Chapter 1621: With Our Blood and Lives! (Part 1)

Moyong Wigyung looked at everyone in astonishment.


How did it come to this? At the beginning, the atmosphere wasn't like this. It was supposed to end with a discussion of Chung Myung's unreasonable proposal and everyone taking care of their own interests.

But everything changed completely because of Jong Rigok. And in this situation, Moyong Wigyung found himself in the most awkward position.

If only Jaegal Jain had sided with him, this wouldn't have escalated to this point. But even Jaegal Jain chose to stand with Mount Hua, he ended up at the forefront anti-Mount Hua forces.

Cold sweat trickled down Moyong Wigyung's spine. The Moyong Family taking a stand against Mount Hua?

'No. Not yet. Not yet....'

Moyong Wigyung subtly glanced at the representatives of the Outer Palaces. If you think about it, those first to reject Chung Myung's proposal were the Yunnan Beast Palace and the North Sea Ice Palace. If only they could raise their voices a bit more....

Moyong Wigyung especially observed Seol So Baek carefully. It seemed futile to win over Meng So. So, Moyong Wigyung thought it might be better to align with Seol So Baek, who might still be open to persuasion.

However, Seol So Baek seemed uninterested in what was happening, deeply lost in thought with his head bowed.

After a while, Seol So Baek raised his head and looked at Han Yi Myung beside him.


"Please proceed as you wish, Palace Lord."


Han Yi Myung replied before Seol So Baek could finish his sentence Startled, Seol So Baek widened his eyes, and Han Yi Myung smiled.

"The palace lord holds the fate of all their constituents, and the Lord of the North Sea Ice Palace is none other than you."


"I understand. You rejected Chung Myung Dojang's proposal for the sake of our dignity."


Han Yi Myung smiled again. In fact, Seol So Baek had no reason to reject Chung Myung's proposal. He had nothing to lose.

On the surface, Seol So Baek was the Palace Lord, but in reality, it was Han Yi Myung who commanded and governed the members of the North Sea Ice Palace.

In this situation, it wouldn't be easy for Seol So Baek to take away the authority Han Yi Myung held and transfer it to Mount Hua.

"The Palace Lord is a very kind person. However... sometimes, understanding others' minds before they speak can be a problem. If the Palace Lord had consulted me even with passing words, I would have supported your decision without hesitation, whatever it might be."

Various emotions crossed Seol So Baek's face.

"Feeling complicated?"

"...A little."

"Then, don't bother finding reasons; ask your heart. Sometimes, that's the right direction."

Seol So Baek closed his eyes as if pondering something. Seeing this, Han Yi Myung secretly smiled bitterly.

Seol So Baek owed nothing to the North Sea Ice Palace. Rather, they had pursued him under the former Lord's orders, trying to eliminate him. They had never given him anything.

Ironically, those who had helped and guided Seol So Baek were the five swordsmen of Mount Hua. Perhaps Seol So Baek felt closer to them than to the people of the North Sea.

Seol So Baek always hesitated because of his bond with them. He feared making choices that would not befit the position of the Palace Lord, choices that would cause suffering to the people of the North Sea due to his personal feelings.

Watching from the side, Han Yi Myung couldn't offer advice rashly. He was merely the one overseeing the Palace Lord. Ultimately, the most crucial and final decision lay solely with Seol So Baek.

Despite the lack of any urging, Seol So Baek, after much deliberation, opened his eyes. Then, he looked straight at Hyun Jong and Chung Myung.

"I have one question."

"Please ask, Palace Lord."

"Can the Heavenly Comrade, the Mount Hua Sect guarantee that newcomers won't be discriminated against?"

"Palace Lord. That's obvious..."

"No. We cannot."

Both Hyun Jong's affirmative answer and Chung Myung's negative answer came simultaneously. Naturally, all eyes turned to Chung Myung.

"...You can't?"


Chung Myung looked directly at Seol So Baek.

The current Seol So Baek was not the little boy from the North Sea that Chung Myung knew. He was now a young man, the Lord of the North Sea Ice Palace. Therefore, he deserved proper, fair treatment.

"We'll do our best. We'll do as much as we can. But there's no way to change people's perceptions overnight, especially deep-rooted prejudices. If changing perceptions were as easy as giving orders or yelling, there would be no need for all this effort."

Seol So Baek didn't say anything and waited for what would follow.

"However, we'll still try. We'll do our best to prevent the repetition of past mistakes. Someday, we'll be able to look at each other without such biases. And it's clear that it's not just us who need to make this effort."

The North Sea also had to take a step forward. If they continued to cower and isolate themselves on their cold, isolated land, perceptions toward them would never change.

Seol So Baek, still looking at Chung Myung, asked.

"Do you believe we can break down the barriers, as you've said?"

Chung Myung nodded firmly.

"We may not achieve perfection, but we'll strive for better relations than now."


"If we don't start, nothing will change."

Seol So Baek didn't show any positive or negative reactions. He just stared at Chung Myung for a long time.

And finally, he spoke.

"As the Lord of the North Sea Ice Palace, we will set aside our previous stance and stand with Mount Hua."

A small smile crept onto Han Yi Myung's lips without anyone noticing.

"As the Lord of the North Sea Ice Palace, I hereby delegate all authority held by the Lord of the Ice Palace to the Alliance until the end of this war. This fact will be communicated to all the members of the Ice Palace and will not be subject to change by any authority."

