Chapter 1617: Bracing Oneself For The End (Part 2)

Within the meeting room, Jo Gol's lips involuntarily emitted a groan.

"Ugh, that damned bastard…."

In the end, Chung Myung didn't return until dawn. Those who had been waiting for him in his absence, sitting in his room like a pack of anxious dogs, finally emerged one by one and took their seats in the meeting room.

"Isn't there something infuriating about dealing with people? Isn't that right, Sahyung?"

Jo Gol muttered a joke under his breath, but there was no response from Yoon Jong. The latter simply sat there with folded arms, lost in thought.

Jo Gol considered throwing in another comment but decided against it.

'The atmosphere is anything but lighthearted.'

Not only were they, but also the set leaders of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, were present. Moreover, their faces were uniformly serious.

It was even difficult for Jo Gol, who usually didn't pay much heed to the atmosphere, to speak up easily.

It was understandable. Frankly, what Chung Myung had thrown their way wasn't a simple matter.

'I wonder how this will turn out.'

If he had been able to meet Chung Myung even briefly yesterday morning, he might have had some idea of what to expect, but this time, he hadn't heard a word from him beforehand. He had no clue how things would unfold.

It was then, scratching his head in frustration, that the door opened, and Chung Myung walked in. Instantly, everyone's attention focused on him.


Jo Gol reflexively stood up to say something, but Yoon Jong grabbed his shoulder and pressed it firmly, signaling him to sit down and keep quiet. Jo Gol swallowed his words and resumed his seat.

Chung Myung wordlessly took his assigned seat with a expressionless face.

'What's he thinking?'

Jo Gol became even more perplexed. Frankly, it was impossible to guess what he was thinking just from his outward expression.

The other members also glanced at Chung Myung, who was keeping silent. It was clear that they, too, had similar thoughts to Jo Gol.

Then, the door opened wide once again, and Hyun Jong and Tang Gunak entered.

"Good morning."

Hyun Jong greeted the members softly as he headed towards his seat. Then, he looked around at those seated.

"Is everyone here?"

Jaegal Jain, who had arrived earlier and taken his seat, indicated an empty spot.

"Southern Edge's Sect Leader hasn't arrived yet."

"…Hmm, is that so?"

Time was passing slowly. The fact that Jong Rigok had not arrived on time suggested a lack of intention to participate in this meeting from the start. Hyun Jong let out a short sigh unnoticed and nodded.

"Well then, let's proceed with the meeting without waiting for Southern Edge."


Hyun Jong took a deep breath.

"I believe you all… have deeply contemplated overnight. What are your thoughts on the proposal put forward by the Chief?"

Silence fell in the meeting room once again. Although everyone had surely pondered deeply overnight, no one was willing to be the first to speak up.

After a moment of waiting, Hyun Jong gently spoke up again.

"Personally, I understand that the Chief's opinion may seem somewhat unreasonable, but from the perspective of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, it is something worth considering. Of course, to do so, we would need the cooperation of various Sect Leaders…."

"May I say something?"

At that moment, someone's voice unexpectedly spoke up. Hyun Jong's gaze turned towards the speaker. There was a faint tension in his eyes. The first opinion voiced at the beginning of a meeting often had a significant impact on the outcome, so it was understandable that he was nervous.

When their eyes met, Hyun Jong secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Much taller than the others. It was Maeng So, the Lord of the Beast Palace. Didn't he have a particularly close relationship with Chung Myung? In that case, he could be relieved.

"Please speak, Palace Lord."

"No one seems willing to speak first, so I will express the position of the Beast Palace first. In conclusion."

Maeng So began, his voice deep and rumbling. At the end of his sweeping gaze over the audience, he settled on Chung Myung.

"The Beast Palace opposes the Chief's proposition."


Hyun Jong, who inadvertently muttered in response, quickly closed his mouth, feeling flustered. Whatever the words may be, it was a mistake to react or respond recklessly. But Maeng So's answer was too unexpected, causing him to inadvertently make a mistake.

Maeng So continued speaking without paying any mind to Hyun Jong's discomfort.

"I fully understand what the Chief has said. We also acknowledge that such measures may be necessary for the Heavenly Comrade Alliance. However, 'necessary' and 'possible' are different."

As Maeng So's eyes met Chung Myung's in the air, Im Sobyeong posed the question that needed to be asked.

"May I inquire as to the reason?"

Maeng So nodded.

"There's no grand reason. It's just… a matter of trust."

"When you say trust?"

Maeng So's gaze turned towards the middle-tier members seated.

"Although I am here and seated, I am ultimately an outsider. I cannot remain a central figure indefinitely. Even if I don't say it aloud, I'm sure there are people here who aren't comfortable with my presence."

Several faces changed slightly. It was difficult to tell whether it was because the statement itself was unpleasant or because they felt stung inside.

Hyun Jong spoke with a slightly awkward expression.

"Palace Lord."

"No, I'm not blaming anyone."

Maeng So cut him off before hearing more.

"We were in the same situation. Until the Chief visited Yunnan, we built walls and rejected the Central Plains people. Because we thought it was necessary to do so."


Some of them murmured in agreement. Maeng So spoke firmly with a determined gaze.

