Chapter 1614: So, We Have To Break It Ourselves (Part 4)

"Anyways... "

Jo Gol continued to mutter impatiently as he stepped forward. Everyone seemed tangled up in something. If life was complicated, then it was complicated, but if it was simple, then it was simple.

Jo Gol also understood that. All of it was just part of the process of growth. However, lately, he felt frustrated seeing the aspects of those he once admired that now seemed distasteful.

"I'm the only one feeling this way, right? Just me."

Jo Gol grumbled as he glanced around.

"...Is this the right place?"

It probably was, right?

"Chung Myung. Is Chung Myung here?"

Without waiting for an answer, he pushed open the door. Regardless, he needed to meet Chung Myung now. There were things he needed to say and things he wanted to hear.

But when Jo Gol stepped in, instead of Chung Myung, he saw the familiar faces of others.

"You're here?"


Jo Gol blinked in confusion.

"Sorry, I think I've got the wrong room..."

"This is the right place."

"No, I mean, I'm not here to see Sasuk."

"This is Chung Myung's room."


As Jo Gol was about to leave and peeked outside the door, he hesitated and stepped back in. There was doubt on his face.

"Then why is Sasuk here?"

"For the same reason you are."

"Ah... to see Chung Myung?"

Now that he looked around, it wasn't just Baek Cheon here. The slim figure lying on the bed beside Baek Cheon was clearly Im Sobyeong, and the one loitering around was definitely Seol So Baek.

He came to see Chung Myung, but Chung Myung wasn't here, and instead, others were bustling about.

"Come in for now."

"...But Chung Myung isn't here."

"It's not easy to find him even if you try. He'll come if you wait. We're all here with that in mindset."

Unable to deny those words, Jo Gol nodded faintly, uttering a faint groan. As he closed the door and settled beside Im Sobyeong, the latter got irritated.

"Hey, it's cramped enough!"

Jo Gol was left speechless.

...Did this guy even realize he was the commander of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance? During such a crucial time, the leader wasn't here but fussing around here? [not sure]

But regardless, in the end, they all shared the same sentiment. Thinking like that gave Jo Gol a little comfort. With that in mind, Jo Gol let out a faint smile. But...



"This is awkward."

The atmosphere in the room was painfully awkward. Only then did Jo Gol realize.

'There's something odd about this group.'

He could have a one-on-one conversation with Baek Cheon if others weren't present. But with others around, he felt cautious, and yet, there weren't any topics to discuss.

So, everyone remained silent, just exchanging glances.


As the silence grew, Jo Gol began to sweat nervously on his forehead.

Then, a faint noise came from outside the door. Feeling almost as if he were meeting his ancestors at Samdocheon [idk the ancestral hall?], Jo Gol quickly rushed to open the door.

"Hey! Why..."


"...Are you here? Sahyung."

A heavier silence settled in.

In front of the wide-open door, Yoon Jong stood, wearing a much more awkward expression than those inside the room.

Jo Gol and Yoon Jong avoided each other's gaze. Their farewell wasn't exactly amicable, making it uncomfortably awkward.

"So, uh... You're here to see Chung... Myung?"

"That... is the plan."

"Well then, uh, come in, shall you? We're all in the same boat here."


Yoon Jong awkwardly lifted his feet and entered. As the door closed, the air in the room became even more tense.

Yoon Jong sat on the corner of the bed opposite Jo Gol, leaving Im Sobyeong in between. This arrangement subtly put Jo Gol and Yoon Jong at odds.

"So... where's Chung Myung?"

"He'll come... right?"


Yoon Jong stared blankly at the wall. The only sound in the small room was the rhythmic breathing. Eventually, unable to bear the awkwardness, Jo Gol erupted like a madman.

"Argh! Seriously! Why isn't he here yet?! We're all waiting like idiots!"

"...You don't even know what waiting means."

"Why is Sasuk so calm? It wasn't like this before! Back then, he'd be the first to get riled up."



"I was never riled up before you."


