Chapter 1637: Even Beasts Know Gratitude (Part 2)


No, eerie.

Even the Namgung Family's swordsmen, who knew Namgung Dowi best, couldn't hide their confusion for a moment.


No one denied it. No matter what anyone said, Namgung Dowi was the Namgung Family's legitimate heir. He was supposed to lead the Namgung Family, following in the footsteps of the Lion Sword Namgung Hwang.

But the meaning of that "recognition" was clearly different this time. The Namgung Family's swordsmen followed Namgung Dowi because they believed he could someday become a swordsman comparable to Namgung Hwang, not because he currently had any value worth following.

However, the momentum emanating from Namgung Dowi was more than enough to shake the perception of the Namgung Famiy's swordsmen.

A chilling aura. And behind it, a tremendous sense of oppression.

'When did Sogaju-nim ever....'

Even those who had practiced the Namgung Family's sword all their lives couldn't help but tremble. It seemed that Namgung Dowi was emitting a momentum reminiscent of the past Namgung Hwang.


"Those with complaints were told to step forward."

And from his mouth flowed a voice that felt not only cold but also ruthless. Those who had been twitching with a sensation as if their skin were being scraped gulped as they looked at Namgung Dowi.

"Is there anyone?"

Namgung Dowi's eyes scanned the surroundings. But those who didn't have the courage to meet his gaze dodged it whenever his gaze fell on them.

His gaze, which singled out everyone, now turned to the swordsmen of the Namgung Family in front of him.

"Namgung Bi."

"...Yes, Sogaju-nim."

"Are you unhappy that all the glory goes to the Alliance and Mount Hua?"


Namgung Dowi shifted his gaze with an unwavering expression.

"If it weren't for them, would there even be such glory to be discontented about?"


"No. Even if that were a cause for discontent, is that little glory so important in the midst of preparing every possible measure to fight against the Evil Tyrant Alliance?"


"Do not babble like fools."

Namgung Dowi snapped.

"If you're going to cling to meaningless things like glory, you might as well wield your swords instead. A swordsman speaks only through his sword. Isn't that the Namgung way?"

"...Yes, Sogaju-nim."


Although Namgung Bi had completely withdrawn, Namgung Dowi showed no sign of stopping.

"If you are indeed people of the Namgung Family, prove yourselves as humans before proving yourselves as swordsmen."


Namgung Dowi glanced coldly at them.

"If my father were to see you now, what would he say?"


"I would rather be a dignified human in death than a living human who seeks glory. That is the Namgung way, the path my father walked."

Upon hearing this, the swordsmen of the Namgung Family averted their gazes.

Having cast a cold eye over them, Namgung Dowi turned his gaze beyond them to those who had been watching here. They too bowed their heads in fear of meeting Namgung Dowi's gaze.

Having sweeper over them at once, Namgung Dowi moved on, leaving behind the swordsmen of the Namgung Family who were unsure of what to do. After a while, Tang Soso, who had been quietly following behind, spoke up.

"Wasn't that too harsh?"

"...Do you think so?"

"A little bit."

"Even beasts know gratitude."

"...Of course, but."

Tang Soso glanced back with a slightly anxious expression.

"I understand their grievances. To have to risk their lives in battle, yet not be able to attain that glory...."

In truth, anyone would hesitate. Kangho people lived no differently than seeking fame and glory. Taking away what was most important to them was akin to taking away their own lives.

Of course, individuals still had opportunities to gain fame, but for Kangho people, the sect they belonged to was also a target that needed to be elevated in status.

At Tang Soso's words, Namgung Dowi glanced at her for a moment.

"That's a bit unexpected."

"What do you mean?"

"If it were up to Dojang, with your personality, I thought you'd immediately go on a rampage and demand those bastards be stripped of their facades?"

"...What kind of person do you think I am?"

"More than what kind of person you are..."

Namgung Dowi paused.

Indeed. As strange as it may seem, Tang Soso had changed a lot along with him. The Tang Soso of the past wouldn't have cared even a speck about others' perspectives.

It was odd. Chung Myung may have seemed like a selfish person at first glance, but those around him gradually lowered their guard. That was what made Chung Myung interesting.

"Dojang's words are correct... That's why it has to be done."

"What? Why?"

"Because that's exactly what Chung Myung Dojang wants to eradicate the most."

Tang Soso's eyes flickered with a hint of doubt.


"Yes. More precisely, it's about one sect gaining prominence and acquiring fame."


"By listening to what he said and observing Dojang's response, Chung Myung Dojang's intentions become clear."

Tang Soso nodded as if she understood Namgung Dowi's words.

"It's dangerous."

"Yes. Especially against Paegun."

Tang Soso nodded. There was no way she wouldn't understand the situation even after hearing this. She was considered clever among the Tang Family and Mount Hua.

"So we must fulfill it, even if it's somewhat unreasonable. Sometimes, even if it means conflicting with other sects beyond Namgung."

"...Are you saying you're willing to play the villain?"