Just as Chung Myung was about to nod slowly, Seol So Baek added.

"However, Dojang, please promise one thing. Please prove that Dojang's words were not just sweet talk for the people of the Central Plains, but that all of this was to minimize sacrifices."

Seol So Baek's eyes were now steady. Chung Myung answered softly, but more clearly than ever.


Seol So Baek's head nodded in agreement.

'Well done, Palace Lord.'

Han Yi Myung silently praised as he smiled gently. After a long time, Seol So Baek finally felt like the true Palace Lord of the North Sea Ice Palace.

To let go was all he could do.

Now, he cast aside excuses of inexperience and immaturity, and willingly took on the responsibility of his choices.

"Well then, Lord of the Beast Palace."


"Shouldn't your answer be different?"

Upon Seol So Baek's bold words, Meng So showed a flustered expression and sighed lightly.

"The Mount Hua Sect and... Why, young people these days are different from before."

"...I agree with you."


Hyun Jong and Tang Gunak, as well as other sect leaders, let out deep sighs.

It wasn't about right or wrong.

It was a scene where the bomb thrown by Baek Cheon was swiftly turned into a torrent by Chung Myung, sweeping away everything. And Seol So Baek was fanning the flames. Could anyone have imagined such a sight in the past?

The tense atmosphere relaxed slightly due to Meng So's complaints and laughter. After a moment, he spoke in a deep voice that commanded everyone's attention.

"When we were at war with the Demon Cult in the past, the Sword Saint of Mount Hua and the Dark Lord of the Tang Family blocked the Demon Cult's forces heading towards Yunnan."

Some people's eyes widened slightly. While it was a well-known fact within the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, it was an untold story outside of it.

"At that time, relations between the Central Plains and the Outer Palaces were even worse than they are now. They regarded each other as enemies, and it was a relationship where they rejoiced in each other's downfall."

There was no trace of a smile on Meng So's face, which resembled a wild beast.

"In such circumstances, if the Demonic Cult had targeted the Beast Palace, it might have been good news for the Central Plains. However, the Sword Saint and the Dark Lord risked their lives to stop them. If it weren't for them, I, and perhaps even the Yunnan Beast Palace, wouldn't be here today."

Various emotions and sentiments flickered across everyone's faces.

"It was because of that history of grace that I am here today. It wasn't just a matter of words, but their actions risking their lives to break the hostile relationship. Their one-time actions changed the world for nearly a hundred years."

As Meng So spoke, he smiled faintly.

"Of course, I am not the Sword Saint. I am not capable of such great deeds."

His gaze shifted to Chung Myung.

"However, in today's world, there are those who speak not out of personal gain, but out of concern for people. I would guess that perhaps even the past Sword Saint stood before the Demonic Cult with the same thoughts."

Chung Myung unconsciously clenched his fist under the table. Meng So continued.

"I declined the Alliance's proposal. I still don't think the world has changed that much. However..."

This time, Meng So's gaze moved away from Chung Myung to Hyun Jong and Tang Gunak.

"If there ever comes a time when Mount Hua and the Tang Family need the Yunnan Beast Palace to repay its debt, and if the current Mount Hua and Sichang Tang Family have the same heart as the Sword Saint and Dark Lord did back then, then the Beast Palace will stand with both sects. It is not to break down walls. It is to prove that we're willing to sacrifice ourselves this time."

Meng So's calm yet imposing voice echoed in the meeting room.

"What do you say?"

As Meng So's question reverberated back, Tang Gunak cleared his throat softly.

"In fact... we cannot understand what thoughts our ancestors had when they stopped the Demonic Cult at that time. However..."

Tang Gunak took out eleven daggers from his bosom and laid them down.

"I know very well what mindset they fought with. To protect. To risk their lives to save even one more person."

Tang Gunak lightly brushed the polished handles of the eleven daggers with his fingertips, then raised his head.

"If you ask if that mindset still exists within the Tang Family, I would answer yes without hesitation."

Now, only Hyun Jong's response remained. As Meng So and Tang Gunak looked at him simultaneously, Hyun Jong let out a faint sigh before speaking.

"How can we, who are now here, dare to mimic the lofty spirits of our ancestors? We simply... wish to live lives that they would not be ashamed of seeing. That spirit still resides within Mount Hua. And it always will."

It was a truly characteristic response from Hyun Jong. Meng So looked at Chung Myung and subtly inquired. In fact, he was one of the individuals who most wanted to pose this question.

"What about you? Can you become someone like them?"

Chung Myung paused for a moment, then chuckled. While Meng So might have asked in his own serious manner, in reality, from Chung Myung's perspective, could there be a question as amusing as this one?

The answer was predetermined.

"I'm not just trying to become someone like them."


"I have to surpass them."

Chung Myung's nostrils flared slightly. It was as if a beast was revealing its aggression and fierceness.

"That alone is not enough; it's lacking. I must do much, much better than before. Otherwise, there will be no face for us when meeting those of the past."

Meng So laughed heartily, his huge frame shaking.

"That's why I can't help it, Chief!"

Past and present were intertwined. Similar yet different, different yet not so different. The same beastly aura that Chung Myung possessed was also evident in Meng So's face.

"The Beast Palace will prove it. That the spirit of the Sword Saint and Dark Lord continues not only in the Mount Hua Sect and the Tang Family, but also in us, the Yunnan Beast Palace. With our blood and lives!"

It was a declaration filled with fervor and boiling blood.