Chapter 1635: Before Everything Disappears (Part 5)

It was late at night. Four people sat around.

Baek Cheon, Yoon Jong, Jo Gol, and Hye Yeon.

By now, they could understand each other with just a glance. But there was a strange depth in their faces now.

"How was it?"

"...Are you really asking that?"

At Baek Cheon's question, Jo Gol let out a deep sigh as if the ground had collapsed beneath him.

"I don't know. My legs were shaking so hard I was barely able to stand."

"What nonsense are you saying?"

"No, am I not a person? Sasuk, do I look like someone who walks around even with their guts thrown outside?!"



Jo Gol twisted his face in frustration. But he seemed to lack the energy to argue further and slumped into the chair.

Just a while ago, they had looked at the members they had to lead forward.

A hundred, if not hundreds, of people. Who else would experience being looked upon by so many with suspicion and doubt?


Even Yoon Jong's usually calm voice now trembled slightly with anxiety.

"We're responsible for the lives of so many."


Those words weighed heavily on everyone's hearts.

Hundreds of lives. Were those here truly prepared to bear that burden?

"Agh, that crazy bastard. Seriously!"

Jo Gol grabbed his own head as he were to tear it apart.

"Why would we be chosen for something like this?!"

"...We didn't get chosen because we were great, we got chosen because we were the most coordinated, weren't we?"

"That's the problem! What's so great about being coordinated with that guy?! And why would he judge that as you please?! Has Sasuk ever felt coordinated with that bastard?!"

"Well, of course... Huh?"

As Baek Cheon was answering, his head suddenly jerked.

Coordinated? With Chung Myung?


"Look here! Even among us, we fought like mad dogs over differences in opinion, but what's with this coordination! Coordination!"

"...That makes sense."

"It's hard to deny..."

Sighs escaped from everyone's mouths.

"My stomach felt like it was twisting even when just leading ten."

"You too?"

"Are you really saying that? I'd rather fight with ten swords. Who might get hurt if I look away for a moment? Who might die if I give one wrong order? The bloodshot eyes I got back then haven't disappeared yet."

"Isn't that because you can't sleep?"


As Jo Gol tilted his head, Yoon Jong shook his head.

Normally, Yoon Jong would have scoffed at Jo Gol's whining. But now, he was relieved that Jo Gol was here. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to express his feelings so comfortably.

Jo Gol glanced at Yoon Jong and Baek Cheon and spoke.

"It's just a thought... But shouldn't we adjust roles a bit... even now?"


"The things we should do... Responsibilities, should I say? Anyway, it's a bit excessive. Let's reduce the vice unit leader's role and increase the unit leader's role..."

Jo Gol, who had spoken up to that point, quickly closed his mouth and prepared for a burst of anger. However, contrary to his expectations, there was no outburst this time.


Moreover, Baek Cheon and Yoon Jong seemed to be pondering something more serious than expected.

"...Are you not angry?"

"Why should I be angry?"

"Well... like needlessly questioning what's already been decided, lacking thought, lacking vigor..."

"I understand."


Yoon Jong glanced at Jo Gol as if reproaching him, then turned his gaze to Baek Cheon.

"But it doesn't seem unreasonable. Sasuk."


"Although things have been rushed and progressed haphazardly so far, haven't our opinions been completely ignored in this matter?"

Baek Cheon nodded slightly. Then, with a slightly lowered gaze, he looked at Yoon Jong.

"If we could have expressed our opinions, wouldn't we have not done it?"

"I can't say for sure. But at least we would have pondered."

"Why is that?"

"Because we're too lacking. In experience and skill."


As Baek Cheon pondered, Jo Gol interjected with a grumble.

"In the first place, that guy expects too much from us. We're still novices; before we even get used to one thing, he keeps piling on more burdens."

Jo Gol's complaints continued to burst out.

"Are we, novices like us, capable of commanding so many people? I just don't understand why the Sect Leaders and Elders aren't actively opposing this."

"Amitabha... There's no use opposing."

"Why not?"

"Haven't we experienced that countless times already?"


That was right.

To put it bluntly, they had never expressed dissatisfaction with what Chung Myung because they couldn't do anything about it. They simply closed their eyes with a sentiment of 'Just do whatever you want, you damn human,' knowing that there was no point in stopping him and hearing nagging.

Looking back, most of the trouble caused by Mount Hua started like that. But this time, it was honestly too much.

"We should be given tasks that are possible! All we've ever commanded are about ten people, younger or similar in age to us. Why are we suddenly issuing orders to the elders of other sects?"

Hye Yeon vigorously nodded his head. As if he had never imagined such a thing.

It was fortunate that Shaolin was involved in this matter, but what if Hye Yeon had to give orders to Shaolin's elders as well? He would rather confine himself in the penitence hall instead.

"And will they even listen to the orders? From the start, the way they look at us is far from respectful."


The moment Baek Cheon heard that, he remembered the gazes of the members who had been watching him. Those anxious looks clearly contained a strange mixture of suspicion and resentment.

They would likely feel the same.

All of this was decided by upper-level discussions. Just as they had to take on their roles unquestioningly, they too suddenly found themselves in a position of receiving orders from younger individuals out of nowhere.

