Chapter 1632: Before Everything Disappears (Part 2)

A very strange awkwardness swept through the conference room.

Jong Rigok, Tang Gunak, Maeng So, Pungyeong Shin Gae, and even Moyong Wigyung.

Familiar faces and some still slightly unfamiliar were mixed, but there was no one particularly out of place in the Heavenly Comrade Alliance's conference room. Even Baek Cheon, Yoon Jong, Jo Gol, and Hye Yeon being here felt very natural.

Yet, the sight of them gathering was very awkward and filled with tension, probably because of the arrangement that had never been seen before.

"I'll be in your care, Unit Leader."

"Hmm. I'll do my best too."

Moyong Wigyung flinched at Yoon Jong's courteous greeting before nodding shortly. Based on the information he knew about the Mount Hua Five Swords, he silently pondered.

'Yoon Jong... Is this the best result?'

Moyong Wigyung let out a sigh of relief.

"I'll speak separately once Namgung Sogaju arrives from Shaanxi."

"Please do so, Former (前) Sect Leader."

"Just call me Elder."

Pungyeong Shin Gae replied with his characteristic blunt expression. Chung Myung furrowed his brows momentarily as he stared at him.

"Hmm. Would it have been fine if I just appointed Sago directly as a unit leader? They seem like they would get along well."

"...Actually, I was thinking the same thing."

Of course, it would be amusing for them. But for the members who had to accommodate those two as the unit leader and the vice unit leader, it would be like facing death. They were the two individuals here whose emotions couldn't be read from their expressions and tone.

While Chung Myung and Yoon Jong bantered, Tang Gunak chuckled and then turned to look beside him.

"You being the vice unit leader... It feels a bit awkward for me too. I'll do my best not to cause any trouble."

"I'll be in your care, Vice Lord... No, Unit Leader."

Tang Gunak and Hye Yeon smiled at each other. It was definitely an unusual combination to see here.

However, they weren't the ones making the atmosphere in this conference room awkward. The real culprit who made it so was...

"...There's one thing I want to confirm."

Maeng So, who usually had a deep and imposing voice, spoke today in an ordinary and somewhat hesitant tone.

Chun Myung chuckled and replied.

"What is it?"

"...Is it not possible to designate a unit leader through the unit leader's authority?"

Chun Myung grinned mischievously.

"Would that be possible?"

"I know it's not possible... But still, isn't there no other way?"

"Since it's already like this, just relax your mind."

Maeng So let out a deep sigh and leaned his big head back. His thick neck was revealed. Normally, that neck would be imposing, but today it looked surprisingly slender and pitiful.

"Hey, Palace Lord? Do you not like him? Why? Oh! It's quite a betrayal. He likes you the best, Palace Lord."

"...I'm grateful."


Chung Myung chuckled as he looked at Jo Gol, who was blushing bright red, and Maeng So, who was already lost.

"After all, animals are familiar, aren't they? Think of it as raising a monkey."

"...I'd rather worry less if it were a monkey."

Maeng So muttered. Some nodded in agreement.

"That's right. Monkeys don't speak."

"Don't talk back."

"And don't swing swords."

"In terms of bothering people, aren't they similar?"

"Isn't Chung Myung similar too?"

"These people..."

Jo Gol grumbled nervously. But he couldn't complain further in the presence of Hyun Jong and other sect leaders.

It was awkward in many ways, but those who took the position of unit leader seemed a bit more awkward and hesitant. Of course, considering only the positions, it would be normal for the Five Swords to feel more awkward...

"Then. Apart from the Palace Lord, does anyone else have a problem?"

"No, Maengju-nim."

"Ugh. I'm with Chung Myung, what complaints could there be?"

"I mean..."


Receiving the malicious antics of someone who didn't seem human was something the Five Swords was accustomed to, so they didn't feel particularly uncomfortable about the other sect leaders. After all, didn't they all understand each other?

"Well then, um... The remaining is..."

Now, only the combinations that were so uncomfortable that no one dared to look at each other were left.

"Me... Great Sect Leader... No, Maengju-nim."

A mournful voice pricked Hyun Jong's ears. If one were to hear the cry of a rabbit caught by a predator's forepaws, would it sound like this?

Hyun Jong looked at the source of the voice with a peculiar expression. The usually resolute and polished face now looked green. Hyun Jong sighed unknowingly with a sense of pity. Baek Cheon really looked desperate.

"Is there really... really no other way?"

However, as pitiful as it was, this was something he couldn't do anything about.

"Please reconsider..."

A voice filled with desperation echoed in the air, almost making one shed tears.

"Gol... Gol-ah was supposed to go... Why me...?"

"Is Deputy Sect Leader displeased?"

"That, that's not... Sect Leader."

"Then why insist on reconsidering?"

The tiger that had caught a rabbit in its forepaws, Jong Rigok, smirked at Baek Cheon. Cold sweat dripped from Baek Cheon's forehead.

"That, that's... I... What... consent? Communication? Such... um... conversation and words from yesterday's meal... Huh? During the day? No, at night?"

'This isn't going well.'

'He's broken.'

