Chapter 1624: With Our Blood and Lives! (Part 4)

A bead of cold sweat trickled down Yoon Jong's forehead.

Despite facing numerous battles and crises, he hadn't experienced such a tense situation before. The pressure was suffocating, making him feel like he could barely breathe, almost wanting to flee the scene immediately.

And it wasn't just him. Jo Gol, standing beside him, wore a similarly tense expression. Even that person who seemed unflappable and fussy seemed on edge, indicating the seriousness of the situation they faced.

The air was thick with tension, and fingertips grew cold from the anticipation.

Amidst this, a chilling voice cut through the silence.

"Once more... I'll say it."

The face, as if carefully carved from jade by a craftsman, now twisted oddly.

"What Sect Leader said... is merely Sect Leader's perspective... it doesn't represent the stance of all members of the Southern Edge Sect..."

He trailed off hesitantly, then clenched his jaw shut as if realizing the futility of his words. Regardless of what he said, the unyielding law remained: when one's argument crumbled, only strength mattered in the end.

"Regardless! Don't think that because such an incident occurred, anything will change! If you entertain futile thoughts, reality will mercilessly remind you!"

It was a mix of threats and appeals. But across from him, his doppelganger remained relaxed, lifting the corners of his mouth in apparent amusement.

"What are you babbling about, you petty thief?"


Feeling the pain intensify, Jin Geumryong clutched at his chest. His trembling hands betrayed the strain he was under.

In contrast, Baek Cheon exuded an air of calm confidence.    [...he's beyond help...]

"Well, what... There's no need to worry, hyung-nim."


For a moment, Jin Geumryong seemed to question his own ears. How could he not, when his counterpart even went as far as to call him 'hyung-nim' to annoy him?

And indeed, Baek Cheon was Baek Cheon.

"Weak and lacking in skill, what can one do? I understand the sentiment since there was no honorable way to defeat the Mount Hua Sect. So..."

"Sahyung, stop! Don't draw your sword! Drawing it here will end everything!"

Without hesitation, Jin Geumryong attempted to draw his sword, but Lee Songbaek lunged forward, restraining him and stopping him in his tracks. His face, drained of color, reflected his shock.


With bloodshot eyes, Jin Geumryong seemed ready to pounce on Lee Songbaek. However, Baek Cheon's composure only seemed to strengthen.

"Oh, are you going to stab me? Well... That would be unfortunate, considering the situation."

"Sahyung! You shouldn't draw the sword!"

Watching this unfold, Yoon Jong finally let out a long-held breath. It sounded like a sigh of resignation.

"Is this right, Gol-ah?"

"...It feels like something is seriously wrong."

Baek Cheon's nonchalant laughter echoed, reminiscent of Chung Myung's giggling. Jo Gol clicked his tongue in response.

"But Sasuk's feelings... can be understood, right?"

...Yoon Jong agreed with that sentiment. When even the proud members of the Southern Edge Sect bowed their heads, this opportunity couldn't be missed.

Jin Geumryong, who had been gripping his sword, finally seemed to calm down after a while, letting out a deep breath. Yet, in the midst of it, seeing that detestable (yet so similar) face, something stirred within him once again.


Finally composed, Jin Geumryong abruptly straightened himself. Then, with a solemn expression, he bowed deeply towards Baek Cheon. Baek Cheon, laughter ceasing, opened his eyes wide.

"Although this was an incident that occurred in the previous generation, this sin is one that all disciples of Southern Edge must bear together. I am not someone who can represent the Southern Edge Sect, but..."

"No need for that, Jin Sohyeop."

Baekcheon interrupted Jin Geumryong's words with a firm voice.

"Just as Jin Sohyeop cannot represent the Southern Edge Sect, I cannot represent Mount Hua either. I'm merely wearing the disguise of a deputy Sect leader. It's not right for us to dig up what Sect Leader Jongri and Great Sect Leader Hyun have settled."

A calm yet forceful voice followed.

"If you truly feel that way, you can repay it to the world, as Great Sect Leader suggested."

Jin Geumryong and Baek Cheon's eyes met head-on. Though brief, a complex emotion flickered in Jin Geumryong's eyes.

"Thank you, Baek Cheon Dojang."

"Don't mention it."

Had he ever imagined a day when he would face Baek Cheon like this? Jin Geumryong sighed inwardly.

'I don't want to admit it, but...'

He found himself thinking. If he had been in Baek Cheon's position, could he have nodded like that?

No. Absolutely not.

Even if they had reached a peaceful agreement from the higher-ups, he would have continued to press for the other's guilt until the end. To never even make eye contact again. No, perhaps he would have refused to acknowledge the elders' agreement altogether.

But Baek Cheon wasn't like that.

He was considering Jin Geumryong's feelings in all this. Of course, to Jin Geumryong, this behavior was a greater burden, but it was clear that this wasn't something Jim Geumryong could do, whether Baek Cheon intended or didn't intend to exploit that fact.

Now, he had to admit it. The younger brother sitting in front of him... No, Baek Cheon of the Mount Hua Sect had grown to a point where Jin Geumryong couldn't handle it.

"But that's from the perspective of Baek Cheon, the top disciple of Mount Hua."


