Chapter 1619: Bracing Oneself For The End (Part 4)

Tension gripped the air as all eyes turned towards Jong Rigok.

Understandably so. Wasn't a person's status subject to change depending on circumstances? Despite being the same person until recently, Jong Rigok's position was entirely different now.

When the Heavenly Comrade Alliance led something, Jong Rigok was just a bystander. But when consensus was needed, Jong Rigok held significant value.

As the forefront figure of the anti-Mount Hua Sect, he represented a direct opposition to their leadership.

With Shaolin's fall and the disbandment of the Ten Great Sects, only Jong Rigok leading Southern Edge Sect opposed Mount Hua's leadership directly. This meant that depending on what he said, the atmosphere of this meeting could swing drastically.

Although everyone knew this fact, Jong Rigok showed an unexpected move.


As Jong Rigok slowly scanned the faces of those attending the meeting, he sat down in his empty seat and shut his eyes tightly.

Some faces expressed relief at the ambiguous response, while others showed disappointment.

Tang Gunak seized the opportunity to clear the air by clearing his throat.

"Ahem. If we continue the meeting..."

After hesitating for a moment, he spoke.

"The Yunnan Beast Palace and North Sea Ice Palace have expressed opposition to the current issues, while Sichuan Tang..."

"The Moyong Family will also refuse."

Before the summary could finish, Moyong Wigyung raised his hand.

"We understand the significance of the Chief's proposal. However..."

Moyong Wigyung stared at Chung Myung with slightly sharp eyes.

"I'm not sure if completely changing our formation on the brink of war is a sound idea. Shouldn't we distinguish between ideals and reality, especially at such times?"

Tang Gunak struggled not to audibly sigh.

'Well, that's to be expected.'

Even he didn't think like this at first. People tend to fear change instinctively. Especially those with much to lose and much to protect.

Now, the currents within the conference room were clear.

With three factions opposing, and only Sichuan Tang Family in favor of Chung Myung's proposal, those who had somewhat positive outlooks found it hard to speak up.

If Namgung Dowi were here, he would have bolstered Chung Myung's side...

"So, what about Nokrim?"

Hence, Tang Gunak reluctantly asked Im Sobyeong for his opinion. Although being from the Evil Sect made it difficult to be a significant force in such gatherings, he might be able to prevent the mood from becoming entirely one-sided.

However, Im Sobyeong's response was unexpectedly cynical.

"Well... Nokrim has always been in the position of being the target, so whether we agree or disagree, what difference does it make?"

"Nokrim King?"

Im Sobyeong looked around with cold eyes.

"It seems to me that even those present here would think it beneficial to use some bandits as a buffer against the enemy."

"Nokrim King. Your words are excessive."

"Ah, aren't they?"

Im Sobyeong turned his gaze towards Tang Gunak. With his calm and transparent eyes, Tang Gunak found himself momentarily speechless.

Upon reflection, going along with Chung Myung's proposal might lead to the greatest losses for Nokrim.

Certainly, the Nokrim sect within Heavenly Comrade Alliance had established a solid position. However, not everyone agreed with the stance of Heavenly Comrade Alliance.

Thinking straightforwardly, would members of Nokrim, placed under Southern Edge or the Jaegal Family's authority, be treated properly? Would the latter really perceive Nokrim's bandits as equal comrades? Maybe not. Perhaps even the outer sects might disdain or ignore Nokrim.

Given this situation, Tang Gunak couldn't help but painfully realize the contradictions within what everyone had thought was a united Heavenly Comrade Alliance.

Ultimately, those that had gathered together amounted to just a few who had control over each sect. And even they, with their focal point being Mount Hua, lacked trust in each other.

'Is it really possible? The Heavenly Comrade Alliance in the form that Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword mentioned?'

Even Tang Gunak began to feel uneasy now. Even Hyun Jong had closed his eyes altogether. As the Sect Leader of Mount Hua, it would be difficult for him to easily voice his opinion on this matter. Any words would be difficult to be taken purely at face value.


Nevertheless, despite trying to somehow turn the situation around, Tang Gunak spoke up. But at that moment, Jaegal Jain raised his hand.

"Before that, I have a few questions for the Chief."

Chung Myung unfolded his arms, facing Jaegal Jain.

"As you can see, everyone is opposed to this. If this doesn't go as you intend, what do you plan to do?"