'Is this going to kill him?'

'Tears are falling on Sasuk's face.'

Jong Rigok chuckled softly.

"If fate allowed, the Deputy Sect Leader and I could have had a good relationship. Perhaps it could have led to becoming master and disciple."

"I remember someone else..."

"It could have been that way, Deputy Sect Leader."


Baek Cheon nodded absentmindedly. Everyone watched him with pity.

'I honestly feel sorry for him.'

'A human who escaped from the Southern Edge Sect has to go around with the Southern Edge Sect Leader.'

'Is this something a human could do?'

While others could only sympathize, for Baek Cheon, this was a matter of survival. As he poured out sweat, his face turning blue, he managed to squeeze out words.

"That... Anyway, I'll be in...your... care..."

"No, Deputy Sect Leader. It should be me in your care. I won't disappoint you like before, Deputy Sect Leader."


"I wanted to prove that Southern Edge is quite a useful sect on this occasion... but unfortunately, it didn't work out. If I could have moved with the Southern Edge Sect, I could have shown it more convincingly."


"Ah... Deputy Sect Leader, do you happen to know about that?"


"For smooth execution of duties, it seems the unit leaders can appoint a couple of assistants. Naturally, I also plan to bring one or two elders from the Southern Edge Sect."


"In that sense, I'm planning to accompany the top elder Jin Chobaek of the Southern Edge Sect, would that be alright with you?" [rip bc]

Now, the backs of everyone sitting together began to dampen with cold sweat. At this point, there was concern that Baek Cheon might collapse forward with a sword in his mouth.

As if something was gradually draining from his body, Baek Cheon slumped onto the chair like a wet seaweed. Everyone swallowed their tears as they witnessed this sight.

It was then.

"I think we've become quite close, haven't we?"


At Chun Myung's casual remark, the Five Swords and Tang Gunak jumped up from their seats.

"Is this what friendship is, you crazy bastard!"

"Are you even human? Even demons aren't this cruel!"

"I'd rather switch with you! I'll go! I'd rather go myself!"

"Amitabha. Even Asuras would bow their heads in servitude after seeing Dojang! Tuet!"

As condemnation and curses flew from all directions, Chun Myung looked around with eyes that seemed to say he truly didn't know what he had done wrong.

"No, but still, I considered carefully and paired people who are friends! These guys, even if treated with care, still bite the hand that feeds them!"

"...That crazy bastard."

Hyun Jong simply looked at Baek Cheon with boundless pity in his eyes. While it seemed most fitting for Baek Cheon to move with Jong Rigok as Chung Myung strongly advocated, this was truly... how should one put it... a dismal sight beyond imagination.

"Ah, come on. Stop whining. It's always a bit awkward at first. After spending time together, you'll gradually get used to it, build camaraderie, and all that."

"...Kill me..."

"No, you won't die. Wait until after the war."

"A bastard worse than the Evil Sect..."

If Jang Ilso had witnessed this scene, everyone here was convinced he would have shivered. Chung Myung chuckled and shrugged his shoulders.

"Anyway, we've got a rough team composition now."

The eyes that had been smiling slightly sobered.

"We'll keep the command structure as simple as possible. I'll be under Maengju-nim, and two strategists will assist me. Except for the orders of these four, consider it such that you don't listen to anyone else."


The unit leaders and vice unit leaders looked at each other with somewhat anxious eyes. Maeng So barely mustered the strength to speak up.

"...I understand the method, but now that we're actually here, I'm worried if this is truly the right choice."

"It's the right choice."

Chung Myung looked at everyone firmly.

"However, there's one thing you should remember."

"What's that?"

"The Evil Tyrant... no, Jang Ilso doesn't have strategies."


Doubt clouded everyone's faces.

Not only the Evil Tyrant Alliance but the entire world had been manipulated by Jang Ilso. Yet, to say he had no strategy, what on earth did that mean?

If someone else had said such words, they would have been laughed at, but here, not a single person showed disdain. Because it was Chung Myung who spoke, they believed there must be a reason behind his words.

"He doesn't use military tactics or strategies. He doesn't even have minimal principles for moving troops. He's never fought a war in his life."

"...Then what does he do?"


At Chung Myung's resolute answer, people began to frown.

"More precisely, it's psychological warfare. He reads people's minds and knows how to use them. So you can't face him with military tactics. He knows that ultimately, whether it's a thousand, ten thousand, or a million, it's just a few people who control the army. So, if he can read the thoughts of those few people, he can handle anything."

As they listened, some began to nod in understanding.

"Is that what we need to know?"


Chung Myung shook his head.

"That's just common sense. There's something else we need to know."

"...What's that?"

"He delves into the relationships between people. The small things that drive them apart, the subtle boundaries where desires clash. Because everyone is on that boundary, he's been invincible until now. Even if there are a hundred or a thousand, if you separate them one by one, they're nothing. So..."

Chung Myung looked at everyone with sober eyes.

"Trust each other no matter what."


"If we can do that... we will win."

Everyone's heads nodded heavily.

"Let's begin. The war where only one of us or him will remain."

It was a declaration as cold as the dawn air.