Chapter 1605: It's Not Even Funny (Part 10)

"A hundred?"

Tang Gunak muttered as if he couldn't believe it.

"Over a hundred experts…"

He didn't hastily refute or express doubts. The atmosphere here had just barely settled after the reconciliation.

"Tell me more precisely."

Chung Myung urged. Upon this, Moyong Wigyung swallowed dryly and began speaking.

"There's nothing more to say. That's all. They unexpectedly blocked our way, delayed for a while, and retreated without any unusual movements towards the end. It seems like they achieved their goal."

Im Sobyeong's gaze turned slightly colder.

"So what? You just watched them escape even though their intentions were obvious?"

"What should we have done?"

It was not Moyong Wigyung but Jaegal Jain who responded to the sharp question.

"Rushing blindly without knowing the enemy's identity or strength is not a strategy. Especially when our mission is not to defeat them but to rescue the main force!"

Im Sobyeong fanned himself somewhat nervously before nodding reluctantly.

It wasn't pleasant, but Jaegal Jain had a point. Even if the Jaegal Family and the Moyong Family fought with their full strength there, the result wouldn't have changed.

If the enemy forces surrounded them as described, it made sense.

"Facing two powerful families like Jaegal and Moyong, forces capable of stalling for time..."

Someone mumbled, causing the faces of the two families to subtly redden. It was a disgraceful remark, yet at the same time, it was a fact, and there was no way to refute it.

A short silence fell in the conference room. While maintaining silence, Baek Cheon assessed the situation and spoke.

"You mentioned they wore masks?"

All eyes turned to him.

"Yes, that's right."

"That's a bit strange."

"What's strange about it?"

Jaegal Jain asked somewhat sharply. Even though he was a Deputy Sect Leader of Mount Hua, the latter had only recently established himself. He didn't find it pleasant to be questioned like this.

"Wearing masks suggests an attempt to hide one's identity, right?"

"That's right."

"But do they really need to do that? Even if they clearly show their faces, we wouldn't recognize them since they're members of the Evil Sect, would we?"

Jaegal Jain fell silent at those words.

"…Some members of the Evil Sect use masks as a basic practice."

"Yes, what the senior says is true. However, isn't it too strange for nearly a hundred experts to all wear masks?"

Jaegal Jain remained silent. At that time, there was no evidence, and he had missed it without any experience. But now, thinking back, it was certainly odd.

Generally, skilled individuals don't fear revealing their identities. However, all the opponents he faced, despite having considerable skills, tried to conceal their identities.


Baek Cheon turned to Im Sobyeong. Since he knew the build of the Evil Sect the best, it was appropriate to ask him.

Receiving his gaze, Im Sobyeong lightly tapped the side of his neck with the fan, as if contemplating.

"Well, generally, those who eliminate internal enemies, like an assassination group, may hide their identities to prevent retaliation. If it became a habit, it wouldn't be entirely unreasonable, but…"

But the words he trailed off with were quickly followed by a head shake.

"No, still, it doesn't seem right. If they could use such forces for internal surveillance, the Evil Tyrant Alliance would have conquered the world long ago and still stood. In addition, the Evil Tyrant Alliance wouldn't need to engage in internal power struggles from the beginning."

Baek Cheon opened his mouth with a stern expression.

"So, there's one conclusion. They were individuals who needed to hide their identities from us."

A momentary chill spread through the conference room.

Everyone might have felt different emotions, but the meaning of his words was clear.

"What do you mean by that?"

Jaegal Jain asked with a somewhat bewildered expression. A look of unease was evident.

Baek Cheon continued calmly.

"Before that, let me ask one more thing. Was there anything distinctive about the martial arts they used?"

"...Not particularly."

As he asked casually, Jaegal Jain unknowingly gave an answer.

"Any distinctive weapons they used?"

"The same. Swords, knives, spears, and even fists. All sorts of weapons were mixed together. I tried to figure it out, but it was impossible to pinpoint a distinctive weapon."

Im Sobyeong asked as if he had caught onto something.

"All sorts of weapons?"


"A group that gathers under common command?"

Instantly, Jaegal Jain fell silent. He understood what Im Sobyeong had pointed out.

Blocking the path of the Jaegal Family and the Moyong Family was a crucial strategic move that could determine the outcome on the vast battlefield. In that case, it was natural for the Evil Tyrant Alliance to carefully select individuals for such a mission.

Even if they combined several military forces, they would have tried to ensure a similar style to avoid any differences of opinion. But...

"It's unnatural... To an extent that overly diverse weapons were mixed. It felt as if... thy were deliberately disguised with unfamiliar weapons."

Jaegal Jain began to mumble, seemingly understanding something.

"It was difficult to identify any distinctive features in the martial arts they used. I only knew they were experts due to their strong internal energy and refined techniques, but there was no clear style..."

Jaegal Jain's face gradually stiffened.

His trembling gaze focused on Baek Cheon. Then, gradually, everyone naturally fixed their eyes on Baek Cheon.

During the brief silence, most were just waiting for Baek Cheon to continue. Meanwhile, Moyong Wigyung found this phenomenon strange even amid such circumstances.

'To think that the Mount Hua's head disciple isn't even thirty yet...'

People with such status are paying attention to him. Where else could you witness such a spectacle in the world?

Finally, Baek Cheon's next words flowed.

"...So, in the end, there's only one conclusion."

"No, wait a moment!"

Jaegal Jain exclaimed in surprise.

"Do you know what you are trying to say, Deputy Sect Leader?"

"I don't wish to think about it, but if it is the sole conclusion, then it is something we must consider."