Chung Myung chuckled.

"Would I just leave because it didn't go my way?"

Jaegal Jain didn't deny it. Chung Myung shrugged.

"Well, what can you do? We still have to fight. We have to fight somehow."

"If that's the case, what is the reason for the Chief to push for this difficult task?"

"The reason? Surely you're not asking because you don't know?"

Chung Myung laughed again at Jaegal Jain's question. In fact, it was close to mockery, clearly violating decorum, but no one pointed it out.

Eventually, Chung Myung's gaze grew serious.

"Because we have to win."

A heavy voice filled the conference room.

"Because I don't want to lose. Because I don't want to die. Because it's tiresome to watch people die needlessly."

If you observe, you naturally come to know. Why past wars went so disastrously. Why even the wise Cheon Mun had to accept his and Mount Hua's sacrifice.

Those who fiercely guard what is theirs do not release their grasp until the very end. Even in situations where everyone could survive with just a little sacrifice, they sink without releasing their grip until the last moment.

The past sects must have been even more dreadful than what he was seeing now. What thoughts did Cheon Mun have as he watched over this? With what sentiments did he speak to Chung Myung about sacrifice?

Chung Myung looked at everyone with a cold gaze.

"I'm curious in turn. What exactly are you all trying to protect?"

"Chief. Your words..."

Tang Gunak tried to calm him down, but Chung Myung continued regardless.

"Is sacrifice so cheap?"


"Is death so trivial? Are the lives of those who died in Hubei insufficient to understand the weight?"

"Chung Myung..."

Baek Cheon tried to interject without even realizing it, but at this moment, Baek Cheon's words had no weight on Chung Myung. Those who hadn't experienced it will never know. The constraints of irreversible choices, and thus the weight of what's lost.

"I'm not perfect. And this position wasn't meant for me to create everything. We can talk and complement each other. Everyone will have different thoughts, and everyone will have different methods. That's why this position exists."


"Believing that it won't work is denying everything we've done so far. Then what's the point of this place? Of this relationship? And this damn alliance!"

"Chung Myung!"

Hyun Jong was also startled and raised his voice.

This couldn't continue. Even if his proposal wasn't accepted, they must not leave resentment. That was the path to eternal division for those seated here.

But despite Hyun Jong's earnest opposition, there was one person who did not miss Chung Myung's slip of the tongue.

"That's correct."

All eyes turned to him.

"In the first place... this method is flawed. It's oppressive to demand that all sects, whether those in the Heavenly Comrade Alliance or those who haven't joined, and even those who joined for different reasons, follow one single purpose."

Southern Edge Sect Leader Jong Rigok continued speaking amidst everyone's gaze.

"An alliance that has lost its meaning is no longer worth its value. Wouldn't it be better for like-minded people to gather,?"

"What do you mean by that, Sect Leader Jongri?"

When Tang Gunak asked, Jong Rigok retorted sharply.

"It means gathering only those who share the same purpose, without the superficial bonds of relationships or friendships. Just because the Ten Great Sects suffered doesn't mean everyone should gather under the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, does it?"

This was the worst. Tang Gunak's face was now almost pale. Could the strategy they put forward to prevent division be causing even greater division?

Jong Rigok asked.

"What about you, Chief?"


"Was what you said earlier sincere? That you'll fight your best even if everything turns into a mess? Even though the outcome of this meeting will ultimately lean towards everyone prioritizing their own safety?"

Instead of answering, Chung Myung glared at Jong Rigok. But his question certainly planted a doubt in Chung Myung's mind.

Could that really happen?

He had already experienced it in the past. What the result was of struggling alone in a world where everyone looked after their own safety. Could he tread the same path again this time?

Or was that not the right path to begin with?

But if not, should Chung Myung and Mount Hua bend like the other sects this time? Should they strive to trample over other sects to ensure Mount Hua's survival, even if it meant sacrificing other sects for the sake of Mount Hua's sects?

Which was right?

Seeing Chung Myung's expression, Jong Rigok chuckled.

"It's a meaningless question. The answer is already out there."

After diverting his gaze from Chung Myung, Jong Rigok looked at Hyun Jong.


"...Speak, Sect Leader."

"What will you do? If more people follow the Chief's words, will you willingly sacrifice your disciples to those who don't want it?"

"Sect Leader..."