Jin Geumryong, slightly taken aback, let out a surprised sound. Before he knew it, Baek Cheon had leaned back, exuding an air of arrogance as he looked down at them with disdain.

If Chung Myung had seen this, he would have said, 'He's at it again, that nasty guy.'

"As a human being named Jin Dongryong, shouldn't I receive an apology?"


"What? The Mount Hua Sect? Such a pathetic sect?"


"Ah, Southern Edge seems to be a very generous sect, isn't it? So did they meticulously steal the secrets of that ruined sect? Well, it seems like the word 'greatness' I know and the 'greatness' they use have different meanings. They must be so great that they just make up words, huh? The leader of that great sect must be very proud..."


Jin Geumryong, who slammed the door roughly, breathed heavily. If he had stayed in there a little longer, he would have drawn his sword in the end.

"That damned...!"

Where did he learn such an ugly expression and a cheap way of speaking? At least when he was at home, he was a person who kept his composure.

As he struggled to calm his boiling insides, the door slowly opened, and Lee Songbaek followed. Jin Geumryong, who glanced back at him, started walking towards his lodging without hesitation.

"Should we go together, Sahyung?"

Lee Songbaek quickly caught up, matching his steps. There was a somewhat awkward atmosphere between them as they walked to the lodging.

"Sahyung, about this... "

"I know. That I didn't act very maturely."

"... "

"I understand, so don't say anymore."

Lee Songbaek let out a deep sigh.

"Still, it's fortunate."


"The Baek Cheon Dojang."

Jin Geumryong glanced briefly at Lee Songbaek, who spoke hesitantly.

"In truth, if the Baek Cheon Dojang had investigated seriously and questioned us, the relationship between Mount Hua and Southern Edge might have truly turned into an ice field. But even so, they stepped forward and treated us lightly, so isn't that something we should appreciate?"

Lee Songbaek knew how serious this matter was.

Seeking the secrets of another sect meant that they wouldn't hesitate to wage war until only one side remained.

How extraordinary was it that such a significant event like this was passed over.

"The Sajes [junior martial siblings] are unsure how to view the disciples of Mount Hua right now. In such a situation, Baek Cheon Dojang..."

"Right. That guy probably knows what he's doing."

"... Is that so?"

Baek Cheon's influence was stronger than expected. Considering only the influence within the sect, it would be incomparable to the influence Jin Geumryong had on Southern Edge.

With him diffusing the tension like that, it was certain that there wouldn't be any big problems between them for a while. Baek Cheon must have aimed for that and showed himself alongside Jin Geumryong.

"So, the burden on our minds has eased a bit."

"Do you truly think so?"


Jin Geumryong stopped abruptly and stared piercingly at Lee Songbaek. It was a gaze close to a glare.

"I asked if you truly think so."

"... Sahyung?"

"I ask, what have we done to lighten the burden on our minds? What have we done? Just bowed our heads in front of them?"

In an instant, Lee Songbaek's face stiffened.

"Consider the situation from their perspective. Could you understand if someone stole the secrets of Southern Edge, wished for its downfall, and then they just briefly bowed their heads? Could you understand that?"

"... That's..."

Jin Geumryong bit his lip tightly.

"Forgiveness is only possible when there's an appropriate compensation and price paid. Forgiveness received without conditions is merely seeking mercy. You thanked them for regarding Southern Edge with pity."

Lee Songbaek nodded silently. Jin Geumryong soon exhaled briefly and looked up at the sky. He felt stifled inside.

He knew he wasn't acting maturely. It was wrong to lash out at Lee Songbaek like that, especially when it wasn't his fault.

Lee Songbaek cautiously asked.

"Then... what should we do?"

"We must repay."

Jin Geumryong turned to him again, firm in his tone.

"We received such forgiveness, so we should not consider ourselves relieved, but we should repay them and repay them again until we deem it sufficient. Dignity is obtained that way, not through the forgiveness of others."

"... Is it possible to repay the mistakes we've made?"

"If we can't repay in this generation, we'll do it in the next, and if that's not enough, the one after that. It'll be tough, but it's a thousand times better than Southern Edge being an undignified sect."

Lee Songbaek agreed and nodded heavily.

"Make sure to convey that to the Sajes and Sajils. If there are those who act recklessly, I won't forgive them."

"Understood, Sahyung."

After briefly gazing at Lee Songbaek, Jin Geumryong turned and started walking again.

'Thank goodness...'

He thought about why he had poured his anger onto Lee Songbaek. Perhaps it was because Jin Geumryong himself had the same thoughts.

What if this incident hadn't happened now? What would have happened?

Would he have been able to face all of this openly and have the courage to bear the consequences if he became the Sect Leader and found out about this? Probably not. Not only Jin Geumryong, but no one in the world would have had the courage to touch this powder keg so easily.

So Jin Geumryong would have just let it rot, burying the inevitable sin inside. Anyone... yes, anyone would have done the same.

At that moment, Jin Geumryong thought of just one person and chuckled.

'If it were him, he would have casually brought it up and bowed his head.'

Thinking of his dongsaeng [little brother], so much like himself, he shook his head.

'Is it now that I'm following his footsteps?'

The bitter smile was bitter, but the feeling was refreshing.