"If necessary, I'll have to. No... I will."

Tang Soso sighed deeply.

"To be honest, it's a bit strange for me to say this as a disciple of Mount Hua, but... I just can't understand it. Does Namgung Sogaju really need us to do good deeds?"

"It's not just for Mount Hua's sake."

Namgung Dowi looked Tang Soso straight in the eye.

"This is not just for Mount Hua, but for Kangho."


It was a definite argument. Therefore, there was no way to refute it.

And at that moment, Namgung Dowi smiled mischievously.

"I suppose that's enough of an excuse?"


"Truth be told, I simply want to do so. It might be good to say it's to repay debts, or just... It's annoying to see someone who's already burdened taking on even more."

"...Are you talking about Sahyung?"


Tang Soso's gaze became slightly mysterious.

It was quite strange. People within Mount Hua were all eager to run away upon seeing Chung Myung from afar, yet those outside Mount Hua were all restless because they couldn't offer anything to him.

What was it about him that made people like this?

"Above all."


Namgung Dowi raised his head and looked at Hwaeum. The city of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, created with their forces.

"Wouldn't that allow me to stand tall in front of him? I just want to be an equal. Not a pathetic person who only enjoys what he's built."


"At least, by doing so, I can rebuild the Namgung Family like Chung Myung Dojang. If I strive to live up to that, even if I can't do as much, wouldn't it be half?"

"I by no means mean to disrespect Sogaju, but half of Sahyung is not easy."

"Agreed. So, I must strive."

Namgung Dowi smiled faintly.

"...You seem quite pleased. The one who's been burdened with all the troublesome tasks?"

"Do I seem so?"


"Well... I suppose so."

Namgung Dowi nodded as if admitting it.

"Of course, I can't help but feel good. After all, I have been making a lot of efforts to include us in everything that the Chung Myung Dojang does."

"That's not entirely true. You've been helpful too."

"Thank you, but I understand Namgung's situation best. I know very well how much Mount Hua has looked after the Namgung Family."


It was a somewhat sensitive remark, but Namgung Dowi laughed heartily with a completely unconcerned expression.

"But now that I have something I can do, now that I have something only I can do, how could I not feel good?"

"...I guess I was wrong after all."

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"I thought Sogaju-nim had changed a bit strangely, but now it seems you've changed a lot strangely."

"Is that so? Haha."

Namgung Dowi spread his arms wide.

Indeed, Tang Soso was wrong. Right now, he wasn't just feeling quite good; he was genuinely delighted.

'Chung Myung Dojang wouldn't just ignore this situation.'

No matter how busy he was, he wouldn't be the kind of person to overlook the turmoil brewing from below. And the fact that he let this situation go meant only one thing.

From the start, this was the role assigned to Namgung Dowi.

For the first time, Chung Myung recognized him not just as a mere swordsman but as someone capable of fulfilling his role.

How could he not feel good about it?

"Oh? Look over there."


"Here comes the Chung Myung Sect Dojang. Dojang! It's been a while!"

Namgung Dowi, noticing Chung Myung approaching from the front, waved his hand with a wide smile.

Chung Myung smiled back and rushed towards them.

'But something feels a bit...'

Tang Soso felt something was odd about the scene. No, more precisely, something seemed to be missing? Like drinking at a tavern and not paying the bill...

"Dojang. Thank you so much for coming out to greet us. I really appreciate it. I didn't have a chance to express my gratitude before... Gwaaaaah!"

At that moment, Chung Myung, who was running towards them with a bright smile, raised his foot and directly slammed into Namgung Dowi's radiant face without mercy.


Namgung Dowi fell backward, and Chung Myung stepped on him without hesitation.

"You brat! You're lucky I was busy last time and just came over! Because of you! Do you know how close we were to a disaster? Who the heck do you think the Black Dragon King is, to charge in like that? Are you insane?"

"Ah, no, that's... So, thank you... And what happened in the past..."

"Thanks, and it's over? Is that it?"


Chung Myung's fist slammed into Namgung Dowi's face without hesitation.

"And! Once you've patched yourself up, you should hurry and come help! What good is it if you show up only now, all flustered? You bastard, you kill the Black Dragon King, and your Kangho life is over? Have you finished your tasks?"

"Well... I tried to come quickly... But I was... a patient."

"A patient? Oh, I see. I understand perfectly why you became a patient. Just die there! What good are you alive for? Die! Die, you brat!"

"Aaah! Ah! Dojang! Please calm dow..."

"Shut up, you brat!"

As Tang Soso watched Chung Myung start beating up Namgung Dowi, she clicked her tongue with a helpless expression.

It seemed like that would happen.

Although she briefly wondered if it was okay to beat up a patient like that, Tang Soso concluded that Namgung Dowi deserved it and turned her head.

'Still, it's not completely unreasonable.'

Chung Myung doesn't beat up someone close to him unless they've done something wrong.

"Ugh, whatever."

Tang Soso shook her head with a sigh.

She'd better leave those idiots and go see Sago.