"Isn't that another form of violence? Do you, Maengju-nim, have the willingness to collaborate even with those who don't share the Chief's intentions?"

Hyun Jong, who had been staring at Jong Rigok with heavy eyes, nodded slowly. Tang Gunak was taken aback. He tried to intervene in the conversation briefly, but Hyun Jong firmly spoke.

"The Heavenly Comrade Alliance is not a place where someone can oppress another. If forcing and coercing those with different intentions to comply, then it wouldn't be the Heavenly Comrade Alliance anymore."

"Then, are you saying that those with different intentions don't need to gather together?"

Hyun Jong closed his eyes and nodded once again.

"I hope everyone will join... but if that becomes oppressive, then I will do what is right."

Jong Rigok listened to Hyun Jong's response and smiled.

"Seems like it's settled."

This time, sharp gazes were directed at Chung Myung.

"What do you think?"


"Insisting on this persuasion is just a waste of time. Those who will share your purpose will follow you. Those who don't will gather amongst themselves. Just like how the Heavenly Comrade Alliance emerged from the Ten Great Sects, new alliances may arise from the Heavenly Comrade Alliance. Don't you think?" 

Chung Myung simply stared at Jong Rigok with sunken eyes.

"Will you do that? Or... will you just leave all of this here and continue leading this hollow alliance?"

It hadn't been long since his speech began, but the initiative had completely shifted to Jong Rigok.

Unlike those who gained their position in the Alliance through blood ties or status, he became the Sect Leader of a sect that held significant power in the world solely based on his abilities. Even here, Jong Rigok was clearly demonstrating how he had led the powerhouse Southern Edge.

Chung Myung spoke in a chilling voice.

"I have no intention of coercion. I just... want to minimize sacrifices."

"But that wouldn't be the answer."

"Then if what I say is taken differently..."

Chung Myung paused for a moment, biting his lower lip slightly.

"I have no desire to coerce."

"Are you saying those whose hearts don't align should leave?"

"No. On the contrary. If people share the same purpose, they should go together. That was the essence of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance from the beginning."

Tang Gunak nodded resignedly. Yes, in hindsight, that was correct. Let trustworthy individuals come together. Let them rely on each other.

Perhaps the recent feelings of stagnation and oppression stemmed from breaking that principle. Having to trust those one didn't believe in. Having to join hands with those one didn't trust.

So maybe this was the better direction.

Only then did Jong Rigok smile faintly and nod.

"So, the conclusion is simple. Those who support the Chief's intentions can go with the Mount Hua Sect. And those who don't like it can split from Mount Hua. Even if they split, they'll still be bound within the same faction, and they'll stand against the enemy together. Right, Chief?"

Chung Myung nodded heavily. Hyun Jong, meeting Jong Rigok's gaze, nodded as if there was no other choice.

He hadn't expected it to come to this, but now that the words were spoken, there was no turning back. Jong Rigok exhaled deeply and murmured.

"It's settled."

People waited for Jong Rigok to continue speaking. Of course, it was only natural for Southern Edge's Master Jong Rigok to lead the way.

"Then let's clearly state the Southern Edge Sect's position."

Everything that Jong Rigok had said would be completed when Southern Edge stood at the center of the anti-Mount Hua faction. By replacing Shaolin, becoming the center of a new force, and gathering those who opposed Mount Hua, or more precisely, those who didn't agree with Chung Myung's approach... the rightoueous sects would once again divide into two axes: Mount Hua and Southern Edge.

In a short span of time, Jong Rigok had everything in his hands.

Hyun Jong, looking somewhat resigned, Tang Gunak, appearing a bit anxious, and Jin Geumryong, with an unreadable expression, all looked at Jong Rigok who finally declared.

"Southern Edge will align with Mount Hua's will."


Moyong Wigyung, too shocked to maintain his composure, stood up abruptly. But Jong Rigok's gaze was fixed solely on Chung Myung.

"As of now, I will relinquish my authority as Southern Edge's Sect Leader and entrust the rights to the Heavenly Comrade Alliance... No, to the Mount Hua Sect and the newly formed alliance. This is my final decree as Southern Edge's Sect Leader, and I will not entertain any objections."

"Wha... What?"

In an event that seemed unimaginable, Hyun Jong's mouth fell open.

"Now, Sect...Leader..."

"This is Southern Edge's stance."

The declaration that marked the end swept through the conference room like a storm.