As Jo Gol turned his head reflexively to shout, 'Sasuk was the one who got riled up first, Sahyung!' he flinched when his eyes met Yoon Jong's. His head turned back to its original position.

At that moment, Im Sobyeong, who had been lying down the whole time, sat up. Then he moved his stiff neck from side to side.

"There are things to be done. Tasks to be completed and mistakes to be rectified. Well, he'll eventually come. He needs time too."

"If there are things to be done, why cause trouble?"

"That's true."

Im Sobyeong nodded in agreement.

"Well, even if we don't go to such lengths, we can still manage to fight somehow. Stirring up trouble unnecessarily isn't helpful."

"Is an Evil Sect bastard criticizing Chung Myung?"

"...Let's just leave it, Dojang."

Im Sobyeong sighed deeply. Baek Cheon, who had been silent, spoke up.

"What do you think will happen, Nokrim King?"

Im Sobyeong smiled and nodded.

"That's true, it is. It's always like that."


"In fact, wouldn't everyone under the Heavenly Comrade Alliance hope that their own sect makes the most significant contribution? No one wants to play a supporting role, right?"

"That's correct. But so far, there haven't been any instances where..."

"That's because Jang Ilso didn't delve into that aspect."

Im Sobyeong lightly tapped his palm with a fan.

"The most fickle thing in the world is the human heart, so I can't predict when or what will happen. No matter how much we plan strategies or create tactics."

Baek Cheon sighed in agreement. So, it made sense that Chung Myung brought up this matter. If he were Chung Myung, he would have felt and understood more from that harsh hell.


At that moment, Jo Gol interjected.

"I honestly only halfway understand, but will things really get better if we follow what Chung Myung suggests?"

Im Sobyeong chuckled and nodded.

"Oh my, I should have explained that first. I didn't consider the fact that Jo Gol Dojang was present."

"It's not that I don't know... that's right, So, So Baek! So Baek wouldn't not know..."

"What kind of attitude is that to have in front of the Palace Lord, you bull-nosed bastard!"

"...That's not an attitude a Taoist should have, Sahyung."

Jo Gol looked crestfallen. It's always me that's the problem, just me.

Im Sobyeong shrugged and spoke.

"Well, it'll be easier to understand if you see it as restructuring rather than a command structure."


"Yes, and dividing them into various groups. A familiar form, isn't it?"

Everyone there nodded in agreement.

"If the sect leaders agree to this matter, the Heavenly Comrade Alliance will establish new units and divisions and mix the members of the various sects within them. Within one unit, there could be Mount Hua and Tang members, as well as Nokrim and Ice Palace, and even Southern Edge Sect members."

"Let's leave out the Southern Edge Sect."



If Jo Gol had said that, Im Sobyeong would have laughed it off. But Im Sobyeong didn't smile because the one who said it was Baek Cheon.

"...We'll try our best."

"Thank you."

Im Sobyeong sighed and spoke again.

"Simply put, Chung Myung Dojang temporarily wants to make the Heavenly Comrade Alliance into one sect. They will divide the members and appoint new unit leaders."

"What about the current sect leaders?"

"They'll take their positions depending on the situation. They could become unit leaders, division leaders, or even take positions like vice leaders."


"The important thing is, even if one becomes a unit leader, they can't give orders to members of other units. That's the essence of all this."

Jo Gol scratched his head.

"So, will things really get better if we do that?"

"...If we try to explain it to the Taoist, there's no end to it."

"Don't treat me like a fool."

"I'm not treating you like a fool; I'm considering your comprehension."

"It's the same thing!"

"Oh? You seem to understand now. Goodbye."

This guy? Jo Gol reached out his hand for his sword, but Baek Cheon ruthlessly struck the back of his head.

"Just stay quiet! You're too restless."

"Yes... I guess I was wrong again this time."

"You know it well."

Jo Gol felt disheartened. It's always me that's the problem, just me.

At that moment, Yoon Jong, who had been listening quietly, spoke up.

"So, ultimately, the key is whether the sect leaders will accept it."

