, but isn't it basic courtesy taught in school to reveal one's own identity before asking about others?"

Jegal Jain, who had been glaring at Im Sobyeong, now turned his gaze towards Hyun Jong.

"Who is he, Maengju-nim?"

Hyun Jong answered calmly.

"This person is the leader of the Nokrim sect, the strategist of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, Nokrim King Im So..."


Jegal Jain abruptly interrupted Hyun Jong.

"Why is Nokrim here?"

His two eyes boiled with open disdain and anger.

"I just fought a war against the Evil Sect and returned. But must I witness Nokrim sit here arrogantly, insulting those who fought for their lives in such a manner? Is this what the Heavenly Comrade Alliance preaches..."

"Fought for their lives."

But before Jegal Jain could vent his anger and explode, Im Sobyeong sneered mockingly.

"You talk as if you fought yourself. Weren't you just an observer?"

"This... you filthy bandit!"

The indignant Jegal Jain rose from his seat.

The intensity of his aura indicated how he became a family head. However, facing the aura head-on, Im Sobyeong not only remained composed but even ridiculed him more openly.

"Why? Did I say something wrong?"

"Can't you keep that mouth shut?"

"Despite there being those who passed away and those who need comforting, someone who returned without a scratch dares to carry such arrogance. I can understand why your family has become so foolish."


As Jegal Jain gripped the sword at his waist, a cold voice echoed from elsewhere.

"That's enough."

It was Tang Gunak.

He looked at Im Sobyeong calmly and advised.

"Please be careful with your words, Nokrim King."

Im Sobyeong, who was about to express his discontent, shrugged his shoulders as soon as he saw Tang Gunak's face. It meant he had no intention of continuing the confrontation.

Tang Gunak's gaze now turned to Jegal Jain.

"Jegal Gaju-nim."

"...Yes, Tang Gaju-nim."

"If you don't like the manners and methods of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, you are free to leave."

For a moment, Jegal Jain seemed to be at a loss for words as he looked blankly at Tang Gunak.

Even though they were both leaders of the Five Great Families, he hadn't expected the head of the Sichuan Tang Family to side with the Evil Sect.

"Before being a member of the Evil Sect, the Nokrim King is the strategist of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance. If you have doubts about his identity and intentions, direct your questions to not him, but to the Heavenly Comrade Alliance and me."

Jegal Jain's fingertips trembled with anger. Seeing this, Moyong Wigyung, who had been observing the situation, attempted to dissuade him.

"Gaju-nim has been hasty in this manner. I understand your feelings, but you need to control yourself. Considering the situation, now is not the time for this."

Jegal Jain struggled to calm his choked-up emotions, appearing unable to settle his turbulent inner self. Eventually, he slumped into his seat with a heavy sigh.

Then, clenching his fist, he bit his lip in frustration. Discontent was clearly written on his face.

Tang Gunak nodded.

"Please continue, Nokrim King. Just..."

It was a warning not to provoke unnecessary disturbances.

"Yes, I understand."

In any case, Im Sobyeong also didn't want to invest energy in such trivial conflicts. He gracefully withdrew his words as if there had been no disturbance.

"Shaolin is in decline, Kongtong is annihilated, and the Peng Family is also wiped out."


Hwang Jongui, who attended this meeting as the financial representative of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, sighed.

Shaolin, Kongtong, and the Peng Family.

Forces that once shook the entire world with its name. However, the fact that the elite members of those forces had all perished was shocking no matter how many times one heard it.

"To gain such achievements, the casualties suffered by the Evil Tyrant Alliance include... most notably, the loss of the Black Dragon King and the Su Lo Chae. Well, those petty individuals mobilized before that were not worthy of being called sacrifices anyway."

One sect – the Su Lo Chae.

Three sects among the Ten Great Sects the Five Great Families.

Anyone, even a child, could surmise which side suffered greater losses.

Therefore, Im Sobyeong didn't bother discussing it further.

"In conclusion... due to this incident, the Ten Great Sects have completely collapsed."