Who could accept that fact without feeling awkward?



Yoon Jong looked at Baek Cheon with a stern face.

"We can't turn back what has already progressed to this point. We know we don't have time for that now. However... we need at least some safety measures, or if not that, then a rough plan. If nothing else, we need to find a way for our voices to be heard."


"...Honestly, it feels like being adrift in a vast sea. I have no idea where to look or how to proceed."

At his words, Hye Yeon and Jo Gol nodded as if agreeing. They had been in a position of receiving orders so far. So all they had to do was either agree or object to those orders.

But not now. They couldn't grasp what to do or how to do it right away. So it was inevitable that anxiety would creep in.


Baek Cheon raised his head slightly at Jo Gol's probing. And at that moment, everyone could see a strange smile hovering around Baek Cheon's lips.

"It's interesting."


"Why are you suddenly saying that?"

"Young age, lack of experience, unproven skills..."


"Suspicions and irritated glances pouring in from all sides. Amidst all this, he has to somehow lead and overcome them."

"What are you saying...?"

"Isn't it similar?"

As Jo Gol and Hye Yeon failed to understand the meaning of his words and looked puzzled, Yoon Jong let out an exclamation of admiration.

"It certainly seems similar..."

"Sahyung. What do you mean by similar?"

"Chung Myung."


"When Chung Myung first came to Mount Hua, his situation was similar to ours now."


Jo Gol nodded reflexively. Indeed, upon closer examination, there were similarities.

No, perhaps Chung Myung was in a more desperate situation than them. While they at least had some reputation, he had nothing, nothing more or less.

Even in such circumstances, he managed to gather disciples with just his ability, persuaded the elders, and build the current Mount Hua.

"...It must have been frustrating."

"That's right."

Yoon Jong and Jo Gol muttered unconsciously. From the opposing perspective, Chung Myung was literally a mad, incomprehensible beast of a person, but now that they found themselves in a similar position, they understood why he had to resort to such extreme measures.

If he hadn't, nothing would have changed.

"Experience and expertise. Good words. But if that guy had waited until he had enough experience and expertise to handle everything, what would Mount Hua be like now?"


It probably would have collapsed long before.

Even if he was Chung Myung, he wouldn't have been able to handle the many things that happened afterward alone.

"Will experience be gained if we wait?"


Everyone fell silent at his words and looked at Baek Cheon.

"Will experience accumulate as time passes?"


"If nothing happens and ten years pass like this, will the future me be much more mature and wise than the current me?"

Baek Cheon slowly shook his head.

"I don't think so."

"Baek Cheon Dojang, that's..."

"It's true that it's difficult. But it's not impossible. Haven't we seen someone do it already?"


"Is it too much to ask for him to demand the same from us, what he has already accomplished himself?"

A deep sigh escaped Yoon Jong's lips. It wasn't an unreasonable demand. But it was also excessive. They weren't Chung Myung. They couldn't become Chung Myung.


"It could fail."

Baek Cheon drove the point home to everyone.

"But before we say that, shouldn't we at least struggle as much as he did back then? It is only after showing earnestness that one can discuss a lack of ability. No matter how desperate our current situation may seem, it's not as dire as being alone in the vast sea like he was. And above all..."

Baek Cheon's voice lost some of its strength. But his calm tone came through even more intensely to those listening.

"I want to be his strength."


Baek Cheon smiled faintly.

"If a ship is alone in the vast sea, it's lonely. But if there are five ships, it's a bit more comforting. He's floating on a rougher sea than us. So at least, there should be loyalty to face the waves together. No matter how rough they may be."

A calmly persuasive voice.

It was nothing more than a subtle intention without logic or reason. But more than any words they had heard so far, that subtle intention shook their minds.


Jo Gol scratched his head.

"I understand. For now... let's make an effort."

"Since we don't have a plan right now."

"Amitabha. If it were the sea, it would be tiresome, but... if it's the Way of Enlightenment, you would jump in without hesitation."

Baek Cheon smiled warmly at them.

"Thank you."

"...Just the methods are different. Sasuk seems to be becoming more like Chung Myung as time goes by."

"No, the methods aren't really that different. He just doesn't hit people."

"Amitabha. Agreed."

Baek Cheon chuckled.

"I'll convey this intention to Namgung Sogaju when he arrives. And... I think we should attach Iseol to Namgung Sogaju. That way, things will be smoother..."

Baek Cheon immediately began discussing the future strategy. Those sitting there listened to Baek Cheon's words with serious eyes.


Even though nobody pushed from behind, now Baek Cheon was holding the hands of others and leading them on his own.

It seemed so dazzling to Yoon Jong.



A brief sadness lingered in Yoon Jong's eyes.

'Is it not that we don't believe in the you ten years from now, but that we can't imagine that future ten years from now?'

Nevertheless, it couldn't be stopped.

No one could extinguish a candle burning brighter before it went out. Even if it were Yoon Jong.

Yoon Jong couldn't bear to look at Baek Cheon any longer and closed his eyes, hiding his trembling fingertips within his sleeves.