"That's correct."

"Even though it's unprecedented..."

"Well, there is a precedent, surprisingly."

At the unexpected remark, everyone's eyes widened. Im Sobyeong shrugged his shoulders.

"Actually, this is a form that we're somewhat more familiar with. When the Evil Sects became too powerful or the Demonic Cult went wild, making it difficult to respond under the current system of Ten Great Sects and Five Great Families, the righteous sects occasionally created such a system. It was called the Murim Alliance."

"Murim Alliance..."

Baek Cheon let out a soft sigh.

"Well, of course, compared to what Chung Myung is proposing now, the system back then was far from perfect, but still, a similar form has been created before."

"Then why not do it?"

"It's not that simple, would it be a problem otherwise?"

Im Sobyeong shrugged his shoulders.

"Even to create that imperfect system, it required a considerable amount of time, effort, and sacrifice. But now, time is absolutely lacking."

Listening quietly, Baek Cheon stared intently at Im Sobyeong.

"Nokrim King, you think it won't work."

"Yes. To put it bluntly, that's correct."

Im Sobyeong nodded slowly.

"But, well, for someone like me who has lived in a loose world like Nokrim, it doesn't matter much."

His gaze became somewhat sharp.

"But, Baek Cheon Dojang, can you not resent or regret even if Jo Gol Dojang dies under Southern Edge's orders?"

Baek Cheon couldn't answer readily.

"Transferring command means giving the power of life and death. Depending on how the commander uses it, people who shouldn't die might die. This is something that is impossible without a mutual trust relationship where each other doesn't doubt each other's abilities and supports each other from within. However..."

Im Sobyeong shrugged.

"Does the Heavenly Comrade Alliance really have that level of trust right now?"


As Jo Gol tried to retort, Im Sobyeong cut him off.

"What you're saying you can that, it ultimately means y ou can 'under those I trust,' right? But trust isn't just based on the other person's abilities. If you decide who commands you, ultimately, this new system would be meaningless."


Already feeling similar to what Yoon Jong had said, Jo Gol could only groan in frustration. Yoon Jong spoke calmly.

"So, in the end, it'll be difficult. The sect leaders will also be thinking about all this."

"That's right. However..."


"Never mind."

With a vague end to his words, Im Sobyeong shrugged and lowered his head.

Variables? There were none. But if there was someone who has the key to solving this impossible problem...

'But it can't work.'

Both sides will find it difficult to choose. Wasn't the river too wide to cross? Everything they've built up so far would make it impossible. All the paths they had taken until now.

'It's a pity.'

Im Sobyeong's gaze out the window was somewhat bitter. The face of Chung Myung, who had quietly appeared earlier, came to mind again.

* * * 


Chung Myung took a long breath. It wasn't an easy step to take. But it had to be taken.

Now Chung Myung knew it too. Anyone could point to the right path and lie down and curse because they think they were right.

The important thing was how well one could follow the right path one believed in. It wasn't about yelling and threatening the other person to follow them, but about convincing the other person by telling them why they should follow them.


Gazing anxiously at the closed door, Chung Myung finally knocked on it. The answer came quickly.

"It's open."


The closed door opened. The person inside the room looked at Chung Myung and smiled. It was a faint but unmistakable sneer.

"This is unexpected. I didn't think you'd come to find me."

"If it's somewhere I shouldn't have come?"

"It's not like that. But it must have been a very difficult journey. Wasn't it?"

"Well, it was, but... anyway, now that I see your face, I'm glad I came."

"Why is that?"

"I realized. I'm not the only one uncomfortable here."


"Perhaps you're more uncomfortable than I am."

"...Do you think so?"

"Is that not it?"

The eyes of the two clashed in mid-air as if they were staring each other down. But soon, the person inside the room chuckled first. Right now, there was no reason for him to stand on ceremony.

"Come in. After all, I wanted to have a conversation at least once."

The leader of the Southern Edge Sect, the Heavenly Sword Jong Rigok, stood up from his seat.