"I don't think that way anymore. I believe it's time for a change. But... the wall still exists. An undeniable wall."


"The Beast Palace can try to overcome that wall. But if such the Beast Palace is scattered, the disciples will be labeled them as nothing more than Yunnan people, not as Beast Palace members. I'm not convinced that the disciples will receive the same treatment as other Central Plains people in that state."

This time, Maeng So's gaze turned directly to Hyun Jong.

"The reason the Beast Palace left Yunnan and came here was because they trusted the Heavenly Comrade Alliance and Mount Hua. However... it's unacceptable for us to show the same trust to others."

Hyun Jong sighed faintly. Frankly, he hadn't considered Maeng So's perspective at all. Perhaps the relationship between the Outer Palaces and the Central Plains sects was even more distant than that between the Ten Great Sects and the Heavenly Comrade Alliance...

At that moment, someone subtly raised their hand.

"Us too…."

"Please speak, Prince Seol."

Seol So Baek glanced at Hyun Jong and Chung Myung before continuing.

"Sorry... but our the Ice Palace is in a similar position to the Beast Palace. That's…."

Seol So Baek continued, slightly lowering his head.

"While it's true that the Ice Palace received favor from Mount Hua and joined the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, we haven't received such favor from other Central Plains people, nor are we close to them...."

The statement that they weren't close was incorrect. It would be more accurate to say they were distant. The Ice Palace only rejected Central Plains people entering the Northern Sea until a few years ago.

"It's not easy for us to receive the approval of those people. W, well, if we can move with Mount Hua or the Yunnan Beast Palace, we won't oppose this issue itself. If you consider such aspects…."

Hyun Jong closed his eyes tightly. Although there was room for agreement, ultimately there was no alternative but to oppose it. If some had to accept the orders from an undesired person, and if others could accept the orders of a desired person, then a new wall would be erected, and that was unacceptable.


But Hyun Jong understood Seol So Baek's feelings very well. At the same time, he realized his own mistake again.

His attention was entirely focused on those who had recently joined the Heavenly Comrade Aliance. If he was a true Lord of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, he should have realized they had their own circumstances and perspectives. He should have met with them last night and had an open conversation....

A short silence filled the meeting room. It couldn't go on like this. As if sensing this, Tang Gunak broke the silence and spoke up.

"The Sichuan Tang Family supports the Chief's opinion."

As usual, his conclusion was concise. But sensing the questioning gazes, Tang Gunak elaborated.

"And personally, I intend to relinquish the position of Vice Lord of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance."

"Vice Lord?"

Hyun Jong was startled. Tang Gunak's expression remained unchanged.

"That would be fair. If the Sichuan Tang Family could secure its position through the Heavenly Comrade Alliance while others gave up their authority, it wouldn't be fair. My decision is firm, so I hope Maengju-nim won't oppose it."

It was a resolute tone without room for a needle to slip. And it clearly reinforced Chung Myung's argument.

"What about the Namgung Family?"

Tang Gunak seemed to suggest his turn was over and turned to Namgung Myung. Namgung Myung seemed embarrassed and nodded.

"As I am not the decision-maker of Namgung Family, I have informed Sogaju of the relevant matters. But... we haven't received a response yet."

Of course. It wasn't an issue that could be decided in just half a day.

"So for now, Namgung will withhold its decision."

"Is it difficult for Elder to decide?"

"As you know...."

Tang Gunak nodded helplessly.

If even Namgung Myung, one of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance's most understanding people, pulled back, it meant that among the remaining sects, there was hardly any friendly sects towards Chung Myung left.

Quietly pondering, Tang Gunak unintentionally suppressed a bitter smile.

'I was instinctively dividing again.'

Despite breaking down walls, even at this moment, Tang Gunak was dividing into right and left based on Chung Myung. It was as natural as breathing.

This made him think again. Was this really possible? Was it meaningful? Even he, who should be one of the best at understanding Chung Myung's mind, couldn't move according to Chung Myung's will.

Even colleagues from outside the Central Plains who crossed through fire and water together were drawing new lines just because the situation changed a bit.


Tang Gunak's regretful gaze turned to Chung Myung. He was still staring blankly into space with an expression that revealed nothing.

Tang Gunak unconsciously bit his lip.

If this meeting ended with uncertainty, undoubtedly, the Heavenly Comrade Alliance wouldn't be able to return to its previous state. It would be akin to laying bare the inner feelings they had harbored and leaving their accumulated wounds exposed.

And perhaps this very act could become the biggest stumbling block in the upcoming war. Chung Myung must surely be aware of this. Yet, despite observing all these circumstances, he remained completely motionless. Even as all the currents in the conference room were flowing unfavorably for him.

'What are you thinking?'

Unsettled, Tang Gunak tapped his thigh with his fingertips.

People tend to lean towards the side with more heads. Generally, when the opposition's voices grow louder, those who are swaying tend to make up their minds. At this time, someone should raise their hand in support of Chung Myung….

It was precisely at that moment.

With a creaking sound, the closed door slowly opened, revealing a figure.

"I'm a bit late."

All eyes focused on the newly arrived figure.

It was Jong Rigok.

Seeing Southern Edge's Sect Leader walking in with a determined and composed face, Tang Gunak's gaze darkened with a sense of foreboding.