"The remaining power within the Ten Great Sects includes only Southern Edge, Wudang, who are in Bongmun, and the reclusive Kunlun. That is all."

A sigh finally escaped from Southern Edge Sect Leader Jong Rigok, who had been enduring the discomfort. He attended because of the circumstances.

Actually, saying that only three sects remained was a bit ambiguous. There were probably more. Like the Beggar's Union or...

But the Beggar's Unio was practically under the control of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance. Among the Five Great Families, only Zhuge and Moyong were left.

'Wudang and Southern Edge. Moyong and Jaegal..."

In reality, only those could be counted upon. Moreover, even among them, it was uncertain when Wudang would exit Bongmun.

A bitter laugh was on the verge of breaking out.

The once mighty factions that dominated the world, the Five Great Families and the Ten Greats Sects, had now dwindled to just a few four.

Im Sobyeong tapped his fan against his palm.

"In other words, the Kangho we knew is no more."

This statement momentarily stifled everyone's breath.

Not just the members of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance but also Jegal Jain, Moyong Wigyung, and even Jong Rigok, none of them could utter a word.

Until now, they had been burdened by the thought of waging war against the Evil Tyrant Alliance, and the conflict over the methods had persisted for a long time.

However, now even that conflict had become a luxury in the face of the fierce defeat. If they couldn't stop the Evil Tyrant Alliance, the Righteous Sects would be destroyed, and Kangho would be dominated by the Evil Sects.


At that moment, Jong Rigok spoke coldly.

"Where is he now?"

His gaze sharply pierced Jegal Jain.

"Uh... he..."

"Did he return to Sollim?"


"Or is he still sitting there, wailing in grief?"

Jong Rigok's voice grew increasingly intense.

"If he caused such an incident, he should either stab himself and apologize, or at least come and explain. After bringing the situation to this point, where is he and what is he doing!"

"Sect Leader, please refrain from speaking. Bangjang has made efforts. However..."

"Efforts? Ridiculous. To call this effort? Well, he must have tried! Without considerable effort, it would have been impossible to push this many righteous sects into the mouths of the Evil Sect bastards! Such an admirable effort indeed."

As Jegal Jain was about to stand up in frustration, Moyong Wigyung quickly grabbed and restrained him.

"Calm down."

"Is this the time to remain calm?"

"This is not a time for agitation either."

Moyong Wigyung sighed and looked at Jong Rigok.

"You shouldn't speak so harshly, sect leader Jong Rigok. At least Bangjang tried to stop the Evil Sect. But didn't Southern Edge turn a deaf ear to our desperate calls?


"Is it appropriate for Southern Edge, who were indulging themselves in Bongmun while we were about to shed blood and fight, to come now and blame Bangjang?"


Jong Rigok's eyebrows twitched at the irritating words. 

"Well? Does that mean if Southern Edge was involved in that ridiculous plan, there would have been an opportunity to unseal Bongmun?" [not sure]

"Sect Leader!"

"Be grateful that Beopjeong is still alive. If he had died, the responsibility would have fallen squarely on you! Is it something to boast about, returning unscathed from a battlefield where everyone else died? Is that the honor of Jegal and Moyong?"

"Sect Leader... Your words are too harsh."

Hyun Jong, who couldn't continue hearing the conversation, intervened. At that moment, Jong Rigok sharply turned with a glare. However, that was only for a moment, and soon he burst into a sarcastic laugh.

"Yes, yes. Since the renowned Maengju-nim has spoken, I suppose I must keep my mouth shut."

"Sect Leader."

"Yes. As you command, Maengju-nim. Who would dare not to listen attentively to the words of the unrivaled Lord of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance?"

It was clearly a sharp reaction. Hyun Jong closed his eyes tightly. Everyone's nerves were on edge, so it couldn't be helped, but his chest felt tight nonetheless.

Observing the meeting that was escalating into chaos, Hong Daegwang wrapped his head with both hands.

'It would be better if it was just a mess.'

Any trace of hope he tried to hold onto was being crushed moment by moment.

'And where is that guy in the middle of this?'

Hong Daegwang shifted his gaze to the conspicuously empty chair.