Jaegal Jain's hand trembled slightly.

This young Deputy Sect Leader of Mount Hua was behaving recklessly to the point of being thoughtless. How great an impact would his words have?

In the end, filled with anger and fear, he shouted.

"Hold your tongue, Deputy Sect Leader!"

Baek Cheon looked at Jaegal Jain with calm eyes. Then, with a somewhat heavy voice, he spoke.

"If the Evil Tyrant Alliance had such power from the beginning, they wouldn't have waged war in this manner."

Jaegal Jain bit his lip in silence. He couldn't deny it.

"So, there are only two possibilities. One is that the situation described by Jaegal Gaju-nim and Moyong Gaju-nim is false."

"Be careful with your words..."

"But that can't be the case, can it?"

Suppressing his anger, Jaegal Jain nodded.

"In that case, there's only one remaining possibility..."

No one could speak. Those who speculated about his following words, and those who couldn't. Even Baek Cheon, who had dared to speak earlier, couldn't easily continue.

In the end, the person who broke the silence and spoke was someone with the least hesitation.

"Well then..."

All eyes turned to Chung Myung.

"...What Sasuk wants to say is ultimately that."

Chung Myung and Baek Cheon's eyes met.

"There is no way a non-existent force can suddenly appear. Jang Ilso wouldn't have hidden such a significant force, so the force didn't come from within the Evil Tyrant Alliance."

Baek Cheon nodded slightly.

"But if they were newcomers from the outside, there was no need for them to hide their identities from us. So, the conclusion is that they are individuals we know."

In the silence, Chung Myung spoke openly.


Although heavy enough to make one feel breathless, the contents contained in that word were finally revealed.

"There are..."

Chung Myung glanced at everyone seated here. Before the cold gaze, everyone involuntarily hunched their shoulders.




In response to the heavy question from Chung Myung, Baek Cheon slowly nodded.


The three letters that no one had thought of overwhelmed everyone with a shock too great to bear.

At that moment, the Southern Edge Sect's leader Jong Rigok, sneered coldly.


It was a growl.

"These guesses are excessive to the point of absurdity. Betrayal? Are you saying that a sect we know has betrayed us and become Jang Ilso's dog?"

"More like they've become his hands..."

"That's the same thing."

Jong Rigok cut off Baek Cheon's words sharply.

" 'So, therefore, so'---He keeps going endlessly. Anything can be made to fit by just checking the front and back and fitting it together!"

"Sect Leader. However, this is..."


Jong Rigok cut off Baek Cheon's words as if there was nothing more to say.

"This is not a place for a child to present immature arguments. Those with insufficient experience would do better to step back. Maengju-nim should also control such absurd and baseless statements."

Chung Myung's eyes narrowed. Just as he was about to make a sharp retort, someone else preempted him and intercepted Jong Rigok's words.

"Of course, Sect Leader is entirely correct. However, it doesn't seem like a statement to be ignored. Based on my experience, the insights of Mount Hua's Deputy Sect Leader are more valuable than one might think."

For a moment, Jong Rigok seemed to doubt his own ears, and his eyes opened slightly.

No one would dare speak such words to him. Yet, Jong Rigok didn't show anger. The reason for that...

"Do you think that man's words made sense?"


Was because it was Jin Geumryong who spoke.

Jin Geumryong calmly nodded and added.

"Even if it's an absurd conjecture, if there is no other explanation for the current situation, we should consider it. Despite it being absurd, Mount Hua's Deputy Sect Leader's statement is logically sound."

Jong Rigok's face stiffened momentarily. He could understand it, but he couldn't accept it.




Jong Rigok's voice gradually rose. It was a voice full of doubt, anger, and denial, and it sounded like a child's.

"Who... Who betrayed us? Who would do such a thing?"

Of course, no one dared to answer that question.

❀ ❀ ❀

Thud. Thud. Thud.

Under the bright midday sun, a man advanced toward a large hall. His face was completely covered by a black mask.

The man standing at the entrance of the grand hall glared at the guards blocking the door. The guards watched the masked figure with tense expressions.

"I wish to see the Commander."

When a deep voice flowed out, the guards coldly shook their heads.

"It's not possible now. Go back."

However, the masked figure did not step back. Instead, he stared at the guards with a hand resting on the hilt of the sword at his waist, and his cold eyes.

At that tense moment, when the atmosphere was about to explode:

"Let him in."

A calm voice came from inside. Only then did the guards step back, one by one.


The masked figure briefly glanced at the open door before stepping inside. The smell of ink from the temporary office wafted into his nostrils.

"What is it?"

Ho Gakmyung continued writing documents, not lifting his gaze. The masked man's voice echoed in a dead silence.

"...I wish to meet with Ryeonju."

"Ryeonju is not seeing anyone right now."

"Ho Gakmyung."


Ho Gakmyung's brush, which had been moving continuously, finally stopped.

"Do we seem like a group of four now?"

Ho Gakmyung slowly lifted his head. The gaze of the masked man met him in the air.

"Keep your promise. Before a knife is stuck in that neck."

For a moment, Ho Gakmyung, who had been staring at the masked man, lowered his gaze again and began playing with the brush as if nothing had happened.

"I'll deliver the message. Now, leave."

The masked person stared at Ho Gakmyung's head for a while, then turned abruptly and left the office.

Glancing at the retreating figure, Ho Gakmyung smirked. There was a hint of mockery at the corner of his mouth.


That smirk soon turned into genuine laughter.

"At least dogs are loyal."

Ho Gakmyung, who had set down his brush, slowly stood up from the desk.